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International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies
ISSN: 25165518 2516550X

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The International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies addresses the key problematic of the construction of difference within intersecting, asymmetrical power relations. It brings together an integrated critique of hierarchical relations of privilege, domination and oppression on all axes of difference, with a particular focus on the normative orders of coloniality/modernity. A closely-knit, interdependent world struggling with the realities of heterogeneity calls for critical approaches to difference that can identify enduring and emerging processes of Othering, and articulate forms and means by which exclusion and hierarchical arrangements can be resisted and reframed. The journal therefore provides a decolonial anti-disciplinary intellectual forum in which plural, just, and ethical sociological imaginations can be cultivated and expanded.

Anfänge der Globalisierung : Macht und Mythos in Epischen Anfangskonstruktionen Bei Ovid, Milton und Kubrick.
ISBN: 3846767328 Year: 2022 Publisher: Boston : BRILL,

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Das Epos eröffnet, wie vielleicht keine andere künstlerische Form, den Blick auf ein weit zurückreichendes Archiv, in dem Vorstellungen des globalen Ganzen entworfen, reflektiert und gespeichert werden. In doppelter Weise werden deshalb die Anfänge der Globalisierung befragt: Denn zum einen schlagen die besprochenen Epen - Ovids "Metamorphosen", John Miltons "Paradise Lost" und Stanley Kubricks "2001: A Space Odyssey" - selbst als Bezugspunkte der Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte zu Buche, an denen historische Stadien und Prozesse der Globalisierung ablesbar sind. Zum anderen nimmt vorliegendes Buch die erzählten Anfänge in diesen Werken in den Blick, die in Weltanfängen und Kosmogonien das Weltganze konstruieren und auf diese Weise vorstellbar machen. Zwischen der Konstruktion der Welt und der Artikulation ungleicher Machtbeziehungen werden in epischen Werken so die Anfänge der Globalisierung auf neue Art lesbar.

Immigration et diversité à l'école : Le débat québécois dans une perspective comparative
Year: 2001 Publisher: Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal,

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Malgré les acquis indéniables des trente dernières années, l'intégration des immigrants et l'adaptation à la diversité ethnoculturelle représentent toujours des enjeux majeurs pour l'école québécoise. À travers un bilan de la problématique, des interventions et de la recherche dans ce domaine et en tenant compte de diverses expériences canadiennes ou internationales, cet ouvrage s'intéresse, entre autres, aux aspects suivants : l'avenir des programmes d'apprentissage du français par les nouveaux arrivants et le maintien des langues d'origine ; les liens entre les interventions en milieu défavorisé et la lutte à l'échec scolaire chez les minorités ; la place de la diversité culturelle et religieuse en milieu scolaire et le rôle de l'éducation à la citoyenneté ; le débat sur le partage d'institutions scolaires communes comme condition nécessaire à l'intégration. Cet ouvrage saura intéresser non seulement les intervenants œuvrant dans ce domaine mais également tout citoyen désireux de mieux comprendre les enjeux complexes de la diversité ethnoculturelle en milieu scolaire.

Artistic Cartography and Design Explorations Towards the Pluriverse
Year: 2023 Publisher: New York : Taylor & Francis,

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"This edited volume uses an interdisciplinary approach to art and design that not only reframes but also repositions agendas and actions to address fragmented global systems. Contributors explore the pluriverse of art and design through epistemological and methodological considerations. What kinds of sustainable ways are there for knowledge transfer, supporting plural agendas, finding novel ways for unsettling conversations, unlearning and learning and challenging power structures with marginalised groups and contexts through art and design? The main themes of the book are art and design methods, epistemologies and practices that provide critical, interdisciplinary, pluriversal and decolonial considerations. The book challenges the domination of the white logic of art and design and shifts away from the Anglo-European one-world system towards the pluriverse. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, visual studies, arts-based research, and design studies"-- Provided by publisher.

Diversität in Bibliotheken
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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Der Vielfalt der Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden, stellt öffentliche Bibliotheken vor Herausforderungen. Der Band gibt einen Überblick zur strategischen und diskriminierungskritischen Organisationsentwicklung sowie zur Veranstaltungs- und Bestandsarbeit für diversitätssensible Öffnung. Eine Vielzahl von Praxisbeispielen aus dem Programm "360° - Fonds für Kulturen der neuen Stadtgesellschaft" werden vorgestellt. Trying to do justice to society's diversity is a challenge for public libraries. This volume provides an overview of the development of strategic and anti-discrimination organizations and of the work being done in the fields of events and inventory to disseminate information in a way that is sensitive to diversity. It also presents a range of practical examples form the program "360° - Fund for Cultures in the New Urban Society.".

