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Rambles and Studies in Greece
ISBN: 1107448301 1108073867 Year: 1876 Publisher: Place of publication not identified : Cambridge : publisher not identified, Cambridge University Press

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The classical scholar J. P. Mahaffy (1839-1919) is known equally for his work on Greek texts and Egyptian papyri (his edition of The Flinders Petrie Papyri is reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection). He graduated from Trinity College, Dublin and spent the rest of his working life there, as a fellow, and ultimately as provost from 1914 until his death. This work, in which Mahaffy records his impressions of his first visit to Greece, was published in 1876. Though it is not uncritical ('Nothing is more melancholy and more disappointing than the first view of the Athenian museums'), his account of the famous Greek sites of Attica, Thebes, Delphi and the Peloponnese is lively and observant, and his preface strongly argues that Greece, at a time of turmoil in Europe, was deserving of greater support from the western powers. The book will be of interest to scholars and travellers alike.

Ars et verba : die Kunstbeschreibungen des Kallistratos
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110925680 9783110925685 9783598730566 359873056X Year: 2006 Publisher: Munchen : Saur,

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In Late Antiquity the otherwise unknown rhetor Callistratus wrote a series - unique in its kind - of fourteen descriptions of works of art (mostly statues), thus enabling us to gain remarkable insights into late antique views on Classical Greek Art. The volume presented here contains a revised Greek text of the collection, its first German translation since 1833 and the first complete archaeological commentary ever on Callistratus' work. In der Spätantike verfasste der sonst unbekannte Rhetor Kallistratos eine in ihrer Art einzigartige Sammlung von 14 Beschreibungen von Kunstwerken (meist Statuen) und gewährt uns damit bemerkenswerte Einblicke in die damaligen Haltungen zur klassischen griechischen Kunst. Der hier vorgelegte Band enthält einen revidierten Text der Sammlung, die erste deutsche Übersetzung seit 1833 und den ersten vollständigen archäologischen Kommmentar zu Kallistratos' Beschreibungen überhaupt.

Obras de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira III: Traduções do Grego Píndaro, Sófocles e Eurípedes
ISBN: 9892612957 9892612949 Year: 2017 Publisher: Coimbra University Press

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Griechische Kunstwerke im politischen Leben Roms und Konstantinopels
ISBN: 9783050064581 9783050064611 3050064587 3050064617 9783055016165 3055016165 9783055020018 3055020014 Year: 2014 Volume: 21 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter (A),

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Meisterwerke der griechischen Kunst, Statuen und Gemälde, wurden ab republikanischer Zeit in großer Zahl von ihren originalen Standorten nach Rom entführt. Dort schmückten sie öffentliche Orte, genau wie Jahrhunderte später wiederum griechische Kunstwerke, die in die neue Hauptstadt Konstantinopel versetzt wurden. Der vorliegende Band liefert uns eine Fülle an schriftlichen und archäologischen Zeugnissen zu den Werken und ihren neuen Standorten. Die Verfasserin erklärt das Phänomen in einer breiten Perspektive, die von römischen Kunstkriterien zur politischen Kommunikation führt. Zentraler Begriff ist das Decorum, das "Passende", das nach Cicero die stimmige Kombination eines bedeutungsvollen Kontextes mit der Selbstdarstellung des Auftraggebers und den inhaltlichen Aussagen der Werke selbst bezeichnet. Chronologisch fortschreitend ist zu verfolgen, wie die griechischen Kunstwerke als Decorum öffentlicher Orte Roms eingesetzt wurden, von den Tempeln der republikanischen Imperatoren bis zu den komplexen Ausstattungen kaiserzeitlicher Fora. Im Kontext ziviler Aktivitäten und staatlicher Zeremonien vermittelten sie ein weites Spektrum an politischen Werten und Programmausssagen des Herrscherhauses. Die Werke, die ab dem 4. Jh. n. Chr. auf politische Plätze der neuen Hauptstadt versetzt wurden, besaßen noch immer das Potential, die Facetten herrscherlicher Macht und Sieghaftigkeit zur Anschauung zu bringen. Der vergleichende Blick auf Konstantinopel bestätigt die anhaltende Bedeutung von griechischen Werken als adäquatem Schmuck politischer Räume. Erst im 6. Jh. n. Chr. verloren ihre paganen Inhalte jeden Zusammenhang mit dem Weltbild einer christlichen Gesellschaft. Zweifellos waren - so zeigt die Verfasserin - griechische Kunstwerke in der "Emigration" kein Randphänomen, sondern ein wesentlicher Beitrag zum politischen Leben Roms und Konstantinopels.

La Cerámica Ática y su Historiografía
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9892615344 9892615336 Year: 2019 Publisher: Coimbra, Portugal : Coimbra University Press

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History of Athenian figure-decorated pottery from the 6th to the 4th centuries BC, touching on technological aspects and iconography as well as on the find contexts of the vases. It also showcases current and past approaches to the study of Athenian pottery, making special emphasis on the figure of Sir John Beazley, the Oxford Professor who contributed to shape the discipline.

