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Visual research methods (VRM) comprise a collection of methods that incorporate visual elements such as maps, drawings, photographs, videos, as well as three-dimensional objects into the research process. In addition, VRM including photo-elicitation, photovoice, draw-and-write techniques, and cognitive mapping are being leveraged to great effect to explore information experiences to investigate some of the central questions in the field; expand theoretical discussions in LIS; and improve library services and spaces.
Visual Research Methods: An Introduction for Library and Information Studies is the first book to focus on visual methods in LIS, providing a comprehensive primer for students, educators, researchers and practitioners in the field. Contributed chapters in the book showcase examples of VRM in action and offer the insights, inspirations, and experiences of researchers and practitioners working with visual methods. Coverage includes:
an introduction to visual research methods including discussion of terminology
an overview of the literature on VRM in libraries
methodological framing including a discussion of theory, epistemology,
practical and ethical considerations for researchers embarking on VRM projects
chapters showcasing VRM in action including drawing techniques, photographic techniques, and mixed methods
six contributed chapters each showcasing the results of visual research methods, discussions of the techniques, and reflections on VRM for research in information studies.
This book will provide a strong methodological context for the adoption of visual research methods in LIS and feature examples of VRM 'in action.' It will prove to be a must-have reference for researchers, practitioners, instructors, and students who want to engage with visual research methods and to expand their methodological toolkit.
Library science --- Research --- Methodology. --- Information science --- Information visualization. --- Research. --- Methodology --- 930.25 --- 930.25 Archiefwetenschap. Archivistiek --- Archiefwetenschap. Archivistiek --- Qualitative methods in social research --- Didactic strategies --- library. --- information science. --- research method. --- Data visualization --- Visualization of information --- Visual analytics --- метод на истражување --- истраживачки метод --- metodă de cercetare --- mokslinių tyrimų metodas --- forskningsmetod --- metoda badawcza --- Forschungsmethode --- výskumná metóda --- méthode de recherche --- pētījumu metode --- metodu ta’ riċerka --- istraživačka metoda --- metodo di ricerca --- método de investigación --- metoda e kërkimit --- modh taighde --- ερευνητική μέθοδος --- raziskovalna metoda --- forskningsmetode --- uurimismeetod --- kutatási módszer --- tutkimusmenetelmä --- výzkumná metoda --- método de investigação --- изследователски метод --- onderzoeksmethode --- tyrimo metodas --- módszertan --- methodologie --- μεθοδολογία --- metodología --- vědecko-výzkumná metoda --- metodologija --- methodology --- metodologji --- metodoloogia --- metodológia --- metodologia --- méthodologie --- методологија --- metodologi --- Methodik --- informační věda --- επιστήμη των πληροφοριών --- informacja naukowa --- xjenza tal-informazzjoni --- informātika --- informationsvetenskap --- eolaíocht na faisnéise --- информационна наука --- ciencia de la información --- информатика --- informatika --- ciência da informação --- informacijska znanost --- Informationswissenschaft --- informatiewetenschap --- science de l'information --- informačná veda --- информациска наука --- știința informației --- scienze dell'informazione --- infoteadus --- információtudomány --- shkencë kompjuterike --- informationsvidenskab --- informatiikka --- documentalismo --- dokumentologji --- documentologie --- dokumentoloģija --- věda o informacích --- dokumentologija --- dokumentológia/náuka o informáciách --- teorie informace --- documentologia --- asiakirjojen hallinta --- documentology --- наука за информациите --- nauka o informacích --- kirjasto --- könyvtár --- leabharlann --- bibliotēka --- librerija --- biblioteka --- βιβλιοθήκη --- Bibliothek --- raamatukogu --- bibliothèque --- bibliotheek --- knižnica --- knihovna --- bibliotekë --- bibliotek --- bibliotecă --- knjižnica --- библиотека --- biblioteca --- studovna --- Bücherei --- hemeroteca --- čítárna --- читална --- Library research (Research on libraries) --- digital technology. --- qualitative analysis. --- kvalitativ analyse --- qualitative Analyse --- analizë cilësore --- anailís cháilíochtúil --- kvalitatiivne analüüs --- kokybinė analizė --- качествен анализ --- kvalitativ analys --- kvalitativní analýza --- kvalitatīvā analīze --- analyse qualitative --- kwalitatieve analyse --- analiza jakościowa --- kvalitatívna analýza --- квалитативна анализа --- análisis cualitativo --- análise qualitativa --- kvalitatiivinen analyysi --- minőségi elemzés --- ποιοτική ανάλυση --- kvalitativna analiza --- analiză calitativă --- analisi qualitativa --- analiżi kwalitattiva --- Qualitätskontrolle --- controlo de qualidade --- kvalitetskontroll --- minőség-ellenőrzés --- kwaliteitsonderzoek --- contrôle de qualité --- kwaliteitscontrole --- laadunvalvonta --- ποιοτικός έλεγχος --- control de calidad --- содржинска анализа --- kvalitetskontrol --- digitale Technologie --- teknoloġija diġitali --- digitalna tehnologija --- digitaalitekniikka --- tecnología digital --- digitale technologie --- technologie numérique --- tehnologie digitală --- digital teknologi --- teicneolaíocht dhigiteach --- digitální technologie --- teknologji dixhitale --- цифрова технология --- digital teknik --- digitálna technológia --- ψηφιακή τεχνολογία --- tecnologia digitale --- ciparu tehnoloģija --- digitaaltehnoloogia --- technologia cyfrowa --- skaitmeninė technologija --- tecnologia digital --- digitális technológia --- дигитална технологија --- Digitaltechnologie --- digitalteknik
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"Over the last twenty or so years, it has become standard to require policy makers to base their recommendations on evidence. That is now uncontroversial to the point of triviality--of course, policy should be based on the facts. But are the methods that policy makers rely on to gather and analyze evidence the right ones? In Evidence-Based Policy, Nancy Cartwright, an eminent scholar, and Jeremy Hardie, who has had a long and successful career in both business and the economy, explain that the dominant methods which are in use now--broadly speaking, methods that imitate standard practices in medicine like randomized control trials--do not work. They fail, Cartwright and Hardie contend, because they do not enhance our ability to predict if policies will be effective.The prevailing methods fall short not just because social science, which operates within the domain of real-world politics and deals with people, differs so much from the natural science milieu of the lab. Rather, there are principled reasons why the advice for crafting and implementing policy now on offer will lead to bad results. Current guides in use tend to rank scientific methods according to the degree of trustworthiness of the evidence they produce. That is valuable in certain respects, but such approaches offer little advice about how to think about putting such evidence to use. Evidence-Based Policy focuses on showing policymakers how to effectively use evidence, explaining what types of information are most necessary for making reliable policy, and offers lessons on how to organize that information."--Publisher.
