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Pakket bestaat uit: -7 boekdeeltjes : 1 gebruikswijzer, 4 krachtdelen (windkracht, waterkracht, spierkracht, zwaartekracht), 1 activiteitenboek (voorlezen uit Jip en Janneke), 1 activiteitenboek (technische systemen)- 10 grote full color platen 'technische systemen'- 99 stappenplankaarten- 7 hanteerkaarten- 2 opdrachtkaarten- 1 knipkaart- 5 kopieerkaartenBij deze doos hoort het boek 'Een jaar met Jip en Janneke' (apart ingevoerd).
Technologische opvoeding --- Wetenschappen --- Kleuteronderwijs. --- WO (wereldoriëntatie) --- Didactics of social education --- technologische opvoeding --- wetenschappelijke proeven --- kleuteronderwijs --- Didactics of Kindergarten --- Wereldoriëntatie ; kleuteronderwijs --- Techniek ; kleuteronderwijs ; didactiek --- #PBIB:+111.83 --- herfst --- kleuters --- lente --- seizoenen --- spierkracht --- techniek --- waterkracht --- wetenschap --- windkracht --- winter --- zomer --- zwaartekracht --- 471.43 --- Brood --- Computers --- Fietsen --- Fruit --- Huizen --- Koffie --- Schepen --- Schoenen --- Spierkracht --- Techniek --- Water --- Windenergie --- Wol --- Zeep --- Zwaartekracht --- STEM --- bakker --- boten --- bouwen --- brood --- computer --- fiets --- fruit --- huizen --- kleding --- koffie --- schoenen --- water --- wol --- zeep --- 472.38 --- Wetenschap --- Vakdidactiek : Technologie : Kleuteronderwijs --- Wereldoriëntatie --- Schoolbooks - Didactic material --- Didactiek van de maatschappelijke vorming --- Didactiek van het kleuteronderwijs --- Kleuteronderwijs --- Krachten (fysica) --- Onderzoek Ahs --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Kracht (fysica) --- Onderzoek Arteveldehogeschool --- Technologie --- Kind --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- Wereldoriëntatie ; kleuteronderwijs --- Wind --- Touw --- Stappenplan --- Naaien --- Schoenveter --- Haken (handwerk) --- Knoop (touw) --- Weven
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The numerical simulation of sheet metal forming processes has become an indispensable tool for the design of components and their forming processes. This role was attained due to the huge impact in reducing time to market and the cost of developing new components in industries ranging from automotive to packing, as well as enabling an improved understanding of the deformation mechanisms and their interaction with process parameters. Despite being a consolidated tool, its potential for application continues to be discovered with the continuous need to simulate more complex processes, including the integration of the various processes involved in the production of a sheet metal component and the analysis of in-service behavior. The quest for more robust and sustainable processes has also changed its deterministic character into stochastic to be able to consider the scatter in mechanical properties induced by previous manufacturing processes. Faced with these challenges, this Special Issue presents scientific advances in the development of numerical tools that improve the prediction results for conventional forming process, enable the development of new forming processes, or contribute to the integration of several manufacturing processes, highlighting the growing multidisciplinary characteristic of this field.
n/a --- hardening --- modeling --- direct forming --- forming limit curve --- depth-sensing indentation --- stamping --- finite element method --- similitude --- the bathtub model --- boron steel --- plastic anisotropy --- physical experiment --- robustness evaluation --- cold deep drawing --- hardening law --- formability --- magnetic-pulse forming --- hot deep drawing --- metallic bipolar plate --- parameters identification --- finite element simulation --- mechanical properties --- hardness --- deformation characteristics --- continuum damage mechanics --- yield function --- Knoop indenter --- Young’s modulus --- damage --- 3D adaptive remeshing --- springback --- bake hardening --- Johnson–Cook material model --- anisotropy --- indirect forming --- ductile damage --- steel sheet --- mechanical modeling --- fracture behavior --- fuel cells --- dent resistance --- numerical simulation --- mixed hardening --- M-K theory --- uniform deformation --- non-proportional loading paths --- high-frequency oscillation --- gas detonation forming --- yield locus --- sheet metal forming --- inhomogeneity --- TA32 titanium alloy --- aluminium alloy formability --- Young's modulus --- Johnson-Cook material model
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