Bronze monsters and the cultures of wonder : griffin cauldrons in the preclassical Mediterranean
ISBN: 1477323635 1477323627 1477323619 9781477323625 9781477323618 Year: 2021 Publisher: Austin, Texas : University of Texas Press,

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"Due to their proximity, the interactions between Greece and the Near East were regular throughout antiquity, but the period of the 8th/7th centuries BCE is generally called the "Orientalizing Age" (from the Greek perspective) because of the marked influence that the Near East had on Greek thought, myth, and art during this time. Many of the mythological monsters we today think of as Greek had their origins to the east, including the griffin, a hybrid creature usually composed of the body, tail, and rear legs of a lion and the head, wings, and sometimes talons of an eagle. During this period, griffins were frequently included as protomes on Greek cauldrons, that is, an adornment featuring the head of a creature along the rim of the huge vessel. These griffin cauldrons have been discovered over much of the Mediterranean region, from Cyprus to Burgundy and the Loire valley of France, especially in sanctuaries of all sizes and elite tombs. Papalexandrou explores the 7th century as a time of wonder and radical innovation in the material and visual cultures of the Mediterranean with the griffin cauldrons as his case study, examining the possible reasons for their popularity, how and by whom they were used, their religious significance, and how they traveled across the region"--

Image and myth : a history of pictorial narration in Greek art
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780226297651 0226297659 9780226025902 022602590X 1299619428 9781299619425 0226297667 Year: 2013 Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

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On museum visits, we pass by beautiful, well-preserved vases from ancient Greece-but how often do we understand what the images on them depict? In Image and Myth, Luca Giuliani tells the stories behind the pictures, exploring how artists of antiquity had to determine which motifs or historical and mythic events to use to tell an underlying story while also keeping in mind the tastes and expectations of paying clients. Covering the range of Greek style and its growth between the early Archaic and Hellenistic periods, Giuliani describes the intellectual, social, and artistic contexts in which the images were created. He reveals that developments in Greek vase painting were driven as much by the times as they were by tradition-the better-known the story, the less leeway the artists had in interpreting it. As literary culture transformed from an oral tradition, in which stories were always in flux, to the stability of written texts, the images produced by artists eventually became nothing more than illustrations of canonical works. At once a work of cultural and art history, Image and Myth builds a new way of understanding the visual culture of ancient Greece.

The emergence of the classical style in Greek sculpture
ISBN: 9780226570631 0226570630 9780226570655 0226570657 1282894757 9781282894754 9786612894756 Year: 2010 Publisher: Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press,

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In this wide-ranging study, Richard Neer offers a new way to understand the epoch-making sculpture of classical Greece. Working at the intersection of art history, archaeology, literature, and aesthetics, he reveals a people fascinated with the power of sculpture to provoke wonder in beholders. Wonder, not accuracy, realism, naturalism or truth, was the supreme objective of Greek sculptors. Neer traces this way of thinking about art from the poems of Homer to the philosophy of Plato. Then, through meticulous accounts of major sculpture from around the Greek world, he shows how the demand for wonder-inducing statues gave rise to some of the greatest masterpieces of Greek art. Rewriting the history of Greek sculpture in Greek terms and restoring wonder to a sometimes dusty subject, The Emergence of the Classical Style in Greek Sculpture is an indispensable guide for anyone interested in the art of sculpture or the history of the ancient world.

The captor's image : Greek culture in Roman ecphrasis
ISBN: 0199344175 0199735875 0199332452 9780199344178 9780199332458 9781299600928 1299600921 9780199735877 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press,

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The first book-length treatment of artistic ecphrasis at Rome, 'The Captor's Image' resituates a major literary trope deep within its hybrid cultural context, and argues for ecphrasis as a cultural practice through which the Romans sought, over some four hundred years of their history, to redefine Romanness both with and against Greekness.

Medien der Geschichte - Antikes Griechenland und Rom
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783110336351 3110336359 9783110336252 3110336251 1306462584 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Die Kenntnis der griechischen und römischen Antike, wie aller vergangenen Gesellschaften, ist in entscheidendem Maß von den Medien geprägt, in denen sich die jeweiligen Gesellschaften artikulieren. Die Gesetze, Konventionen und Konzepte der verschiedenen schriftlichen, bildlichen und materiellen Medien führen zu unterschiedlichen Konstruktionen geschichtlicher Wirklichkeiten. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen den spezifischen Formen nach, in denen die griechische und römische Antike sich in Literatur und Inschriften, Bildwerken, Monumenten und Artefakten, Lebensräumen und Ritualen präsentiert. Für den Historiker stellt sich damit die Frage, wie die verschiedenen Konzepte der medialen Konstruktion von Wirklichkeiten zu einem Konzept von ,Geschichte' zusammengeführt werden können. Darüber hinaus ergeben sich Reflexionen über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Medien und Formen, in denen historische Forschung ihre Dokumentationen und Untersuchungen betreibt und vorlegt.

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