Policy sciences. --- Policy sciences --- Human services --- Evaluation. --- Planning. --- Services, Human --- Policy-making --- Policymaking --- Public policy management --- PBIB --- Evaluation --- Planning --- Deugdelijkheid --- Effectiviteit van het beleid --- Evidence-based beleid --- Gerandomiseerde gecontrolleerde studies --- Sociaal-wetenschappelijke methodes --- evidens baseret --- politisk videnskab --- offentlig administration --- politik --- evaluering --- Sociology of policy --- Theory of knowledge --- General ethics --- policymaking. --- decision-making. --- research method. --- метод на истражување --- истраживачки метод --- metodă de cercetare --- mokslinių tyrimų metodas --- forskningsmetod --- metoda badawcza --- Forschungsmethode --- výskumná metóda --- méthode de recherche --- pētījumu metode --- metodu ta’ riċerka --- istraživačka metoda --- metodo di ricerca --- método de investigación --- metoda e kërkimit --- modh taighde --- ερευνητική μέθοδος --- raziskovalna metoda --- forskningsmetode --- uurimismeetod --- kutatási módszer --- tutkimusmenetelmä --- výzkumná metoda --- método de investigação --- изследователски метод --- onderzoeksmethode --- tyrimo metodas --- módszertan --- methodologie --- μεθοδολογία --- metodología --- vědecko-výzkumná metoda --- metodologija --- methodology --- metodologji --- metodoloogia --- metodológia --- metodologia --- méthodologie --- методологија --- metodologi --- Methodik --- podejmowanie decyzji --- Entscheidungsprozess --- besluitvorming --- доношење одлуке --- prise de décision --- донесување одлуки --- toma de decisiones --- взимане на решение --- határozathozatal --- teħid ta’ deċiżjonijiet --- vendim-marrje --- odločanje --- päätöksenteko --- otsuste tegemine --- beslutsfattande --- rozhodovanie --- processo decisionale --- tomada de decisão --- donošenje odluke --- beslutningstagning --- lēmuma pieņemšana --- sprendimų priėmimas --- cinnteoireacht --- λήψη απόφασης --- luarea deciziilor --- rozhodování --- beslutningsproces --- estrutura funcional --- beslutsprocess --- processus décisionnel --- döntéshozatali folyamat --- Beschlußfassung --- päätöksentekoprosessi --- decision-making process --- διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων --- beslutsförlopp --- proces i vendimmarrjes --- proceso decisorio --- határozathozatali eljárás --- processus de décision --- otsustamisprotsess --- besluitvormingsproces --- procedura di decisione --- processo decisorio --- beslutsprocedur --- lēmuma pieņemšanas process --- rozhodovací proces --- besluitvormingsprocedure --- proceso de toma de decisiones --- процес на одлучување --- procédure de décision --- proces de luare a deciziilor --- presa di decisioni --- proces odlučivanja --- Beschlussfassung --- processo di decisione --- beslutningsprocedure --- Beschlussverfahren --- proceso de decisión --- одлучување --- processo de decisão --- döntéshozatal --- Entscheidungsfindung --- odlučivanje --- χάραξη πολιτικής --- élaboration des politiques --- kształtowanie polityki --- politikos formavimas --- beleidsvorming --- kreiranje politika --- politiikanteko --- politikutformning --- elaboración de políticas --- politikudformning --- tfassil tal-politika --- определяне на политиката --- ceapadh beartas --- politikas veidošana --- tvorba politík --- elaborazione delle politiche --- elaboração de políticas --- politikai döntéshozatal --- tvorba politik --- oblikovanje politik --- poliitikakujundus --- elaborarea de politici --- Politikgestaltung --- policy formulation --- interaktív politikai döntéshozatal --- Entwicklung politischer Maßnahmen --- interaktiivne poliitikakujundamine --- poliitika kujundamine --- sąveikusis politikos formavimas --- politikudvikling --- dezvoltarea de politici --- интерактивно определяне на политиката --- elaborarea interactivă a politicilor --- politisk beslutningstagning --- interaktivt beslutsfattande --- razvoj politike --- tfassil tal-politika bbażat fuq l-evidenza --- politikskabelse --- interaktivno kreiranje politika --- evidenzbasierte Politikgestaltung --- evidensbaseret