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Chanson et intertextualité
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9791030006384 2903440948 Year: 2020 Publisher: Pessac : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux,

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Contrafacta, fricassées, timbres ou reprises, du Moyen Âge au xxe siècle, la chanson a toujours goûté le plaisir de la création seconde, pour mieux enchanter l’auditeur. Mais sont-ce seulement quelques récréations que ces compositions entées ? En montrant comment elles sont éclairées par et éclairent à leur tour la poétique de l’intertextualité, l’objet de cet ouvrage est de montrer la portée re-créatrice de ces oeuvres entées. Ce parcours à travers les âges et les domaines linguistiques expose à la fois la vitalité des recherches cantologiques actuelles et celles des travaux sur la théorie de l’intertexte. Comme espace du topos et de la parole mémorielle, la chanson est, entre autres manifestations de la poésie orale, particulièrement perméable aux procédés d’emprunt, réemplois et réfections diverses qui caractérisent la poétique de l’intertextualité. Elle l’est même doublement : comme oeuvre, elle est formellement fondée sur les figures de récurrence ; comme espace générique, elle est le lieu privilégié de la tradition, comprise comme mode de transmission d’un message culturel dans un temps donné. Au-delà du seul texte, le tissage sémiologique singulier du genre chanson fonctionne comme réceptacle particulier du discours autre et du discours de l’Autre : non seulement la chanson cite, réécrit, voire plagie textes et musiques, mais, chaque performance étant une autre oeuvre, elle investit le champ de la recréation par le jeu des réinterprétations. On a voulu questionner ici l’articulation entre ces présences « autres » et la corporéité de la voix transmise qui reste la visée du discours chansonnier.

Informed Play
ISBN: 9788202590444 Year: 2018 Publisher: Oslo Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)

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Informed Play presents a conceptual understanding of tone production based on extensive historical research on primary sources, modern literature and handbook reviews, physical and psychological perspectives as well as on technology. As the first volume in English to discuss and contextualise the topic of tone production on Early Modern lute instruments from a broad, interdisciplinary approach, it represents a unique and significant contribution to research on Early Music performance, particularly performance on lute instruments. At a lute-centred level, this book challenges many preconceptions about tone production by addressing the motivations behind certain choices made in and embraced by the Early Music community. It is therefore an essential ‘desk reference’ for both researchers and performers. At a meta-level, Informed Play offers a general perspective of how self-expressive acts, physical and social causes and effects can be perceived biologically to better understand historical music performance as a social practice and phenomenon.

Overcoming form : reflections on immersive listening
Authors: ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Huddersfield University of Huddersfield Press

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This short collection of essays focuses on four areas of immersive sound environments: repetition, sustained tones, performed installations and approaches to extended forms. Through in depth exploration of the experiential nature of these subjects, the authors offer reflections upon the materials used for these environments, how they are organised, and the consequences of this on how we listen.

New sounds, new stories : narrativity in contemporary music
Year: 2006 Publisher: Leiden University Press

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When listeners talk about their listening experiences, they often refer to music as if it were a narrative. But can music actually tell a story? Can music be narrative? Traditionally, narrativity is associated with verbal and visual texts, and the mere possibility of musical narrativity is highly debated. In this study, Vincent Meelberg demonstrates that music can indeed be narrative, and that the study of musical narrativity can be very productive. Moreover, Meelberg even makes a stronger claim by contending that contemporary music, too, can be narrative. More specifically, Meelberg suggests considering contemporary musical narratives as metanarratives, i.e. narratives that tell the story of the process of narrativization.

The race of sound : listening, timbre, and vocality in African American music
ISBN: 0822372649 0822368560 1478090359 9780822368687 Year: 2019 Publisher: Durham Duke University Press

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In The Race of Sound Nina Sun Eidsheim traces the ways in which sonic attributes that might seem natural, such as the voice and its qualities, are socially produced. Eidsheim illustrates how listeners measure race through sound and locate racial subjectivities in vocal timbre—the color or tone of a voice. Eidsheim examines singers Marian Anderson, Billie Holiday, and Jimmy Scott as well as the vocal synthesis technology Vocaloid to show how listeners carry a series of assumptions about the nature of the voice and to whom it belongs. Outlining how the voice is linked to ideas of racial essentialism and authenticity, Eidsheim untangles the relationship between race, gender, vocal technique, and timbre while addressing an undertheorized space of racial and ethnic performance. In so doing, she advances our knowledge of the cultural-historical formation of the timbral politics of difference and the ways that comprehending voice remains central to understanding human experience, all the while advocating for a form of listening that would allow us to hear singers in a self-reflexive, denaturalized way.

Musical Instruments : Acoustics and Vibration
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The study of the acoustic and vibrational characteristics of musical instruments in terms of their mechanical behavior, sound emission, and characteristics started thousands of years ago, and among the physicists and mathematicians that addressed this matter, we should at least recognize Leonardo da Vinci, with his experimental water organ, and Ernst Chladni, who discovered nodal patterns on rigid surfaces such as soundboards. The growing awareness of our intangible cultural heritage and the need to better understand our roots in the field of music have contributed to increasing the efforts to extend our knowledge in this field, defining new physical parameters, extending the analysis to other musical instruments, and developing new methods to synthesize sound from musical instruments using a simple keyboard.

