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Networks-on-Chip: From Implementations to Programming Paradigms provides a thorough and bottom-up exploration of the whole NoC design space in a coherent and uniform fashion, from low-level router, buffer and topology implementations, to routing and flow control schemes, to co-optimizations of NoC and high-level programming paradigms. This textbook is intended for an advanced course on computer architecture, suitable for graduate students or senior undergrads who want to specialize in the area of computer architecture and Networks-on-Chip. It is also intended for practitioners in the industry in the area of microprocessor design, especially the many-core processor design with a network-on-chip. Graduates can learn many practical and theoretical lessons from this course, and also can be motivated to delve further into the ideas and designs proposed in this book. Industrial engineers can refer to this book to make practical tradeoffs as well. Graduates and engineers who focus on off-chip network design can also refer to this book to achieve deadlock-free routing algorithm designs. Provides thorough and insightful exploration of NoC design space. Description from low-level logic implementations to co-optimizations of high-level program paradigms and NoCs. The coherent and uniform format offers readers a clear, quick and efficient exploration of NoC design space Covers many novel and exciting research ideas, which encourage researchers to further delve into these topics. Presents both engineering and theoretical contributions. The detailed description of the router, buffer and topology implementations, comparisons and analysis are of high engineering value.
Networks on a chip --- Design and construction. --- Reliability. --- Network on chip technology --- NoC technology --- Embedded computer systems
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'Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten' is een vertaling van ‘Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)’. Deze derde, herziene Nederlandse editie is gebaseerd op de vijfde Amerikaanse druk en bevat meer dan 400 zorgresultaten. Met behulp van de zorgresultaten kunnen verpleegkundigen en andere zorgverleners de toestand van patiënten, mantelzorgers, gezinnen of gemeenschappen beoordelen en kwantificeren.Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten stelt verpleegkundigen in staat om veranderingen in de toestand van de patiënt na de interventies te beoordelen en op die manier de voortgang van de patiënt te volgen. De inhoud van het boek is afgestemd op Verpleegkundige interventies (NIC), de Internationale NANDA-diagnosen (Nanda international) en de Functionele gezondheidspatronen van Gordon. De belangrijkste kenmerken van dit boek:- volledigheid: 490 geactualiseerde zorgresultaten, waarvan 107 geheel nieuwe;- evidence-based;- duidelijke en klinisch zinvolle terminologie;- gebruiksvriendelijke structuur;- toepasbaar in verschillende disciplines;- getoetst in het veld. Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten draagt bij tot adequaat onderwijs in de klinische besluitvorming. Het boek voorziet in standaardisering en definiëring van de benodigde kennis voor verpleegkundig onderwijs en de verpleegkundige praktijk. Tevens is het een hulpmiddel om leerplannen beter te laten aansluiten op de praktijk. Dit boek is in de eerste plaats bedoeld voor verpleegkundigen. Leidinggevenden in de gezondheidszorg kunnen het boek gebruiken voor het onderzoeken van de effectiviteit en de kosten van de verpleegkundige zorg en het maken van een doelmatige planning. Nieuwe zorgresultaten zijn onder meer: Mate van dementie, Gebalanceerde leefstijl, Herstel na een operatie: direct postoperatief, Management van longontsteking, Stressmanagement, Schuldverwerking, Veilige zorgomgeving en diverse zorgresultaten op het gebied van Zelfmanagement.
613 --- verpleegkunde --- verpleegkundige diagnostiek --- evidence based nursing --- verpleegkundige classificatie --- diagnostiek (geneeskunde) --- Nursing --- SVH (systematisch verpleegkundig handelen) --- IKZ (integrale kwaliteitszorg) --- meetinstrumenten (psychologie) --- kwaliteitsmeting --- verpleegkundige interventies --- classificatie --- patiëntenclassificatie --- NOC --- PXL-Healthcare 2019
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This book provides comprehensive coverage of Network-on-Chip (NoC) security vulnerabilities and state-of-the-art countermeasures, with contributions from System-on-Chip (SoC) designers, academic researchers and hardware security experts. Readers will gain a clear understanding of the existing security solutions for on-chip communication architectures and how they can be utilized effectively to design secure and trustworthy systems. Provides a comprehensive overview of NoC security vulnerabilities for diverse on-chip communication architectures, including bus, mesh, ring, star, and hybrid network topologies; Describes state-of-the-art security solutions for defending against a wide spectrum of attacks, including malicious implants (e.g., hardware Trojans), eavesdropping, information leakage, spoofing, denial-of-service, and erroneous execution; Covers a wide variety of NoC attacks and effective countermeasures for diverse communication technologies, including electrical, optical (photonic) and wireless NoCs; Presents lightweight static (design-for-trust), as well as dynamic (runtime) security solutions; Enables security validation using an effective combination of formal methods, assertion-based validation, side-channel analysis, and machine learning; Discusses trade-offs between on-chip communication security and energy-efficient implementation in resource constrained embedded systems and IoT devices.
