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From the perspective of Latin American Studies, this volume offers a critical contribution to the current debate on world literature. It is structured around three conceptual blocks: "gatekeepers", as the dispositives and actors mediating the international circulation of literature; "translation", as an unavoidable but always problematic mechanism; and "local literatures", as modes of writing that remain intrinsically tied to their contexts. ¿Cómo ingresa la literatura en circulación internacional? ¿Qué factores regulan dicho proceso? ¿Qué transformaciones sufre cuando lo hace? ¿Qué sucede con la que nunca lo consigue o se lo propone? Con foco en la literatura que, de acuerdo con postulados teóricos diseñados en los años 60, es concebida como latinoamericana y con contribuciones de destacados investigadores de diferentes lugares de Europa, América Latina y EE.UU., el volumen Literatura latinoamericana mundial intenta ser un aporte crítico al actual debate sobre literatura mundial. Tres bloques conceptuales, que también son tres de los principales núcleos en torno a los cuales gira la discusión, lo organizan: "gatekeepers", con foco en los dispositivos, actores o instituciones que vehiculizan u obturan la circulación internacional de literatura; "traducción", con reflexiones acerca de este mecanismo ineludible, pero siempre problemático, para que la literatura trascienda fronteras nacionales; y "literaturas locales", concentrado en escrituras y proyectos que, al permanecer aferrados a contextos específicos, constituyen el lado negado de ciertos modelos hegemónicos de la teoría de la literatura mundial.
Gatekeeper. --- Gatekeepers. --- Lateinamerikanische Literatur. --- Latin American literatures. --- Translation. --- Weltliteratur. --- World Literature. --- Übersetzung. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / American / Hispanic American.
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Welches Wissen haben Professorinnen und Professoren über Gender- und Gleichstellungsfragen und wie setzen sie Gleichstellung in ihren wesentlichen Handlungsfeldern - als Führungskräfte in Forschung, Lehre und akademischer Selbstverwaltung - um? Ziel des Bandes ist es, das Zusammenwirken von Wissen und Haltungen von Professor*innen auf der einen Seite und ihren Handlungsorientierungen im Hinblick auf Gleichstellung auf der anderen Seite zu beleuchten. What do professors know about gender and equality issues, and how do they implement equality in their main fields of action - research, teaching and academic self-administration? The aim of this volume is to shed light on the nexus of professors' knowledge and attitudes on the one hand and on action orientations with regard to gender equality on the other.
Bestenauswahl --- Equality knowledge --- Excellence --- Exzellenz --- Gatekeeper --- Gender equality --- Gender images --- Gender knowledge --- Geschlechterbilder --- Geschlechterwissen --- Gleichstellung --- Gleichstellungswissen --- Professor*innen --- Professor --- Selection of the best --- Stereotype --- University --- Universität --- bestenauswahl --- equality knowledge --- excellence --- exzellenz --- gatekeeper --- gender equality --- gender images --- gender knowledge --- geschlechterbilder --- geschlechterwissen --- gleichstellung --- gleichstellungswissen --- professor --- selection of the best --- stereotype --- university --- universität
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Mental Disorders. --- Referral and Consultation. --- Hospitalization. --- Psychology, Medical. --- Patients --- Medical Psychology --- Hospitalizations --- Institutionalization --- Consultation and Referral --- Health Service Gatekeepers --- Hospital Referrals --- Referral --- Referral, Hospital --- Referrals, Hospital --- Consultation --- Gatekeepers, Health Service --- Hospital Referral --- Second Opinion --- Consultations --- Gatekeeper, Health Service --- Health Service Gatekeeper --- Opinion, Second --- Opinions, Second --- Referrals --- Second Opinions --- Tertiary Care Centers --- Behavior Disorders --- Diagnosis, Psychiatric --- Mental Disorders, Severe --- Psychiatric Diagnosis --- Mental Illness --- Psychiatric Diseases --- Psychiatric Disorders --- Psychiatric Illness --- Illness, Mental --- Mental Disorder --- Mental Disorder, Severe --- Mental Illnesses --- Psychiatric Disease --- Psychiatric Disorder --- Psychiatric Illnesses --- Severe Mental Disorder --- Severe Mental Disorders --- Mentally Ill Persons --- psychology.
