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This open access book brings together a collection of cutting-edge insights into how action can and is already being taken against climate change at multiple levels of our societies, amidst growing calls for transformative and inclusive climate action. In an era of increasing recognition regarding climate and ecological breakdown, this book offers hope, inspiration and analyses for multi-level climate action, spanning varied communities, places, spaces, agents and disciplines, demonstrating how the energy and dynamism of local scales are a powerful resource in turning the tide. Interconnected yet conceptually distinct, the book’s three sections span multiple levels of analysis, interrogating diverse perspectives and practices inherent to the vivid tapestry of climate action emerging locally, nationally and internationally. Delivered in collaboration with the UK’s ‘Place-Based Climate Action Network’, chapters are drawn from a wide range of authors with varying backgrounds spread across academia, policy and practice.
Central government policies --- Sociology --- Meteorology & climatology --- Environmental management --- Sustainability --- Geography --- Open Access --- climate change --- climate emergency --- praxis --- community --- theory --- practice --- climate action --- local climate praxis --- community engagement --- sustainable business models --- climate crisis --- community climate action
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This open access book brings science and practice together and inspires a global movement towards co-creating regenerative civilizations that work for 100% of humanity and the Earth as a whole. With its conceptual foundation of the concept of transformation literacy it enhances the knowledge and capacity of decision-makers, change agents and institutional actors to steward transformations effectively across institutions, societal sectors and nations. Humanity is at crossroads. Resource depletion and exponential emissions that not only cause climate change, but endanger the health of people and planet, call for a decisive turnaround of human civilization. A new and transformative paradigm is emerging that advocates for regenerative civilizations, in which a narrative of systemic health as much as individual and collective vitality guide the interaction of socio-economic-ecological systems. Truly transformative change must go far beyond technical solutions, and instead envision what can be termed ‘a new operating system’ that helps humankind to live well within the planetary boundaries and partner with life’s evolutionary processes. This requires transformations at three different levels: · Mindsets that reconnect with a worldview in which human agency acknowledges its co-evolutionary pathways with each other and the Earth. · Political, social and economic systems that are regenerative and foster the care-taking for Earth life support systems. · Competencies to design and implement effective large-scale transformative change processes at multiple levels with multiple stakeholders. This book provides key ingredients for enhancing transformation literacy from various perspectives around the globe. It connects the emerging practice of stewarding transformative change across business, government institutions and civil society actors with the most promising scientific models and concepts that underpin human action to shape the future collectively in accordance with planetary needs. ;
Environmental medicine --- Public health & preventive medicine --- Sustainability --- Central government policies --- Sociology --- Regenerative Civilization --- Transformation --- Collective Stewardship. --- Climate Action --- Economic history --- Social change --- Sustainability. --- History
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The start of the new millennium will be remembered for deadly climate-related disasters - the great floods in Thailand in 2011, Super Storm Sandy in the United States in 2012, and Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines in 2013, to name a few. In 2014, 17.5 million people were displaced by climate-related disasters, ten times more than the 1.7 million displaced by geophysical hazards. What is causing the increase in natural disasters and what effect does it have on the economy? Climate Change and Natural Disasters sends three messages: human-made factors exert a growing influence on climate-related disasters; because of the link to anthropogenic factors, there is a pressing need for climate mitigation; and prevention, including climate adaptation, ought not to be viewed as a cost to economic growth but as an investment. Ultimately, attention to climate-related disasters, arguably the most tangible manifestation of global warming, may help mobilize broader climate action. It can also be instrumental in transitioning to a path of low-carbon, green growth, improving disaster resilience, improving natural resource use, and caring for the urban environment. Vinod Thomas proposes that economic growth will become sustainable only if governments, political actors, and local communities combine natural disaster prevention and controlling climate change into national growth strategies. When considering all types of capital, particularly human capital, climate action can drive economic growth, rather than hinder it.
