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Kunsten/Cultuur --- 316.7 --- 316.7 Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- Arts/Culture --- France --- Politique culturelle
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"TECHNOCRATS OF THE IMAGINATION traces the rise of collaborative art and technology labs in the U.S. from WWII to the present. Ryan Bishop and John Beck reveal the intertwined histories of the avant-garde art movement and the military-industrial complex, showing how radical pedagogical practices traveled from Germany's Bauhaus movement to the U.S. art world and interacted with government-funded military research and development in university laboratories. During the 1960s both media labs and studio labs leaned heavily on methods of interdisciplinary collaboration and the power of American modernity to model new modes of social organization. The book's chapters take up MIT's Center for Art, Science, and Technology, Bell Labs's E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and Technology) Salon, and Los Angeles Museum of Art's Art + Technology Program. Their interconnected history illuminates how much of contemporary media culture and aesthetics depends on the historical relationship between military, corporate, and university actors. In light of revived interest in Black Mountain College and other 1960s art and technology labs, this book draws important connections between the contemporary art world and the militarized lab model of research that has dominated the sciences since the 1950s. The authors situate the rise of collaborative art and technology projects in the 1960s within John Dewey's ideology of scientific democracy, showing how leading thinkers from the Bauhaus movement in Germany immigrated to the U.S. and brought with them a Deweyan model for collaborative and interdisciplinary art and technology research. Over the course of the decade, the U.S. government increased funding to scientific research at university and private laboratories. Beck and Bishop investigate how various art and technology projects incorporated the collaborative and innovative interdisciplinarity of the avant-garde art movement with the corporate funding structure driven by the U.S. government's military and technoscientific interests. Finally, the authors consider the legacy of 1960s art and technology projects. During the 1970s and 80s, defense R&D funding was less motivated by a Cold War corporate state, and was instead restructured according to an entrepreneurial and neoliberal model. At the same time, funding in the art world also became increasingly financialized and globalized. Today's art and technology work happens collaboratively not because of an intellectual commitment to interdisciplinarity, but because of the precarity of the contemporary labor market. This book will interest students and scholars in art history and theory, media studies, history of technology, American studies, cultural studies, and critical university studies"--
Technology and the arts --- Arts --- Military-industrial complex --- #SBIB:39A3 --- #SBIB:39A5 --- #SBIB:316.7C120 --- 316.7 --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Occidental --- Arts, Western --- Fine arts --- Humanities --- Arts and technology --- 316.7 Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- History --- Experimental methods --- Antropologie: geschiedenis, theorie, wetenschap (incl. grondleggers van de antropologie als wetenschap) --- Kunst, habitat, materiële cultuur en ontspanning --- Cultuursociologie: algemene en theoretische werken --- Experimental methods. --- Technologie et arts --- Complexes militaro-industriels --- Histoire --- Méthodes expérimentales --- Arts, Primitive --- Art --- Criticism & Theory
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In wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen is een niet eerder getoonde versnelling waarneembaar. Innovaties volgen elkaar in een steeds hoger tempo op. Dat lijkt niet alleen zo, dat is zo. Een dergelijke versnelling is in alle wetenschappen terug te vinden. Drijvers achter het opgevoerde tempo liggen onder meer in de beschikbaarheid van supercomputers (zoals Dr. Watson van IBM), in nieuw beschikbare technologieën zoals nanotechnologie, 3- en 4D-printen, bionica en kunstmatige intelligentie. Ook grootscheepse samenwerkende programma's van overheden, bedrijven en universiteiten en onderzoeksinstituten (zoals TNO) jagen het tempo van de ontwikkelingen aan. Om ons zelf goed voor te bereiden is een andere manier van denken noodzakelijk: het lineaire denken moet worden ingewisseld voor het exponentiële disruptieve denken. Het beste antwoord op de vraag 'Wat is jouw plan' is dan wellicht 'Er is geen plan, er is enkel aanpassingsvermogen van de organisatie aan welke situatie, goed of slecht, dan ook'.De met kunstmatige intelligentie verrijkte software voor computers, robots en machines zal ertoe leiden dat deze software zich autonoom zal aanpassen en dus herprogrammeren. De mens is op een gegeven moment niet meer nodig voor deze upgrades, dat doet de software zelf. En dan komt er vanzelf een moment dat wij mensen niet meer begrijpen hoe deze hardware en software precies functioneren. Zo'n uniek punt wordt Singularity of Transcendence genoemd en is voorzien in 2035. Een dergelijke toekomst is volop in ontwikkeling en op de een of andere manier, op het een of andere moment, of we het willen of niet, of we het leuk vinden of niet zal deze zich aan ons manifesteren.Dit boek geeft inzicht in belangrijke trends & ontwikkelingen en geeft handreikingen voor de eerste cruciale stappen die jij en jouw organisatie kunnen zetten als een goede voorbereiding op wat wel wordt genoemd 'het nieuwe normaal'.Met een voorwoord van Rowan Gibson, wereldwijde innovatieleider en onder meer schrijver van de bestseller The sour lenses of Innovation.Bron :