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In diesem Open-Access-Buch geht es um die Frage, welche individuellen Faktoren Vertrauen bzw. Misstrauen in Journalismus erklären. In Teilen der Bevölkerung erodiert das Vertrauen in journalistische Medien. Gleichzeitig verliert der Journalismus seine Rolle als Gatekeeper und tritt in Konkurrenz zu anderen Informationsanbietern im Internet. Fabian Prochazka untersucht theoretisch und empirisch, wie diese beiden Phänomene zusammenhängen. In welchen gesellschaftlichen Milieus ist Vertrauen bzw. Misstrauen in den Journalismus besonders verbreitet und wie hängt es mit Personenmerkmalen zusammen? Welche Qualitätswahrnehmungen und Vorwürfe an den Journalismus stehen hinter einer vertrauensvollen oder misstrauischen Haltung? Beschädigt oder stärkt die gewandelte Informationsumgebung im Internet das Vertrauen in den Journalismus? Der Inhalt Öffentlichkeit unter Online-Bedingungen Vertrauen in Journalismus Konzeptuell-methodische Ansätze in der Medienvertrauensforschung Einflussfaktoren auf Vertrauen in Journalismus Alternative Ereignisdarstellungen und Medienkritik im Internet Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie Praktikerinnen und Praktiker aus Journalismus, Medienregulierung und Politik Der Autor Fabian Prochazka ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft der Universität Hohenheim.
Journalism. --- Political communication. --- Communication. --- Political Communication. --- Media and Communication. --- Communication, Primitive --- Mass communication --- Sociology --- Political communication --- Political science --- Writing (Authorship) --- Literature --- Publicity --- Fake news --- Journalism --- Political Communication --- Media and Communication --- Open Access --- Medienkritik --- Glaubwürdigkeit --- Lügenpresse --- Öffentlichkeit --- Fake News --- Internet --- Alternativmedien --- öffentliche Bürgerkommunikation --- Originalquellen --- journalistische Qualität --- Einflussfaktoren auf Vertrauen in Journalismus --- Qualitätserwartungen und Qualitätswahrnehmungen --- alternative Ereignisdarstellungen --- qualitative Leitfadeninterviews --- quantitative Online-Befragung --- Misstrauenstypen --- Vertrauenstypen --- Gatekeeper --- Nachrichtennutzung --- Media, entertainment, information & communication industries --- Political science & theory --- Media studies --- Communication in politics.
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Ausgangspunkt des Buches ist das für Deutschland konstatierte Problem geringer Studierendenquoten bei gleichzeitig ausgeprägter sozialer Ungleichheit im Studium. Das Buch untersucht dabei individuelle und institutionelle Hürden bei der Umsetzung von Studienaspirationen und fragt, ob es selbst auf diesem "kurzen Stück" ins Studium soziale Herkunftsunterschiede gibt. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen theoretisch wie quantitativ empirisch verschiedene Phasen der Aspirationsumsetzung - Intention, Bewerbung, Zulassung, Studienaufnahme - sowie die direkte und indirekte Rolle von Gatekeepingprozessen an deutschen Hochschulen. The book examines individual and institutional barriers that high school graduates with college aspirations face and asks whether there are social background differences even within this highly selective group. It focuses theoretically as well as empirically on different phases - intentions, applications, admissions, enrolment - and allows a first glance on the direct and indirect influence of gatekeeping processes of German universities.
