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De Volta à Viagem
Year: 2018 Publisher: Portugal : Coimbra University Press,

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Will the trip, again the trip, be that important? What distinguishes the travel of architects from the travel of mass tourism? At present, all, or almost all, schools of architecture are concerned with the pedagogical meaning of travel, encourage it, institute processes to make it happen. It is consensual, I believe. The strength of this consensus is not limited to the possibility of direct contact with other spaces, as Foucault calls them. It brings with it the recognition of the value of a predisposition for the cleansing of the soul, of the cleansing rite of the road, Let's forgive by Kerouac. We, the architects, will interpret what fascinates us with the clear soul of everyday alienation.

Function follows strategy : architects' strategies from the fifties to the present
ISBN: 395553197X 9783955531973 Year: 2015 Publisher: Munich, [Germany] : Edition Detail,

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Architekten sehen sich in den letzten Jahren mit einem gewandelten Markt, mit veränderten Aufgabenstellun-gen und neuen Anforderungen konfrontiert. Mit welchen Strategien können sie vorgehen, um Aufträge zu erlangen oder für ihre Projekte interessieren? Anhand ausgewählter Beispiele analysiert der Autor die Vorgehensweise einzelner Architekten seit den fünfziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts. Ausgehend von den Anfängen des Marketings in der US-amerikanischen Nachkriegszeit, spannt er einen Bogen in die heutige Zeit. Wandlungen in Gesellschaft und Politik, veränderte Ansprüche der Auftraggeber, aber auch die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise haben Einfluss auf das Berufsbild des Architekten. Stand früher das reine Bauen im Vordergrund, müssen Architekten heute gegenüber ihren Auftraggebern vielfältige Rollen einnehmen - vom Berater über den Vermittler bis hin zum Markendesigner. Das Buch soll Architekten dazu inspirieren, über neue Mög-lichkeiten nachzudenken und ungewohnte Wege zu gehen. In past years, architects have been confronted with a changed market, changed sets of tasks and also new requirements. Which strategies can they adopt to get commissions or spark interest in their projects? With selected examples, the author analyses the processes of individual architects since the 1950s. Beginning with the commencement of marketing in the North American post-war era he proceeds to then cast his view to contemporary times. Transformations in society and politics, the changed requirements of clients, and also the crisis in the economy and financial circles all influence the professional existence of architects. While pure construction itself was the focus in previous times, today's architects must adopt a wide variety of roles in relation to clients - ranging from consultant to mediator and brand designer. The book is intended to inspire architects to consider new options and unusual paths.

Creative ecologies : theorizing the practice of architecture
ISBN: 1350036544 1350036552 1350036536 Year: 2018 Publisher: London ; New York : Bloomsbury Visual Arts,

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"Architect and philosopher Hélène Frichot examines how the discipline of architecture is theorized and practiced at the periphery. Eschewing a conventionally direct approach to architectural objects - to iconic buildings and big-name architects - she instead explores the background of architectural practice, to introduce the creative ecologies in which architecture exists only in relation to other objects and ideas. Consisting of a series of philosophical encounters with architectural practice that are neither neatly located in one domain nor the other, this book is concerned with 'other ways of doing architecture'. It examines architecture at the limits where it is muddied by alternative disciplinary influences - whether art practice, philosophy or literature. Frichot meets a range of creative characters who work at the peripheries, and who challenge the central assumptions of the discipline, showing that there is no 'core of architecture' - there is rather architecture as a multiplicity of diverse concerns in engagement with local environments and worlds. From an author well-known in the disciplines of architecture and philosophy for her scholarship on Deleuze, this is a radical, accessible, and highly-original approach to design research, deftly engaging with an array of current topics from the Anthropocene to affect theory, new materialism contemporary feminism."--Bloomsbury Publishing.