Climate change mitigation --- Climatic changes --- Natural disasters --- Environmental economics. --- Sustainable development. --- Economic aspects. --- Climate action --- Climate adaptation --- Climate change --- Climate mitigation --- Climate prevention --- Climate-related disasters --- Economy --- Global warming --- National growth strategies --- Development, Sustainable --- Ecologically sustainable development --- Economic development, Sustainable --- Economic sustainability --- ESD (Ecologically sustainable development) --- Smart growth --- Sustainable development --- Sustainable economic development --- Economic development --- Economics --- Environmental quality --- Natural calamities --- Disasters --- Climatic mitigation --- Mitigation of climate change --- Environmental protection --- Environmental aspects --- Economic aspects --- Mitigation
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There is a growing recognition that rapid action in response to climate change is urgently necessary, and that many of the responsibilities for this action (e.g., relating to transport, land-use planning and economic development) rest at the local level. This is attested to by the growing number of local authorities that have declared climate emergencies across the globe. Responding to this emergency will require significant changes in the assumptions, expectations, priorities and procedures of locally elected representatives and government officials. This Special Issue will explore the responses of local government, as a key locus of sustainability governance, to the need for rapid climate action, drawing on examples from diverse locations (UK, western Europe, Chile and South Africa) and at various scales (from the smallest local areas, to city regions, counties and provinces).
climate change --- local government --- climate governance --- urban transport --- politics --- local climate action --- climate emergency --- phronesis --- practical wisdom --- crisis --- UK --- Paris Agreement --- carbon budgets --- transport --- governance --- carbon accounting --- scalar --- top-down --- bottom-up --- local governments --- critical infrastructure investment --- capacities --- political leadership attributes --- municipal organizational robustness --- Chile --- pop-up consultancy centre --- local authorities --- home renovation --- decentralised approach --- home-owner renovation journey --- business models --- multi-level governance --- informal settlements --- sanitation services --- institutional remaking --- n/a
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This open access volume draws on a multidimensional model of educational change, the book reviews the field of climate change education and identifies some of the areas in which past efforts have fallen short in supporting effective pedagogical change at scale. It then formulates an approach to engage university students and faculty in partnering with schools and adult education institutions and directly contribute innovative curricula on climate change. The approach is illustrated with several case studies which present curricula developed to support school-based innovation in the Middle East and in Guatemala, and adult education in Haiti and Pakistan, and educators preparation at the university level. The approach followed to develop innovative curriculum follows five steps: 1) What are the specific impacts of climate change in this jurisdiction? How do they impact various human populations? 2) What knowledge, dispositions and behaviors could mitigate the impact of climate change and are there ways in which changes in the behaviors of populations in this jurisdiction could slow down climate change? 3) What are the means of delivery to reach each of the specific populations in this jurisdiction who needs to be educated on climate change? 4) What curriculum can help educate each population? 5) What role can the institution we are collaborating with play in advancing climate change education in that jurisdiction? The various chapters of the book present the conceptual foundation of these programs and illustrate how these programs respond to specific characteristics of local contexts. These programs focus in schools, non-formal settings and educator preparation institutions. The chapters offer examples of general value beyond the specific contexts for which they were designed, as they illustrate how in order to be optimally useful climate change education needs to be firmly grounded in the specifics of a context and responsive to that context.
Environmental education. --- Curriculums (Courses of study). --- Education—Curricula. --- Educational policy. --- Education and state. --- Science education. --- International education . --- Comparative education. --- Higher education. --- Environmental and Sustainability Education. --- Curriculum Studies. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Science Education. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Higher Education. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Global education --- Education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Education, Comparative --- Core curriculum --- Courses of study --- Curricula (Courses of study) --- Curriculums (Courses of study) --- Schools --- Study, Courses of --- Instructional systems --- Government policy --- History --- Curricula --- Environmental and Sustainability Education --- Curriculum Studies --- Educational Policy and Politics --- Science Education --- International and Comparative Education --- Higher Education --- Open access --- climate change education --- Sustainability Studies --- Curriculum Reform --- Comparative Education --- Education Policy --- Educational Change --- twenty first century education --- climate education strategies --- integrating climate change education --- university climate change education --- climate change education strategies --- Climate Action in Guatemala --- Sustainability --- Curriculum planning & development --- Educational strategies & policy --- Teaching of a specific subject --- Science: general issues --- Higher & further education, tertiary education --- Science --- International education. --- Education, Higher. --- Curricula. --- Study and teaching.
