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The fifteenth volume in the series “Studies in the History of the Swedish Language” consists of 21 articles chosen from the presentations of the 15th conference on Swedish language history that was organized by the Department of Scandinavian studies at the University of Tartu, 13–15 June 2018. The main theme of the book comprises language contact and language history. The contacts between Swedish and other languages and what these involve have constituted an active area of research during the past years. This topic is naturally linked to the historical situation of Swedish in Estonia. The articles in the volume cover a wide spectrum of research areas, including language variation and change, Swedish dialects, historical corpus linguistics, multilingualism, translation theory, onomastics, etc. With this volume the editors hope to further stimulate the notable increase of interest in the history of Swedish and not least in the study of various language contacts. Den femtonde volymen i serien Studier i svensk språkhistoria består av 21 utvalda artiklar som återgår på föredrag vid konferensen Svenska språkets historia 15, arrangerad av Institutionen för skandinavistik vid Tartu universitet 13–15 juni 2018. Boken har liksom konferensen huvudtemat Språkmöte och språkhistoria. Svenskans möte med andra språk och vad dessa möten innebär har varit ett livaktigt forskningsområde under de senaste åren, och temat anknyter också naturligt till svenska språkets historiska situation i Estland. Artiklarna i volymen täcker ett brett spektrum av forskningsområden, bl.a. språklig variation och ändring, svenska dialekter, historisk korpuslingvistik, flerspråkighet, översättning, namnforskning m.m. Med volymen hoppas redaktionen ytterligare stimulera det tydligt ökade intresset för svensk språkhistoria och inte minst för studiet av språkmöten av skilda slag.
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Endangered languages --- Language obsolescence --- Linguistic change --- Endangered languages. --- Language obsolescence. --- Linguistic change. --- Afrikanische Sprachen. --- Bedrohte Sprache. --- Dokumentation. --- Linguistik. --- Språkvetenskap. --- Antropologisk lingvistik. --- Språkdöd. --- Språk. --- Afrika. --- Africa. --- Change, Linguistic --- Language change --- Historical linguistics --- Language and languages --- Language death --- Obsolescence of languages --- Sociolinguistics --- Extinct languages --- At-risk languages --- Disappearing languages --- Dying languages --- Fading languages --- Nearly extinct languages --- Threatened languages --- Vanishing languages --- Obsolescence
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Synthesizing ideas from event semantics and psycholinguistics, this monograph provides a new perspective on the processing of linguistic aspect and aspectual coercion. Confronting alternative semantic accounts with experimental evidence, the author develops a comprehensive model of online aspectual interpretation. The first part of the book critically reviews competing theoretical accounts of aspectual coercion. As an analytical tool the author introduces a computational model based on the event calculus by Hamm & van Lambalgen (2005) which makes use of planning formalisms from artificial intelligence. Detailed predictions from this framework are then tested in the experimental work reported in the second part. The focus here is on such questions as: Is aspectual coercion a uniform phenomenon or must we distinguish different types? Is aspect processed incrementally or is it computed only at the clause boundary? And finally, what insights can event related potentials yield about how the brain resolves local aspectual mismatch?.
Grammar --- Psycholinguistics --- Aspect (taalkunde). --- Aspekt (språkvetenskap). --- Aspekt. --- Ereignissemantik. --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Psycholinguistics. --- Psycholinguistik. --- Psycholinguïstiek. --- Semantiek. --- Språkpsykologi. --- Aspect. --- Language, Psychology of --- Language and languages --- Psychology of language --- Speech --- Linguistics --- Psychology --- Thought and thinking --- Aspect (Linguistics) --- Psychological aspects --- Verbal aspect --- Temporal constructions --- Verb --- Philology
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This book collects the contributions presented at the international congress held at the University of Bologna in January 2007, where leading scholars of different persuasions and interests offered an up-to-date overview of the current status of the research on linguistic universals. The papers that make up the volume deal with both theoretical and empirical issues, and range over various domains, covering not only morphology and syntax, which were the major focus of Greenberg’s seminal work, but also phonology and semantics, as well as diachrony and second language acquisition. Diverse perspectives illustrate and discuss a huge number of phenomena from a wide variety of languages, not only exploring the way research on universals intersects with different subareas of linguistics, but also contributing to the ongoing debate between functional and formal approaches to explaining the universals of language. This stimulating reading for scientists, researchers and postgraduate students in linguistics shows how different, but not irreconcilable, modes of explanation can complement each other, both offering fresh insights into the investigation of unity and diversity in languages, and pointing to exciting areas for future research.
