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ISBN: 1536174815 9781536174816 Year: 2020 Publisher: NEW YORK NOVA Science

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Public spaces.

Espaces et parcours dans la ville Bruxelles au XVIIIe siècle
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Bruxelles : Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles,

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La ville est l'un des sujets de prédilection de la recherche actuelle en sciences humaines. L'étude des espaces qui la constituent et des parcours qui la traversent, facteurs essentiels pour l'appréhension de la réalité urbaine, permet de faire émerger la structure géographique et sociologique de Bruxelles au XVIIIe siècle. L'image de la capitale des Pays-Bas méridionaux se modifie progressivement dès la fin du XVIIe siècle, suite au bombardement de 1695. Un parallélisme s'établit avec la capitale de l'Empire dont dépend Bruxelles dès 1715 : Vienne, dont les transformations urbaines, liées aux réformes institutionnelles, sont encore perceptibles. Le pouvoir est dans la ville. Autour de 1700, Bruxelles, qui n'est pas encore autrichienne, est parcourue par un prince baroque venu de Bavière et dont les prétentions à la souveraineté se manifestent, entre autres, dans ses sorties publiques. À la fin du XVIIIe siècle s'érige le quartier Royal : riche en innovations, ce nouvel espace urbain se révèle un dispositif hautement symbolique. La gestion du système hydro-urbain et l'embourgeoisement progressif de rues commerçantes, telle la rue de la Madeleine, participent à la transformation des espaces bruxellois. La culture et les loisirs font également de la ville un espace de sociabilité, envisagé à travers les lieux de concerts publics et privés, le logement des comédiens généralement à proximité des salles de spectacle, ainsi que les parcours touristiques qui sillonnent Bruxelles. Lieux de vie et de travail peuvent parfois se confondre, comme en témoigne la place occupée par la gent ancillaire. La ville est enfin un lieu d'expérimentation : un projet de destruction d'église devient le prétexte à l'aménagement d'un nouveau quartier paroissial. À l'initiative du Groupe d'étude du XVIIIe siècle (ULB), des chercheurs venus d'horizons différents - historiens, historiens de l'art et sociologues - s'attachent ici à éclairer les éléments qui structurent, de manière abstraite ou concrète, l'espace urbain de Bruxelles au siècle des Lumières.


Public spaces.

Domaine public
Year: 1988 Publisher: Lausanne : Domaine public,

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Public spaces.

Small forgotten places in the heart of cities : on the residuality of public spaces in historical contexts : Florence as a case study
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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This book is the result of a research project designed and carried out at the Department of Architecture, University of Florence. This book discusses urban public spaces and, more specifically, run-down, inactive micro-spaces that are barely used due to their location, dimensions, morphology or semantic characteristics. In literature, these spaces are often defined as "residual urban spaces." A large abandoned industrial area on the outskirts of a town or a small interstitial space in a historical centre can be residual. With respect to such a broad subject matter, the book seeks to radically limit the field, concentrating on public residual spaces found in the oldest parts of cities. The book reflects on this theme and introduces a method for reading and assessment of the residuality of public spaces in historical contexts (Residuality Assessment Process) which was tested in the historical centre of Florence. It is the authors' view that residual spaces, above all if designed according to a system logic, can go from being problems to potential activators of urban and social regeneration processes, offering a useful contribution to improve city life.


Public spaces.

Digitalisierung als Herausforderung für Personalentwicklung und Mitbestimmung : Unternehmensstrategien der IT-Branche und ihre Bedeutung für Weiterbildung
Year: 2018 Publisher: Leverkusen-Opladen : Verlag Barbara Budrich,

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The ability to innovate is a valuable asset for the IT industry. Special knowledge, farsightedness, problem-solving skills, productive collaboration and the willingness to think and act independently play a major role. In particular, the study examines small and medium-sized enterprises, the special focus they have on vocational learning and how they approach questions of continuing training in practice.


Public spaces.

Multivariate scaling methods and the reconstruction of social spaces : Papers in honor of Jörg Blasius
ISBN: 3847418564 3847427644 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leverkusen-Opladen : Verlag Barbara Budrich,

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This edited volume assembles contributions of leading scholars in the fields of statistical methods and applications in the social sciences. Multivariate scaling methods for categorical data, in particular correspondence analysis, are used to extract the most important dimensions from complex data tables and to visualize relationships in the data. The volume treats recent statistical developments, methodological considerations, and empirical applications. A special emphasis is placed on multiple aspects of space and their sociological significance: the reconstruction of "social spaces" with statistical methods, illustrations of spatial relations involving proximity, distance and inequality, and concrete interactions in urban neighbourhoods. The edited volume is meant to honour the lifetime achievements of Prof. Jörg Blasius (Chair of Sociology/ Empirical Research Methods, Bonn).

Urban Protest
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3838274954 9783838274959 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin Ibidem Verlag

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Making spaces safer : a guide to giving harassment the boot wherever you work, play, and gather
ISBN: 1849353573 Year: 2019 Publisher: Chico, California ; Edinburgh, Scotland : AK Press,

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Human geographies of Stellenbosch
ISBN: 199120101X 9781991201010 Year: 2021 Publisher: Stellenbosch

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Amid a growing 'turn' towards Southern cities, South African urban geographers continue to remind us why and how to attend to local context and draw on theory from elsewhere.

Comunanze urbane : Autogestione e cura dei luoghi
Year: 2015 Publisher: Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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The volume explores the category of urban spaces that are self-managed by the inhabitants and can be recognized as common goods: urban communities. These are defined as third spaces (neither public nor private) and recognized on the basis of seven characteristics. Furthermore, some proposals are made on how planning can adequately treat these places, through the comparison with some municipal policies and on the basis of the self-determination of experiences in order to build a city really in the hands of its inhabitants. In fact, urban communities can be seen as a strategic place for testing new relationships between citizens and between them and institutions.

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