Les amphores de Bibracte : le matériel des fouilles anciennces
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2735103919 2735125807 9782735103911 Year: 1991 Volume: 29 Publisher: Paris : Maison des sciences de l'homme,

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Préfacé par le Ministre de la Culture, cet ouvrage est le premier volume d’une série consacrée aux recherches menées sur le Mont-Beuvray, haut-lieu de l’histoire, déclaré « grand site national » par le Président de la République en 1985. Fanette Laubenheimer, directeur, de Recherche au CNRS, dresse un bilan de l’extraordinaire masse d’amphores découvertes par deux pionniers de l’archéologie métropolitaine, Bulliot et Déchelette, à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe s. L’auteur procède d’abord à l’analyse de la constitution des collections. Comment les archéologues ontils opéré face à un matériel énorme, ingrat et qui était quasi inconnu il y a un siècle ? Aux publications partielles et sommaires de ce matériel, très utilisées cependant, se substitue désormais un catalogue rigoureux et bien documenté qui réunit, pour la première fois, l’ensemble des collections et en renouvelle entièrement la lecture. Exceptionnelles en Gaule par leur quantité, les 195 amphores timbrées, surtout italiques, soulignent l’intensité, sur l’un des plus grands oppida de la Gaule Chevelue, des importations de vin étrusque et campanien au cours du Ier s. avant notre ère, puis l’émergence d’un nouveau courant d’importation de vin, d’huile et de sauces de poisson en provenance de la péninsule Ibérique. Ouvrage de référence et première publication d’envergure depuis la récente reprise des fouilles dans la capitale des Eduens, ce livre jette un pont entre les fouilleurs du XIXe s. et les archéologues d’aujourd’hui. This work, with a preface by the Minister of Cultural Affairs, is the first volume in a series devoted to the research currently being carried out on Mont-Beuvray, a site of major historical importance which was declared a "national heritage" by the President of France in 1985. Fanette Laubenheimer, a Research Director with the French government research council the CNRS, here makes a detailed study of the extraordinary mass of amphorae discovered at the turn of the century by two…

Experiencing Latin American music
ISBN: 0520961005 9780520961005 9780520285583 Year: 2018 Publisher: Oakland, California

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Experiencing Latin American Music draws on human experience as a point of departure for musical understanding. Students explore broad topics-identity, the body, religion, and more-and relate these to Latin American musics while refining their understanding of musical concepts and cultural-historical contexts. With its brisk and engaging writing, this volume covers nearly fifty genres and provides both students and instructors with online access to audio tracks and listening guides. A detailed instructor's packet contains sample quizzes, clicker questions, and creative, classroom-tested assignments designed to encourage critical thinking and spark the imagination. Remarkably flexible, this innovative textbook empowers students from a variety of disciplines to study a subject that is increasingly relevant in today's diverse society. In addition to the instructor's packet, online resources for students include:customized Spotify playlistonline listening guidesaudio sound links to reinforce musical conceptsstimulating activities for individual and group work

Tuning, timbre, spectrum, scale
ISBN: 128033729X 9786610337293 184628113X 1852337974 1849969221 Year: 2005 Publisher: London : Springer,

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Tuning, Timbre, Spectrum, Scale focuses on perceptions ofconsonance and dissonance, and how these are dependent on timbre. This alsorelates to musical scale: certain timbres sound more consonant in some scalesthan others. Sensory consonance and the ability to measure it have importantimplications for the design of audio devices and for musical theory andanalysis. Applications include methods of adapting sounds for arbitrary scales,ways to specify scales for nonharmonic sounds, and techniques of soundmanipulation based on maximizing (or minimizing) consonance. Specialconsideration is given here to a new method of adaptive tuning that canautomatically adjust the tuning of a piece based its timbral character so as tominimize dissonance. Audio examples illustrating the ideas presented areprovided for free on the Springer Extras website ( Thisunique analysis of sound and scale will be of interest to physicists andengineers working in acoustics, as well as to musicians and psychologists .


Sound. --- Tuning. --- Tone color (Music) --- Musical intervals and scales. --- Psychoacoustics. --- Music --- Acoustics and physics. --- Psychophysics --- Sound --- Intervals (Music) --- Modes, Musical --- Musical modes --- Musical scales and intervals --- Scales (Music) --- Music theory --- Musical temperament --- Timbre (Music) --- Tone quality --- Musical acoustics --- Physics --- Monochord --- Musical pitch --- Acoustics --- Continuum mechanics --- Mathematical physics --- Pneumatics --- Radiation --- Wave-motion, Theory of --- Modes --- Acoustics and physics --- Electronics. --- Engineering. --- Neurosciences. --- Physiology --- Acoustics. --- Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation. --- Engineering, general. --- Physiological, Cellular and Medical Topics. --- Signal, Image and Speech Processing. --- Mathematics. --- Construction --- Industrial arts --- Technology --- Electrical engineering --- Physical sciences --- Animal physiology --- Animals --- Biology --- Anatomy --- Neural sciences --- Neurological sciences --- Neuroscience --- Medical sciences --- Nervous system --- 78.86.1 --- Microelectronics. --- Biomathematics. --- Signal processing. --- Image processing. --- Speech processing systems. --- Computational linguistics --- Electronic systems --- Information theory --- Modulation theory --- Oral communication --- Speech --- Telecommunication --- Singing voice synthesizers --- Pictorial data processing --- Picture processing --- Processing, Image --- Imaging systems --- Optical data processing --- Processing, Signal --- Information measurement --- Signal theory (Telecommunication) --- Mathematics --- Microminiature electronic equipment --- Microminiaturization (Electronics) --- Electronics --- Microtechnology --- Semiconductors --- Miniature electronic equipment

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