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In diesem Open-Access-Buch führt Valentin Katter eine umfassende didaktisch orientierte Sachanalyse unter historisch-, logisch-, und individualgenetischen Gesichtspunkten durch, mit der es ihm möglich ist, systematisch sechs Grundvorstellungen zum Sinusbegriff zu identifizieren. Anhand detaillierter Videoanalysen zeigt der Autor anschließend, wie diese Grundvorstellungen genutzt werden können, um Denkprozesse von Lehramtsstudierenden in kooperativen Problemlösesituationen zu rekonstruieren. Diese Rekonstruktionen gewähren einen Einblick in das komplexe individuelle Netz von Vorstellungen und ermöglichen es, das Potential und mögliche Hindernisse, die in ihm stecken, auszuloten. Der Autor Valentin Katter arbeitet als Wissenschaftler und Dozent am Institut für Didaktik der Mathematik (IDM) der Universität Bielefeld und promovierte dort bei Prof. Dr. Rudolf vom Hofe. Seine Arbeit ist am Übergang von der Schule zur Hochschule anzusiedeln, wo er sich mit stoffdidaktischen Fragestellungen in den Bereichen der Analysis und der Trigonometrie beschäftigt.
Mathematics. --- History. --- History of Mathematical Sciences. --- General Mathematics and Education. --- Math --- Science
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This open access book provides a historical treatment of scientific control in experimentation in the longue durée. The introduction distinguishes four related strands in the history of experimental control: the development of practices to stabilize experimental conditions; the career of the comparative design; the unfolding of methodological discussions about control practices and designs; and the history of the term “control”. Each chapter brings these distinctions to bear on specific historical episodes. The focus is on experiments with complex, elusive phenomena such as perception and learning, irregular movements, and unobservable elements. Such experiments bring control issues to the fore because they are difficult to design and stabilize and often controversial. Together, the chapters show that the local context shapes what exactly is controlled, how control can be accomplished, and how controls are justified. They also show that control strategies and methodological ideas often remain stable for a long time and change only gradually. This book, as well as the volume on analysis and synthesis in experimentation by the same editors, contains contributions by an array of experts from multiple disciplines, making it suitable for historians and philosophers of science and students alike.
Science --- Philosophy --- Analytical chemistry. --- Mathematics. --- History. --- History of Science. --- History of Philosophy. --- Analytical Chemistry. --- History of Mathematical Sciences.
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This open access book provides an overview of Felix Klein’s ideas, highlighting developments in university teaching and school mathematics related to Klein’s thoughts, stemming from the last century. It discusses the meaning, importance and the legacy of Klein’s ideas today and in the future, within an international, global context. Presenting extended versions of the talks at the Thematic Afternoon at ICME-13, the book shows that many of Klein’s ideas can be reinterpreted in the context of the current situation, and offers tips and advice for dealing with current problems in teacher education and teaching mathematics in secondary schools. It proves that old ideas are timeless, but that it takes competent, committed and assertive individuals to bring these ideas to life. Throughout his professional life, Felix Klein emphasised the importance of reflecting upon mathematics teaching and learning from both a mathematical and a psychological or educational point of view. He also strongly promoted the modernisation of mathematics in the classroom, and developed ideas on university lectures for student teachers, which he later consolidated at the beginning of the last century in the three books on elementary mathematics from a higher standpoint.
Mathematics. --- Mathematics Education. --- History of Mathematical Sciences. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Math --- Science --- Mathematics—Study and teaching . --- History. --- Teaching. --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Education --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- Mathematics—Study and teaching --- Mathematics --- History --- Teaching
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This open access book discusses several didactic traditions in mathematics education in countries across Europe, including France, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, the Czech and Slovakian Republics, and the Scandinavian states. It shows that while they all share common features both in the practice of learning and teaching at school and in research and development, they each have special features due to specific historical and cultural developments. The book also presents interesting historical facts about these didactic traditions, the theories and examples developed in these countries.