admissions processes --- aspiration conversion --- Aspiration --- Aspirationsumsetzung --- Bildungsentscheidungen --- college admissions --- colleges as gatekeepers --- Hochschule --- Hochschulen als Gatekeeper --- Hochschultyp --- individual barriers --- individuelle Hürden --- institutional barriers --- institutionelle Hürden --- role of gatekeeping processes --- Rolle von Gatekeepingprozessen --- social origin differences --- soziale Herkunftsunterschiede --- soziale Ungleichheit --- Student choices --- student rates --- Studienaufnahme --- Studienbewerbung --- Studienentscheidung --- Studienfachwahl --- Studienzulassung --- Studierendenquoten --- Studium --- transition processes --- transition to college --- Zulassungsverfahren --- Übergang ins Studium --- Übergangsprozesse --- individuelle Hürden --- institutionelle Hürden --- Übergang ins Studium --- Übergangsprozesse
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Fake News und Verschwörungstheorien haben Hochkonjunktur: Lügen werden als Informationen getarnt und fadenscheinige Theorien ziehen bisher anerkannte Wahrheiten in Zweifel. Und spätestens wenn mit dem Begriff »alternative Fakten« Wahlmöglichkeiten auf dem Feld der Tatsachen suggeriert werden, kommt die Frage nach der willkürlichen Manipulation der Wirklichkeit auf. Doch was sind Fake News eigentlich? Wie funktionieren Verschwörungstheorien? Und warum sind wir dafür offensichtlich so anfällig? Katrin Götz-Votteler und Simone Hespers gehen den Gründen für den gegenwärtigen Erfolg dieser Phänomene nach und zeigen, wie kommunikative Mechanismen und Prozesse unbewusst auf unsere Meinungsbildung wirken. Der Sprache als wesentliches Kommunikationsmittel kommt hier eine ebenso große Bedeutung zu wie visuellen Codes und Bildern, die vor allem in Form von Fotografien ein »Fenster zur Welt« auch außerhalb der eigenen Erfahrungsmöglichkeiten öffnen. »Dieses Buch [ist] besonders wertvoll, weil es zu einem kritischen Umgang mit Medien anleitet und Strategien vorstellt, wie man Fake News bekämpfen kann.« Thomas Zoglauer, der blaue reiter, 69 (2020) »Dieses gut verständliche und perspektivenreiche Werk ist Studierenden wie Lehrenden, Medienpraktiker_innen wie Medienrezipient_innen, eigentlich allen an der Thematik Interessierten als umfassende Einführung nachdrücklich zu empfehlen.« Annika Franzetti, Communicatio Socialis, 3 (2020) »Das verständlich geschriebene, mit anschaulichen Beispielen versehene Buch liefert eine Fülle an gesellschaftlich relevantem und nützlichem Wissen. Es ist unbedingt allen Bürgern und Bürgerinnen zu empfehlen.« Antje Flade,, 07.01.2020 »Als Einführung zum Thema empfehlenswert. Denn allgemeine Aussagen gehen mit konkreten Beispielen einher, Arbeitsgriffe aus den unterschiedlichen Disziplinen werden erläutert und hervorgehoben, und dann gibt es noch viele Hinweise für die Ursachenanalyse.« Armin Pfahl-Traughber, Humanistischer Pressedienst, 27.12.2019 Besprochen in:, 12.04.2020, Oliver Neumann TRUST, 202 (2020), Dolf Hermannstädter Praxis Politik, 4 (2020)
Alternative Fakten; Fake News; Verschwörungstheorien; Postfaktisch; Digitalität; Wissensgesellschaft; Meinungsbildung; Lügen; Wahrheit; Realität; Wirklichkeit; Psychologie; Technologie; Vertrauen; Vertrauenskrise; Donald Trump; Weltbild; Wahrnehmung; Kognitive Dissonanz; Massenmedien; Medien; Gatekeeper; Leitmedium; Nachrichten; Linguistische Relativität; Metapher; Framing; Glaubwürdigkeit; Fotographie; Aufmerksamkeitsregeln; Postdemokratische Gesellschaft; Kultur; Sprache; Bild; Kulturtheorie; Bildwissenschaft; Sprachwissenschaft; Kulturwissenschaft; Alternative Facts; Conspiracy Theories; Post Facto; Digital Media; Knowledge Society; Opinion Formation; Lies; Truth; Reality; Culture; Language; Image; Cultural Theory; Visual Studies; Linguistics; Cultural Studies --- Conspiracy Theories. --- Cultural Studies. --- Cultural Theory. --- Culture. --- Digital Media. --- Fake News. --- Image. --- Knowledge Society. --- Language. --- Lies. --- Linguistics. --- Opinion Formation. --- Post Facto. --- Reality. --- Truth. --- Visual Studies.
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Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry, by Theodore A. Stern, Gregory L. Fricchione, Ned H. Cassem, Michael Jellinek, and Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, is your ideal source of guidance on consultation-liaison psychiatry! Experts from the Massachusetts General Hospital-widely respected as one of the world's premier psychiatric institutions-provide practical advice on the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric issues experienced by in-hospital, medically ill adults and children. This compact resource reads like a handbook, but delivers all the details you₂d expect from a textbook. Understand and manage the psychological impact of chronic medical problems, life-threatening diseases, disfigurement, and more. Effectively manage difficult patients, including those with hypochondriacal and conversion disorders.