Assembling the architect
ISBN: 1350126837 1350126853 1350126845 9781350126831 9781350126855 9781350126848 9781350126824 1350126829 9781350126862 1350126861 Year: 2020 Publisher: London

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"Assembling the Architect explores the origins and history of architectural practice. It unravels the competing interests that historically have structured the field and cultivates a deeper understanding of the contemporary profession. Focusing on the period 1870 to 1920 when the foundations were being laid for the U.S. architectural profession that we recognize today, this study traces the formation and standardization of the fundamental relationships among architects, owners, and builders, as codified in the American Institute of Architects' very first Handbook of Architectural Practice . It reveals how these archetypal roles have always been fluid, each successfully redefining their own agency with respect to the others in the constantly-shifting political economy of building. Far from being a purely historical study, the book also sheds light on today's digitally-enabled profession. Contemporary architectural tools and disciplinary ideals continue to be shaped by the same fundamental tensions, and emergent modes of practice such as BIM (Building Information Modelling) and IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) represent the realization of programs and agendas that have been over a century in play. Essential reading for professional practice courses as a contextual and historical companion to the Handbook, Assembling the Architect provides a critical perspective of the profession that is fundamental to understanding current architectural practice."--

Four walls and a roof : the complex nature of a simple profession
ISBN: 0674982762 0674982754 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press,

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Architecture, we like to believe, is an elevated art form that shapes the world as it pleases. Four Walls and a Roof challenges this notion, presenting a candid account of what it is really like to work as an architect, buffeted by external forces that make a mockery of any pretense to visionary authority. Reinier de Graaf draws on his own tragicomic experiences in the field to reveal the world of contemporary architecture in vivid snapshots. He takes us from suburban New York to the rubble of northern Iraq, from the corridors of wealth in London, Moscow, and Dubai to garbage-strewn wastelands that represent the demolished hopes of postwar social housing. We meet oligarchs determined to translate ambitions into concrete and steel, developers for whom architecture is mere investment, and the layers of politicians, bureaucrats, consultants, and mysterious hangers-on who lie between any architectural idea and the chance of its execution. He introduces us to histories of modern architecture that determine--at least as much as individual inspiration--what architects design. And he questions the hubris of those who believe they are the solution to the overwhelming problems of booming megacities. Perhaps the most important myth de Graaf debunks is success itself. To achieve anything, architects must serve the powers they strive to critique, finding themselves in a perpetual conflict of interest. Together, he shows, architects, developers, politicians, and consultants form an improvised world of conflict and compromise that none alone can control.--

The Hybrid Practitioner : Building, Teaching, Researching Architecture
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press,

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Exploring different, interrelated roles for the architect and researcher. The practice of architecture manifests in myriad forms and engagements. Overcoming false divides, this volume frames the fertile relationship between the cultural and scholarly production of academia and the process of designing and building in the material world. It proposes the concept of the hybrid practitioner, who bridges the gap between academia and practice by considering how different aspects of architectural practice, theory, and history intersect, opening up a fascinating array of possibilities for an active engagement with the present. The book explores different, interrelated roles for practicing architects and researchers, from the reproductive activities of teaching, consulting and publishing, through the reflective activities of drawing and writing, to the practice of building. The notion of the hybrid practitioner will appeal strongly to students, teachers and architectural practitioners as part of a multifaceted professional environment. By connecting academic interests with those of the professional realm, The Hybrid Practitioner addresses a wider readership embracing landscape design, art theory and aesthetics, European history, and the history and sociology of professions.

An architect's guide to running a practice
ISBN: 1136359656 1281009172 9786611009175 1417568313 0080475906 9781417568314 0750660996 Year: 2005 Publisher: Amsterdam ; Boston : Architectural Press,

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This is your essential one stop shop for information on starting and running a practice. Case studies and advice from practitioners, big and small, run alongside outlines of all the key topics, to give you an insight into the problems and challenges others have faced when setting up a design business. Accessible and informative, this handbook is the ideal first point of reference when starting a practice.Architects have many different reasons for setting up in practice; equally, there are many ways of running your own business. This handbook helps you consider w