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In Brand! bundelt Naomi Klein een serie artikelen en lezingen die ze de afgelopen jaren schreef over brandende klimaatkwesties. Zoals over de orkaan Maria, die grote delen van Puerto Rico verwoestte. In de klimaatcrisis komen vele problemen samen: ongelijkheid, de prijs van ongebreideld kapitalisme, racisme, neokolonialisme, verminderde biodiversiteit. In Brand! legt Klein de vinger op de zere plekken en laat zien waarom elk van ons uit zijn cocon moet stappen om tot samenwerking te komen.
politieke strekkingen --- BPB2002 --- Climat --- Politique en matière de changement climatique --- Capitalisme --- 520 Milieubeleid --- klimato kaitos politika --- polityka przeciwdziałania zmianie klimatu --- politika dwar il-bidla fil-klima --- beartas aeráide --- politica in materia di cambiamenti climatici --- политика в областта на изменението на климата --- klimata pārmaiņu politika --- climate change policy --- politica privind schimbările climatice --- politika o podnebnih spremembah --- политика у области климатских промена --- πολιτική για την αλλαγή του κλίματος --- éghajlat-változási politika --- klimatpolitik --- politika v oblasti změny klimatu --- política para as alterações climáticas --- politika klimatske promjene --- Klimapolitik --- politikë e ndryshimit të klimës --- beleid inzake klimaatverandering --- política en materia de cambio climático --- ilmastonmuutospolitiikka --- politika v oblasti zmeny klímy --- политика за климатски промени --- Klimaschutzpolitik --- kliimamuutuste poliitika --- klimaatveranderingsbeleid --- действия срещу изменението на климата --- climate policy --- politika v oblasti klimatických zmien --- politikë klimaterike --- politikë në përgjigje të ndryshimit klimaterik --- action face au changement climatique --- klimatåtgärder --- klimatska politika --- политика срещу изменението на климата --- climate action --- acción ante el cambio climático --- policy for responding to climate change --- κλίμα --- клима --- klimat --- klimats --- kliima --- klimaat --- ilmasto --- climă --- климат --- clima --- podnebí --- podnebie --- podnebje --- éghajlat --- klima --- Klima --- climate --- aeráid --- klimatas --- klimë --- podneblje --- clima continentale --- медитеранска клима --- clima umido --- поднебје --- klíma --- clima secco --- clima marittimo --- микроклима --- континентална клима --- microclima --- 329 --- Kapitalisme --- Civilisation --- Political sociology --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- beartas don athrú aeráide --- Politique en matière de changement climatique --- climat
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Ruim tien jaar lang deed Bill Gates onderzoek naar de oorzaken en gevolgen van de klimaatverandering. Samen met experts in de natuurkunde, scheikunde, biologie, techniek, politieke wetenschappen en financiën ging hij na wat er moet gebeuren om het afglijden van de planeet naar een gegarandeerde milieuramp te stuiten. In dit boek legt hij niet alleen uit waarom we de netto uitstoot van broeikasgassen tot nul terug moeten brengen, maar geeft hij ook aan wat we moeten doen om dit uiterst belangrijke doel te bereiken.
Meteorology. Climatology --- klimaatverandering --- BPB9999 --- klimaatsverandering --- BPB2106 --- cambio climático --- klimatska promjena --- tibdil fil-klima --- промена климе --- klimatförändring --- alteração climática --- kliimamuutus --- sprememba podnebja --- климатска промена --- zmiany klimatyczne --- climate change --- changement climatique --- промяна на климата --- cambiamento climatico --- schimbare climatică --- ndryshim klimaterik --- změna klimatu --- klimata maiņa --- éghajlatváltozás --- zmena podnebia --- klimato kaita --- Klimaveränderung --- ilmastonmuutos --- klimaændring --- κλιματική αλλαγή --- az éghajlat változása --- modificación del clima --- klimatiskā izmaiņa --- промена на климата --- klimatická změna --- klimatická zmena --- climatic change --- schimbări climatice --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- athrú aeráide --- Klimaatveranderingen --- Klimaatbeleid --- Klimaatverandering --- Milieuprobleem --- Broeikaseffect --- Innovatie --- Technologische vooruitgang --- Mentaliteit --- Ecologie --- 520 Milieubeleid --- 469 Energie --- 475 Landbouw --- COVID-19 --- Duurzame mobiliteit --- Voedselbeleid --- Beleid inzake klimaatverandering --- politique en matière de changement climatique --- klimato kaitos politika --- polityka przeciwdziałania zmianie klimatu --- politika dwar il-bidla fil-klima --- politica in materia di cambiamenti climatici --- политика в областта на изменението на климата --- klimata pārmaiņu politika --- climate change policy --- politica privind schimbările climatice --- beartas don athrú aeráide --- politika o podnebnih spremembah --- политика у области климатских промена --- πολιτική για την αλλαγή του κλίματος --- éghajlat-változási politika --- klimatpolitik --- politika v oblasti změny klimatu --- política para as alterações climáticas --- politika klimatske promjene --- Klimapolitik --- politikë e ndryshimit të klimës --- política en materia de cambio climático --- ilmastonmuutospolitiikka --- politika v oblasti zmeny klímy --- политика за климатски промени --- Klimaschutzpolitik --- kliimamuutuste poliitika --- klimaatveranderingsbeleid --- действия срещу изменението на климата --- climate policy --- politika v oblasti klimatických zmien --- politikë klimaterike --- politikë në përgjigje të ndryshimit klimaterik --- action face au changement climatique --- beartas aeráide --- klimatåtgärder --- klimatska politika --- политика срещу изменението на климата --- climate action --- acción ante el cambio climático --- policy for responding to climate change