Singulariteit --- Innovatie --- Technologische vooruitgang --- Technologiemanagement --- Management --- Veranderingsmanagement --- Trends --- Cultuursociologie --- Verantwoordelijkheden en taken : Management (niet-HRM) --- Responsabilités et tâches : Management (non GRH) --- Trend
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"We all wait -- in traffic jams, passport offices, school meal queues, for better weather, an end to fighting, peace. Time spent waiting produces hope, boredom, anxiety, doubt, or uncertainty. Ethnographies of Waiting explores the social phenomenon of waiting and its centrality in human society. Using waiting as a central analytical category, the book investigates how waiting is negotiated in myriad ways. Examining the politics and poetics of waiting, Ethnographies of Waiting offers fresh perspectives on waiting as the uncertain interplay between doubting and hoping, and asks "When is time worth the wait?" Waiting thus conceived is intrinsic to the ethnographic method at the heart of the anthropological enterprise. Featuring detailed ethnographies from Japan, Georgia, England, Ghana, Norway, Russia and the United States, a Foreword by Craig Jeffrey and an Afterword by Ghassan Hage, this is a vital contribution to the field of anthropology of time and essential reading for students and scholars in anthropology, sociology and philosophy."--Bloomsbury Publishing.
#SBIB:39A4 --- #SBIB:316.7C122 --- Toegepaste antropologie --- Cultuursociologie: overtuigingen, waarden en houdingen --- tid --- venting --- psykologi --- tvil --- håp --- usikkerhet --- atnropologi --- sosiologi --- filosofi --- Time --- Waiting (Philosophy) --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / General --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General --- Philosophy. --- Psychological aspects. --- Philosophy
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Dit boek is ontstaan uit de samenvoeging van de eerder verschenen titels Interculturele communicatie en Interculturele conflicten. Kernthema's hierbij zijn:Is er een model, een theorie waarmee verschillen op alle niveaus verklaard kunnen worden? Verschillen dus op macro-, meso- en microniveau. Is er een methode om deze verschillen, eveneens op alle niveaus, te overbruggen met behoud van ieders eigenheid?De hierbij behandelde theorie wordt methodisch uitgewerkt in veel casuïstiek, die systematisch wordt voorzien van commentaar. Inhoud:DEEL I: Communicatie - nieuwe theorie en methode1. Inleiding 2. Effectieve communicatie 3. Cultuur en cultuurverschillen 4. Overbruggen van verschillen 5. Toepassing van de drie-stappenmethode DSM 6. Cases DEEL II: Management en Conflicten 7. Theorieën en benaderingen van conflicten 8. Het ontstaan van (interculturele) conflicten 9. Cases
Intercultural communication --- Management --- culturele diversiteit --- interculturele communicatie --- conflicthantering --- cultuurverschillen --- Sociology of culture --- 316.7 --- #KVHA:Interculturaliteit --- #KVHA:Management --- #KVHA:Meertalige communicatie --- #KVHA:Taalkunde --- 305.81 --- conflicten --- Communicatie --- Sociologie --- 305.8 --- Interculturele gespreksvoering --- communicatie --- diversiteit --- management --- Conflicten --- Diversiteit --- Interculturele communicatie --- S200649.JPG --- welzijnswerk, methoden --- 316.7 Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- interculturele communicatie, intercultureel zakendoen, cultuurverschillen en interculturaliteit --- Communication --- Communicatie ; algemeen --- (zie ook: Ruzie) --- 007 --- 361.1 --- Sociologie van de cultuur --- Intercultureel management --- Theorieën --- Communicatietheorieën --- Cultuurverschillen --- Conflicthantering --- Conflict --- Theorie --- Communicatietheorie --- Verpleegkunde --- Verplegingswetenschap --- Cultuurverschil
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Images of Canadianness offers backgrounds and explanations for a series of relevant--if relatively new--features of Canada, from political, cultural, and economic angles. Each of its four sections contains articles written by Canadian and European experts that offer original perspectives on a variety of issues: voting patterns in English-speaking Canada and Quebec; the vitality of French-language communities outside Quebec; the Belgian and Dutch immigration waves to Canada and the resulting Dutch-language immigrant press; major transitions taking place in Nunavut; the media as a tool for self-government for Canada's First Peoples; attempts by Canadian Indians to negotiate their position in society; the Canada-US relationship; Canada's trade with the EU; and Canada's cultural policy in the light of the information highway.