Electronic circuits. --- Microprocessors. --- Circuits and Systems. --- Processor Architectures. --- Minicomputers --- Electron-tube circuits --- Electric circuits --- Electron tubes --- Electronics --- Networks on a chip --- Security measures. --- Network on chip technology --- NoC technology --- Embedded computer systems
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This book describes methods for distributing power in high speed, high complexity integrated circuits with power levels exceeding many tens of watts and power supplies below a volt. It provides a broad and cohesive treatment of power delivery and management systems and related design problems, including both circuit network models and design techniques for on-chip decoupling capacitors, providing insight and intuition into the behavior and design of on-chip power distribution systems. Organized into subareas to provide a more intuitive flow to the reader, this fourth edition adds more than a hundred pages of new content, including inductance models for interdigitated structures, design strategies for multi-layer power grids, advanced methods for efficient power grid design and analysis, and methodologies for simultaneously placing on-chip multiple power supplies and decoupling capacitors. The emphasis of this additional material is on managing the complexity of on-chip power distribution networks.
Electrical Engineering --- Electrical & Computer Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Electric circuits. --- Circuits, Electric --- Electric lines --- Systems engineering. --- Electronics. --- Circuits and Systems. --- Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation. --- Electrical engineering --- Physical sciences --- Engineering systems --- System engineering --- Engineering --- Industrial engineering --- System analysis --- Design and construction --- Electronic circuits. --- Microelectronics. --- Microminiature electronic equipment --- Microminiaturization (Electronics) --- Electronics --- Microtechnology --- Semiconductors --- Miniature electronic equipment --- Electron-tube circuits --- Electric circuits --- Electron tubes --- Variable capacitors --- Very high speed integrated circuits --- VHSIC --- Integrated circuits --- Capacitors --- Power supply --- Very large scale integration --- NETWORKS ON A CHIP, NOC (MIKROELEKTRONIK) --- SYSTEM ON A CHIP, SOC (MIKROELEKTRONIK) --- SCHALTKREISENTWURF (MIKROELEKTRONIK) --- LEISTUNG (COMPUTERSYSTEME) --- FACHLICHE NACHSCHLAGEWERKE + FACHLEXIKA + HANDBÜCHER (DOKUMENTENTYP) --- NETWORKS ON A CHIP, NOC (MICROELECTRONICS) --- NETWORKS ON A CHIP, NOC (MICROÉLECTRONIQUE) --- SYSTEM ON A CHIP, SOC (MICROÉLECTRONIQUE) --- SYSTEM ON A CHIP, SOC (MICROELECTRONICS) --- DESSIN DES CIRCUITS IMPRIMÉS (MICROÉLECTRONIQUE) --- CIRCUIT DESIGN (MICROELECTRONICS) --- PERFORMANCE (COMPUTER SYSTEMS) --- PERFORMANCE (SYSTÈMES INFORMATIQUES) --- OUVRAGES DE RÉFÉRENCE SPÉCIALISÉS + ENCYCLOPÉDIES SPÉCIALISÉES + MANUELS (TYPE DE DOCUMENT) --- SPECIALIZED REFERENCE WORKS + SPECIALIZED ENCYCLOPAEDIAS + HANDBOOKS (DOCUMENT TYPE)
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Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten is een vertaling van Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Deze tweede, herziene Nederlandse editie is gebaseerd op de vierde Amerikaanse druk en bevat 385 zorgresultaten. De NOC standaardiseert de namen en definities van zorgresultaten die worden gehanteerd in de beroepspraktijk en in onderwijs en onderzoek. Met behulp van de zorgresultaten kunnen verpleegkundigen en andere zorgverleners de toestand van patiënten, mantelzorgers, gezinnen of gemeenschappen beoordelen en kwantificeren. Het boek stelt verpleegkundigen in staat om veranderingen in de toestand van de patiënt na de interventies te beoordelen en op die manier de voortgang van de patiënt te volgen. De inhoud van het boek is afgestemd op Verpleegkundige interventies (NIC), de Internationale NANDA-diagnosen en de Functionele Gezondheidspatronen van Gordon.