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""The changing climate poses serious dangers to human and non-human life alike, though perhaps the most urgent danger is one we hear very little about: the rise of climatism. Any and all social, political and ecological phenomena facing the world today - from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the management of wildfires - quickly become climatized, explained with reference to 'a change in the climate'. With complex political and ethical challenges so narrowly framed, arresting climate change becomes the supreme political challenge of our time and everything else becomes subservient to this one goal. In this far-sighted analysis, Mike Hulme reveals how climatism has taken hold in recent years, becoming so pervasive and embedded in public life that it is increasingly hard to identify without being written off as a climate denier. He confronts this dangerously myopic view that reduces the condition of the world to the fate of global temperature or the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide to the detriment of paying serious attention to issues as varied as poverty, liberty, biodiversity loss, inequality, and diplomacy. We must not live as though climate alone determines our present and our future.""--
Climate change mitigation --- 520 Milieubeleid --- 655 Ideologie --- beleid inzake klimaatverandering --- klimaatsverandering --- cambio climático --- klimatska promjena --- tibdil fil-klima --- промена климе --- klimatförändring --- alteração climática --- kliimamuutus --- sprememba podnebja --- климатска промена --- zmiany klimatyczne --- climate change --- changement climatique --- промяна на климата --- cambiamento climatico --- schimbare climatică --- ndryshim klimaterik --- změna klimatu --- klimata maiņa --- éghajlatváltozás --- zmena podnebia --- klimato kaita --- athrú aeráide --- Klimaveränderung --- ilmastonmuutos --- klimaændring --- κλιματική αλλαγή --- az éghajlat változása --- modificación del clima --- klimatiskā izmaiņa --- промена на климата --- klimatická změna --- klimatická zmena --- climatic change --- schimbări climatice --- politique en matière de changement climatique --- klimato kaitos politika --- polityka przeciwdziałania zmianie klimatu --- politika dwar il-bidla fil-klima --- politica in materia di cambiamenti climatici --- политика в областта на изменението на климата --- klimata pārmaiņu politika --- climate change policy --- politica privind schimbările climatice --- beartas don athrú aeráide --- politika o podnebnih spremembah --- политика у области климатских промена --- πολιτική για την αλλαγή του κλίματος --- éghajlat-változási politika --- klimatpolitik --- politika v oblasti změny klimatu --- política para as alterações climáticas --- politika klimatske promjene --- Klimapolitik --- politikë e ndryshimit të klimës --- política en materia de cambio climático --- ilmastonmuutospolitiikka --- politika v oblasti zmeny klímy --- политика за климатски промени --- Klimaschutzpolitik --- kliimamuutuste poliitika --- klimaatveranderingsbeleid --- действия срещу изменението на климата --- climate policy --- politika v oblasti klimatických zmien --- politikë klimaterike --- politikë në përgjigje të ndryshimit klimaterik --- action face au changement climatique --- beartas aeráide --- klimatåtgärder --- klimatska politika --- политика срещу изменението на климата --- climate action --- acción ante el cambio climático --- policy for responding to climate change --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy
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Indigenous peoples, in Taiwan and worldwide, need to come up with various ways to cope with and adapt to rapid environmental change. This edited book, which is a follow-up to a conference entitled “Climate Change, Indigenous Resilience and Local Knowledge Systems: Cross-time and Cross-boundary Perspectives” organized by the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, presents 16 papers which explore the various dimensions of Indigenous resilience to climate change and disasters in Taiwan and other regions in the world. This book explores the interrelated themes of climate change and Indigenous knowledge-based responses, and Indigenous (community) resilience with specific reference to Typhoon Morakot and beyond. The goals of this book are to discuss the international experience with Indigenous resilience; to review Indigenous knowledge for adaptation to climate change and disasters; and to generate a conversation among scholars, Indigenous peoples, and policy-makers to move the agenda forward. This book focusses on Indigenous resilience, the ways in which cultural factors such as knowledge and learning, along with the broader political ecology, determine how local and Indigenous people understand, deal with, and adapt to environmental change.
