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Spill og strategi i helsesektoren
Year: 2019 Publisher: Oslo, Norway : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing),

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"Helsesektoren er i stadig endring. Utfordringene sektoren står overfor, dreier seg blant annet om å finne balansen mellom medisinsk-faglig utvikling, økonomiske rammer og geografiske hensyn. Organisasjons-, styrings- og ledelsesformer påvirker forholdet mellom disse hensynene, som ofte trekker tjenestene i ulike retninger. Et av de mest kontroversielle spørsmålene er hvilken sykehusstruktur som er mest hensiktsmessig. De siste årene har en på ny opplevd at protestene mot sentralisering av sykehussektoren er blitt sterkere. I debatten er det igjen blitt søkelys på de helsepolitiske spill og strategier som kjennetegner sektoren. Samtidig påvirkes tjenestene hele tiden av medisinsk-teknologiske innovasjoner, nye økonomistyringssystemer og innføring av «moderne» styrings- og ledelsesformer. I denne boken diskuteres hvordan en i Østfold håndterte utfordringene knyttet til sykehusstruktur, og hvordan det er skapt tilsynelatende ro om dette tidligere så betente spørsmålet. Forfatteren analyserer først de strategiene som førte til at sykehusdriften i fylket ble sentralisert og et nytt «supersykehus» på Kalnes ble bygget. Deretter blir noen kjennetegn ved organisasjons- og ledelsesformer i det nye sykehuset drøftet. Avslutningsvis diskuteres de underliggende utviklingstendenser som kan peke mot fremtidens sykehustjenester innenfor et mer helhetlig «helsesystem», som også omfatter lokale helsetjenester. Analysen er basert på moderne organisasjons- og ledelsesteorier. Et sentralt spørsmål her er hvordan institusjonelle særtrekk ved sektoren har betydning for de endringene som har skjedd de siste 40 -50 årene. Målgruppen for boken er forskere, universitets- og høgskoleansatte og studenter i samfunnsvitenskapelige fag relatert til helsesektoren. Boken vil også gi ny kunnskap til ansatte i sektoren, og andre som er opptatt av helse- og velferdspolitiske spørsmål."


Health policy.

The Institutions of Programmatic Action : Policy Programs in French and German Health Policy
Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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“The Programmatic Action Framework (PAF) is the newcomer in the pluralistic set of the theories of the policy process." -Giliberto Capano, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Bologna, Italy “The book presents empirical cross-country evidence for the PAF's idea that overlapping biographies of policy actors and resulting social identities often drive collective action.” -Tanya Heikkila, Professor of Public Affairs, University of Colorado Denver, USA “This work advances knowledge of programmatic actors comparatively.” -Michael Howlett, Burnaby Mountain Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada “Johanna Hornung shows that policy change is irrevocably linked to the programmatic group, framed by two specific institutions - the recruitment processes and career paths of administrative actors.” -Sabine Saurugger, Professor of Political Science, Science Po Grenoble, France. This open access book is the first monograph to systematically apply the Programmatic Action Framework (PAF) in a comparative analysis of public policy in two institutionally different countries. The PAF seeks to explain long-term policy change by examining the shared biographies of policy actors who, to foster their careers, coalesce around policy programs which they promote throughout the policy process. Comparing health policy-making in France and Germany between 1990 and 2020, the book sheds light on the institutional settings that are necessary for programmatic action to occur. It will appeal to scholars and students of public policy, public administration, and health policy. Johanna Hornung is a Research Associate at the Institute of Comparative Politics and Public Policy, TU Braunschweig, Germany.

Vaincre la tuberculose (1879-1939) : La Normandie en proie à la peste blanche
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9791024011288 9791024002064 287775586X Year: 2018 Publisher: Mont-Saint-Aignan : Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre,

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Étudier tous les rouages de la lutte contre la tuberculose en Normandie entre 1879 et 1939, telle est l'ambition de cet ouvrage. La tuberculose succède à la phtisie, qui n'avait de romantique que le nom, et devient le fléau social par excellence au tournant du xxe siècle. Confrontées à la contagion exponentielle dans les tranchées et au retour des militaires poitrinaires dans leurs foyers, les autorités françaises prennent enfin la direction de l'action sanitaire et sociale en 1915, le spectre de la dépopulation hantant les esprits patriotiques. L'engagement du pays se veut dès lors total. Les aménagements d'infrastructures sont à la hauteur des ambitions : on ouvre des dispensaires, des sanatoriums, des pavillons d'isolement hospitaliers et des préventoriums. La protection de l'enfance en danger devient une priorité. Le combat contre la tuberculose est engagé. Il n'est toutefois pas question seulement ici de réalisations politiques, médicales et sociales, mais aussi d'hommes et de femmes, de citoyens ordinaires porteurs de la tuberculose. Désorientés par l'annonce de la maladie, soumis à des préceptes hygiéniques, isolés de leurs proches et devenus des parias, ils n'ont parfois d'autre choix que de dissimuler leur état de santé.