diagnostiek (geneeskunde) --- Nursing --- SVH (systematisch verpleegkundig handelen) --- IKZ (integrale kwaliteitszorg) --- meetinstrumenten (psychologie) --- verpleegkunde --- kwaliteitsmeting --- verpleegkundige interventies --- classificatie --- kwaliteitsbewaking --- verpleegkundig beroep --- verpleegkundige diagnose --- 613.22 --- NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification) --- evidence-based practice --- klinische besluitvorming --- professioneel handelen --- verpleegkundige zorgresultaten --- Classificaties --- Diagnose --- NANDA --- Taxonomie --- Verpleegkunde --- Patient outcome (zorgresultaten, verpleegkundige zorgresultaten, resultaten) --- Verpleegkundige diagnose --- Nursing Outcomes Classification --- Professionalisering --- kwaliteitsbewaking (audit) --- verpleegkundige diagnose (NANDA) --- zorgresultaten --- 616-083 --- 616-083 Hypurgy. Care of patient. Hygiene of the sick. Nursing --- Hypurgy. Care of patient. Hygiene of the sick. Nursing --- Verpleegkundig onderzoek - Theorieën --- PXL-Healthcare 2015 --- verpleegkundige classificatie --- NOC --- Theorieën (verpleegkunde) --- Theorie --- Verplegingswetenschap
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The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends.
embedded computer systems --- cyber security --- system-level design and design-space exploration --- multi-objective optimization --- system trade-offs --- energy-efficient computing --- run-time management --- machine learning --- concurrent workloads --- multi-core systems --- processing-in-memory --- near-memory processing --- resource management --- code annotation --- compiler optimizations --- online heuristics --- energy efficiency --- 3D-stacked memories --- non-volatile memories --- peak-power management --- many-core --- directed acyclic task graphs --- high performance computing --- data centers --- resource allocation --- profit --- energy consumption --- reinforcement learning --- server consolidation --- RF --- NoC --- OFDMA --- simulator --- routing --- reconfigurable --- Hybrid Application Mapping (HAM) --- many-core systems --- embedded systems --- composability --- design space exploration (DSE) --- Network-on-Chip (NoC) --- real-time guarantees --- predictability --- multi/many-core platforms --- reliability --- mixed-criticality
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Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Nursing --- verpleegkunde --- Nursing Diagnosis --- Nursing diagnosis --- Diagnostics infirmiers --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Nursing Diagnosis. --- Nursing. --- Classification. --- Terminology. --- Societies, Nursing. --- Nursing diagnosis. --- Health Sciences --- General and Others --- Medical Education, Training & Research --- NANDA International. --- Nursing Societies --- Nursing Society --- Society, Nursing --- Diagnosis --- Terminology as Topic. --- Etymology --- Nomenclature as Topic --- Etymologies --- Dictionaries as Topic --- Unified Medical Language System --- Standardized Nursing Terminology --- ICNP Terminology --- International Classification for Nursing Practice --- NANDA-I --- NANDA-International --- NANDA-International Terminology --- NIC Terminology --- NOC Terminology --- Nursing Interventions Classification --- Nursing Outcomes Classification Terminology --- Nursing Terminology --- Classification, Nursing Interventions --- Classifications, Nursing Interventions --- ICNP Terminologies --- Interventions Classification, Nursing --- Interventions Classifications, Nursing --- NANDA International --- NANDA International Terminology --- NANDA-International Terminologies --- NANDA-Internationals --- NIC Terminologies --- NOC Terminologies --- Nursing Interventions Classifications --- Nursing Terminologies --- Nursing Terminologies, Standardized --- Nursing Terminology, Standardized --- Standardized Nursing Terminologies --- Terminologies, ICNP --- Terminologies, NANDA-International --- Terminologies, NIC --- Terminologies, NOC --- Terminologies, Nursing --- Terminologies, Standardized Nursing --- Terminology, ICNP --- Terminology, NANDA-International --- Terminology, NIC --- Terminology, NOC --- Terminology, Nursing --- Terminology, Standardized Nursing --- Standardized Nursing Terminology. --- Diagnosis, Nursing --- Diagnoses, Nursing --- Nursing Diagnoses --- Nurses. --- Nursing Personnel --- Personnel, Nursing --- Registered Nurses --- Nurse --- Nurse, Registered --- Nurses, Registered --- Registered Nurse
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This book presents an overview of the issues related to the test, diagnosis and fault-tolerance of Network on Chip-based systems. It is the first book dedicated to the quality aspects of NoC-based systems and will serve as an invaluable reference to the problems, challenges, solutions, and trade-offs related to designing and implementing state-of-the-art, on-chip communication architectures. This book first presents the characteristics of the NoC design (topologies, structures, routers, wrappers, and protocols), as well as a summary of the terms used in the field and an overview of the existing industrial and academic NoCs. Secondly, the main aspects of the test of a NoC-based system are discussed, starting with the test of the embedded cores where the NoC plays an important role. Current test strategies are presented, such as the reuse of the network for core testing, test scheduling for the NoC reuse, test access methods and interface, efficient reuse of the network, and power-aware and thermal aware NoC-based SoC testing. Then, the challenges and solutions for the NoC infrastructure (interconnects, routers, and network interface) test and diagnosis are presented. Finally, fault tolerance techniques for the NoC are discussed, including techniques based on error control coding, retransmission, fault location, and system reconfiguration. Provides state-of-the-art research on the challenges to test, diagnose and tolerate faults in NoC-based systems; Includes numerous, current test strategies, including re-use of the network for core testing, test scheduling for the NoC reuse, test access methods and interface, efficient re-use of the network, and power-aware and thermal-aware NoC-based SoC testing; Offers a single source reference to the latest research, otherwise available only in disparate journals and conference proceedings. .
