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Grotius et la doctrine de la guerre juste
ISBN: 2130382614 294050332X 2940503184 9782130382614 Year: 1983 Publisher: Paris: PUF,

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La place de Grotius dans l'histoire du droit international demeure controversée : pour d'aucuns, le juriste de Delft reste le « père du droit des gens », pour d'autres, son De iure belli ac pacis (1625) se borne à donner une forme définitive aux travaux de ses devanciers, ceux-ci étant donc les vrais fondateurs de la science moderne du droit international. Les uns et les autres ne perçoivent l'humaniste néerlandais qu'en fonction de cette discipline juridique actuelle. Dépassant ce débat, Peter Haggenmacher montre au contraire que ni Grotius ni ses devanciers ne pensaient en fonction de cette discipline encore inexistante de leur temps ; et que leur cadre de référence est en réalité le droit de la guerre, conçu non pas comme un secteur du droit international, mais comme un corps doctrinal indépendant. A son avis le droit de la guerre constituait à l'époque de Grotius une branche bien individualisée de la pensée juridique, aboutissement d'une réflexion de plus en plus étendue et cohérente sur le problème de la guerre juste par les théologiens et les juristes au moyen âge et au début des temps modernes. C'est dans le prolongement de cette doctrine scolastique et humaniste de la guerre, dont il décrit les principaux aspects, qu'il situe l'œuvre grotienne, en réappréciant du même coup la pensée internationaliste de son auteur et sa signification pour la genèse du droit des gens en tant que système juridique autonome. L'ouvrage d'origine a été publié avec l'aide du Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique. Il a également bénéficié d'un subside de la part de la Société académique de l'Université de Genève. Il a été couronné du Prix Paul Guggenheim en 1981.

Grenzen aan tolerantie Erasmus, Hugo de Groot, Spinoza en de actualiteit.
ISBN: 9055735191 9789055735198 Year: 2004 Publisher: Budel,

Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) : Dutch playwright in the golden age
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789004217539 9789004218833 9004217533 9786613356833 128335683X 9004218831 Year: 2012 Volume: 1 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) was the most prolific poet and playwright of his age. During his long life, roughly coinciding with the Dutch Golden Age, he wrote over thirty tragedies. He was a famous figure in political and artistic circles of Amsterdam, a contemporary and acquaintance of Grotius and Rembrandt, and in general well acquainted with Latin humanists, Dutch scholars, authors and Amsterdam burgomasters. He fuelled literary, religious and political debates. His tragedy 'Gysbreght van Aemstel', which was played on the occasion of the opening of the stone city theatre in 1638, was to become the most famous play in Dutch history, and can probably boast holding the record for the longest tradition of annual performance in Europe. In general, Vondel’s texts are literary works in the full sense of the word, complex and inexhaustive; attracting attention throughout the centuries. Contributors include: Eddy Grootes, Riet Schenkeveld-van der Dussen, Mieke B. Smits-Veldt, Marijke Spies, Judith Pollmann, Bettina Noak, Louis Peter Grijp, Guillaume van Gemert, Jürgen Pieters, Nina Geerdink, Madeleine Kasten, Marco Prandoni, Peter Eversmann, Mieke Bal, Maaike Bleeker, Bennett Carpenter, James A. Parente, Jr., Stefan van der Lecq, Jan Frans van Dijkhuizen, Helmer Helmers, Kristine Steenbergh, Yasco Horsman, Jeanne Gaakeer, and Wiep van Bunge.

International society : diverse ethical perspectives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0691057710 0691227624 Year: 1998 Publisher: Princeton (N.J.) : Princeton university press,

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Drawing on diverse philosophical and theological perspectives, the contributors to this collection debate the character of international society, the authority of international law and institutions, and the demands of international justice.


