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Confini, identità, appartenenze : Scenari letterari e filmici dell’Alpe Adria

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I saggi raccolti in questo volume affrontano il complesso e dinamico rapporto tra l’identità e il confine in autori che appartengono a territori che, in seguito alla dissoluzione dell’Impero asburgico e alla seconda guerra mondiale, sono distribuiti tra Italia, Austria, Slovenia, Croazia e le regioni limitrofe. In questo contesto l’identità deve essere intesa essenzialmente come espressione di lingua, cultura e tradizioni, ossia di una memoria e un’esperienza individuale che si radicano in una memoria e in un’esperienza collettiva. Il confine – che per effetto di vicende storiche viene a spostarsi nello spazio – deve essere indagato, a sua volta, in ottica geostorica oltreché in funzione costruttiva dell’identità. Tuttavia vi è anche un altro confine, quello tra lingue, culture e tradizioni diverse, che attraversa un medesimo territorio. Ecco quindi le identità stratificate, composite, fluide, ma anche conculcate e costrette a ridefinirsi, nella difficoltà ma anche nella necessità del dialogo, nella ricerca di valori condivisi, di ciò che unisce piuttosto di ciò che divide, in quella vocazione alla pluralità che potrebbe e dovrebbe costituire e definire l’identità europea. Ed è questo un compito che vogliono e sembrano efficacemente assumersi la letteratura e il cinema intesi nella loro varietà e specificità. The studies gathered in this volume analyze, in authors from Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, and neighboring territories, the complex relation between identity and borders, namely those between languages and cultures, that can cut through one single territory. We are looking at identities made of different layers and elements, blurred and oppressed, and constantly forced to redefine themselves, in dialog with one another.

Diaspora, memory and intimacy =
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2367813876 2367811814 2367811377 9782367811819 9782367811376 Year: 2015 Publisher: Montpellier

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Dans le cadre de la série « Diasporas, Cultures de la mobilité, ‘Race’ », ce deuxième volume se propose de compléter les études sur le sujet au travers de regards croisés et interdisciplinaires sur la condition diasporique. Les thèmes du corps, de la mémoire et de l’intime se tissent tout au long du recueil afin d’en révéler et d’en transmettre toute la complexité. Dans le même ordre d’idées, l’impact de la déterritorialisation, inhérent aux phénomènes de migration et relocalisation, est une autre optique majeure dans ce recueil d’essais. Les auteurs s’intéressent aux procédés mémoriels individuels et collectifs internes à l’évolution des communautés de diasporas, par d’étonnantes comparaisons entre diverses régions du monde, états et zones linguistiques. La teneur intellectuelle, la portée critique et la singularité de ce nouveau volume d’essais se reflètent aussi dans les origines géographiques variées de ses contributeurs. Continuing the series on Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, ‘Race’, this second volume extends existing scholarship by exploring a range of multidisciplinary perspectives on the diasporic condition. Embodiment, memory and intimacy form three core themes through which the complexities of diasporic experiences are revealed and transmitted. Closely aligned to these concerns, the impact of de- territorialisation, inherent in the processes of migration and re-settlement, forms a strong thread throughout the collected essays. Authors engage with individual and collective memorial processes embedded in the evolution of diasporic communities, exploring striking comparisons between diverse regions, states, cultures and linguistic zones. The intellectual and critical scope covered by this original collection of new essays is further reflected in the varied geographical origins of the contributors themselves.

Aux origines des nationalismes balkaniques : La Révolution française et le Sud-Est de l’Europe
ISBN: 286958573X 2869585497 Year: 2021 Publisher: Athènes: École française d’Athènes,

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As we commemorate the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution, this study by Pascal Kitromilidès of the reception of the French Revolution and the influence it had on the birth of nationalism in the Balkans is timely. The 1990 Greek edition was very much in tune with the events of the day, from the 1989 commemorations to mark the Bicentennial of the French Revolution to the upheaval in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in the late eighties and early nineties. This revised edition in French invites us to take another look at this period of our recent European past by examining the links between revolutionary ideas and the construction of nationalisms, as the work of any historian as a rule tends to converse with the issues of their own era.This re-examination of the politics of the Enlightenment brings a new perspective, in the light of other contexts and shifts the focus by using the Balkans as a starting point. It reveals a new vision of how French revolutionary ideas were received in Europe and how that reception was criticised by liberal thinkers, as well as providing a more thorough perspective on the specific role Hellenism played in the new landscape that emerged between the end of the 18th century and the middle of the 19th century. The eminently revolutionary ideas of nationhood and freedom had a particular resonance in the Balkans and in South-Eastern Europe.

Amériques transculturelles - Transcultural Americas
ISBN: 2760326233 1280691166 9786613668103 2760318443 2760307212 Year: 2010 Publisher: Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa Press

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Transculturality is a new way of viewing culture that sees cultures not as separate islands that are easily differentiated from one another, but as connected and interacting webs of meaning and practice. The Americas in particular offer many examples of transcultural identities that do not fit easily into one national or ethnic mold: Chicanos, Franco-Ontarians, Creoles, and second and third generation immigrants. From Quebec to Argentina, this volume explores these identities which create themselves in a space between sameness and difference.