Mathematics. --- Mathematics Education. --- History of Mathematical Sciences. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Math --- Science --- Mathematics—Study and teaching . --- History. --- International education . --- Comparative education. --- Education, Comparative --- Education --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- History --- Mathematics—Study and teaching --- Mathematics --- International education --- Comparative education
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Places Ellis at the heart of early-Victorian Cambridge with in-depth descriptions on his scientific work and tragic life Provides a unique glimpse into Victorian intellectual culture, based on previously unpublished archival materials This open access book brings together for the first time all aspects of the tragic life and fascinating work of the polymath Robert Leslie Ellis (1817–1859), placing him at the heart of early-Victorian intellectual culture. Written by a diverse team of experts, the chapters in the book’s first part contain in-depth examinations of, among other things, Ellis’s family, education, Bacon scholarship and mathematical contributions. The second part consists of annotated transcriptions of a selection of Ellis’s diaries and correspondence. Taken together, A Prodigy of Universal Genius: Robert Leslie Ellis, 1817–1859 is a rich resource for historians of science, historians of mathematics and Victorian scholars alike. Robert Leslie Ellis was one of the most intriguing and wide-ranging intellectual figures of early Victorian Britain, his contributions ranging from advanced mathematical analysis to profound commentaries on philosophy and classics and a decisive role in the orientation of mid-nineteenth century scholarship. This very welcome collection offers both new and authoritative commentaries on the work, setting it in the context of the mathematical, philosophical and cultural milieux of the period, together with fascinating passages from the wealth of unpublished papers Ellis composed during his brief and brilliant career. - Simon Schaffer, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
History of Western philosophy --- History of science --- Interdisciplinary studies --- History of mathematics --- Cultural studies --- Robert Leslie Ellis --- the Cambridge network --- mathematical education --- William Whewell --- history of science in Britain --- the history of ideas --- early-Victorian Cambridge --- history of mathematical sciences --- Victorian intellectual culture --- life of Robert Leslie Ellis
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Ernst Zermelo (1871-1953) is regarded as the founder of axiomatic set theory and best-known for the first formulation of the axiom of choice. However, his papers include also pioneering work in applied mathematics and mathematical physics. This edition of his collected papers will consist of two volumes. Besides providing a biography, the present Volume I covers set theory, the foundations of mathematics, and pure mathematics and is supplemented by selected items from his Nachlass and part of his translations of Homer's Odyssey. Volume II will contain his work in the calculus of variations, applied mathematics, and physics. The papers are each presented in their original language together with an English translation, the versions facing each other on opposite pages. Each paper or coherent group of papers is preceded by an introductory note provided by an acknowledged expert in the field which comments on the historical background, motivations, accomplishments, and influence.
Mathematicians -- Germany -- Biography. --- Mathematics -- Philosophy. --- Zermelo, Ernst, 1871-. --- Mathematics --- Set theory --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Algebra --- Mathematical Theory --- Philosophy --- Set theory. --- Zermelo, Ernst, --- Aggregates --- Classes (Mathematics) --- Ensembles (Mathematics) --- Mathematical sets --- Sets (Mathematics) --- Theory of sets --- Mathematics. --- History. --- Philosophy. --- Mathematical logic. --- Applied mathematics. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Mathematical Logic and Foundations. --- Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. --- Applications of Mathematics. --- History of Mathematical Sciences. --- History of Science. --- History of Philosophy. --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical
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This open access book explores commentaries on an influential text of pre-Copernican astronomy in Europe. It features essays that take a close look at key intellectuals and how they engaged with the main ideas of this qualitative introduction to geocentric cosmology. Johannes de Sacrobosco compiled his Tractatus de sphaera during the thirteenth century in the frame of his teaching activities at the then recently founded University of Paris. It soon became a mandatory text all over Europe. As a result, a tradition of commentaries to the text was soon established and flourished until the second half of the 17th century. Here, readers will find an informative overview of these commentaries complete with a rich context. The essays explore the educational and social backgrounds of the writers. They also detail how their careers developed after the publication of their commentaries, the institutions and patrons they were affiliated with, what their agenda was, and whether and how they actually accomplished it. The editor of this collection considers these scientific commentaries as genuine scientific works. The contributors investigate them here not only in reference to the work on which it comments but also, and especially, as independent scientific contributions that are socially, institutionally, and intellectually contextualized around their authors.
