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The development of micro- and nanodevices for blood analysis is an interdisciplinary subject that demands the integration of several research fields, such as biotechnology, medicine, chemistry, informatics, optics, electronics, mechanics, and micro/nanotechnologies. Over the last few decades, there has been a notably fast development in the miniaturization of mechanical microdevices, later known as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), which combine electrical and mechanical components at a microscale level. The integration of microflow and optical components in MEMS microdevices, as well as the development of micropumps and microvalves, have promoted the interest of several research fields dealing with fluid flow and transport phenomena happening in microscale devices. Microfluidic systems have many advantages over their macroscale counterparts, offering the ability to work with small sample volumes, providing good manipulation and control of samples, decreasing reaction times, and allowing parallel operations in one single step. As a consequence, microdevices offer great potential for the development of portable and point-of-care diagnostic devices, particularly for blood analysis. Moreover, the recent progress in nanotechnology has contributed to its increasing popularity, and has expanded the areas of application of microfluidic devices, including in the manipulation and analysis of flows on the scale of DNA, proteins, and nanoparticles (nanoflows). In this Special Issue, we invited contributions (original research papers, review articles, and brief communications) that focus on the latest advances and challenges in micro- and nanodevices for diagnostics and blood analysis, micro- and nanofluidics, technologies for flow visualization, MEMS, biochips, and lab-on-a-chip devices and their application to research and industry. We hope to provide an opportunity to the engineering and biomedical community to exchange knowledge and information and to bring together researchers who are interested in the general field of MEMS and micro/nanofluidics and, especially, in its applications to biomedical areas.
red blood cells --- n/a --- metastatic potential --- microfluidic devices --- microstructure --- lens-less --- regression analysis --- power-law fluid --- narrow rectangular microchannel --- biomedical coatings --- XTC-YF cells --- red blood cell (RBC) aggregation --- Y-27632 --- finite element method --- POCT --- CEA detection --- immersed boundary method --- suspension --- particle tracking velocimetry --- biomicrofluidics --- computational fluid dynamics --- red blood cells (RBCs) --- modified conventional erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) method --- computational biomechanics --- RBC aggregation index --- microfabrication --- microfluidics --- morphological analysis --- chronic renal disease --- multiple microfluidic channels --- centrifugal microfluidic device --- deformability --- master molder using xurography technique --- fluorescent chemiluminescence --- hydrophobic dish --- pressure-driven flow --- cell deformability --- mechanophenotyping --- separation and sorting techniques --- density medium --- cell adhesion --- polymers --- rheology --- circular microchannel --- blood on chips --- multinucleated cells --- velocity --- cell analysis --- microfluidic chip --- twin-image removal --- cancer --- Lattice–Boltzmann method --- diabetes --- hyperbolic microchannel --- Lattice-Boltzmann method
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Burn injuries are still one of the most common and devastating injuries in human and the treatment of major burns remains a major challenge for physicians worldwide. Modern burn care involves many components from initial first aid, burn size and burn depth assessment, fluid resuscitation, wound care, excision and grafting/ coverage, infection control and nutritional support. Progress in each of these areas has contributed significantly to the overall enhanced survival of burn victims of the past decades. Most major advances in burn care occurred in the past 50 years, spurred on by wars and great fires. The use of systemic antibiotics and topical antiinfective agents greatly reduced sepsis related mortality. This along with the improvement of new surgical and skin grafting techniques allowed the earlier excision and coverage of deep burns which resulted in greatly improved survival rates and better functional and aesthetic outcome. In this book we look back at how the treatment of burns has evolved over the past decades and hundreds of years. The advancement of burn care has been closely associated with our deeper understanding of its pathophysiology; we have now come to understand the impact that burn injuries have in the multiple fields of current medical science i.e. in metabolism and circulation, electrolyte balance and nutrition, immunology and infection, inflammation, pulmonary function and wound healing.