Canada --- Cultuur. --- Economie. --- Politiek. --- #SBIB:316.7C140 --- #SBIB:316.7C160 --- Cultuursociologie: cultuur en globale samenlevingen --- Cultuursociologie: contact tussen culturen --- Canada. --- Economic conditions --- Politics and government --- Conditions économiques --- Politique et gouvernement --- History of North America --- Canada (Province) --- Canadae --- Ceanada --- Chanada --- Chanadey --- Dominio del Canadá --- Dominion of Canada --- Jianada --- Kʻaenada --- Kanada (Dominion) --- Ḳanadah --- Kanadaja --- Kanadas --- Ḳanade --- Kanado --- Kanakā --- Province of Canada --- Republica de Canadá --- Yn Chanadey --- Καναδάς --- Канада --- קאנאדע --- קנדה --- كندا --- کانادا --- カナダ --- 加拿大 --- 캐나다 --- Kaineḍā --- Lower Canada --- Upper Canada --- politics --- economics --- society --- culture --- language --- history --- bilingualism
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Verval van waarden en normen wordt dikwijls aangewezen als oorzaak van allerlei soorten ongewenst gedrag - van algemeen gebrek aan beleefdheid tot geweld in de trein. Maar wat zijn waarden en normen eigenlijk? Is er in onze samenleving nog wel sprake van gemeenschappelijke waarden? En geldt onze onvrede niet veeleer het gedrag van mensen, eerder dan de door hen aanvaarde waarden en normen? In dit rapport gaat de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid in op het vraagstuk van de gemeenschappelijkheid van waarden en het omgaan met uiteenlopende stelsels van waarden en normen, die samenha
Social ethics --- Sociology of culture --- Netherlands --- Social values --- Social norms. --- Social norms --- #SBIB:316.7C122 --- Cultuur 008 --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling 304 --- Migranten 325.11 --- Nederland (492) --- Sociaal beleid 304:32 --- Vrouwenproblematiek 396 --- Folkways --- Norms, Social --- Rules, Social --- Social rules --- Cultuursociologie: overtuigingen, waarden en houdingen --- Manners and customs --- Social control --- Values --- Ethics --- Social problems --- Sociology
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We seem to be living in hysterical times. A simple Google search reveals the sheer bottomless well of “hysterical” discussions on diverse topics such as the #metoo movement, Trumpianism, border wars, Brexit, transgender liberation, Black Lives Matter, COVID-19, and climate change, to name only a few. Against the backdrop of such recent deployments of hysteria in popular discourse––particularly as they emerge in times of material and hermeneutic crisis––Performing Hysteria re-engages the notion of “hysteria”. Performing Hysteria rigorously mines late 20th- and early 21st-century (primarily visual) culture for signs of hysteria. The various essays in this volume contribute to the multilayered and complex discussions that surround and foster this resurgent interest in hysteria––covering such areas as art, literature, theatre, film, television, dance; crossing such disciplines as cultural studies, political science, philosophy, history, media, disability, race and ethnicity, and gender studies; and analysing stereotypical images and representations of the hysteric in relation to cultural sciences and media studies. Of particular importance is the volume's insistence on taking the intersection of hysteria and performance seriously.
