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Apart from humans, animals play a pivotal role in travel literature. However, the way they are represented in texts can vary from living companions to metaphorical entities. Existing studies mainly focus on the representation of conventional or unconventional roles that are assigned to animals from around the Napoleonic age until now, roles that have been subject to change and that tell us a lot about human reflections on encounters with non-human creatures and the position of man in this rapidly changing world. In this edited volume, scholars from the Netherlands and abroad analyse the roles that animals play in Dutch travel literature from 1800 to the present. In this way, we aim to provide new insights into the relationships between man and animals, in textual expressions and real life, and to add the 'Dutch case' to the flourishing international field of travel writing studies.
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Animal Emotions: How They Drive Human Behavior gives a concise overview of ancient mammalian emotions deeply rooted in the human brain. Jaak Panksepp, a world-renowned neuroscientist, dedicated his life career to the study of mammalian emotions and he carved out seven distinct emotional systems he called seeking, lust, care, and play (positive emotions), and fear, anger, and sadness (negative emotions), all exerting a tremendous influence on human behavior.Christian Montag, a neuroscientist and psychologist, and a long-time collaborator of Jaak Panksepp, revisits together with Kenneth L. Davis, one of Jaak's PhD students, Panksepp's theories and provides the reader with new insights into the nature of emotions and their role as survival tools, both for animals and for humans. They also raise new questions about the background of the research field Jaak Panksepp coined "Affective Neuroscience." How are personality and psychopathology linked to animal emotions? Do animals feel the same way as we do? What are our emotional needs in a digital society, and what is key to a happy life?
Emotions in animals. --- Grundgefühl. --- Tiere. --- emotion --- Jaap Panksepp --- neuroscience --- psychology --- motivation --- anthropology --- animal studies --- JMQ --- PSVP
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Can friendship as a political practice offer enough traction to imagine a borderless world? The startling contemporary rise in aggressive ethno-nationalism and end-times ecological crises have the same root: an inability to be together with humans as much as the natural world. Matt Hern and Am Johal suggest that porous renditions of being-together animated by friendship can spark a repoliticization of the political to surpass the foreclosures of the state, speak to a freedom of movement, and find renovated relationships with the more-than-human. This volume includes interviews with Jean-Luc Nancy, Leela Gandhi and Leanne Simpson.
PHILOSOPHY / Ethics & Moral Philosophy. --- Borderlessness. --- Community. --- Cultural Anthropology. --- Ecology. --- Environmental Ethics. --- Ethics. --- Human-Animal Studies. --- Nature. --- Politics. --- Society. --- Sustainability. --- Theory.
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Der Umgang mit unseren Mitgeschöpfen stellt uns als Individuen sowie als Gesellschaft immer wieder vor elementare moralische Fragen: Welche Ernährungsform ist moralisch vertretbar? Wie viel Leid können wir ertragen, ignorieren oder verdrängen? Und was zählt das Leiden und Sterben nichtmenschlicher Tiere überhaupt? Für Antworten auf diese Fragen bietet sich die Literatur als Raum für Gedankenexperimente und Perspektivenwechsel an. Vera Zimmermann betrachtet die diskursiven und sprachkünstlerischen Möglichkeiten moderner und postmoderner Literatur anhand der Positionen von Elias Canetti, Marlen Haushofer und Brigitte Kronauer, um tierethische Positionen sowie deren Begründungen darzustellen.
Literatur; Elias Canetti; Marlen Haushofer; Brigitte Kronauer; Tierethik; Tier; Ethik; Human-animal Studies; Germanistik; Tierphilosophie; Kulturwissenschaft; Literature; Animal Ethics; Animal; Ethics; Human-Animal Studies; German Literature; Animal Philosophy; Cultural Studies --- Animal Ethics. --- Animal Philosophy. --- Animal. --- Brigitte Kronauer. --- Cultural Studies. --- Elias Canetti. --- Ethics. --- German Literature. --- Human-Animal Studies. --- Marlen Haushofer. --- Canetti, Elias, --- Haushofer, Marlen, --- Kronauer, Brigitte, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- 1900-1999
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Digitale Technik ist längst fester Bestandteil der Massentierhaltung und des modernen Herdenmanagements. Auf Basis der elektronischen Tierkennzeichnung operiert das »Smart Farming« gleichermaßen mit Tierdaten und Datentieren. Neben der intendierten Identifikation und Verfolgbarkeit geraten hierbei vermehrt Formen der Überwachung und Kontrolle in den Blick - und schließlich auch Verhaltensänderungen bei den Tieren selbst. Aus der Verbindung von Lebewesen und technischem Artefakt resultieren zunehmend Fragen nach dem Status des Tieres in unserer Kultur. Unter dem Aspekt der »anonymen Individualisierung« analysiert Ina Bolinski aus medienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive die aktuellen Aushandlungen um den veränderten Akteurstatus von Tier, Technik und Mensch.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / General. --- Actor-network-theory. --- Agency. --- Animal. --- Biopolitics. --- Cultural Studies. --- Digitalization. --- Ecology. --- Ethics. --- Human-Animal Studies. --- Individualization. --- Media History. --- Media. --- Technology. --- Medientechniken; Elektronische Tierkennzeichnung; Nutztiere; Mensch-Tier-Beziehung; Smart Farming; Individualisierung; Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie; Agency; Natur-Kultur; Digitalisierung; RFID; Domestikation; Ethik; Nutztieranlagen; Agrarmanagement; Tier; Technik; Medien; Human-animal Studies; Mediengeschichte; Biopolitik; Ökologie; Kulturwissenschaft; Human-animal Relationship; Individualization; Actor-network-theory; Digitalization; Ethics; Animal; Technology; Media; Human-Animal Studies; Media History; Biopolitics; Ecology; Cultural Studies
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Wie werden Natur und Tiere durch die Multispezies-Ethnographie inklusiv in Forschungsprojekte integriert? Katharina Ameli fokussiert die inter- und multidisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit. Aus einer Untersuchung der Schnittstellen zwischen gesellschafts- und naturwissenschaftlich orientierten Fachdisziplinen ergibt sich eine komplexe Betrachtung von Natur, Mensch und Tier. Die Einblicke in Interdependenzen unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen verdeutlichen den Bedarf an einer Multispezies-Ethnographie zur Analyse von MenschenTiereNaturenKulturen.