burn --- care --- antiquity --- phytotherapy --- ancient medicine --- burn therapy --- enzymatic debridement --- bromelain --- NexoBrid™ --- hyperbaric oxygenation --- history --- review --- burn injury --- donor area --- wounds --- polylactide --- lactormone --- oxidative stress reduction --- analgesia --- stabilization --- reduced infection --- fluid management --- resuscitation volume --- transpulmonary thermodilution --- ultrasound --- burn resuscitation --- burn care --- allotransplantation --- skin transplantation --- skin graft --- skin substitute --- immuno-compatible skin grafts --- burn size assessment --- three-dimensional --- estimation accuracy --- medical documentation --- consequences of inaccurate assessment --- skin grafting --- skin substitutes --- burns --- autograft --- dermatome --- mesh --- split-thickness --- xenograft --- CEA --- CSS --- Spray-on-Skin --- ReCell --- burn history --- burn advancement --- burn research --- carbon monoxide --- CO intoxication --- COHb --- inhalation injury --- dressing changes --- epidermal skin substitute --- grafting --- healing time --- infection rate --- partial thickness burns --- porcine xenograft --- resorbable --- suprathel --- synthetic --- workload --- n/a
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Plants, including vegetables, are an essential element of the human diet, considering their dense nutritional content and bioactive content that could assist in boosting nutritional quality and food security. Plants are exhibiting a colossal rebound in the context of healthier lifestyles, especially as functional foods empowered with bioactive phytochemicals; they synthesize uncountable “ecochemicals” via secondary metabolism, which command medical and socioeconomic significance. Among these secondary metabolites, phenolic compounds are of prime interest and are largely present in medicinal plants, herbs, vegetables, and flowers. These metabolites are at the helm of the bitterness, color, and scent of plants, and are correlated to the beneficial health qualities expressed by the antioxidant capacity. The accretion of these health-promoting phytochemicals depends chiefly on the genetic material and the maturity stage at harvest, notwithstanding the main role that is played by preharvest factors, i.e., eustress, fertilization, irrigation, light, biostimulants, biofortification, and other agronomic practices. This Special Issue is a collection of 11 original research articles addressing the quality of seeds, microgreens, leafy vegetables, herbs, flowers, berries, fruits, and byproducts. Mainly preharvest factors were assessed regarding their effect on the qualitative aspects of the aforementioned plants.
chromium --- ethnopharmacology --- flavonoids --- glucose-lowering activity --- HPLC --- natural antioxidants --- polyphenol --- air humidity (RH) --- Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata --- controlled environment agriculture (CEA) --- bioactive compounds --- leaf gas exchange --- minerals profile --- genetic material --- protected horticulture --- crop sensor --- functional components --- reflectance spectroscopy --- Apiaceae --- seeds --- antioxidants --- potassium --- total dissolved solids --- protein --- growing season --- Cichorium endivia L. var. crispum Hegi --- yield --- sugars --- mineral profile --- iodine concentration --- functional compounds --- space-stored seeds --- Solanum lycopersicum L. --- weightlessness --- cosmic radiation --- macronutrients --- Spinacia oleracea L. --- carotenoids --- nitrates --- phenolic acids --- UHPLC-HRMS --- chlorophylls --- vitamin C --- trans-resveratrol --- esters --- terpenols --- glycosidic precursors --- harvest time --- Vitis vinifera --- tomato and carrot by-products --- freezing and drying impact --- antioxidant capacity --- polyphenolics --- vitamin E --- greenhouse clear film --- greenhouse diffuse-light film --- spinach yield --- nitrate content --- antioxidant activity --- ascorbic acid --- floating raft system --- biostimulant --- root application --- anthocyanins --- phenols --- reduced sugars --- carbohydrates --- minerals --- pigments --- n/a