Psychiatric consultation. --- Patients --- Sick --- Mental Disorders. --- Hospitalization. --- Psychology, Medical. --- Referral and Consultation. --- Mental health. --- Psychology. --- psychology. --- Psychiatric consultation --- Patient Care --- Persons --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Behavioral Sciences --- Health Occupations --- Professional Practice --- Disciplines and Occupations --- Health Services --- Therapeutics --- Named Groups --- Behavioral Disciplines and Activities --- Organization and Administration --- Health Services Administration --- Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Health Care --- Psychology, Medical --- Hospitalization --- Psychology --- Referral and Consultation --- Mental Disorders --- Psychiatry --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Psychiatry - General --- Mental health --- Medical Psychology --- Hospitalizations --- Institutionalization --- Consultation and Referral --- Health Service Gatekeepers --- Hospital Referrals --- Referral --- Referral, Hospital --- Referrals, Hospital --- Consultation --- Gatekeepers, Health Service --- Hospital Referral --- Second Opinion --- Consultations --- Gatekeeper, Health Service --- Health Service Gatekeeper --- Opinion, Second --- Opinions, Second --- Referrals --- Second Opinions --- Tertiary Care Centers --- Behavior Disorders --- Diagnosis, Psychiatric --- Mental Disorders, Severe --- Psychiatric Diagnosis --- Disorder, Mental --- Disorder, Severe Mental --- Disorders, Behavior --- Disorders, Mental --- Disorders, Severe Mental --- Mental Disorder --- Mental Disorder, Severe --- Severe Mental Disorder --- Severe Mental Disorders --- Mentally Ill Persons --- Diseases --- Illness behavior --- Sick role --- Medicine and psychology --- Psychology, Applied --- Consultation, Psychiatric --- Consultation-liaison psychiatry --- Medical consultation --- Mental health consultation --- psychology --- Psychological aspects --- Psychiatric Diseases --- Psychiatric Disorders --- Psychiatric Illness --- Psychiatric Disease --- Psychiatric Disorder --- Psychiatric Illnesses --- Mental Illness --- Illness, Mental --- Mental Illnesses
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Looking at fiction and nonfiction by citizen journalists and undocumented writers, Caminero-Santangelo finds that latino/a writers increasingly express a sense of solidarity with undocumented immigrants. She also notes, however, that the literary and narrative response is far from heterogeneous.
Border patrols --- Social justice in literature. --- Undocumented immigrants --- Immigrants' writings, American --- American literature --- Boundary patrols --- Frontier patrols --- Surveillance by border patrols --- Police --- American immigrants' writings --- Government policy --- History and criticism. --- Hispanic American authors --- Operation Gatekeeper (U.S.) --- United States. --- Mexican-American Border Region. --- American-Mexican Border Region --- Border Region, American-Mexican --- Border Region, Mexican-American --- Borderlands (Mexico and U.S.) --- Mexico-United States Border Region --- Tierras Fronterizas de México-Estados Unidos --- United States-Mexico Border Region --- Illegal aliens --- Aliens --- Enemy aliens --- Expatriates --- Foreign population --- Foreign residents --- Foreigners --- Illegal immigrants --- Non-citizens --- Noncitizens --- Resident aliens --- Unauthorized immigrants --- Undocumented aliens --- Unnaturalized foreign residents --- Persons --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Illegal immigration --- Children of illegal aliens --- Illegal alien children --- Irregular migration --- Unauthorized immigration --- Undocumented immigration --- Women illegal aliens --- Emigration and immigration --- Human smuggling --- Noncitizen detention centers --- Noncitizens in literature. --- Illegal immigration in literature. --- Illegal aliens in literature --- Aliens in literature --- Illegal immigration.
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Although the global art market has often been resilient to international economic and political events, it has recently faced some of its biggest challenges under the influence of COVID-19. Among others, the pandemic and the accompanying restrictive administrative measures taken by world governments have significantly influenced such key economic indicators as gallery employment, art sales, and the organization of international art fairs. The Special Issue "Global Art Market in the Aftermath of COVID-19" studies various economic, social, and political impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global art market’s current state and future evolution.