Divided loyalties : displacement, belonging and citizenship among East Timorese in West Timor
ISBN: 1760462373 1760462365 Year: 2018 Publisher: ANU Press

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Drawing on extensive ethnographic fieldwork, this study explores the ideas of belonging and citizenship among former pro-autonomy East Timorese who have elected to settle indefinitely in West Timor. The study follows different East Timorese groups and examines various ways they construct and negotiate their socio-political identities following the violent and destructive separation from their homeland. The East Timorese might have had Indonesia as their destination when they left the eastern half of the island in the aftermath of the referendum, but they have not relinquished their cultural identities as East Timorese. The study highlights the significance of the notions of origin, ancestry and alliance in our understanding of East Timorese place-making and belonging to a particular locality. Another feature of belonging that informs East Timorese identity is their narrative of sacrifice to maintain connections with their homeland and move on with their lives in Indonesia. These sacrificial narratives elaborate an East Timorese spirit of struggle and resilience, a feature further exemplified in the transformation of their political activities within the Indonesian political system.

Moradas y discursos : Cultura y política en la Costa Rica de los siglos XIX y XX
Year: 2010 Publisher: Heredia Editorial Universidad Nacional (EUNA)

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The present work explores themes such as the architecture and furnishings of houses in the time of independence and the difficulties faced by Costa Rican writers of the late 20th century and other social and political issues of the time.

Sticking together or falling apart? : solidarity in an era of individualization and globalization
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789089641281 9089641289 9786612453861 1282453866 904851052X 9789048510528 9781282453869 9790000000000 Year: 2009 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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This book examines, both theoretically and empirically, the impact of globalization and individualization on social solidarity

Performing Power : Cultural Hegemony, Identity, and Resistance in Colonial Indonesia
ISBN: 1501758586 1501758594 Year: 2021 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Cornell University Press,

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Performing Power illuminates how colonial dominance in Indonesia was legitimized, maintained, negotiated, and contested through the everyday staging and public performance of power between the colonizer and colonized. Arnout Van der Meer's Performing Power explores what seemingly ordinary interactions reveal about the construction of national, racial, social, religious, and gender identities as well as the experience of modernity in colonial Indonesia. Through acts of everyday resistance, such as speaking a different language, withholding deference, and changing one's appearance and consumer behavior, a new generation of Indonesians contested the hegemonic colonial appropriation of local culture and the racial and gender inequalities that it sustained. Over time these relationships of domination and subordination became inverted, and by the twentieth century the Javanese used the tropes of Dutch colonial behavior to subvert the administrative hierarchy of the state. Thanks to generous funding from the Sustainable History Monograph Pilot and the Mellon Foundation the ebook editions of this book are available as Open Access (OA) volumes from Cornell Open ( and other Open Access repositories.

Europe faces Europe : narratives from its eastern half
ISBN: 1783207515 1783207523 1783207531 Year: 2017 Publisher: Bristol, England ; Chicago, Illinois : Intellect,

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Objets et symboles : De la culture matérielle à l’espace culturel

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Pourquoi les archéologues scrutent-ils avec autant d'attention les objets qu'ils ont mis au jour, pourquoi les décrivent-ils, les classent-ils, les analysent-ils ? Pourquoi s'efforcent-ils de les situer toujours plus précisément dans le temps et dans l'espace? Est-ce pour le simple plaisir de dresser l'inventaire de toutes les productions humaines du passé dans leur infinie diversité? Non, bien sûr. Leur but, avoué ou non, est de forcer ces témoins muets à nous dire quelque chose sur les communautés humaines qui les ont produits, utilisés, échangés et finalement abandonnés dans leurs maisons ou enfouis dans leurs tombeaux. Quelque chose qui va des connaissances techniques nécessaires pour élaborer un objet jusqu'à la signification symbolique dont celui-ci est investi par la communauté qui l'a créé. Les archéologues font ainsi le pari qu'en ordonnant la diversité des productions matérielles à travers une aire géographique donnée, on peut parvenir à cerner les espaces culturels liés aux divers groupes humains qui s'y sont côtoyés. Pari relevé par douze jeunes doctorants qui s'essaient à l'exercice dans ces pages rassemblant les actes de la première journée doctorale d'archéologie de l'université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Travaillant dans des régions du monde et sur des périodes très diverses – des grottes paléolithiques de Dordogne aux kofun protohistoriques du Japon en passant par les tombes préclassiques du Mexique, les épaves médiévales du Portugal et les icônes byzantines de Chypre –, ils utilisent tous la panoplie des méthodes archéologiques acquises au long de leur formation. Reflet de la diversité des recherches menées au sein de l'École doctorale Archéologie, ce volume inaugure une série au rythme de publication annuel, dont chaque livraison s'articulera autour d'un thème différent.

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