Integrated circuits -- Fault tolerance. --- Networks on a chip -- Reliability. --- Networks on a chip -- Testing. --- Networks on a chip --- Integrated circuits --- Electrical & Computer Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Telecommunications --- Electrical Engineering --- Reliability --- Testing --- Fault tolerance --- Networks on a chip. --- Network on chip technology --- NoC technology --- Engineering. --- Computer-aided engineering. --- Electronic circuits. --- Circuits and Systems. --- Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD, CAE) and Design. --- Embedded computer systems
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This book covers various aspects of optimization in design and testing of Network-on-Chip (NoC) based multicore systems. It gives a complete account of the state-of-the-art and emerging techniques for near optimal mapping and test scheduling for NoC-based multicores. The authors describe the use of the Integer Line Programming (ILP) technique for smaller benchmarks and a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to get a near optimal mapping and test schedule for bigger benchmarks. The PSO-based approach is also augmented with several innovative techniques to get the best possible solution. The tradeoff between performance (communication or test time) of the system and thermal-safety is also discussed, based on designer specifications. Provides a single-source reference to design and test for circuit and system-level approaches to (NoC) based multicore systems; Gives a complete account of the state-of-the-art and emerging techniques for near optimal mapping and test scheduling in (NoC) based multicore systems; Organizes chapters systematically and hierarchically, rather than in an ad hoc manner, covering aspects of optimization in design and testing of Network-on-Chip (NoC) based multicore systems.
Networks on a chip. --- Networks on a chip --- Design. --- Network on chip technology --- NoC technology --- Embedded computer systems --- Electronic circuits. --- Microprocessors. --- Electronics. --- Microelectronics. --- Circuits and Systems. --- Processor Architectures. --- Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation. --- Microminiature electronic equipment --- Microminiaturization (Electronics) --- Electronics --- Microtechnology --- Semiconductors --- Miniature electronic equipment --- Electrical engineering --- Physical sciences --- Minicomputers --- Electron-tube circuits --- Electric circuits --- Electron tubes
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This book provides a single-source reference to routing algorithms for Networks-on-Chip (NoCs), as well as in-depth discussions of advanced solutions applied to current and next generation, many core NoC-based Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). After a basic introduction to the NoC design paradigm and architectures, routing algorithms for NoC architectures are presented and discussed at all abstraction levels, from the algorithmic level to actual implementation. Coverage emphasizes the role played by the routing algorithm and is organized around key problems affecting current and next generation, many-core SoCs. A selection of routing algorithms is included, specifically designed to address key issues faced by designers in the ultra-deep sub-micron (UDSM) era, including performance improvement, power, energy, and thermal issues, fault tolerance and reliability. · Provides a comprehensive overview of routing algorithms for Networks-on-Chip and NoC-based, manycore systems; · Describes routing algorithms for NoC architectures at all abstraction levels, from the algorithmic level to actual implementation; · Discusses the impact on NoC routing algorithms of key design objectives, such as power dissipation, energy consumption, thermal aspects, reliability, and performance.
Autonomic computing. --- Computer architecture. --- Networks on a chip. --- Network on chip technology --- NoC technology --- Architecture, Computer --- Engineering. --- Microprocessors. --- Electronics. --- Microelectronics. --- Electronic circuits. --- Circuits and Systems. --- Processor Architectures. --- Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation. --- Electronic data processing --- Embedded computer systems --- Systems engineering. --- Computer science. --- Electrical engineering --- Physical sciences --- Informatics --- Science --- Engineering systems --- System engineering --- Engineering --- Industrial engineering --- System analysis --- Design and construction --- Microminiature electronic equipment --- Microminiaturization (Electronics) --- Electronics --- Microtechnology --- Semiconductors --- Miniature electronic equipment --- Minicomputers --- Electron-tube circuits --- Electric circuits --- Electron tubes --- Computer algorithms.
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