relocation --- post-disaster recovery --- cultural tourism --- build back better --- community-based tourism --- climate change --- country --- coupled human and natural systems --- Decoloniality --- geographical scale --- indigenous peoples --- ontological pluralism --- ontological and existential risk --- social and environmental justice --- policy narratives --- resilience --- climate finance --- rural development --- media --- participation --- development projects --- Pacific --- Malaita --- indigenous people --- social-ecological system --- Taiwan --- A’tolan --- Amis people --- freediving spearfishing --- CBNRM --- TEK --- Southeast Asia --- aggravation of climate change impact --- climatic change discourse --- local and indigenous knowledge systems --- adaptation --- barriers --- drought --- ecosystem products --- enablers --- indigenous and local knowledge systems --- semi-arid areas --- transformation --- Indigenous science --- Indigenous community --- self-determination --- sustainability --- Indigenous peoples --- traditional ecological knowledge --- decolonizing methodologies --- Acknowledgement of Country --- Indigenous geographies --- Tayal people --- situated resilience --- Pranata Mangsa --- local and scientific knowledge --- LINKS --- community resilience --- climate action --- bio-cultural diversity --- millet varieties --- indigenous and local knowledge --- indigenous food sovereignty --- climate change adaptation and mitigation --- local and Indigenous knowledge systems --- South Pacific Island States --- anthropology of climate change --- meta-ethnography --- global climate change --- bibliometric analysis --- Typhoon Morakot --- indigenous knowledge --- Tayal people in Taiwan --- Taiwanese indigenous studies --- cultural heritage --- heritagization --- ecotourism --- indigenous food culture --- weaving --- solidarity economy --- alternative development --- n/a --- A'tolan
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In het klimaatdebat wordt de mens vaak naast of zelfs boven de natuur geplaatst, in een vijandige relatie waarin de mens, gedreven door kortzichtige hebzucht, enkel uit lijkt op de vernietiging van de planeet. In dit klimaatessay schetst Manuel Sintubin een ander beeld van de relatie tussen mens en planeet. Vanuit een aards perspectief schrijft de mens zich immers in in een 4 miljard jaar oude traditie van een planeetvormende biosfeer. De mens is een geologische kracht die mee schrijft aan het aardse verhaal. De toekomst van de planeet ligt in onze handen. Wij zijn gepromoveerd tot de rentmeester van ‘onze’ aarde, met een verpletterende verantwoordelijkheid om ons vernuft ten volle aan te wenden voor het goed van mens en planeet. Deze positieve visie op mens en planeet vindt Manuel Sintubin terug in het ecomodernisme, net daarom in zijn ogen dé groene beweging van en voor de 21e eeuw.
