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To celebrate the 270th anniversary of the De Gruyter publishing house, the company is providing permanent open access to 270 selected treasures from the De Gruyter Book Archive. Titles will be made available to anyone, anywhere at any time that might be interested. The DGBA project seeks to digitize the entire backlist of titles published since 1749 to ensure that future generations have digital access to the high-quality primary sources that De Gruyter has published over the centuries.
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With "Schone Wissenschaften" (Beautiful Sciences) in the title of the volume, a central philosophical term of the Enlightenment is taken up, with which various ideas of beauty and science are connected. These ideas played a role in art and natural science collections in the late 18th century and direct the attention to the revealing and interesting structures of knowledge and cognition of that time. "Beautiful Sciences" focuses on the art and natural science collections under Emperor Joseph II (r. 1765-1790), and makes them the entry point to a far-reaching analysis of their history, and of how they were understood scientifically and by the public in Vienna during the Enlightenment. Going beyond the field of collections, the essays are also devoted to the initiatives that at the same time were concerned with systematizing and ordering, and provided impulses for the arrangement and presentation of the imperial collections. From the perspective of collecting, organizing, and presenting, the book explores the extent to which the Josephine collections concentrate the ideas of the Enlightenment and translate them into practice, and thus turn them into places of knowledge and learning. The aim of this volume is to relate the collection and ordering projects and their public presentation to one another beyond a single case study showing that an interdisciplinary reflection can lead to a deeper understanding of art and natural science collections and of the fundamentally new quality of view of the world during the Enlightenment. Mit "Schone Wissenschaften" im Titel des Sammelbandes wird ein zentraler philosophischer Begriff der Aufklarung aufgegriffen, mit dem sich verschiedene Vorstellungen von Schonheit und Wissenschaft verbinden, die in kunst- und naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen im spaten 18. Jahrhundert eine Rolle spielten und den Blick auf die aufschlussreichen und interessanten Wissens- und Erkenntnisstrukturen in jener Zeit richten. "Schone Wissenschaften" macht die kunst- und naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen unter Kaiser Joseph II. (reg. 1765-1790) zum Ausgangspunkt weitreichender Fragen zur Sammlungsgeschichte, zum Offentlichkeits- und Wissenschaftsverstandnis im Wien der Aufklarung. Uber das Sammlungswesen hinausgehend, widmen sich die Beitrage des Buches auch den zahlreichen Initiativen, die sich zur gleichen Zeit programmatisch mit dem Verwissenschaftlichen, Systematisieren und Ordnen auseinandersetzten, und Impulse fur die Ordnung und Prasentation der kaiserlichen Sammlungen lieferten. Aus Perspektive des Sammelns, Ordnens und Prasentierens wird ergrundet, inwieweit die josephinischen Sammlungen die Ideen der Aufklarung bundeln, vermitteln und popularisieren, und sie so zu Wissens- und Erkenntnisorten werden. Die Sammlungs- und Ordnungsprojekte und ihre offentliche Prasentation uber ein einzelnes Fallbeispiel hinaus aufeinander zu beziehen und zu zeigen, dass mit der interdisziplinaren Zusammenschau ein tieferes Verstandnis der kunst- und naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen und der grundlegend neuen Qualitat des Blicks auf die Welt in der Aufklarung gewonnen werden kann, ist das Anliegen dieses Sammelbandes.
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Cabinets of prints and drawings are found in the earliest art collections of Early Modern Europe. From the sixteenth century onwards, some of them acquired such fame that the necessity for an ordered and scientific display meant that a dedicated keeper was occasionally employed to ensure that fellow enthusiasts, as well as visiting diplomats, courtiers and artists, might have access to the print room. Often collected and displayed together with drawings, the prints formed a substantial part of princely collections which sometimes achieved astounding longevity as a specialised group of collectibles, such as the Florentine Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe at the Uffizi (GDSU).Prints and drawings, both bought and commissioned, were collected by princes and by private amateurs. Like the rest of their collections, the prints and drawings were usually preserved and displayed as part of, or near, the owner's library in close proximity to scientific instruments, cut gems or small sculptural works of art. Both prints and drawings not only documented an encyclopaedic approach to the knowledge available at the time, but also depicted parts of the collections in the form of a paper museum. Prints and drawings also served as a guide to the collections. They spread their fame, and the renown of their owners, across Europe and into new worlds of collecting, both East and West.This volume explores issues such as: when, how and why did cabinets of prints and drawings become a specialised part of princely and private collections? How important were collections of prints and drawings for the self-representation of a prince or connoisseur among specialists and social peers? Is the presentation of a picture hanging in a gallery, for example by Charles Eisen for the Royal Galleries at Dresden, to be treated as documentary evidence? Are there notable differences in the approach to collecting, presentation and preservation of prints and drawings in diverse parts of the world? What was the afterlife of such collections up to the present day?.
Drawing --- Prints --- Collectors and collecting.
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As coleções científicas, as práticas de campo, suas representações artístico/científicas, suas relações comerciais ocupam cada vez mais um lugar privilegiado na produção historiográfica internacional. Por toda a América Latina, muitas de suas coleções de objetos, imagens, fotografias, catálogos, textos, periódicos, correspondências reunidas há séculos permanecem a espera das necessárias análises contextuais, temporais, locais que esse livro pretende discutir.
Brazil --- Museums. --- Collectors and collecting.
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This second edition of Peter Ducker's best-selling British Military Medals traces the history of medals and gallantry awards from Elizabethan times to the modern day, and it features an expert account of their design and production. Campaign and gallantry medals are a key to understanding - and exploring - British and imperial military history, and to uncovering the careers and exploits of individual soldiers. In a series of succinct and well-organized chapters he explains how medals originated, to whom they were awarded and how the practice of giving medals has developed over the centuries. H
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This is the story of one of the great outflows of art in history, that is, from China into the collections and museums of the West. Western collectors and international dealers gathered paintings, ceramics, and other art objects during a short period from 1860 into the early years of the twentieth century, and now there is a reverse flow as wealthy Chinese collectors purchase back some of these treasures.
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