Nature. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / General. --- Animal. --- Animals. --- Cultural Anthropology. --- Cultural Studies. --- Culture. --- Environment. --- Environmental Sociology. --- Ethnography. --- Human-Animal Studies. --- Human. --- Interdisciplinarity. --- Qualitative Research. --- Sociology of Culture. --- Understanding of Nature. --- Natur; Mensch; Tiere; Naturverständnis; Interdisziplinarität; Qualitative Forschung; Kultur; Ethnographie; Umwelt; Tier; Human-animal Studies; Umweltsoziologie; Kulturanthropologie; Kultursoziologie; Kulturwissenschaft; Nature; Human; Animals; Understanding of Nature; Interdisciplinarity; Qualitative Research; Culture; Ethnography; Environment; Animal; Human-Animal Studies; Environmental Sociology; Cultural Anthropology; Sociology of Culture; Cultural Studies
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Die Ethik im Umgang mit Tieren braucht mehr als das Gespräch über Rechte und Pflichten. Friederike Zenker zeigt auf, wie wichtig unsere Wahrnehmung für die Mensch-Tier-Beziehung ist und welche Rolle Bilder dabei spielen. Ihre Analyse exemplarischer Fotografien verbindet Elemente der Ethik und der Ästhetik miteinander und verdeutlicht, dass Tiere nicht nur als Vertretende einer Art, sondern vielmehr als nicht austauschbare Individuen gesehen werden können. Dieser zentrale Pfeiler zeitgemäßer Beziehungen zu Tieren wird im Begriff der »tierlichen Singularität« zusammengefasst - eine Einladung an verschiedene Disziplinen, ihre Sichtweisen auf die Tierethik zu erweitern.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / General. --- Aesthetics. --- Animal Ethics. --- Animal Philosophy. --- Cultural Studies. --- Ethics. --- Film. --- Human-Animal Studies. --- Human-animal Relationship. --- Human. --- Image. --- Perception. --- Photography. --- Visual Studies.
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Menschen und Tiere infizieren sich, Keulungen scheinen alternativlos und industrielle Routinen brechen zusammen: Die Corona-Pandemie hat die skandalösen Arbeitsstrukturen und globalen Verzahnungen im Kontext von Tierhaltung und Lebensmittelindustrie sichtbar gemacht. Die Autor*innen gehen der öffentlichen Diskussion und den bisher gezogenen Konsequenzen dieses Themenfeldes nach. Sie untersuchen die Diskurse in den Nachrichten und sozialen Medien und zeigen anhand der Kontroversen um Schwein und Nerz die Verwobenheit menschlicher und nichtmenschlicher Spezies auf. Dabei wird klar, dass die Zukunft des Planeten davon abhängt, dass eine artenübergreifende Fürsorge gepflegt werden muss.
Altruism. --- Animal. --- Anthropocene. --- Carnism. --- Cultural Studies. --- Human-Animal Studies. --- Human. --- Nature. --- Pellism. --- Qualitative Social Research. --- Sociology of Culture. --- Sociology of Media. --- Sociology. --- Welfare. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / General.
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The basal ganglia has received much attention over the last two decades, as it has been implicated in many neurological and psychiatric disorders. Most of this research—in both animals and humans—attempt to understand the neural and biochemical substrates of basic motor and learning processes, and how these are affected in human patients as well as animal models of brain disorders. The current volume contains research articles and reviews describing basic, pre-clinical and clinical neuroscience research of the basal ganglia written by attendees of the 11th Triennial Meeting of the International Basal Ganglia Society (IBAGS) that was held March 3-7th, 2013 at the Princess Hotel, Eilat, Israel and by researchers of the basal ganglia. Specifically, articles in this volume include research reports on the biochemistry, computational theory, anatomy and physiology of single neurons and functional circuitry of the basal ganglia networks as well as the latest data on animal models of basal ganglia dysfunction and clinical studies in human patients.
Basal ganglia --- Computational neuroscience --- Neurobiology --- Basal Ganglia --- Physiology. --- Research. --- Mathematical models. --- physiopathology. --- Subthalamic Nucleus --- dopaime --- Parkinson's disease (PD) --- human imagine studies --- animal studies --- computational modeling
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With their return to Germany, wolves leave their traces in personal feelings, in the atmospheres of rural landscapes and even in the sentiments and moods that govern political arenas. Thorsten Gieser explores the role of affects, emotions, moods and atmospheres in the emerging coexistence between humans and wolves. Bridging the gap between anthropology and ethology, the author literally walks in the tracks of wolves to follow their affective agency in a more-than-human society. In nuanced analyses, he shows how wolves move, irritate and excite us, offering answers to the primary question: What does it feel like to coexist with these large predators?
SOCIAL SCIENCE / General. --- Affects. --- Animal. --- Atmosphere. --- Coexistence. --- Cultural Anthropology. --- Cultural Studies. --- Emotion. --- Ethnology. --- Human-Animal Studies. --- Human-Wildlife Conflicts. --- Human. --- Multispecies Ethnography. --- Wolves.
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