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For more than one thousand years, people from every corner of the Greco-Roman world sought the hope for a blessed afterlife through initiation into the Mysteries of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis. In antiquity itself and in our memory of antiquity, the Eleusinian Mysteries stand out as the oldest and most venerable mystery cult. Despite the tremendous popularity of the Eleusinian Mysteries, their origins are unknown. Because they are lost in an era without written records, they can only be reconstructed with the help of archaeology. This book provides a much needed synthesis of the archaeology of Eleusis during the Bronze Age and reconstructs the formation and early development of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The discussion of the origins of the Eleusinian Mysteries is complemented with discussions of the theology of Demeter and an update on the state of research in the archaeology of Eleusis from the Bronze Age to the end of antiquity.
Bronze age --- Eleusinian mysteries. --- Sacred space --- Age du bronze --- Eleusis, Mystères d' --- Lieux sacrés --- Demeter (Greek deity) --- Eleusis (Greece) --- Eleusis (Grèce) --- Antiquities. --- Religion. --- Antiquités --- Religion --- Eleusinian mysteries --- Antiquities --- Cults --- Mysteries, Religious --- Demeter --- Demetra --- 得墨忒耳 --- デーメーテール --- דמטר --- 데메테르 --- Деметра --- Дэмэтра --- Дэметра --- دمتر --- ديميتر --- Δαμάτηρ --- Δημήτηρ --- Δήμητρα --- Ceres --- Elevsís (Greece) --- Eleusina (Greece) --- Eleusi (Greece) --- Ελευσίνα (Greece) --- Elefsina (Greece) --- Elevsina (Greece) --- Holy places --- Places, Sacred --- Sacred places --- Sacred sites --- Sacred spaces --- Sites, Sacred --- Space, Sacred --- Holy, The --- Religion and geography --- Civilization
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Dossier : Comment agit-on par la parole dans un cadre ritualisé ? Les pratiques des mondes anciens étudiées sont l'occasion de repenser notre monde contemporain. À travers des processus de ritualisation, de « solennisation » et de formalisation, ce volume étudie la manière dont des actes de langage particuliers ont acquis la capacité de lier des personnes dans des unions durables (le mariage, l’alliance, l’adoption ou le contrat) ; de transmettre la connaissance du passé avec certitude et fidélité (le témoignage juridique) ; ou de garantir des actions à venir dans une totale confiance (le gage, la promesse et le vœu). Varia : Histoire et anthropologie religieuse (sphères d'action et modes d'épiphanie divine, oracles et politique, les agalmata, le daimôn du stoïcisme impérial). Questions d'anthropologie (comparatisme Grèce/Chine : la raison pratique ; le geste de Phryné ; les vases à prédelle ; la « féminité » des arbres : Varron, Ovide).
Religion --- History --- serment --- vœux --- vœu d’abstinence --- langage --- témoignage divin --- témoins humains --- offrande musicale --- Hymnes homériques --- katadesmoi --- kolossoi --- ornement --- malédiction réflexive --- rituel --- statue --- corps --- poitrine --- Phryné --- démocratie --- Éleusis --- Parthenos --- Varron --- Ovide --- métamorphose --- daimôn --- oath --- vows --- language --- divine witnessing --- abstention vow --- poetics and pragmatics --- sacrifice --- ritualization --- ritual --- charis --- beauty --- Phryne --- democracy --- Delphic oracle --- epiphany --- metamorphosis
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Little of the historiography of third-century Athens survives, and much of what we know-or might know-about the period has come down to us in inscriptions carved by Attic stonemasons of the time. In this book Stephen Tracy, the world's preeminent expert in this area, provides new insight into an unsettled and obscure moment in antiquity.
Attic Greek dialect --- Stone-cutters --- Inscriptions, Greek --- Greek language --- Greek inscriptions --- Greek philology --- Granite cutters --- Marble cutters --- Stone industry and trade --- Writing. --- History. --- Macedonia --- Athens (Greece) --- Inscriptions, Greek -- Greece -- Attike.. --- Stone-cutters -- Greece -- Attike -- History.. --- Attic Greek dialect -- Writing.. --- Athens (Greece) -- History.. --- Macedonia -- History. --- agora xvi. --- ancient greece. --- antiquity. --- archaeology. --- archon. --- archonship. --- aristion. --- athenian democracy. --- athens. --- attic decrees. --- attic letter cutters. --- attica. --- chaironeia. --- chremonidean war. --- classical studies. --- cutter of agora. --- demetrios. --- democracy. --- demosthenes. --- diomedon. --- eleusis. --- ephebes. --- eurykleides. --- government. --- greek history. --- hellenism. --- history. --- kings. --- macedon. --- macedonia. --- marble. --- nonfiction. --- occupation. --- oligarchy. --- olympiodoros. --- phaleron. --- politics. --- ptolemy. --- regime. --- sortition. --- stonemasons. --- writing.
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The tendency for climate to change has been one of the most surprising outcomes of the study of Earth's history. Marine geoscience can reveal valuable information about past environments, climates, and biota just before, during and after each climate perturbation. Particularly, certain intervals of geological records are windows to key episodes in the climate history of the Earth–life system. Ιn this regard, the detailed analyses of such time intervals are challenging and rewarding for environmental reconstruction and climate modelling, because they provide documentation and better understanding of a warmer-than-present world, and opportunities to test and refine the predictive ability of climate models. Marine geological dynamics such as sea-level changes, hydrographic parameters, water quality, sedimentary cyclicity, and (paleo)climate are strongly related through a direct exchange between the oceanographic and atmospheric systems. The increasing attention paid to this wide topic is also motivated by the interplay of these processes across a variety of settings (coastal to open marine) and timescales (early Cenozoic to modern). In order to realize the full predictive value of these warm (fresh)/cold (salty) intervals in Earth's history, it is important to have reliable tools (e.g., integrated geochemical, paleontological and/or paleoceanographic proxies) through the application of multiple, independent, and novel techniques (e.g., TEX86, UK’37, Mg/Ca, Na/Ca, Δ47, and μCT) for providing reliable hydroclimate reconstructions at both local and global scales.
microfacies types --- Pantokrator Limestones --- Vigla Formation --- Senonian calciturbidites --- Eocene brecciated limestones --- carbonate porosity --- petroleum prospectivity --- stratigraphic correlations --- marine biogenic carbonates --- depositional environment --- paleoceanographic evolution --- planktonic foraminifera --- pteropods --- stable isotopes --- sea surface temperature (SST) --- stratification --- productivity --- sapropel S1 --- Aegean Sea --- Late Quaternary --- shell weight --- climate variability --- sea surface density --- carbonate production --- X-ray microscopy (μCT) --- δ18O and Mg/Ca analyses --- offshore groundwater exploration --- coastal aquifers --- salt-/fresh-water relationship --- Mediterranean Sea --- Attica-Greece --- cleaning protocol --- unconsolidated core sediments --- climate reconstruction --- synchrotron X-ray microtomography (SμCT) --- foraminiferal-based proxies --- BTEX natural attenuation --- hydro-stratigraphy --- multi-layered aquifer --- Thriassion Plain --- confined and unconfined aquifer --- coastal aquifer --- Gulf of Eleusis --- ocean paleodensity --- Atlantic Meridional Circulation (AMOC) --- planktonic foraminiferal biogeography --- surface sediments --- morphometrics --- shell size --- environmental biomonitoring --- ecological optimum conditions --- primary productivity --- depth habitat preference --- cryptic speciation --- central Mediterranean hydrodynamics --- sea level fluctuations --- soluble substances --- coastal environment change --- diatom --- geochemical elements --- n/a
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