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Justitie en handhaving gelden als enkele van de laatste grote beleidsdomeinen die nog steeds een federale bevoegdheid zijn. De inrichting van de hoven en rechtbanken, de rechtspleging, de wetgeving en de politie en handhaving zijn, anders dan in de meeste federale staten, grotendeels federaal geregeld. Toch ligt de tijd dat enkel de federale overheid instond voor justitie en handhaving al lang achter ons. Zeker sinds de zesde staatshervorming beschikken de deelstaten over belangrijke justitiebevoegdheden, waaronder de justitiehuizen, het elektronisch toezicht en het jeugdsanctierecht. Daarnaast zijn de deelstaten, al dan niet op grond van hun impliciete bevoegdheden, inmiddels actief in de meeste federale bevoegdheden. Het resultaat is een complexe bevoegdheidsverdeling die op verschillende vlakken knelpunten vertoont.De vraag naar een eventuele herschikking van de huidige bevoegdheidsverdeling dringt zich dan ook op. De defederalisering van justitie staat al langer op de politieke agenda. Het komt aan bod in verschillende Vlaamse regeerakkoorden, federale formatieverslagen en onderhandelingsnota's. Niettemin is het academisch onderzoek over dit onderwerp eerder beperkt. Voorliggende studie, uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Vlaamse minister van Justitie, wil hieraan tegemoet komen en nagaan of en hoe de bevoegdheden inzake justitie en handhaving kunnen worden gefederaliseerd. Op basis van een uitgebreide rechtsvergelijkende analyse en een bespreking van de rechtspolitieke argumenten voor en tegen een verdere defederalisering, werken de auteurs concrete modellen uit voor een nieuwe bevoegdheidsverdeling. Daarbij rijzen fundamentele vragen over onze staatsstructuur en de toekomst van het Belgische federalisme.
Comparative law --- Public law. Constitutional law --- Belgium --- 110 Justitie. --- 2302. --- 312.1 Staatshervorming na 1988. --- STRADALEX. --- institutionele hervorming. --- 2302 --- STRADALEX --- administratieve hervorming --- verhouding land-regio --- executieve macht --- rechtsstelsel --- institutionele bevoegdheid --- 312.1 Staatshervorming na 1988 --- 110 Justitie --- надлежност институције --- compétence institutionnelle --- pravomoc instituce --- institutsiooni pädevus --- αρμοδιότητες των οργάνων --- inniúlacht na hinstitiúide --- institucijos kompetencija --- kompetencë e institucionit --- competență instituțională --- pristojnost institucije --- toimielimen toimivalta --- kompetenza tal-istituzzjoni --- institutionel kompetence --- intézmény hatásköre --- competencia institucional --- компетенция на институцията --- competência institucional --- competenza istituzionale --- nadležnost institucije --- institutionelle Zuständigkeit --- institutionell behörighet --- kompetencje instytucji --- надлежност на институција --- competence of the institution --- právomoc inštitúcie --- iestādes kompetence --- institucionální kompetence --- институционални ингеренции --- институционални надлежности --- Verwaltungsreform --- haldusreform --- pārvaldes reforma --- riforma amministrattiva --- réforme administrative --- hallinnonuudistus --- upravna reforma --- administrative reform --- reforma administracyjna --- förvaltningsreform --- riforma amministrativa --- управна реформа --- reformă administrativă --- administrativ reform --- administracinė reforma --- správní reforma --- athchóiriú riaracháin --- administratívna reforma --- reformë administrative --- административна реформа --- közigazgatási reform --- reforma administrativa --- διοικητική μεταρρύθμιση --- reforma státní správy --- staatshervorming --- statsreform --- správní přestavba --- реформа на државниот апарат --- riforma dello Stato --- caidreamh idir an Stát agus na réigiúin --- odnosi med državo in regijami --- vztah mezi státem a regionem --- relations between the State and the regions --- отношения между държавата и областите --- valsts un reģionu attiecības --- rapporti Stato-regioni --- однос државе и области --- stosunki Państwo-region --- odnos države i regija --- marrëdhëniet ndërmjet Shtetit dhe rajoneve --- σχέση κράτους-περιφέρειας --- valstybės ir regionų santykiai --- relações Estado-região --- förhållandet