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Banks and banking --- Finance --- Financial institutions --- Banques --- Finances --- Institutions financières --- Canada. --- Canada --- Institutions financières
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In this striking new book it is argued that the outraged attitudes of neoliberals and many of those who work in financial institutions with regard to the size of public deficits are far from being genuine and merely mask a desire to dismantle social programs and reduce the size of government. The author makes a persuasive case that neoliberals actively seek the deepening of the financial crisis to support their ideological demands for the shrinking of government expenditure. Indeed, he argues that neoliberals have an interest in encouraging a psychosis about public deficits in the general popu
Free enterprise. --- Capitalism. --- Finance. --- Financial institutions --- Financial crises --- Economic policy. --- Libre entreprise --- Capitalisme --- Finances --- Institutions financières --- Crises financières --- Politique économique --- Government policy. --- Prevention. --- Politique gouvernementale --- Prévention --- Institutions financières --- Crises financières --- Politique économique --- Prévention --- Capitalism --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Economic policy --- Finance --- Free enterprise --- Management & Business --- Management --- Business
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L’histoire de l’impôt, de la monnaie et des institutions financières propres à la principauté bretonne du temps des ducs de la maison de Montfort (1364-1514) a fourni sa nécessaire trame à la thèse d’État de Jean Kerhervé avec la mise en place et le développement des services centraux d’ordonnancement et de contrôle de la dépense, le renforcement des structures de gestion du domaine et, étape cruciale, l’institution de prélèvements réguliers sur les fruits de la terre, la consommation urbaine et les échanges marchands. L’impôt, sa perception, son emploi, les fluctuations de la monnaie dessinent un premier axe de ce livre : l’histoire des finances. Cependant, sans les hommes qui les animent, les institutions ne seraient rien et Jean Kerhervé s’est toujours attaché à une approche sociale des milieux professionnels liés au monde de l’argent. Les gens de finance, qu’ils soient gestionnaires de quelque fraction reculée du domaine ducal, receveurs de droits affermés, comptables centraux, conseillers de la Chambre des comptes… appartiennent tous à une parentèle avec sa stratégie propre, ses réussites, ses échecs parfois ; ils disposent aussi d’un patrimoine, et l’on connaît assez bien les manoirs ruraux comme les maisons en ville des plus fortunés. Grâce aux apports incomparables de la prosopographie, la connaissance des hommes, de leur culture, de leur mode de vie devient le prolongement naturel du dévoilement des mécanismes fiscaux. Cet argent collecté par le prince l’est dans la perspective d’affirmer le rang de son duché dans le concert des puissances atlantiques aux deux derniers siècles du Moyen Âge. La construction d’un État princier suppose aussi une idéologie qui le légitime. Le recours au passé se révèle essentiel pour l’illustrer : l’historiographie modèle le destin des principautés émergentes dans les décennies marquées par la guerre de Cent Ans. L’étude de ces convergences fécondées par la réinterprétation du passé oriente donc logiquement un dernier axe de…
Finance, Public --- Finance --- Taxation --- Finances publiques --- Finances --- Capitalistes et financiers --- Impôt --- Moyen Âge. --- Civilisation médiévale. --- Finanzverwaltung. --- Adel. --- Wirtschaft. --- Vermögen. --- History --- Histoire --- Kerhervé, Jean. --- France --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- Political Science --- Law, Politics & Government --- Public Finance --- Moyen Âge --- historiographie --- histoire des finances --- impôts --- histoire régionale --- XIVe-XVe siècles --- institutions financières
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In oktober 2007 betaalden Belgen, Schotten en Spanjaarden 71 miljard euro om abn Amro uit elkaar te kunnen scheuren. Een overmaat aan ambitie, arrogantie en besluiteloosheid had van De bank een ideaal slachtoffer gemaakt. In De prooi reconstrueert Jeroen Smit op aangrijpende wijze hoe topbestuurders van abn Amro jarenlang vooral gevangenzaten in interne twisten. Ze luisterden zo slecht naar de klanten, werknemers en aandeelhouders dat deze icoon, ondanks alle schitterende potentie, de regie over zijn toekomst volledig kwijtraakte. Dat een stukje van de bank door het falen van het Belgische Fortis een jaar later tijdelijk in handen van de Nederlandse overheid komt, is een kleine pleister op deze grote nationale wonde. Nederland is zijn belangrijkste bank kwijt.