Sociolinguistics --- Linguistics --- syntaxis --- linguïstiek --- 17.13 typological linguistics. --- Linguistic universals --- Linguistic universals. --- Sprachliche Universalien. --- Taaluniversalia. --- Universalia (språkvetenskap) --- Grammar, Comparative and general. --- Phonology. --- Grammar. --- Syntax. --- Phonology and Phonetics. --- Theoretical Linguistics. --- Comparative grammar --- Grammar --- Grammar, Philosophical --- Grammar, Universal --- Language and languages --- Philosophical grammar --- Philology --- Grammar, Comparative --- Linguistics. --- Linguistic science --- Science of language --- Grammar, Comparative and general Syntax --- Syntax --- Grammar, Comparative and general Phonology --- Phonology --- Universaux (linguistique) --- Grammaire comparative et générale --- Syntaxe
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This book gives a comprehensive introduction to Comparative Indo-European Linguistics. It starts with a presentation of the languages of the family (from English and the other Germanic languages, the Celtic and Slavic languages, Latin, Greek and Sanskrit through Armenian and Albanian) and a discussion of the culture and origin of the Indo-Europeans, the speakers of the Indo-European proto-language.The reader is introduced into the nature of language change and the methods of reconstruction of older language stages, with many examples (from the Indo-European languages). A full description is gi
Indo-European languages --- Historical linguistics --- Comparative linguistics --- Grammar --- Comparative linguistics. --- Historical linguistics. --- Langues indo-européennes --- Linguistique comparée --- Linguistique historique --- Grammar, Comparative. --- Grammaire comparée --- Grammar, Comparative --- Languages & Literatures --- Philology & Linguistics --- Langues indo-européennes --- Linguistique comparée --- Grammaire comparée --- Diachronic linguistics --- Dynamic linguistics --- Evolutionary linguistics --- Language and languages --- Comparative philology --- Philology, Comparative --- History --- Language and history --- Linguistics --- Grammaire comparée. --- Indoeuropeiska språk --- Indogermanisch. --- Indogermanische Sprachen. --- Jämförande språkvetenskap. --- Linguistik. --- Rekonstruktion. --- Sprachwandel. --- Språkhistoria. --- Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. --- Jämförande grammatik. --- Indo-European languages - Grammar, Comparative
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Between 1907 and 1911, Ferdinand de Saussure gave three series of lectures on the topic of general linguistics. After his death, these lecture notes were gathered together by his students and published as the Course in General Linguistics. And in the past one hundred years, there has been no more influential and divisive reading of Saussure than that of Jacques Derrida. This book is an examination of Derrida's philosophical reconstruction of Saussurean linguistics, of the paradigm shift from structuralism to post-structuralism, and of the consequences that continue to resonate in every field of the humanities today. Despite the importance of Derrida's critique of Saussure for cultural studies, philosophy, linguistics and literary theory, no comprehensive analysis has before been written. The magnitude of the task undertaken here makes this book an invaluable resource for those wishing to interrogate the encounter beyond appearances or received wisdom.
Linguistics --- Strukturalismus. --- Strukturelle Linguistik. --- Saussure, Ferdinand ((de)) --- Linguistics. --- Structuralism. --- Poststructuralism. --- Derrida, Jacques. --- Saussure, Ferdinand de, --- Language and languages --- Linguistic science --- Science of language --- Philosophy. --- Derrida, Jacques --- Derrida, J. --- Derida, Žak --- Derrida, Jackes --- Derrida, Zhak --- Deridah, Z'aḳ --- Deridā, Jāka --- Dirīdā, Jāk --- Деррида, Жак --- דרידה, ז'אק --- Sossi︠u︡r, Ferdinand de, --- Saussure, F. de --- Soshwirŭ, Pʻerŭdinang dŭ, --- Suoxu'er, Feiernan De, --- דה סוסיר, פרדינן, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Post-structuralism --- Philosophy, Modern --- Structuralism --- Structure (Philosophy) --- Philosophy --- Whole and parts (Philosophy) --- Form (Philosophy) --- Poststructuralism --- Linguistique. --- Poststructuralisme. --- Poststrukturalism. --- Semiotik. --- Språkvetenskap --- Structuralisme. --- Strukturalism. --- linguistics. --- post-structuralism. --- Filosofi. --- Derrida, Jacques, --- Saussure, Ferdinand ((de)). --- Saussure, Ferdinand de --- Saussure, Ferdinand de.
