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Die Fachzeitschrift Curaviva thematisiert die institutionelle Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen, erwachsenen Menschen mit Behinderung sowie Menschen im Alter. Sie richtet sich vorab an Heimleitende, Kaderangehörige und Mitarbeitende in Alters-, Pflege-, Kinder-, Jugend- und Behinderteninstitutionen sowie an deren Trägerschaften. Sie vermittelt ein Bild über das aktuelle Geschehen, Tendenzen aus der Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Bildungspolitik, Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung sowie Erfahrungswerte aus der Praxis. Sie wird vom Verband CURAVIVA Schweiz herausgegeben und informiert zudem über die Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebote sowie Aktivitäten des Verbands.
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Published in 1905, The Approach to Philosophy was written by Princeton and Harvard educated American philosopher, Ralph Barton Perry
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It is a well-known fact that Kant used the lament of the Trojan queen, Hecuba, from Ovid’s Metamorphoses to describe the fate of metaphysics. But these words could equally be used to describe the peculiar fate of the Alcibiades Major. There was a time when this small dialogue was held in high regard and enjoyed much authority.2 The Alcibiades Major was unreservedly attributed to Plato. It was much read, quoted and alluded to. And it is no exaggeration to say that it was one of the key works of the corpus platonicum. The contrast with the present could hardly be more striking.
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Though at first it may seem to deal with rather specific questions concerning rhetoric, Plato’s Gorgias turns out to be about human life, and what is at stake in it. This apparent “change of subject” – or rather this ambiguity in the dialogue’s subject matter – has to do with the fact that the Gorgias is very much like a labyrinth: puzzling, intricate, made of multiple meandering paths in which one can easily get lost, and full of deviations which turn this way and that, of entrances that seem to be dead ends, and of dizzying turns that distort all sense of direction.
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Posidonius was a major intellectual figure of the Hellenistic world whose interests and contribution spread over the whole intellectual field: philosophy, history, the sciences. His writings are of interest not only to philosophers and classicists, but also to historians and history of science. His work survives only in fragments. The text of these fragments, collected and edited by L. Edelstein and I. G. Kidd, was published in 1972 (Vol. I The Fragments), with a second edition in 1989. This collection, along with Vol. II The Commentary by I.G. Kidd (1988), has become established as the definitive modern edition. However, many of the fragments are extremely difficult to translate, and this volume of translations has been compiled to make this interesting material more easily accessible to scholars and students. The translations are accompanied by contextual introductions and explanatory notes where necessary. An Introduction summarises the importance of Posidonius and his work.
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Whether it be the China of Confucius or the Germany of Jurgen Moltmann, premodern India or the World Trade Organization, philosophy has brought us face-to-face with the pressing issues of our times. More often than not, these inquiries have stimulated cre
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De vrolijke wetenschap (1882) is Nietzsches meest zonovergoten boek. Hij ontdekt de genezende invloed op het denken van het Zuiden, het mediterrane klimaat. Hij spiegelt zich aan de gaya scienza van de Provençaalse troubadour, die zanger, ridder en vrije geest ineen is. Nietzsche speelt in dit boek een gevaarlijk spel met alles wat 'heilig, goed, onaanraakbaar, goddelijk heette'. De dood van God, die in dit boek wordt aangekondigd, maakt de mens zelf voortaan tot de verantwoordelijke voor het voortbestaan. Die wetenschap is even ijzingwekkend als bevrijdend. Reden waarom de lichtvoetige ode aan de wereld van de schijn culmineert in de diepzinnige gedachte van 'de eeuwige wederkeer van hetzelfde'. Nietzsche anticipeert hiermee op de nihilistische onverschilligheid die na het afscheid van de bovennatuurlijke instanties op de loer ligt. Met 'de eeuwige wederkeer' proclameert hij de onvoorwaardelijke trouw aan het onvervangbare, aardse leven als de hoogste waarde. Als een ridder die door het vuur gaat voor een vrouw, want: 'Ja, het leven is een vrouw!'
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The Shorter REP presents the very best of the acclaimed ten volume Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a single volume. It makes a selection of the most important entries available for the first time and covers all you need to know about philosophy, from Aristotle to Wittgenstein and animals and ethics to scientific method.Comprising over 900 entries and covering the major philosophers and philosophical topics, The Shorter REP includes the following special features: Unrivalled coverage of major philosophers, themes, movements and periods makin
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