Private finance --- ABN-AMRO [Amsterdam] --- ABN Amro --- Banken --- Economische crisis --- Financiële crisis --- België --- 437 Financiele instellingen. Privé --- financiele instellingen --- banques --- BPB0812 --- 336.7 --- 347.734 EU --- #SBIB:33H23 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A551 --- institutions financières --- banken --- Private financiën --- Bankrecht. Bankwezen--EU --- Problemen van de onderneming: handel en diensten --- Partijen en strategieën in de onderneming: ondernemingsbeleid en management --- ABN Amro. --- Economische crisis. --- Financiële crisis. --- België. --- 347.734 EU Bankrecht. Bankwezen--EU
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National wealth --- Private finance --- Development aid. Development cooperation --- Third World: economic development problems --- Developing countries --- Microfinance. --- Poor --- Poverty --- Non-governmental organizations --- Sustainable development --- Financial institutions --- Microfinance --- Pauvres --- Pauvreté --- Organisations non-gouvernementales --- Développement durable --- Institutions financières --- 336 --- 364.22 --- 832 Ontwikkelingseconomie --- Financien. Openbare financien. Bank- en geldwezen --(internationale financien zie {339.7}) --- Armoede. Financiele problemen. Financiele nood --- 364.22 Armoede. Financiele problemen. Financiele nood --- 336 Financien. Openbare financien. Bank- en geldwezen --(internationale financien zie {339.7}) --- Pauvreté --- Développement durable --- Institutions financières --- Micro-finance --- Microcredit --- Microenterprise lending --- Microlending --- Financial services industry --- Small business --- Finance --- Developing countries: economic development problems
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Gestion du risque --- Money market. Capital market --- International financial management --- Belgium --- 336.71 --- 336.77 --- #ECO:02.05:financiële sector krediet --- #A0103A --- 437 Financiele instellingen. Privé --- 336.7 --- 658.149 --- België --- kredietinstellingen --- banken --- bankwetgeving --- risk management --- toezicht op financiele instellingen --- economische modellen --- AA / International- internationaal --- 333.109 --- bankwezen --- financiële rentabiliteit --- kredietwezen --- portfoliobeheer --- 336.77 Financiering. Krediet. Kredietverlening. --- Financiering. Krediet. Kredietverlening. --- 336.71 Bankwezen --- Bankwezen --- Private financiën --- Internationaal financieel beheer --- institutions de credit --- banques --- droit bancaire --- controle des institutions financieres --- modeles economiques --- Veiligheid. Bankovervallen. Bankrisico's. --- Gestion du risque. --- Kredietinstellingen --- Risicomanagement --- Trends --- Financieel management --- Financiewezen --- Financiering. Krediet. Kredietverlening --- Veiligheid. Bankovervallen. Bankrisico's --- Kredietinstelling --- Trend --- ANALYSE FINANCIERE --- COEFFICIENT DE RISQUE --- Risicobeheer --- Kredietwezen
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banques --- institutions de credit --- droit bancaire --- controle des institutions financieres --- risk management --- modeles economiques --- bankwezen --- portfoliobeheer --- risicoverzekeringen --- wisselkoersen --- banken --- kredietinstellingen --- bankwetgeving --- toezicht op financiele instellingen --- economische modellen --- Contrôle des risques --- Risicobeheer --- Asset-liability management. --- Bank management. --- 336.711.6 --- #ECO:02.02:financiële sector bank --- #A0104A --- 658.149 --- Banktoezicht. Bankrevisoraat. Disconto. Discontopolitiek. Dekkingsvoorschriften. Bankbiljettencirculatie. Reservefondsvorming --- Private financiën --- Internationaal financieel beheer --- 336.711.6 Banktoezicht. Bankrevisoraat. Disconto. Discontopolitiek. Dekkingsvoorschriften. Bankbiljettencirculatie. Reservefondsvorming --- Asset-liability management --- Bank management --- Investment analysis --- Risk management --- #abib:aleo --- 336.7 --- 333.109 --- 333.130.2 --- 333.130.3 --- 333.139.2 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 336.71 --- 437 Financiele instellingen. Privé --- 336.71 Bankwezen --- Bankwezen --- Insurance --- Management --- Analysis of investments --- Analysis of securities --- Security analysis --- Banks and banking --- Asset-liability management (Banking) --- Funds management --- Financial institutions --- Veiligheid. Bankovervallen. Bankrisico's --- Bankliquiditeit. Verplichte reserves. Solvabiliteit --- Kapitaal van de banken. Eigen fondsen van de banken --- Bankcontrole en -reglementering. Reglementering van het bankberoep --- Investments --- Private finance --- International financial management --- Risk management. --- Investment analysis. --- Banken
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Public finance --- Belgium --- Belgique --- België --- Finances publiques --- Openbare financiën --- Finance, Public --- public finance --- Politique économique --- Economic policies --- 336.1 <493> --- -336.1/.5 <493> --- 351.72 <493> --- 342.24.003 <493> --- 353.9.073.5 <493> --- #A9301A --- Finances Financiën --- Finances publiques Overheidsfinanciën --- Belgique België --- finances publiques --- belgique --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 336.452 --- 336.32 --- 321.68 --- 336.61 --- 336.53 --- 336.52 --- 336.020 --- 336.01 --- 336.030 --- 336.300 --- 336.50 --- 336.51 --- 336.450 --- Cameralistics --- Currency question --- Public finance, government finance in general--België --- openbare financien --- belgie --- Beheer van financiën. Schatkist. Deposito- en Consignatiekas. --- Beheer van de rijksschuld. Road shows. --- Federalisme. --- Financieel beleid. --- Financiële betrekkingen tussen het rijk, de provincies en de