Humanities --- Social interaction --- Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography --- external shocks in the art markets --- primary art market --- gallerists --- artists --- COVID-19 --- Portugal --- Spain --- Brazil --- art galleries --- art market --- digital technology --- multi-channel strategy --- business model innovation --- forecasts --- valuation studies --- sociology of art --- artworks --- visual arts --- TikTok --- feminism --- female artists --- gatekeeper --- contemporary art --- social media --- Millennials --- Gen Z --- COVID --- pandemic --- ethnography --- United Arab Emirates (UAE) --- Art Dubai --- Alserkal Avenue --- Sotheby’s Dubai --- virtual exhibitions --- Abu Dhabi Art --- post-COVID-19 art market --- Patachitra --- scrolls --- Patuas --- folk art --- storytelling --- singing pictures --- living heritage --- cultural industries --- precariousness --- precariat --- precarity --- public auction --- auction house --- live auctions --- online auctions --- online only auctions --- 2008–2009 financial crisis --- 2016 crisis --- COVID-19 crisis --- coronavirus --- NFT --- non-fungible token --- crypto-currency --- online art market --- COVID-19 pandemic --- expertise --- value --- contemporary art market --- art economics --- art and politics --- Australian art market --- Asian art market --- inter-connected Asia --- art and technology --- emerging art market --- art exhibitions --- hub cities --- networks --- digitalization --- hybridization --- editorial
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Many families experience the challenges of caregiver depression and early childhood developmental delays. Although relationship-based services could help caregivers to deal with such issues at the family level, numerous obstacles prevent adequate screening and identification, referral, and service delivery. The Helping Families Raise Healthy Children initiative implemented in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, addressed these challenges by training and supporting both early intervention and behavioral health providers in relationship-based care. The relationship-based care approach helped providers in both systems focus on the parent-child relationship in their work with the family. The initiative also addressed some of the logistical barriers to engagement in behavioral health treatment by providing in-home behavioral health services to families in need. The lessons learned from the initiative helped shape the recommendations for implementing the type of effort outlined in this tool kit, which provides information and resources for implementing depression screening within the early intervention system, strengthening cross-system collaborations, and implementing relationship-based care in the early intervention and behavioral health systems --
Depression, Mental --- Caregivers --- Parent and child --- Crisis intervention (Mental health services) --- Community mental health services --- Children --- Child development --- Family Relations --- Mental Health Services --- Community Health Services --- Health Planning --- Professional Practice --- Mood Disorders --- Health Services --- Behavioral Disciplines and Activities --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- Family --- Organization and Administration --- Mental Disorders --- Health Services Administration --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Health Care --- Psychology, Social --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Depressive Disorder --- Referral and Consultation --- Community Mental Health Services --- Health Plan Implementation --- Parent-Child Relations --- Psychiatry --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Psychiatric Disorders, Individual --- Psychology --- Health and hygiene --- Administration, Health Services --- Behavior Disorders --- Diagnosis, Psychiatric --- Mental Disorders, Severe --- Psychiatric Diagnosis --- Disorder, Mental --- Disorder, Severe Mental --- Disorders, Behavior --- Disorders, Mental --- Disorders, Severe Mental --- Mental Disorder --- Mental Disorder, Severe --- Severe Mental Disorder --- Severe Mental Disorders --- Administration and Organization --- Administrative Technics --- Administrative Techniques --- Coordination, Administrative --- Logistics --- Supervision --- Technics, Administrative --- Techniques, Administrative --- Administration --- Administrative Coordination --- Administrative Technic --- Administrative Technique --- Technic, Administrative --- Technique, Administrative --- Extended Family --- Family Life Cycle --- Family Research --- Filiation --- Kinship Networks --- Relatives --- Family Life Cycles --- Family Members --- Family, Reconstituted --- Stepfamily --- Extended Families --- Families --- Families, Extended --- Families, Reconstituted --- Family Member --- Family, Extended --- Kinship Network --- Life Cycle, Family --- Life Cycles, Family --- Network, Kinship --- Networks, Kinship --- Reconstituted Families --- Reconstituted Family --- Research, Family --- Stepfamilies --- Healthcare Economics