stat–region --- riigi ja piirkondade vahelised suhted --- Beziehungen Staat/Region --- relation État-région --- az állam és a régiók kapcsolata --- valtion ja alueiden väliset suhteet --- relazzjonijiet bejn l-Istat u r-reġjuni --- relación Estado-entidades territoriales --- vzťahy medzi štátom a regiónom --- relații între stat și regiuni --- forholdet stat-region --- односи помеѓу државата и регионите --- centrinės ir vietos valdžios santykiai --- forholdet mellem centrale og lokale myndigheder --- marrëdhëniet ndërmjet qeverisjes qendrore dhe vendore --- односи помеѓу централната и локалната власт --- relations between central and local government --- verhouding staat-regio --- relații între administrația locală și cea centrală --- σχέση μεταξύ της κεντρικής και της τοπικής εξουσίας --- vztah mezi orgány státní a místní moci --- valdības un pašvaldību attiecības --- relation entre les pouvoirs central et local --- odnos središnje i lokalne vlasti --- relación entre los poderes central, regional o local --- односи држава-региони --- relazione tra i poteri centrale e locale --- a kormány és a helyi önkormányzatok kapcsolata --- keskvalitsuse ja kohaliku omavalitsuse vahelised suhted --- a központi, területi és helyi közigazgatási szervek kapcsolata --- keskus- ja paikallishallinnon väliset suhteet --- verhouding tussen centrale en lokale overheid --- vzťah medzi ústrednými a miestnymi orgánmi štátnej správy --- relações entre os poderes central e local --- retssystem --- sistemi ligjor --- igazságszolgáltatási rendszer --- sistema judicial --- δικαστικό σύστημα --- sistema giudiziario --- Gerichtsverfassung --- právní systém --- правосудни систем --- tuomioistuinjärjestelmä --- système judiciaire --- sistem juridic --- õigussüsteem --- organizacija sodstva --- sistema judiciário --- córas dlí --- tiesību sistēma --- правосуден систем --- rättssystem --- съдебна система --- pravni sustav --- súdny systém --- legal system --- sistema ġudizzjarja --- teismų sistema --- ustrój sądów --- justice --- Administración de justicia --- организација на судството --- soudní soustava --- soudy --- правда --- soudnictví --- судски систем --- bírósági szervezet --- gerechtelijk systeem --- bíróságok igazgatása --- poder ejecutivo --- vykdomoji valdžia --- pushtet ekzekutiv --- izpildvara --- exekutive Gewalt --- täytäntöönpanovalta --- poder executivo --- végrehajtó hatalom --- verkställande makt --- výkonná moc --- cumhacht feidhmiúcháin --- putere executivă --- udøvende myndighed --- izvršilna oblast --- извршна власт --- executive power --- изпълнителна власт --- potere esecutivo --- władza wykonawcza --- εκτελεστική εξουσία --- pouvoir exécutif --- setgħa eżekuttiva --- izvršna vlast --- täidesaatev võim --- exekutivní moc --- егзекутивна моќ --- vollziehende Gewalt --- täitevvõim --- exekutiva --- ausführende Gewalt --- Law reform --- Justice, Administration of --- Judicial power --- Federal government --- Decentralization in government --- Droit --- Justice --- Pouvoir judiciaire --- Fédéralisme --- Décentralisation administrative --- Réforme --- Administration --- BPB2302 --- institutionele hervorming --- reforma základních institucí --- riforma istituzionale --- institucinė reforma --- institutsionaalne reform --- institucionālā reforma --- institutionel reform --- θεσμική μεταρρύθμιση --- intézményi reform --- riforma istituzzjonali --- inštitucionálna reforma --- institutionelle Reform --- reforma institucional --- réforme institutionnelle --- reformă instituțională --- institucionalna reforma --- institutionell reform --- athchóiriú institiúideach --- institutionaalinen uudistus --- institutional reform --- институционална реформа --- reforma instytucjonalna --- reformë institucionale --- институционна реформа --- institucionální přestavba --- институционални промени --- institucionální reforma --- BPB23024 --- Russie --- Afrique du Sud --- Autriche --- Espagne --- Italie --- Etats-Unis --- Australie --- Argentine --- Mexique --- Brésil --- Royaume-Unis --- Allemagne --- Suisse --- Canada --- Inde --- Droit constitutionnel --- Politique et gouvernement --- Fédéralisme
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