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Kants einleitung in die rechtslehre von 1784 : Immanuel Kants Rechtsbegriff in der moralvorlesung "Mrongovius II" und der naturrechtsvorlesung "Feyerabend" von 1784 sowie in der "metaphysik der sitten" von 1797
Year: 2012 Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen

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1797 appears with the metaphysical starting points of Immanuel Kant's main legal philosophy work. It is not uncommon to encounter the view that Kant's legal philosophy essentially stems from his late phase and, moreover, is difficult to reconcile with the critical moral philosophy of the 1780s. Against this background, the present study is devoted to comparing the Kantian concept of law, as introduced in the introduction to legal theory in 1797, with Kant's explanations in the lecture notes Moral-Mrongovius II and Naturrecht-Feyerabend from 1784. that the legal concept of 1797 had already been worked out in 1784. Even more: It shows that Kant's concept of law was not only in the phase of his critical moral philosophy, but was rather designed in one piece with it and how it is based on the critical concept of freedom.


Kant, Immanuel,

Kant e l'ortodossia russa : Accademie ecclesiastiche e filosofia in Russia tra XVIII e XIX secolo
Year: 2017 Publisher: Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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La diffusione della nuova filosofia kantiana nella cultura russa fu singolarmente precoce: anche le Accademie ecclesiastiche ortodosse furono coinvolte in questo processo, nonostante il controllo esercitato dalla censura a difesa della tradizione metafisica e teologica. La storia e le fonti della "filosofia delle Accademie ecclesiastiche" vengono esaminate anche attraverso l'analisi degli scritti di due autori (I.Ja. Vetrinskij e di P.D. Jurkevič), che, reagendo alla "rivoluzione" kantiana, attestano la precisa consapevolezza della imprescindibilità di un confronto reale con il criticismo. L'indagine sulla ricezione è completata da un'appendice dedicata alle complesse vicende degli studi kantiani in lingua russa durante i decenni segnati dalla parabola del regime sovietico.


Kant, Immanuel,

Kantovskiĭ sbornik

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Kants Antwort auf die Globalisierung : das kantsche Weltbürgerrecht als Prinzip einer normativen politischen Theorie des weltpolitischen Systems zur Steuerung der Globalisierung
ISBN: 3832599576 Year: 2010 Publisher: Berlin : Logos Verlag,

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Long description: Geschehnisse an irgendeinem Ort der Welt haben Folgen für jeden anderen Ort der Welt. Die Menschen sind voneinander abhängig, leben also in einer Schicksalsgemeinschaft. Diese wechselseitige weltweite Abhängigkeit wird besonders deutlich im Zuge wirtschaftlicher Verwerfungen, ökologischer Katastrophen oder sicherheitspolitischer Herausforderungen wie dem internationalen Terrorismus. In diesem Kontext ist auch die weltweite Finanz- und Bankenkrise 2008/2009 zu sehen, die zu einer noch nie da gewesenen globalen Absprache über Möglichkeiten der politischen Regulierung des Weltfinanzsystems geführt hat. Was bedeutet das für die immer noch hauptsächlich nationalstaatlich ausgerichtete Politik? Wie sollen die Menschen mit diesem Phänomen, genannt Globalisierung, welches jeden einzelnen konkret in seiner ganz persönlichen Lebenswelt betrifft, umgehen? Kurz: Es stellt sich die Frage nach politischer Steuerung der globalen Interaktionen auf allen gesellschaftlichen Ebenen. Kant gibt darauf die einzig realistische und zugleich die aktuell visionärste Antwort; denn er war sich bereits 1795 über die weltweite Abhängigkeit aller Menschen im Klaren und entwickelte deshalb das Weltbürgerrecht, welches ein dynamisches Instrument zur politischen Steuerung der Globalisierung hin zu einer friedlicheren Weltordnung demokratischer Staaten ist.