Literature: history & criticism --- Interdisciplinary studies --- European history --- History of mathematics --- History of science --- History. --- Europe—History. --- Mathematics. --- Books—History. --- History of Science. --- European History. --- History of Mathematical Sciences. --- History of the Book. --- Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary. --- Math --- Science --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- History --- Europe—History --- Mathematics --- Books—History --- Astronomy --- Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, --- Bosco, Joannes de Sacro, --- De Sacro Bosco, Joannes, --- Giovanni di Sacrobosco, --- Halifax, John, --- Holybush, Joannes, --- Holywood, Jean de, --- Holywood, Joannes, --- Holywood, John, --- Ioannes de Sacrobusco, --- Iohannes de Sacro Busto, --- Joannes de Sacro Bosco, --- Joannes de Sacro Busco, --- Joannes de Sacro Busto, --- Joannes de Sacrobusco, --- Joannes de Sacrobusto, --- Sacro Bosco, Johannes de, --- Sacro Busco, Joannes de, --- Sacro Busto, Ioannes de, --- Sacro Busto, Iohannes de, --- Sacro Busto, Joannes de, --- Sacro Busto, Johannes de, --- Sacrobosco, Giovanni di --- Sacrobosco, Johannes de, --- Sacrobuschus, Joannes, --- Sacrobusco, Joannes de, --- Sacrobusto, Giovanni di, --- Sacrobusto, Joannes de,
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This open access book examines the many contributions of Paul Lorenzen, an outstanding philosopher from the latter half of the 20th century. It features papers focused on integrating Lorenzen's original approach into the history of logic and mathematics. The papers also explore how practitioners can implement Lorenzen’s systematical ideas in today’s debates on proof-theoretic semantics, databank management, and stochastics. Coverage details key contributions of Lorenzen to constructive mathematics, Lorenzen’s work on lattice-groups and divisibility theory, and modern set theory and Lorenzen’s critique of actual infinity. The contributors also look at the main problem of Grundlagenforschung and Lorenzen’s consistency proof and Hilbert’s larger program. In addition, the papers offer a constructive examination of a Russell-style Ramified Type Theory and a way out of the circularity puzzle within the operative justification of logic and mathematics. Paul Lorenzen's name is associated with the Erlangen School of Methodical Constructivism, of which the approach in linguistic philosophy and philosophy of science determined philosophical discussions especially in Germany in the 1960s and 1970s. This volume features 10 papers from a meeting that took place at the University of Konstanz.
Philosophy of mathematics --- History of mathematics --- Mathematical foundations --- Lorenzen on Constructive Mathematics --- Application to Constructive Measure Theory --- Lorenzeṇ’s Work on Lattice-groups and Divisibility Theory --- Krull’s Fundamentalsatz for Integral Domains --- Modern Set Theory and Lorenzen’s Critique of Actual Infinity --- Grundlagenforschung --- Lorenzen’s Consistency Proof and Hilbert’s Larger Programme --- Lorenzen's Dialogue Game --- Game Semantics for Substructural Logics --- Constructive Examination of a Russell-style Ramified Type Theory --- Operative Justification of Logic and Mathematics --- Lorenzen on Proof-theoretic Semantics --- Lorenzen on Databank Management --- Lorenzen on Stochastics --- Russell-style Ramified Type Theory --- Lorenzen and Erlangen School of Methodical Constructivism --- Mathematics --- Mathematics. --- History. --- Mathematical logic. --- Philosophy of Mathematics. --- History of Mathematical Sciences. --- Mathematical Logic and Foundations. --- Philosophy. --- Algebra of logic --- Logic, Universal --- Mathematical logic --- Symbolic and mathematical logic --- Symbolic logic --- Algebra, Abstract --- Metamathematics --- Set theory --- Syllogism --- Math --- Science --- Logic of mathematics --- Mathematics, Logic of
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