politisk beslutningstagning --- разработване на политиката --- politikacsinálás --- elaborarea de politici bazate pe date concrete --- Ausarbeitung politischer Maßnahmen --- forbairt beartas --- interaktivní tvorba politik --- déanamh beartas --- déanamh beartas idirghníomhach --- uz gūtajām atziņām balstīta politikas veidošana --- tworzenie polityki --- определяне на политиката въз основа на факти --- formulování politik --- kreiranje politika utemeljenih na činjenicama --- opracowywanie polityki --- elaboração de políticas basedas em dados concretos --- tényeken alapuló politikaformálás --- élaboration interactive des politiques --- interaktivno oblikovanje politik --- poliitikakujundamine --- vývoj politik --- interaktywne kształtowanie polityki --- tvorba politiky založenej na dôkazoch --- politikas formulēšana --- tvorba politiky --- näyttöön perustuva päätöksenteko --- formulazzjoni tal-politika --- formulation des politiques --- beleidsontwikkeling --- poliitika väljatöötamine --- szakpolitikai döntéshozatal --- ανάπτυξη πολιτικής --- kształtowanie polityki w oparciu o dane naukowe --- élaboration des politiques fondées sur des données probantes --- създаване на политика --- formulare de politici --- interactive policymaking --- tfassil tal-politika interattiv --- politikas izstrāde --- elaboração de políticas bem fundamentadas --- χάραξη τεκμηριωμένης πολιτικής --- politikformulering --- desarrollo de políticas --- faktais grindžiamas politikos formavimas --- faktengestützte Politikgestaltung --- interaktiivinen politiikan suunnittelu --- vývoj politiky --- politique interactive --- διαδραστική χάραξη πολιτικών --- uz pierādījumiem balstīta politikas veidošana --- evidence-based policymaking --- elaboração de políticas com base em dados concretos --- interaktiv politikudformning --- tényeken alapuló szakpolitikai döntéshozatal --- interactieve beleidsontwikkeling --- tvorba politik založená na faktech --- politiikan suunnitteleminen --- empirisch onderbouwde beleidsvorming --- elaborazione interattiva delle politiche --- definizione delle politiche --- déanamh beartas fianaisebhunaithe --- formulación de políticas --- policy development --- poliitika arendamine --- evidensbaseret politikudformning --- διαμόρφωση πολιτικής --- politikaalakítás --- politiikan kehittäminen --- EIP --- interaktive Politikgestaltung --- evidensbaserat beslutsfattande --- elaboración de políticas basadas en datos --- IPM --- elaboração interativa de políticas --- razvoj politika --- développement des politiques --- politiikan muotoilu --- interaktívna tvorba politiky --- определяне на политиката въз основа на обективни данни --- politikos plėtotė --- beleidsformulering --- elaboración interactiva de políticas --- interaktiv politik --- interaktīva politikas veidošana --- z dokazi podprto oblikovanje politik --- elaborazione di politiche basate su elementi concreti --- żvilupp tal-politika --- poliitikaarendus --- oblikovanje politika --- tõenditel põhinev poliitikakujundamine --- formulação de políticas --- desenvolvimento de políticas --- Middle East --- United States --- Foreign relations --- Foreign relations. --- Politics and government.
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Van rapportcijfers tot je pensioenleeftijd, van het weerbericht tot verkiezingsuitslagen: overal bepalen cijfers hoe ons leven eruitziet. Met dit boek wil Sanne Blauw cijfers weer op hun plek zetten."Onmisbaar voor wie weleens cijfers tegenkomt - voor iedereen dus,' aldus Ionica Smeets, hoogleraar wetenschapscommunicatie.Van gezondheidsnieuws tot je pensioenleeftijd, van het weerbericht tot de verkiezingsuitslagen: overal bepalen cijfers hoe ons leven eruitziet.Maar meten is mensenwerk, dus cijfers zijn niet waardenvrij. Dat lijken politici, bedrijven, media maar al te vaak te vergeten - of juist in te zetten voor eigen gewin.En wij, cijferconsumenten, zijn ook niet onschuldig. We laten ons maar al te graag verleiden als de cijfers zeggen wat we willen geloven.Daarom schreef journalist en econometrist Sanne Blauw Het bestverkochte boek ooit (met deze titel).Met dit boek wil ze cijfers weer op hun plek zetten. Niet op een voetstuk, niet bij het vuilnis, maar waar ze horen: naast de woorden.Bron :