500 Milieu --- 095.2 Aardrijkskunde --- 241 Hedendaagse wereldproblemen --- 520 Milieubeleid --- Beleid inzake klimaatverandering --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Ecomodernisme --- Geologie --- геологија --- γεωλογία --- геология --- ġeoloġija --- geología --- geologi --- geológia --- geoloogia --- geologia --- géologie --- gjeologji --- geolaíocht --- geologie --- ģeoloģija --- geology --- geologija --- estudo geológico --- studi geologici --- tektonika --- cercetări geologice --- tectonică --- ložisková geologie --- ģeoloģiskā izpēte --- studim gjeologjik --- tektoonika --- geologisk studie --- geološko istraživanje --- τεκτονική γεωλογία --- strukturní geologie --- földtan --- tectónica --- geologinen tutkimus --- tektoniikka --- geologisk undersøgelse --- geoloogiline uurimus --- тектоника --- studii geologice --- γεωλογική μελέτη --- Tektonik --- geological survey --- tektoniek --- tectonique --- tettonica --- geologinis tyrimas --- regionální geologie --- tektonik --- tectonics --- geological study --- étude géologique --- tektonikë --- geologinis žvalgymas --- paleontologie --- estudio geológico --- darnus vystymasis --- fenntartható fejlődés --- održivi razvoj --- дълготрайно развитие --- varig udvikling --- одржлив развој --- żvilupp sostenibbli --- trvalo udržateľný rozvoj --- développement durable --- säästev areng --- hållbar utveckling --- zhvillim i qëndrueshëm --- одрживи развој --- forbairt inbhuanaithe --- sustainable development --- kestävä kehitys --- desenvolvimento sustentável --- trvale udržitelný rozvoj --- αειφόρος ανάπτυξη --- dauerhafte Entwicklung --- dezvoltare durabilă --- sviluppo sostenibile --- ekorozwój --- ilgtspējīga attīstība --- desarrollo sostenible --- trajnostni razvoj --- bioekonomie --- bioekonómia --- développement soutenable --- bioenergetyka --- ekorazvoj --- développement viable --- trvalý rozvoj --- tvarioji plėtra --- bæredygtig udvikling --- ekološko utemeljeni razvoj --- økologisk udvikling --- οικοανάπτυξη --- udržateľný rozvoj --- bioøkonomi --- bioeconomía --- sviluppo praticabile --- desenvolvimento sustentado --- desenvolvimento durável --- bioéconomie --- ecodesenvolvimento --- ecodesarrollo --- bioekonomija --- bio-economie --- eco-ontwikkeling --- ökológiai fejlődés --- βιοοικονομία --- биоекономија --- rozvoj udržitelný --- nachhaltige Entwicklung --- eco-development --- umweltgerechte Entwicklung --- βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη --- jätkusuutlik areng --- ekologicky uvědomělý rozvoj --- sviluppo durevole --- ökologische Entwicklung --- ecosviluppo --- bio-ekonomiska attīstība --- ekologinė plėtra --- bio-economy --- bioeconomia --- bioökonoomia --- ekozhvillim --- bioekonomia --- écodéveloppement --- bioekonomi --- bioekonomika --- uthållig utveckling --- Biowirtschaft --- еколошки развој --- zrównoważony rozwój --- biogazdaság --- bioeconomy --- σταθερή και διαρκής ανάπτυξη --- desenvolvimento viável --- zukunftsfähige Entwicklung --- desarrollo duradero --- politique en matière de changement climatique --- klimato kaitos politika --- polityka przeciwdziałania zmianie klimatu --- politika dwar il-bidla fil-klima --- politica in materia di cambiamenti climatici --- политика в областта на изменението на климата --- klimata pārmaiņu politika --- climate change policy --- politica privind schimbările climatice --- beartas don athrú aeráide --- politika o podnebnih spremembah --- политика у области климатских промена --- πολιτική για την αλλαγή του κλίματος --- éghajlat-változási politika --- klimatpolitik --- politika v oblasti změny klimatu --- política para as alterações climáticas --- politika klimatske promjene --- Klimapolitik --- politikë e ndryshimit të klimës --- política en materia de cambio climático --- ilmastonmuutospolitiikka --- politika v oblasti zmeny klímy --- политика за климатски промени --- Klimaschutzpolitik --- kliimamuutuste poliitika --- klimaatveranderingsbeleid --- действия срещу изменението на климата --- climate policy --- politika v oblasti klimatických zmien --- politikë klimaterike --- politikë në përgjigje të ndryshimit klimaterik --- action face au changement climatique --- beartas aeráide --- klimatåtgärder --- klimatska politika --- политика срещу изменението на климата --- climate action --- acción ante el cambio climático --- policy for responding to climate change --- Civilisation --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- General ecology and biosociology --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- ecologie --- klimaatverandering --- Meteorology. Climatology --- Biogeography
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