Lean tactics for architects, engineers, and IPD contractors
ISBN: 1953079156 Year: 2018 Publisher: Milwaukee, Wisconsin : ASQ Quality Press,

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Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects
Year: 2013 Publisher: Basel : Birkhäuser,

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Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects, 1987 in Toronto gegründet, ist heute eines der interessantesten Büros in Nordamerika. Bekannt wurden sie mit ihren ästhetisch avancierten Entwürfen für Kulturinstitutionen wie das Toronto International Film Festival oder das Minnesota Orchestra in Minneapolis. Ein respektvoller, sensibler Umgang mit historischer Bausubstanz ist für zahlreiche ihrer Arbeiten charakteristisch - wie beispielsweise die National Ballet School in Toronto. Ökologisch innovative Konzepte wie für Manitoba Hydro Place in Winnipeg entstehen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Klimaingenieuren, hier mit Transsolar. Eigens für große Unternehmen oder Institutionen als Bauherren entwickelte KPMB den Ansatz des integrativen Entwurfsprozesses, der in mehreren Stufen zahlreiche Mitarbeiter - und somit spätere Nutzer des Gebäudes - einbezieht. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bilden Bildungseinrichtungen wie das Centre for Innovation and Governance Campus in Waterloo, Ontario und das Social Sciences Building für die Princeton University oder die Joseph L. Rotman School of Management in Toronto. Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects, founded in 1987 in Toronto, is one of most innovative architectural offi ces in North America today. They have made a name for themselves both for their integrated design process embodying collaboration with experts, clients and future users as well as the diversity of their aesthetically refined and finely detailed designs. The work ranges from cultural institutions such as the Toronto International Film Festival and Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis to ecologically innovative concepts such as Manitoba Hydro Place in Winnipeg, developed with leading climate engineers Transsolar of Stuttgart. A respectful approach toward the integration of heritage buildings is also a characteristic feature, illustrated by the designs for the Royal Conservatory and the Gardiner Museum in Toronto. Finally, educational and research facilities are also a strong focus in KPMB's work exemplified by the Centre for Innovation and Governance Campus in Waterloo, Ontario, and the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management in Toronto, as well as future projects for the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) and Princeton University in the United States.

Organizing for Change : Integrating Architectural Thinking in Other Fields
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1281377236 9786611377236 3764378107 3764378093 Year: 2007 Publisher: Basel : Birkhäuser,

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With the rise of the global economy and the increasing interconnectedness of all fields, architects find themselves confronted with new tasks and fields of activity - the profession is in flux. Renowned international experts from Europe and the United States discuss this development in twenty-five technical papers: What competences do architects have that can help them to meet the challenges of new tasks? What additional skills and knowledge will they need? What concrete strategies are architects already using today to hold their own in new fields of activity? What can be learned from this? The book begins with a brief introduction by the editor, who frames these problems and issues and embeds the essays within the larger context of contemporary architectural discourse. Short biographies of the authors at the end of the book round off the publication. Mit fortschreitender globaler Ökonomisierung und Vernetzung entstehen für Architekten neue Betätigungsfelder und das Berufsbild befindet sich im Wandel. International renommierte Experten aus Europa und den USA setzen sich in 25 Fachbeiträgen mit dieser Entwicklung auseinander: Welche Kompetenzen bringen Architekten mit, um sich neuen Aufgabenbereichen zu stellen? Welche Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse müssen zusätzlich erworben werden? Mit welchen konkreten Strategien behaupten sich Architekten bereits heute in neu erschlossenen Betätigungsfeldern? Welche Einsichten können daraus gewonnen werden? Am Anfang des Buches steht eine kurze Einführung des Herausgebers, der diese Fragestellungen verklammert und die Beiträge in den aktuellen Architekturdiskurs einbettet. Kurzbiografien der Autoren im Anhang des Buches runden die Publikation ab. With the rise of the global economy and the increasing interconnectedness of all fields, architects find themselves confronted with new tasks and fields of activity-the profession is in flux. Renowned international experts from Europe and the United States discuss this development in twenty-five technical papers.

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