BPB9999 --- #SBIB:303h10 --- 454.52 --- mediawijsheid --- informatievaardigheden --- Quantitative methods in social research --- gegevensanalyse --- econometrie --- statistisch onderzoek --- statistiek --- 477.9 --- BPB1901 --- Statistique --- Sondage --- Méthode de recherche --- Sciences sociales --- Statistiek --- Steekproef --- Onderzoeksmethode --- Sociale wetenschappen --- Cognitive psychology --- Statistical science --- Social psychology --- Cognitieve psychologie --- Sociale psychologie --- Statistiekwetenschap --- kritisch denken --- sociale indicatoren --- sociaal onderzoek --- 308 --- 301.08 --- Cijfers --- Data --- Databanken --- Methodologie --- sondagem --- otantatutkimus --- steekproef --- испитување мостри --- sondaj --- istraživanje uzorka --- namátkový výzkum --- sondeo --- stħarriġ kampjunarju --- sample survey --- stickprovsundersökning --- stikprøve --- sondaggio --- valikvaatlus --- Stichprobenuntersuchung --- atrankusis tyrimas --- vrojtim kampioni --- prehľad na základe vzorky --- sondaż --- изследване на проба --- raziskava vzorca --- mintavételes felmérés --- izlases apskats --- истраживање на узорку --- στατιστική δειγματολειπτική έρευνα --- sondáž --- reprezentatív mintavétel --- encuesta por sondeo --- stikprøveundersøgelse --- истражување примерок --- reprezentatív minta --- enquête par sondage --- statistický výběr --- socialiniai mokslai --- družbene vede --- social sciences --- humanitní vědy --- κοινωνικές επιστήμες --- sociālās zinātnes --- științe sociale --- társadalomtudományok --- општествени науки --- socialvidenskaber --- shkenca sociale --- scienze sociali --- Sozialwissenschaften --- xjenzi soċjali --- yhteiskuntatieteet --- samhällsvetenskap --- ciências sociais --- spoločenské vedy --- nauki społeczne --- eolaíochtaí sóisialta --- друштвене науке --- социални науки --- društvene znanosti --- sociale wetenschappen --- ciencias sociales --- sotsiaalteadused --- menswetenschappen --- sociální vědy --- bölcsészettudományok --- științe umane --- humanističke znanosti --- duchovědy --- humanvetenskap --- scienze umane --- humanities --- společenské vědy --- ühiskonnateadused --- културологија --- studime klasike --- humanidades --- ciências humanas --- sciences humaines --- humanitārās zinātnes --- humanitné vedy --- хуманистички науки --- Gesellschaftswissenschaften --- geesteswetenschappen --- humaniora --- humanitariniai mokslai --- Kulturwissenschaften --- επιστήμες του ανθρώπου --- духовни науки --- samfundsvidenskaber --- humanitaarteadused --- scienze dell'uomo --- метод на истражување --- истраживачки метод --- metodă de cercetare --- mokslinių tyrimų metodas --- forskningsmetod --- metoda badawcza --- Forschungsmethode --- výskumná metóda --- pētījumu metode --- metodu ta’ riċerka --- istraživačka metoda --- metodo di ricerca --- método de investigación --- metoda e kërkimit --- ερευνητική μέθοδος --- raziskovalna metoda --- forskningsmetode --- uurimismeetod --- research method --- kutatási módszer --- tutkimusmenetelmä --- výzkumná metoda --- método de investigação --- изследователски метод --- onderzoeksmethode --- tyrimo metodas --- módszertan --- methodologie --- μεθοδολογία --- metodología --- vědecko-výzkumná metoda --- metodologija --- methodology --- metodologji --- metodoloogia --- metodológia --- metodologia --- méthodologie --- методологија --- metodologi --- Methodik --- στατιστική --- statisztika --- estadística --- statistica --- estatística --- statistik --- statistics --- tilasto --- statistică --- статистика --- štatistika --- Statistik --- statistika --- statystyka --- statistički izvor --- donnée statistique --- statistiskt sammanställning --- dato estadístico --- statistické zdroje --- statistická data --- quadro estatístico --- статистички извор --- štatistická tabuľka --- statistical table --- analyse statistique --- statistinė analizė --- statistical information --- statistiskais kopsavilkums --- statistiline