International relations --- -#A0109PO --- Coexistence --- Foreign affairs --- Foreign policy --- Foreign relations --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International affairs --- Peaceful coexistence --- World order --- National security --- Sovereignty --- World politics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- International society --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- #A0109PO --- Internationale Politik. --- Politische Ethik. --- Relations internationales --- Aspect moral. --- Aristotle. --- Arneson, Richard. --- Brown, Chris. --- Cohen, Herman. --- Constitution of Medina. --- Friedman, Richard. --- Fuller, Lon. --- Gregor, Mary J. --- Grisez, Germain. --- Grotius, Hugo. --- Henkin, Louis. --- Hourani, Albert. --- Hourani, George. --- Höffe, Otfried. --- John Paul II (pope). --- Khomeini (ayatollah). --- Laberge, Pierre. --- Luhmann, Niklas. --- Miller, David. --- Muhammad (prophet). --- Myrdal, Gunnar. --- Oakeshott, Michael. --- Oppenheim, Lassa. --- Pareto principle. --- Paul VI (pope). --- Pogge, Thomas. --- Qutb, Sayyid. --- Rashbam. --- Rashi of Troyes. --- Russett, Bruce. --- Torah: meaning of. --- Troeltsch, Ernst. --- Vattel. --- Weber, Max. --- Wight, Martin. --- authority: of international law. --- balance of power. --- common good (Finnis). --- creation doctrine (Judaism). --- eschatology, Jewish. --- federation of states (Charvet). --- injustice: intranational. --- intervention: coercive. --- justice, distributive: of Islam. --- league of nations (Kant). --- natural law theory. --- republic: Kantian ideal. --- society of states. --- subsidiarity principle. --- theology: dimensions of persuasion. --- traditions, religious. --- treaty law. --- utilitarianism.

Civil society and government
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0691088012 0691088020 0691228396 Year: 2002 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press,

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Civil Society and Government brings together an unprecedented array of political, ethical, and religious perspectives to shed light on the complex and much-debated relationship between civil society and the state. Some argue that civil society is a bulwark against government; others see it as an indispensable support for government. Civil society has been portrayed both as a independent of the state and as dependent upon it. This book reveals the extraordinary diversity of views on the subject by examining how civil society has been treated in classical liberalism, liberal egalitarianism, critical theory, feminism, natural law, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Confucianism. The volume draws on the work of eminent scholars to address six questions: In terms of function and consequences, does it matter where the line is drawn between civil society and the state? What is the relationship of civil society to the state? In what contexts and under what conditions should government interact with individuals directly or instead indirectly through communal associations? What are the prerogatives and duties of citizenship, and what is the role of civil society in forming good citizens? How should a society handle the conflicts that sometimes arise between the demands of citizenship and those of membership in the non-governmental associations of civil society? A theoretical introduction by the editors--political theorist Nancy Rosenblum and legal scholar Robert Post--and a conclusion by religious ethicist Richard Miller, tie the book together. In addition to Rosenblum, the contributors are Kenneth Baynes, David Biale, John Coleman, Farhad Kazemi, John Kelsay, William Galston, Will Kymlicka, Tom Palmer, Fred Miller, Susan Moller Okin, Peter Nosco, Henry Rosemont, Steven Scalet, David Schmidtz, William Sullivan, Max Stackhouse, Stephen White, and Noam Zohar.


Civil society. --- State, The. --- Société civile --- Etat --- Civil society --- State, The --- #SBIB:17H3 --- #SBIB:321H30 --- #SBIB:324H20 --- 400 Overheid --- PPS --- Administration --- Commonwealth, The --- Sovereignty --- Political science --- Social contract --- Politieke wijsbegeerte --- Hedendaagse politieke en sociale theorieën (vanaf de 19de eeuw): algemeen (incl. utilitarisme, burgerschap) --- Politologie: theorieën (democratie, comparatieve studieën….) --- Political science. --- Anabaptism. --- Augustine. --- Benhabib, Seyla. --- Butler, Judith. --- Calvinism. --- Centissimus Annus. --- Constant, Benjamin. --- Cuddihy, John Murray. --- Dignitatis Humanae. --- Durkheim, Emile. --- Elshtain, Jean. --- Evans, Sarah. --- Ferguson, Adam. --- Frankfurt School. --- Friedman, Milton. --- Gaudium et Spes. --- Grotius, Hugo. --- Hardin, Russell. --- Hayashi Shihei. --- Ibn Rusd. --- Itō Jinsai. --- John Paul II (pope). --- John of Viterbo. --- Khatami, Mohammed. --- Kymlicka, Will. --- Leibowitz, Yeshayahu. --- Linbeck, George. --- Lipsius, Justus. --- MacKinnon, Catherine. --- Marsilius of Padua. --- Medina Constitution. --- Neuhaus, Richard. --- Okin, Susan. --- Oldfield, Adrian. --- Pateman, Carole. --- Peale, Norman Vincent. --- Planitz, Hans. --- Plato. --- Pufendorf, Samuel. --- Quadragesinio Anno. --- Rawls, John. --- Roberts v. Jaycees (1984). --- Sadanobu, Matsudaira. --- Saint Ambrose. --- authoritarianism, in Islamic world. --- casuistry. --- city-state: aim of (Aristotle). --- corporatism. --- institutions: in civil society. --- pluralism, of civil society. --- revolution (Locke). --- Civil government --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences

Literary cultures and public opinion in the Low Countries, 1450-1650
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789004206168 9004206167 9786613161758 1283161753 9004201114 9789004201118 9781283161756 Year: 2011 Volume: 197 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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In the early modern Low Countries, literary culture functioned on several levels simultaneously: it provided learning, pleasure, and entertainment while also shaping public debate. From a ditty in Dutch sung in the streets to a funeral poem in Latin composed to be read for or by intimate friends, from a play performed for a prince to a comedy written for pupils – literary texts and performances often dealt with highly controversial topics of religion or politics, on a local or national, but also on a supranational scale. This volume sets out to analyse the role and function of literary culture in the formation of early modern public opinion, and proposes ways in which a modern scholar might approach early modern works of literature and other traces of literary culture to explore early modern public opinion making. The cases presented in this volume bring the Dutch and Latin literary cultures of the Low Countries in the focus of international debates on the history of public opinion.


History of civilization --- History of the Low Countries --- anno 1400-1499 --- anno 1500-1599 --- anno 1600-1699 --- Dutch literature --- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern --- Literature and society --- Public opinion in literature --- Public opinion --- 094:839.3 --- 839.3 "14/16" --- Artistic impact --- Artistic influence --- Impact (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Literary impact --- Literary influence --- Literary tradition --- Tradition (Literature) --- Art --- Influence (Psychology) --- Literature --- Intermediality --- Intertextuality --- Originality in literature --- Literature and sociology --- Society and literature --- Sociology and literature --- Sociolinguistics --- Opinion, Public --- Perception, Public --- Popular opinion --- Public perception --- Public perceptions --- Judgment --- Social psychology --- Attitude (Psychology) --- Focus groups --- Reputation --- 839.3 "14/16" Nederlandse literatuur--?"14/16" --- Nederlandse literatuur--?"14/16" --- 094:839.3 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Nederlandse literatuur --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Nederlandse literatuur --- History and criticism --- History --- Social aspects --- Benelux countries --- Low countries --- Intellectual life --- Littérature néerlandaise --- --Histoire et critique --- --Littérature latine --- --Pays-Bas --- --Pays-Bas bourguignons --- --Pays-Bas espagnols --- --1450-1650 --- --Influence --- --Opinion publique --- --History and criticism --- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.). --- Public opinion in literature. --- History and criticism. --- Dutch literature. --- Intellectual life. --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern. --- Literature and society. --- Public opinion. --- 1500 - 1800 --- Benelux countries. --- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc). --- Cultural life --- Culture --- Littérature néerlandaise --- Littérature latine médiévale et moderne --- Opinion publique dans la littérature --- Littérature et société --- Opinion publique --- Influence littéraire, artistique, etc. --- Histoire et critique --- Histoire --- Benelux --- Vie intellectuelle --- Dutch literature - To 1500 - History and criticism --- Dutch literature - 1500-1800 - History and criticism --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern - Benelux countries - History and criticism --- Public opinion - Benelux countries --- Literature and society - Benelux countries - History --- Littérature latine --- Influence --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas bourguignons --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- literaire cultuur --- public opinion --- religieuze geschiedenis --- early modern history --- geschiedenis van het boek --- literary culture --- lage landen --- history of the book --- religious history --- vroege moderne geschiedenis --- publieke opinie --- low countries --- Arminius --- Catholic Church --- Hugo Grotius --- Netherlands

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