gemeenten. --- Gemeentelijke financiën. --- Omvang, indeling en evolutie van de overheidsuitgaven: algemeenheden. --- Overheidsbemoeiing op economisch gebied. --- Overheidsinkomsten. Belang, verdeling en evolutie. Begrotingsinkomsten: algemeenheden. --- Overheidskrediet en rijksschuld: naslagwerken en principes. --- Provinciale en gemeentelijke financiën: algemeenheden. --- Provinciale financiën. --- Uitvoering van de begroting. Wetgeving betreffende de openbare boekhouding: algemeenheden. --- 336.1 <493> Public finance, government finance in general--België --- 336.1/.5 <493> --- Federalisme --- Overheidsbemoeiing op economisch gebied --- Omvang, indeling en evolutie van de overheidsuitgaven: algemeenheden --- Overheidsinkomsten. Belang, verdeling en evolutie. Begrotingsinkomsten: algemeenheden --- Overheidskrediet en rijksschuld: naslagwerken en principes --- Beheer van de rijksschuld. Road shows --- Uitvoering van de begroting. Wetgeving betreffende de openbare boekhouding: algemeenheden --- Beheer van financiën. Schatkist. Deposito- en Consignatiekas --- Provinciale en gemeentelijke financiën: algemeenheden --- Provinciale financiën --- Gemeentelijke financiën --- Financiële betrekkingen tussen het rijk, de provincies en de gemeenten --- Financieel beleid --- Public finances --- Finance, Public - Belgium --- BELGIQUE --- INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES --- CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES --- 1950 --- -BELGIQUE --- HISTOIRE CONSTITUTIONNELLE --- -INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES --- -CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES --- -Finances publiques --- Budget de l'état --- Budget des communautés --- Budget des communes --- Budget des provinces --- Budget des régions --- Comptabilité nationale --- Comptabilité publique --- Dépenses publiques --- Dette publique --- Recettes publiques --- Trésor public --- -Public finance --- Finances regionales --- Finances communautaires --- -Finance, Public --- Budget de l'état --- Budget des communautés --- Budget des régions --- Comptabilité nationale --- Comptabilité publique --- Dépenses publiques --- Trésor public --- -public finance --- Belgique fédérale : Politique
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By and large, EU financial integration has been a success story. Still, the reform agenda is far from finished. What are the remaining challenges? What are the gains of closer financial market integration? This IMF book tracks the European Union's journey along the path to a single financial market and identifies the challenges and priorities that remain ahead. It pays particular attention to the most recent integration efforts in the European Union following the introduction of the euro. The study looks at the importance of financial integration, in particular for economic growth, the interplay between banks and markets, and equity market integration. It closely examines the relationship between financial integration and financial stability. This interaction presents the European Union with a challenge, but also with the opportunity to play a pioneering role in developing a regional approach to financial stability that could provide lessons for the rest of the world.
Private finance --- Europe --- Finance --- Capital market --- Financial institutions --- Finances --- Marché financier --- Institutions financières --- European Union --- Economic integration. --- Business & Economics --- Economic History --- 339.7 --- eenheidsmarkt --- europa --- financiele markten --- 333.102 --- 333.602 --- 333.610 --- 334.151.28 --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- -Finance --- -332.094 --- Financial intermediaries --- Lending institutions --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- Funding --- Funds --- Economics --- Currency question --- Internationale financien. Buitenlands betalingsverkeer --(z.o {336}) --- marché unique --- europe --- marchés financiers --- Bankconcentratie. --- Activiteiten en evolutie van de financiële markten. --- Effectenbeurzen: algemeenheden. --- Kredietinstellingen in de Europese Gemeenschappen. --- 339.7 Internationale financien. Buitenlands betalingsverkeer --(z.o {336}) --- Marché financier --- Institutions financières --- Capital markets --- Market, Capital --- E.U. --- Loans --- Money market --- Securities --- Crowding out (Economics) --- Efficient market theory --- 332.094 --- Bankconcentratie --- Activiteiten en evolutie van de financiële markten --- Effectenbeurzen: algemeenheden --- Kredietinstellingen in de Europese Gemeenschappen --- European Union countries --- Banks and Banking --- Finance: General --- Financial Risk Management --- Investments: Stocks --- Industries: Financial Services --- Accounting --- Investments: General --- Insurance --- General Financial Markets: General (includes Measurement and Data) --- Banks --- Depository Institutions --- Micro Finance Institutions --- Mortgages --- General Financial Markets: Government Policy and Regulation --- Financial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and Regulation --- Pension Funds --- Non-bank Financial Institutions --- Financial Instruments --- Institutional Investors --- Bankruptcy --- Liquidation --- Banking --- Investment & securities --- Economic & financial crises & disasters --- Insurance & actuarial studies --- Macroeconomics --- Financial reporting, financial statements --- Stock markets --- Financial sector stability --- Financial integration --- Financial services --- Financial markets --- Financial sector policy and analysis --- Competition --- Banks and banking --- Financial services industry --- Stock exchanges --- International finance --- United States
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