analüüs --- fuente estadística --- anchetă statistică --- statistische controle --- statistikas pārskats --- statistisk undersøgelse --- statistická kontrola --- vrojtim statistikor --- statistická tabulka --- збирка на податоци --- статистички регистар --- controlo estatístico --- Statistisches Amt --- tilastoanalyysi --- πηγή στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tableau statistique --- statistiskā pārraudzība --- statistički podatak --- statističko istraživanje --- статистичко истражување --- statistische Tabelle --- statistische Daten --- monitoraggio statistico --- στατιστικός πίνακας --- dado estatístico --- statisztikai információ --- burim statistikor --- source statistique --- statistiska data --- statistická informace --- statistische analyse --- analisi statistica --- статистичка област --- statistický údaj --- statistische tabel --- indagine statistica --- στατιστική πληροφορία --- štatistické informácie --- statistiline ülevaade --- παρακολούθηση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tilastollinen seuranta --- статистичка анализа --- štatistický prehľad --- statistisk analyse --- statistische Beobachtung --- statistische Überwachung --- statistiniai duomenys --- statistický úřad --- statistisk kilde --- statistisk analys --- date statistice --- statistické šetření --- statistikas avots --- statistische bron --- statistické zjišťování --- στατιστικό δεδομένο --- statistinė apžvalga --- statistiline kokkuvõte --- enquête statistique --- Statistischer Dienst --- analiză statistică --- statistisk materiale --- rilevazione statistica --- analizë statistikore --- statisztikai adat --- štatistický výber --- statistisk oplysning --- control estadístico --- fonte statistica --- fonte estatística --- statistical analysis --- statistisk källa --- statistiline vaatlus --- statistikas informācija --- encuesta estadística --- στατιστική έρευνα --- статистички преглед --- inquérito estatístico --- análisis estadístico --- statistical source --- statistická analýza --- statisztikai elemzés --- statistilised andmed --- tilastolliset tiedot --- štatistická analýza --- statistisk tabel --- statisztikai táblázat --- statistical data --- statistische Information --- monitorim statistikor --- statistički pregled --- statistinė santrauka --- statistička tablica --- statistische Analyse --- statistikas tabula --- statistical abstract --- statistical survey --- statistisch overzicht --- statistička analiza --- statistisk kontrol --- statistinė lentelė --- statistisk opgørelse --- statistischer Nachweis --- statistiskas dati --- statistische Quelle --- štatistický monitoring --- abstrakt statistikor --- statističko praćenje --- información estadística --- štatistické údaje --- статистички податок --- informacion statistikor --- statistický přehled --- tabelë statistikore --- tilastollinen taulukko --- statistische informatie --- статистичка доверливост --- information statistique --- στατιστικές καταστάσεις --- statistiline teave --- προέλευση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- cuadro estadístico --- štatistický zdroj --- informazione statistica --- të dhëna statistikore --- statistiskā analīze --- statistisk information --- informação estatística --- στατιστική ανάλυση --- statistical monitoring --- statistische Erhebung --- statistisk övervakning --- статистички годишник --- statistiline seire --- surveillance statistique --- statistisk undersökning --- relevé statistique --- statistinė informacija --- statistisk tabell --- statistisch gegeven --- statistiline info --- statistinės informacijos šaltinis --- tilastollinen tutkimus --- análise estatística --- tabla estadística --- dato statistico --- statisztikai felmérés --- statisztikai adatforrás --- tilastotiedot --- tabella statistica --- relação estatística --- tilastollinen yhteenveto --- quadro statistico --- tilastollinen lähde --- Cijfer --- Databank --- suirbhé samplach --- staidreamh --- modh taighde --- Méthode de recherche --- sciences sociales --- sondage --- statistique
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