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"There was an explosion of doctrinal material after World War II, including an Official Field Manual, FM 100-5, which appeared in 1993. The author of the present work examines four successful OOTWs and four failed ones and concludes that there is a positive correlation between adherence to the principles and the operation's outcome. "--Provided by publisher.
Limited war. --- United States --- Armed Forces --- Operations other than war
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The environmental emergency of the last century, highlighted by the pandemic, has led to an urgent need to reformulate the predominant role of human beings on the planet by undertaking a less anthropocentric design approach. This urgency has been especially outlined by a re-evaluation of the concept of the Anthropocene, which can be defined as a geological era characterized by the significant human impact on the geology and ecosystems of the Earth. Within this theoretical framework, the book explores the role of Design as a multifaceted discipline capable of exploring the complexity of a changing world, and reconsiders the human being’s position in a pervasive relationship with the contemporary environments (physical and abstract) through a More-than-Human approach. This volume illustrates reflections, analyses, and interventions guided by or intersected with the concept of the post-Anthropocene, and traces two different scales of observation. The first, explored in the two starting chapters, highlights how the complexity of the topic requires a large-scale analysis perspective in order to be fully understood. The concept of the post-Anthropocene does not exclude the human being as a fundamental component but takes the latter as a departing point to frame wider contemporary needs and issues and to support a call for action to envision and shape the future. The second part of the book instead explores the possibility to include, within this broad discussion, the theme of More-than-Human applied to specific disciplines – linked to the culture of Design – analyzing different aspects that move from taxonomy, application, and creativity.
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Here is the story of airships--manmade flying machines without wings--from their earliest beginnings to the modern era of blimps. In postcards and advertisements, the sleek, silver, cigar-shaped airships, or dirigibles, were the embodiment of futuristic visions of air travel. They immediately captivated the imaginations of people worldwide, but in less than fifty years dirigible became a byword for doomed futurism, an Icarian figure of industrial hubris. Dirigible Dreams looks back on this bygone era, when the future of exploration, commercial travel, and warfare largely involved the prospect of wingless flight.
Flugzeug --- Airships. --- Airships --- Aerostats --- Air-ships --- Aircraft, Lighter-than-air --- Balloons, Dirigible --- Blimps --- Dirigible balloons --- Dirigibles --- Lighter-than-air craft --- Zeppelins --- Aeronautics --- Balloons --- History. --- Design and construction.
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Two phenomena are characteristic for the current developments in the information and communication technology (ICT): the devices to access and use digital content improve in terms of usability and performance, and the digital content itself expands fastly. On this developments and the changes in usage patterns start the reflections in the present volume on mobile learning centering on the question how foreign-language learning can benefit from these new usage-patterns and technologies.
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Fourth dimension. --- Space of more than three dimensions --- Mathematics --- Time travel
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Flatland, Edwin Abbott's story of a two-dimensional universe, as told by one of its inhabitants who is introduced to the mysteries of three-dimensional space, has enjoyed an enduring popularity from the time of its publication in 1884. This fully annotated edition enables the modern-day reader to understand and appreciate the many 'dimensions' of this classic satire. Mathematical notes and illustrations enhance the usefulness of Flatland as an elementary introduction to higher-dimensional geometry. Historical notes show connections to late-Victorian England and to classical Greece. Citations from Abbott's other writings as well as the works of Plato and Aristotle serve to interpret the text. Commentary on language and literary style includes numerous definitions of obscure words. An appendix gives a comprehensive account of the life and work of Flatland's remarkable author.
Fourth dimension. --- Space of more than three dimensions --- Mathematics --- Time travel --- Mathematical Sciences --- General and Others
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Das vorliegende Open-Access-Buch widmet sich den Desiderata, Design-Kriterien für sprachsensiblen Fachunterricht am Beispiel des Geographieunterrichts zu entwickeln sowie Erkenntnisse über dessen Wirksamkeit hinsichtlich der Zielvariablen Fachwissen und Fachsprache von Schüler*innen zu erlangen. Zusammenhänge zwischen Fachkompetenz und Fachsprache legen nahe, sprachliche Anforderungen in Form von sprachsensiblem Fachunterricht auch in Sachfächern zu adressieren. Im methodischen Rahmen von Design-Based Research werden Design-Kriterien entwickelt, die in einer Unterrichtsreihe operationalisiert und über mehrere Design-Zyklen beforscht werden. Die Datenerhebungen erfolgt je Zyklus im Prä-Post-Follow-up-Design mit Experimental- und Kontrollgruppe. Beide Gruppen behandeln den gleichen Inhalt im gleichen zeitlichen Umfang; als unabhängige Variable wird das Maß an Sprachsensibilität variiert. Zentrale Erkenntnis bezüglich der Effekte des Treatments ist, dass die Experimentalgruppe in Hinblick auf den Erwerb von Fachwissen und Fachsprache statistisch signifikant und mit mittlerer Effektgröße vom sprachsensiblen Geographieunterricht profitiert.
Education --- Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) --- Sprachsensibilität --- Fachunterricht --- Sachfach --- Sprache --- Bildungspsrache --- Geographie --- Geographieunterricht --- Fachsprache
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Recent research suggests that there is a direct link between quality of teaching and teacher’s instructions and student achievement scores. Additionally, there is a strong correlation between levels of teaching quality and differences between schools and classrooms. However, measuring teaching quality has proven to be difficult and scholars strive to decide on the what and the how when aiming to measure teaching quality. This book discusses the many dilemmas of measuring teaching quality, be it substantial, theoretical, or methodological. This edited volume presents eight chapters, assigned authors provide updated and new knowledge on the many challenges linked to defining what teaching quality is and how it can be measured. This collection of chapters originates from the discussions at the QUINT Conference 2019: Analysing Teaching Quality: Perspectives, Potential, and Pitfalls, organized by the Nordic Centre of Excellence: Quality in Nordic Teaching 18-20 June 2019 at the University of Oslo.
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This volume provides a novel platform to re-evaluate the notion of open-ended intimacies through the lens of affect theories. Contributors address the embodied, affective and psychic, sensorial and embodied aspects of their ongoing intimate entanglements across various timely phenomena. This fascinating collection asks how the study of affect enables us to rethink intimacies, what affect theories can do to the prevailing notion of intimacy and how they renew and enrich theories of intimacy in a manner which also considers its normative and violent forms. This collection brings together a selection of original chapters which invite readers to rethink such concepts as care, closeness and connectivity through the notion of affective intimacies. Based on rigorous research, it offers novel insights on a variety of themes from austerity culture to online discussions on regretting motherhood, from anti-ableist notions of health to teletherapies in the era of COVID-19, and from queer intimacies to critiques of empathy. Lively and thought-provoking, this collection contributes to timely topics across the social sciences, representing multiple disciplines from gender studies, sociology and cultural studies to anthropology and queer studies. By so doing, it advances the value of interdisciplinary perspectives and creative methodologies for understanding affective intimacies.
Intimacy (Psychology) --- affect. --- gender. --- inequalities. --- intimacy. --- materiality. --- more-than-human. --- post-humanism. --- qualitative methods. --- sexuality. --- spatiality.
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Insurgency --- Military assistance, American --- Lord's Resistance Army. --- United States --- Armed Forces --- Operations other than war.
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