Health behavior research.
ISSN: 25721836 Year: 2017 Publisher: [Manhattan, KS : New Priarie Press,

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The Heavy Burden of Obesity.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9264749594 9264330046 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris : Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development,

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Almost one in four people in OECD countries is currently obese. This epidemic has far-reaching consequences for individuals, society and the economy. Using microsimulation modelling, this book analyses the burden of obesity and overweight in 52 countries (including OECD, European Union and G20 countries), showing how overweight reduces life expectancy, increases healthcare costs, decreases workers' productivity and lowers GDP.

Journal of global health economics and policy.
ISSN: 28066073 Year: 2021 Publisher: Edinburgh : International Society of Global Health,

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JAMA health forum.
Year: 2020 Publisher: Chicago, IL : American Medical Association,

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An online channel that addresses health policy and health strategy issues affecting medicine and health care. JAMA Health Forum also features additional editorial comment on original research, opinion, and clinical recommendations that have implications for national and global health policy; innovative approaches to health care delivery; and health care economics, quality, safety, equity, and reform.

Australia and New Zealand health policy.
Year: 2004 Publisher: [London] : BioMed Central,

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Underage Drinking : A Report on Drinking in the Second Decade of Life in Europe and North America
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2875580906 2875580892 Year: 2017 Publisher: Louvain-la-Neuve : Presses universitaires de Louvain,

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The complexity and importance of underage drinking prompted ERAB and ABMRF to initiate a state of the art review. It explores the extent of underage drinking across Europe and North America, as well as our current understanding of factors that increase the risk of this behaviour and potentially effective evidence-based approaches to prevent underage drinking. Unfortunately, the problem is complex and a single solution or policy to prevent underage drinking does not exist. Nevertheless, a number of strategies are effective in some circumstances and warrant further study in different populations. Preventing risky drinking requires understanding of the important influence of family and peers. It is also important to recognize that some genetic traits like impulsivity, anxiety, sensation seeking and emotional dysregulation can also influence harmful drinking. These aspects (family and peers and genetic influence) are affected by cultural and environmental influences which, in turn, can influence each other. The overall goal of this project was to develop a set of recommendations that could be used by public health departments and key stakeholders in the individual countries that make up Europe and the United States and Canada. It is clear that a single solution to this problem cannot be identified, given the different cultural backgrounds. In addition to providing a menu of effective strategies, recommendations on the best method for applying them in different cultural settings are included. Although individual interventions may have low efficacy when used in isolation, combining several interventions may improve overall effectiveness.

Manuel de lutte contre la maladie du sommeil
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2709923254 2709915677 Year: 2017 Publisher: Marseille : IRD Éditions,

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Cet ouvrage est destiné à aider tous ceux qui, de près ou de loin, participent à la lutte contre la trypanosomiase humaine africaine ou maladie du sommeil. Cette endémie, en rapide extension, concerne 25 pays déjà infectés ou à risque en Afrique tropicale. Les auteurs présentent les généralités nécessaires à la compréhension de la maladie et de son épidémisation à travers l'Afrique depuis plus d'un siècle (historique, géographie, épidémiologie, parasitologie, clinique). Ils décrivent les stratégies de lutte et les outils disponibles pour diagnostiquer, traiter mais aussi lutter contre le vecteur et tenter de prévenir l'extension de l'endémie. Les techniques médicales sont exposées et illustrées : recensement (préalable indispensable à toute opération de lutte), dépistage (passif et actif, classique ou sérologique), diagnostic (de la goutte épaisse à la PCR), traitements (mode d'action, posologie, associations, précautions, complications). Les modalités d'une prospection médicale par équipe mobile sont décrites avec une alternative basée sur l'intégration de la lutte dans les soins de santé primaires et la participation communautaire. Enfin, les opérations de lutte antivectorielle sont détaillées pour faciliter leur mise en œuvre sur le terrain : fabrication de pièges et écrans, dosage des insecticides, modalités de distribution, suivi, logistique. Ce manuel sur la maladie du sommeil et son contrôle montre que la « trypano » n'est pas une fatalité et qu'il existe des méthodes simples pour l'éliminer.

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