Undoing homogeneity in the Nordic region : migration, difference and the politics of solidarity
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: London ; New York, NY : Taylor & Francis,

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This book critically engages with dominant ideas of cultural homogeneity in the Nordic countries and contests the notion of homogeneity as a crucial determinant of social cohesion and societal security. Showing how national identities in the Nordic region have developed historically around notions of cultural and racial homogeneity, it exposes the varied histories of migration and the longstanding presence of ethnic minorities and indigenous people in the region that are ignored in dominant narratives. With attention to the implications of notions of homogeneity for the everyday lives of migrants and racialised minorities in the region, as well as the increasing securitisation of those perceived not to be part of the homogenous nation, this volume provides detailed analyses of how welfare state policies, media, and authorities seek to manage and govern cultural, religious, and racial differences. With studies of national minorities, indigenous people and migrants in the analysis of homogeneity and difference, it sheds light on the agency of minorities and the intertwining of securitisation policies with notions of culture, race, and religion in the government of difference. As such it will appeal to scholars and students in social sciences and humanities with interests in race and ethnicity, migration, postcolonialism, Nordic studies, multiculturalism, citizenship, and belonging.

Skillingsvisene i Norge 1550-1950 : Studier i en forsømt kulturarv
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Oslo : Spartacus Forlag AS / Scandinavian Academic Press,

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Skillingsvisene er en av de betydeligste kulturskattene våre forfedre og -mødre har etterlatt seg. Visene ble trykt i skillings- trykk - små, billige sanghefter med en håndfull vers på rim, som sirkulerte i Norge i perioden 1550 til 1950. Disse sangene er den aller eldste trykte litteraturen som fins her til lands, og i flere hundre år var det også den mest populære. Men frem til nå har skillingsvisene langt på vei vært forbigått i forskningen. I denne boken har 17 forskere bidratt til å bringe skillingsvisene frem fra forglemmelsens mørke. Hva handlet skillingsvisene om, hvem skrev dem, hvordan ble de solgt og sunget, og hva betydde de for menneskene som lyttet til dem? Boken belyser emnemangfoldet i skillingsvisene - fra dommedag, naturkatastrofer og mord, til kjærlighet, sladder og skøyteløp. Skillingsvisene i Norge 1550-1950 er den første norske vitenskapelige antologien om skillingstrykk. Den følges av den frittstående antologien Arven fra skillingsvisene. Fra en sal på hospitalet til en sofa fra IKEA av Siv Gøril Brandtzæg og Bjarne Markussen (red.).

Horizontalidad : hacia una crítica de la metodología
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 987722741X Year: 2020 Publisher: Argentina : CLACSO,

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Diversity and otherness : transcultural insights into norms, practices, negotiations
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Warsaw : De Gruyter,

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This book critically examines multiple ways in which cultural diversity is represented and handled in a variety of contexts, from the artistic to the scientific, from the political to the theatrical, in media, fashion and everyday life, today as well as in the past. By drawing from the observation that specific socio-cultural features are made relevant to create asymmetries and hierarchies between individuals, groups and cultural resources, the volume questions, on the one hand, contingent processes of regulation, standardization, and homogenization of diversity. It points at contradictory processes of in- and exclusion related to the construction of differences between the Self and the Other in processes of doing culture. On the other hand, it recognizes and emphasizes the fluidity of cultural entanglements by adopting a transcultural perspective, which unifies the variety of the topics and of the contexts covered by the chapters, as well as their inter- and transdisciplinarity. While processes such as globalization, decolonization, migration, and mediatization have contributed to place diversity at the centre-stage of both scholarly and non-scholarly debates, this book invites to re-think norms, practices and negotiations of diversity and otherness through a variety of narrations, standardizations, imaginations, and negotiations. By emphasizing the contrast between emancipatory vs. standardizing approaches to diversity and otherness it also invites to "transculturalize" the study and the politics of culture.

Diálogos interculturales latinoamericanos : hacia una educación superior intercultural
ISBN: 9585415135 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bogotá, Colombia : Editorial Bonaventuriana,

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Esta obra colectiva hace aportaciones significativas e inéditas a los estudios interculturales, en general, y a la educación intercultural, en particular. Se trata de un conjunto de estudios que ofrecen una panorámica latinoamericana muy bien diferenciada y con aportaciones comparativas que generan líneas de investigación futura. Por ello, considero que en breve puede convertirse en una importante obra de referencia a nivel internacional. (GUNTHER DIETZ) Se trata de una obra muy actual y relevante para el contexto latinoamericano. Es una apuesta por el trabajo con, en y desde las comunidades, lo que entra en relación con uno de los objetivos buscados como es entender la interculturalidad desde las bases. Su lectura es amena y considero que puede ser un aporte tanto para poder continuar con las investigaciones presentadas como para generar metodologías mucho más participativas y colaborativas en el campo, rompiendo con las clásicas visiones eurocéntricas objeto-sujeto. Por otra parte, el grado de compromiso que se trasluce en varios capítulos puede servir de motivación a científicos sociales que se están iniciando en el campo. (ELEDER PIÑEIRO).

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