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internationaal recht --- Semiotics (Law) --- Sémiotique (Droit) --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Semantics (Law) --- Law --- Droit --- Law (Philosophical concept) --- Philosophy --- Philosophie --- Arts and Humanities --- Language & Linguistics --- General and Others --- Philosophy. --- Jurisprudence --- philosophie du droit. --- linguistique. --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- filosofia do Direito --- retsfilosofi --- filosofija tad-dritt --- tiesību filozofija --- Rechtsphilosophie --- filozofi e së drejtës --- филозофија права --- filosofía del Derecho --- õigusfilosoofia --- filozofija prava --- rättsfilosofi --- философия на правото --- filosofia del diritto --- teisės filosofija --- filozofia práva --- jogfilozófia --- φιλοσοφία του δικαίου --- juridische filosofie --- oikeusfilosofia --- filozofia dreptului --- philosophy of law --- filozofie práva --- filozofia prawa --- филозофија на правото --- θεωρία του δικαίου --- retsteori --- теорија на правото --- teória práva --- právní myšlení --- teisės teorija --- јуриспруденција --- Rechtstheorie --- théorie du droit --- teoria del diritto --- teorie práva --- tiesību teorija --- teoria do Direito --- teoria e së drejtës --- rättsteori --- teorija prava --- teoría del Derecho --- právní teorie --- rechtsfilosofie --- teoria dreptului --- rechtstheorie --- theory of law --- jogelmélet --- oikeuden teoria
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Machine Translation publishes original research papers on all aspects of MT, and welcomes papers with a multilingual aspect from other areas of Computational Linguistics and Language Engineering, such as Computer-Assisted Translation, Multilingual Corpus Resources, Tools for translators, The role of technology in translator training, MT and language teaching, Evaluation, Description etc. Machine Translation regularly focuses on issues of special interest, features a regular Book Review section, and welcomes other contributions of interest to the wide readership of the journal, such as — text composition and generation, information retrieval, natural language interfaces, dialogue systems, message understanding systems, discourse phenomena, text mining, knowledge engineering, contrastive linguistics, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, computer-aided language instruction and learning software localization and internationalization.
Translation science --- Computer. Automation --- Machine translating --- Computational linguistics --- Traduction automatique --- Linguistique informatique --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Computational linguistics. --- Machine translating. --- #KVHA:Tijdschriften Vertaalwetenschap --- Periodicals --- Information Technology --- Artificial Intelligence --- Computer Architecture, Languages and Compilers --- General and Others --- Information Science and Systems --- Software Engineering --- Arts and Humanities --- Language & Linguistics --- Information Technology. --- Software Engineering. --- Automatic translating --- Computer translating --- Electronic translating --- Mechanical translating --- Automatic language processing --- Language and languages --- Language data processing --- Linguistics --- Natural language processing (Linguistics) --- Data processing --- #KVHA:Tijdschriften; Vertaalwetenschap --- Algorithms --- Applied linguistics --- Artificial intelligence --- Natural language generation (Computer science) --- Information theory --- Translating and interpreting --- Cross-language information retrieval --- Translating machines --- Mathematical linguistics --- Multilingual computing --- Tłumaczenie automatyczne --- linguistique. --- traduction automatique. --- mašīntulkošana --- tradução automática --- machine translation --- maskinöversättning --- strojno prevajanje --- strojový preklad --- traduzione automatica --- masintõlge --- strojový překlad --- koneellinen kääntäminen --- automatisk oversættelse --- përkthim automatik --- машинен превод --- automatische vertaling --- αυτόματη μετάφραση --- meaisínaistriúchán --- tłumaczenie automatyczne --- машинско превођење --- strojno prevođenje --- traduzzjoni awtomatika --- traducción automática --- машински превод --- traducere automată --- mašininis vertimas --- gépi fordítás --- automatische Übersetzung --- arvutipõhine tõlkesüsteem --- EUROTRA --- fordítói memória --- strojni prijevod --- počítačový překlad --- computerunterstützte Übersetzung --- računalno podržano prevođenje --- maschinelle Übersetzung --- computerised translation system --- automatinis vertimas --- datorizēta tulkošanas sistēma --- kompiuterizuota vertimo sistema --- számítógépes fordítás --- automaattinen kielenkääntöjärjestelmä --- počítačový systému prekladu --- računalni sustav za prevođenje --- sistem i komjuterizuar përkthimi --- edb-oversættelse --- автоматско преведување --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie
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Simultaneous interpretation is among the most complex of human cognitive/linguistic activities. This study, which will interest practitioners and trainers as well as linguists, draws more on linguistics-based theories of cognition in communication (cognitive semantics and pragmatics) than on the traditional information-processing approaches of cognitive psychology, and shows SI to be a valuable source of data on language and cognition.Starting from semantic representations of input and output in samples of professional SI from Chinese and German into English, the analysis explains the classic phenomena - anticipation, restoration of the implicit-explicit balance, and communicative re-packaging ('re-ostension') of the discourse - in terms of an intermediate cognitive model in working memory, allowing a more unitary view of resource management in the SI task. Relevance-theoretic analysis of the input discourse reveals rich pragmatic information guiding the construction of the appropriate contexts and the speaker's underlying intentionalities. The course of meaning assembly is reconstructed in annotated synchronised transcripts.
Tolken. --- Psycholinguistics --- tolken --- Interpreting --- Translation science --- Pragmatics --- #KVHA:Tolken --- #KVHA:Simultaantolken --- Pragmatics. --- Translating and interpreting --- Interpretation and translation --- Interpreting and translating --- Language and languages --- Literature --- Translation and interpretation --- Translators --- Pragmalinguistics --- General semantics --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Semantics (Philosophy) --- Psychological aspects. --- Translating --- Philosophy --- 82.03 --- 800.73 --- 800.73 Tweetaligheid. Meertaligheid. Vreemde talen. Vertalen --- Tweetaligheid. Meertaligheid. Vreemde talen. Vertalen --- 82.03 Vertalen. Literaire vertaling --- Vertalen. Literaire vertaling --- interpreting --- linguistics --- impact study --- translation --- mõju uuring --- hatástanulmány --- analýza dosahu --- Wirkungsstudie --- студија утицаја --- vaikuttavuustutkimus --- impactonderzoek --- изследване на влияние --- staidéar tionchair --- ietekmes izpēte --- studio d'impatto --- poveikio tyrimas --- étude d'impact --- студија за влијание --- analýza dopadu --- studim mbi ndikimin --- studija o utjecaju --- analiza wpływu --- konsekvensundersøgelse --- konsekvent-undersökning --- studju tal-impatt --- študija učinkov --- μελέτη επιπτώσεων --- estudio de impacto --- studiu de impact --- estudo de impacto --- konsekvensberegning --- zjišťování účinnosti --- studija o učinku --- konsekvensvurdering --- studie dopadu --- studio d'impatto economico --- impaktstudie --- studie vlivu --- konsekvensundersökning --- оценка на влијанието --- Wirksamkeitsuntersuchung --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- linguistique --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- interpretação --- tłumaczenie symultaniczne --- përkthim me gojë --- interprétation --- толкување --- тумачење --- interpretazione --- превеждане --- suuline tõlge --- vertimas žodžiu --- tumačenje --- tolkning --- tlmočenie --- sinhronā tulkošana --- tulkkaus --- interpretazzjoni --- interpretación --- interpretare --- tolmácsolás --- tlumočení --- διερμηνεία --- ateangaireacht --- Dolmetschen --- tolmačenje --- simultano prevođenje --- usmeno prevođenje --- sinhronā tulkošana mutvārdos --- szinkrontolmácsolás --- interpretazione consecutiva --- консекутивно толкување --- interpretation --- interpretazione simultanea --- tlumočník --- relétolmácsolás --- ústní převod --- simultánne tlmočenie --- симултано толкување --- konsekutiva --- konsekutivtolkning --- sünkroontõlge --- interpretação consecutiva --- simultánní tlumočení --- përkthim simultan --- simultaan tolken --- konsekutivní tlumočení --- simultaanitulkkaus --- kabinové tlumočení --- konferencijsko prevođenje --- konszekutív tolmácsolás --- interprétation simultanée --- konferenciatolmácsolás --- interpretare simultană --- Simultandolmetschen --- konsekutiv tolkning --- konferenční tlumočení --- interpretación simultánea --- simultaneous interpreting --- interpretação simultânea --- soudní tlumočení --- ταυτόχρονη διερμηνεία --- szimultán tolmácsolás --- simultantolkning --- követő tolmácsolás --- sinchroninis vertimas --- aistriú --- traducción --- prevajanje --- vertimas raštu --- përkthim --- превођење --- traducere --- traduzione --- tradução --- tłumaczenie --- fordítás --- traduzzjoni --- tulkošana --- käännös --- vertaling --- oversættelse --- översättning --- traduction --- μετάφραση --- preklad --- tõlkimine --- překlad --- prevođenje --- превод --- Übersetzen --- lektorálás --- prijevod --- překládání --- traduzione libera --- písemný převod --- proces i përkthimit --- traduzione tecnica --- překlad textu --- писмено преведување --- translating --- překladatel --- pismeno prevođenje --- traduzione letteraria
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Placing failed humor within the broader category of miscommunication and drawing on a range of conversational data, this text represents the first comprehensive study of failed humor. It provides a framework for classifying the types of failure that can occur, examines the strategies used by both speakers and hearers to avoid and manage failure, and highlights the crucial role humor plays in social identity and relationship management.
Conversation analysis. --- Joking. --- Plays on words. --- Pragmatics. --- Wit and humor. --- Wit and humor --- Miscommunication --- Languages & Literatures --- Social Sciences --- Psychology --- Literature - General --- Social aspects --- Miscommunication. --- Social aspects. --- Misunderstanding (Communication) --- Communication --- language --- communication skills --- language skills --- linguistics --- sociology --- social behaviour --- κοινωνική συμπεριφορά --- zachowanie społeczne --- comportament social --- socialinis elgesys --- Sozialverhalten --- sociālā uzvedība --- општествено однесување --- társadalmi viselkedés --- социално поведение --- social adfærd --- comportement social --- sjellje sociale --- imġiba soċjali --- socialno vedenje --- socialt beteende --- sociálne správanie --- sosiaalinen käyttäytyminen --- sotsiaalne käitumine --- друштвено понашање --- comportamento sociale --- društveno ponašanje --- comportamiento social --- sociaal gedrag --- sociální chování --- comportamento social --- антисоцијално однесување --- социјално однесување --- társadalmi magatartás --- asociaal gedrag --- општествени норми на однесување --- sociología --- socjologia --- sosiologia --- sociologi --- κοινωνιολογία --- sotsioloogia --- soċjoloġija --- социологија --- социология --- sociologija --- szociológia --- sociológia --- socioloģija --- sociologia --- sociologie --- sociologji --- Soziologie --- gender studies --- Entwicklungssoziologie --- sociobiologie --- sociológia politického života --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- linguistique --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- kalbos mokėjimas --- језичке вештине --- aptitudini lingvistice --- sprogkundskaber --- compétence linguistique --- kielitaito --- keeleoskus --- valodiskās prasmes --- umiejętności językowe --- jazykové zručnosti --- inniúlacht teanga --- capacidades lingüísticas --- competências linguísticas --- talenkennis --- ħiliet tal-lingwa --- nyelvi készségek --- jezične vještine --- competenze linguistiche --- jezikovne spretnosti in znanja --- språkkunskaper --- езикови умения --- γλωσσικές δεξιότητες --- jazykové dovednosti --- Sprachkenntnisse --- qualificações linguísticas --- Bendra Europos kalbų mokėjimo orientacinė sistema --- kieliä koskeva yhteinen eurooppalainen viitekehys --- znajomość języków obcych --- gemeenschappelijk Europees referentiekader voor talen --- språkfärdigheter --- taalkwalificaties --- užsienio kalbos mokėjimas --- GERS --- quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue --- conocimiento de una lengua extranjera --- den fælles europæiske referenceramme for sprog --- езикова компетентност --- sprogkompetence --- competencia lingüística --- kompetenza fil-lingwa --- Euroopa keeleõppe raamdokument. Õppimine, õpetamine ja hindamine --- jazykové kvalifikace --- compétences linguistiques --- znalosť cudzieho jazyka --- profiċjenza fil-lingwa --- calificări lingvistice --- γλωσσικά προσόντα --- jezikovna usposobljenost --- compétences en langues étrangères --- CECR --- sprogkvalifikationer --- γνώση ξένων γλωσσών --- jazykové znalosti --- znanje jezikov --- jezična kompetencija --- taalcompetentie --- közös európai nyelvi referenciakeret --- kennis van vreemde talen --- fremmedsproglig kompetence --- Eiropas vienotā valodu prasmes līmeņa noteikšanas sistēma --- kompetenza fil-lingwi barranin --- språkkompetens --- kwalifikacje językowe --- kwalifiki fil-lingwi --- competência em línguas estrangeiras --- Comhchreat Tagartha na hEorpa um Theangacha --- владеене на езици --- competência em línguas --- ОЕРР --- језичке способности --- spoločný európsky referenčný rámec pre jazyky --- QKERL --- connaissances linguistiques --- jezikovne kvalifikacije --- valodu zināšanas --- nyelvtudás --- skupni evropski referenčni okvir za jezike --- taalvaardigheid --- γλωσσικές γνώσεις --- společný evropský referenční rámec pro jazyky --- kompetencje językowe --- QCER --- езикова квалификация --- znalost cizího jazyka --- обща европейска референтна рамка за езиците --- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages --- jezične sposobnosti --- poznavanje stranog jezika --- competență lingvistică --- cunoașterea limbilor străine --- competenza nelle lingue straniere --- kalbos mokėjimo lygis --- europejski system opisu kształcenia językowego --- language competence --- den gemensamma europeiska referensramen för språk --- competenza linguistica --- MCER --- QECRL --- biegłość językowa --- jazyková kompetence --- ZEROJ --- qualifiche linguistiche --- Sprachkompetenz --- proficiência linguística --- abilità linguistiche --- SERR --- jazyková kompetencia --- svešvalodu prasme --- CEFR --- sprogfærdigheder --- zajednički europski referentni okvir za jezike --- znanje tujih jezikov --- jezične kvalifikacije --- võõrkeeleoskus --- Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas --- Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas --- jazyková kvalifikácia --- γλωσσική επάρκεια --- чуждоезикова компетентност --- cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues --- vieraiden kielten osaaminen --- Qafas Komuni Ewropew ta' Referenza għal-Lingwi --- Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen --- vieraiden kielten taito --- foreign language competence --- language qualifications --- valodu prasme --- cualificaciones lingüísticas --- idegen nyelvi kompetencia --- Fremdsprachenkompetenz --- κοινό Ευρωπαϊκό Πλαίσιο Αναφοράς για τα γλωσσικά προσόντα --- language proficiency --- CECRL --- cadrul european comun de referință pentru limbi --- Sprachqualifikationen --- комуникационни умения --- pratique de communication --- комуникациски вештини --- komunikacijske vještine --- ħiliet ta’ komunikazzjoni --- viestintäkäytäntö --- τεχνική της επικοινωνίας --- Redegewandtheit --- pratica di comunicazione --- kommunikációs készségek --- kommunikation i praksis --- suhtlemisoskus --- schopnost komunikace --- abilități de comunicare --- umiejętność komunikacji --- prática da comunicação --- communicatie in de praktijk --- sposobnost komuniciranja --- bendravimo įgūdžiai --- praktisk kommunikation --- komunikačné schopnosti --- técnicas de comunicación --- aftësi komunikimi --- вештина комуникације --- sazināšanās prasme --- komunicēšanās prasmes --- bendravimo būdai --- комуникациска практика --- tehnici de comunicare --- komunikační metody --- kommunikationsförmåga --- komunikační schopnost --- praktika komunikimi --- communication practices --- комуникациски техники --- komunikační dovednosti --- комуникациска способност --- dorozumívací dovednosti --- kalba --- teanga --- limbaj --- lenguaje --- език --- język --- kieli --- linguaggio --- keel --- linguagem --- јазик --- taal --- lingwa --- gjuhë --- jezik --- γλώσσα --- nyelv --- jazyk --- språk --- langage --- valoda --- sprog --- Sprache --- језик --- lingua --- Discourse Analysis. --- Humor.
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