Revista de estudios Kantianos.
Year: 2016 Publisher: [España] : Sociedad de Estudios Kantianos en Lengua Española,

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Immanuel Kant – Freiheit, Vernunft, Sinnlichkeit : Vielstimmiger Widerhall der Philosophie Kants im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783111386270 3111386279 Year: 2024 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Die Bedeutung von Kants Philosophie zeigt sich nicht zuletzt an der vielfältigen und auch widersprüchlichen Rezeption. Eines der zentralen Desiderate der kantischen Moralphilosophie betrifft in den Augen vieler Kritiker die Behandlung der Gefühle, die nach Kant durch die Vernunft zu beherrschen und den Pflichten des Sittengesetzes unterzuordnen sind. Ferner gäbe Kants subjektzentrierte Begründung des Moralischen dem Anderen, der Alterität zu wenig Raum – auch wenn gerade Kant das Prinzip der Allgemeingültigkeit und Öffentlichkeit im politischen Denken vehement vertreten hat. In der theoretischen Philosophie gehörte von Anbeginn die transzendentale Ästhetik zu den Steinen des Anstoßes, die zu kreativen Reformulierungen Impulse gegeben haben. Die Beiträger/-innen in diesem Band widmen sich der Frage, wie mit Kant und über sein Denken hinaus ein für die Moderne adäquates Verständnis dieser Themenfelder formuliert werden kann.  This volume brings together articles discussing authors who performed critical and productive readings of Kant's philosophy of freedom, reason, and sensibility. These authors not only embraced Kant's ideas but also expanded upon them, generating polyphonic reverberations: Adorno, Arendt, Deleuze, Derrida, Foucault, Habermas, Horkheimer, Husserl, Margalit, Nietzsche, Pistorius, Popper, Rawls, Sartre, Tillich, and Weil.

Kant's philosophy of the unconscious
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1280569425 9786613599025 3110265400 3110204037 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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The unconscious raises relevant problems in the theory of knowledge as regards non-conceptual contents and obscure representations. In the philosophy of mind, it bears on the topic of the unity of consciousness and the notion of the transcendental Self. It is a key-topic of logic with respect to the distinction between determinate-indeterminate judgments and prejudices, and in aesthetics it appears in connection with the problems of reflective judgments and of the genius. Finally, it is a relevant issue also in moral philosophy in defining the irrational aspects of the human being. The purpose of the present volume is to fill a substantial gap in Kant research while offering a comprehensive survey of the topic in different areas of research, such as history of philosophy, philosophy of mind, aesthetics, moral philosophy, and anthropology.

Emotion, Reason and Action in Kant
ISBN: 1350078379 1350078360 135021230X Year: 2019 Publisher: London : Bloomsbury Academic,

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This book explores how, in Kant's world view, our actions are informed, contextualized and dependent on the tension between emotion and reason. Arguing that affects and passions are illnesses of the mind, because both hinder the sovereignty of reason, Borges demonstrates Kant's recognition of the malleability of reason. To this end, the book explores the full range of negative and positive emotions in Kant's work, including self-control, compassion, sympathy, as well as anger. Kant's argument on the gendered nature of emotion, that women's innate morality disciplined men's tendency to behave in immoral ways, is also discussed. Finally, Borges shows how Kant's theory of emotion includes both physiological and cognitive aspects. Emotion, Reason and Action in Kant is an important new contribution to Kant Studies, suitable for students of Kant, ethics, and moral psychology.

Kant on love
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110543893 3110544970 3110543850 9783110543858 Year: 2018 Publisher: De Gruyter

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"This is an immensely useful resource for other scholars and philosophers wishing to understand Kant's views on love."- Rae Langton, University of Cambridge What did Immanuel Kant really think about love? In Kant on Love, Pärttyli Rinne provides the first systematic study of 'love' in the philosophy of Kant. Rinne argues that love is much more important to Kant than previously realised, and that understanding love is actually essential for Kantian ethical life.The study involves two interpretative main propositions. First, that love in Kant includes an underlying general division of love into love of benevolence and love of delight. Further, the study divides Kant's concept of love into several aspects of love, such as self-love, sexual love (and love of beauty), love of God, love of neighbor and love in friendship. A chapter of the book is devoted to each of these aspects, beginning with the lowest forms of self-love as crude animality, and moving gradually upwards towards idealised ethical notions of love. One way or another, the major aspects relate to the general division of love.This analytical trajectory yields the second main proposition of the study: Together, the aspects of love reveal an ascent of love in Kant's thought. Perhaps surprisingly, for Kant, love permeates human existence from the strongest impulses of nature to the highest ideals of morally deserved happiness. 

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