and Organizations --- Services, Health --- Health Service --- Service, Health --- Affective Disorders --- Affective Disorder --- Disorder, Affective --- Disorder, Mood --- Disorders, Affective --- Disorders, Mood --- Mood Disorder --- Practice, Professional --- Practices, Professional --- Professional Practices --- PL93-641 --- Public Law 93-641 --- Health and Welfare Planning --- National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974 --- Planning, Health and Welfare --- State Health Planning, United States --- Planning, Health --- Public Law 93 641 --- Community Healthcare --- Health Services, Community --- Services, Community Health --- Community Health Care --- Care, Community Health --- Community Health Service --- Community Healthcares --- Health Care, Community --- Health Service, Community --- Healthcare, Community --- Healthcares, Community --- Service, Community Health --- Health Services, Mental --- Services, Mental Health --- Services, Mental Hygiene --- Mental Hygiene Services --- Health Service, Mental --- Hygiene Service, Mental --- Hygiene Services, Mental --- Mental Health Service --- Mental Hygiene Service --- Service, Mental Health --- Service, Mental Hygiene --- Family Dynamics --- Family Relationships --- Family Relationship --- Dynamic, Family --- Dynamics, Family --- Family Dynamic --- Family Relation --- Relation, Family --- Relations, Family --- Relationship, Family --- Relationships, Family --- Child study --- Development, Child --- Childhood --- Kids (Children) --- Pedology (Child study) --- Youngsters --- Mental health clinics --- Crisis intervention (Psychiatry) --- Emergency mental health services --- Intervention, Crisis (Mental health services) --- Child and parent --- Children and parents --- Parent-child relations --- Parents and children --- Care givers --- Carers --- Family caregivers --- Home health caregivers --- Informal caregivers --- Dejection --- Depression, Unipolar --- Depressive disorder --- Depressive psychoses --- Melancholia --- Mental depression --- Unipolar depression --- Parent Child Relationship --- Parent-Child Relationship --- Child Relationship, Parent --- Child Relationships, Parent --- Parent Child Relations --- Parent Child Relationships --- Parent-Child Relation --- Parent-Child Relationships --- Relation, Parent-Child --- Relations, Parent-Child --- Relationship, Parent Child --- Relationship, Parent-Child --- Relationships, Parent Child --- Relationships, Parent-Child --- Health Plan Implementations --- Implementation, Health Plan --- Implementations, Health Plan --- Plan Implementation, Health --- Plan Implementations, Health --- Assertive Community Treatment --- Health Services, Community Mental --- Services, Community Mental Health --- Services, Mental Health Community --- Mental Health Services, Community --- Community Treatment, Assertive --- Treatment, Assertive Community --- Consultation and Referral --- Health Service Gatekeepers --- Hospital Referrals --- Referral --- Referral, Hospital --- Referrals, Hospital --- Consultation --- Gatekeepers, Health Service --- Hospital Referral --- Second Opinion --- Consultations --- Gatekeeper, Health Service --- Health Service Gatekeeper --- Opinion, Second --- Opinions, Second --- Referrals --- Second Opinions --- Depression, Endogenous --- Depression, Neurotic --- Depressive Syndrome --- Neurosis, Depressive --- Unipolar Depression --- Depressions, Endogenous --- Depressions, Neurotic --- Depressions, Unipolar --- Depressive Disorders --- Depressive Neuroses --- Depressive Neurosis --- Depressive Syndromes --- Disorder, Depressive --- Disorders, Depressive --- Endogenous Depression --- Endogenous Depressions --- Melancholias --- Neuroses, Depressive --- Neurotic Depression --- Neurotic Depressions --- Syndrome, Depressive --- Syndromes, Depressive --- Unipolar Depressions --- Social Psychology --- Psychologies, Social --- Social Psychologies --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Healthcare Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- organization & administration --- Development --- Mentally Ill Persons --- Grandparents --- Planning Techniques --- Public Health Administration --- Social Work --- Community Health Planning --- Developmental biology --- Developmental psychobiology --- Child rearing --- Age groups --- Life cycle, Human --- Alternatives to psychiatric hospitalization --- Community health services --- Community psychiatry --- Mental health services --- Brief psychotherapy --- Psychiatric emergencies --- Children and adults --- Interpersonal relations --- Parental alienation syndrome --- Sandwich generation --- Volunteers --- Affective disorders --- Neurasthenia --- Neuroses --- Manic-depressive illness --- Melancholy --- Sadness --- Tertiary Care Centers --- Depression, Mental. --- Psychology, Perceptual --- Perceptual Psychology --- Psychiatric Diseases --- Psychiatric Disorders --- Psychiatric Illness --- Psychiatric Disease --- Psychiatric Disorder --- Psychiatric Illnesses --- Psychology. --- Bipolar disorder
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