Hysteria (Social psychology) in literature. --- Hysteria (Social psychology) --- Mass hysteria --- National hysteria --- Fear --- Social psychology --- Hysteria (Social psychology) in literature --- 905.2 --- visuele geletterdheid --- sociologie --- media --- hysterie --- massamedia --- massahysterie --- mediastudies --- cultuurwetenschappen --- social media --- sociale --- performance --- cultuurfilosofie --- cultuursociologie --- 798.3 --- cultuurfilosofie, -psychologie en -sociologie --- film, esthetiek en kritiek
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The seductiveness of touristed landscapes is simultaneously local and global, as travelled places are formed and reworked by the activities of diverse, mobile people, in their desires to experience situated, sensuous qualities of difference. Cartier and Lew's interesting and informative book explores contemporary issues in travel and tourism and human geography, and the complex cultural, political, and economic activities at stake in touristed landscapes as a result of globalization. This book assesses travel and tourism as simultaneously cultural and economic processes, through
Geographical perception. --- Landscape assessment. --- Tourism --- Human geography. --- Perception géographique --- Paysages --- Tourisme --- Géographie humaine --- Social aspects. --- Evaluation --- Aspect social --- 338.483 --- Toeristische gebieden en plaatsen. Toerisme-geografie --- General geography. Science of geographical factors. Systematic geography. Theoretical geography --- 338.483 Toeristische gebieden en plaatsen. Toerisme-geografie --- 316.7 --- 338.48 --- 911 --- 338.48 Toerisme. Recreatie. Sport (economische en organisatorische aspecten) --- Toerisme. Recreatie. Sport (economische en organisatorische aspecten) --- 316.7 Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- Geografie --- Landschapskunde --- Perceptie en Beleving. --- Geographical perception --- Human geography --- Landscape assessment --- Assessment, Landscape --- Environmental perception --- Landscape evaluation --- Landscape perception --- Perception, Landscape --- Human ecology --- Land use --- Landscape protection --- Anthropo-geography --- Anthropogeography --- Geographical distribution of humans --- Social geography --- Anthropology --- Geography --- Maps, Mental --- Mental maps --- Perceptual cartography --- Perceptual maps --- Perception --- Orientation (Psychology) --- Space perception --- Social aspects --- tourism --- landscapes --- governm --- ent --- postm --- odernism --- entieth --- century --- bodim --- built --- modernism
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What does 'anticapitalism' really mean for the politics and culture of the twenty-first century?Anticapitalism is an idea which, despite going global, remains rooted in the local, persisting as a loose collection of grassroots movements and actions. Anticapitalism needs to develop a coherent and cohering philosophy, something which cultural theory and the intellectual legacy of the New Left can help to provide, notably through the work of key radical thinkers, such as Ernesto Laclau, Stuart Hall, Antonio Negri, Gilles Deleuze and Judith Butler. Anticapitalism and Culture argues that there is a strong relationship between the radical tradition of cultural studies and the new political movements which try to resist corporate globalization. Indeed, the two need each other: whilst theory can shape and direct the huge diversity of anticapitalist activism, the energy and sheer political engagement of the anticapitalist movement can breathe new life into cultural studies.
Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Sociology of culture --- Economic order --- Anti-globalization movement. --- Capitalism. --- Culture --- Globalization. --- Liberalism. --- Study and teaching. --- Antimondialisation --- Capitalisme --- Mondialisation --- Libéralisme --- Etude et enseignement --- Anti-globalization movement --- Capitalism --- Globalization --- Liberalism --- #SBIB:316.7C140 --- #SBIB:324H74 --- #SBIB:39A3 --- Liberal egalitarianism --- Liberty --- Political science --- Social sciences --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- International relations --- Cultural studies --- Market economy --- Economics --- Profit --- Capital --- Alter-globalist movement --- Alternative globalization movement --- Anti-capitalist movement --- Anti-corporate movement --- Anticorporate movement --- Antiglobalization movement --- Fair trade movement --- Global justice movement --- Protest movements --- Study and teaching --- Cultuursociologie: cultuur en globale samenlevingen --- Politieke verandering: sociale bewegingen --- Antropologie: geschiedenis, theorie, wetenschap (incl. grondleggers van de antropologie als wetenschap)
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