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Femmes des Anti-Lumières, femmes apologistes
ISBN: 9782800416090 2800416092 2800416688 Year: 2016 Volume: 44 Publisher: Bruxelles : Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles,

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Ce livre s'interroge sur la place qu'ont occupée les femmes, réputées « querelleuses » selon Richelet, dans les échanges polémiques censés garantir leur foi et mettre une sourdine aux propos de « la philosophie » des Lumières.

Caring and Curing : Historical Perspectives on Women and Healing in Canada
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0776603876 0776615599 0776627023 Year: 1994 Publisher: Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa Press

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This collection of essays takes the reader from the early 19th century struggle between female midwives and male physicians right up to the late 20th century emergence of professionally trained women physicians vying for a place in the medical hierarchy. The bitter conflict for control of birthing and other aspects of domestic health care between female lay healers, particularly midwives, and the emerging male-dominated medical profession is examined from new perspectives.


Nursing --- History of North America --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- History of human medicine --- anno 1800-1999 --- Canada --- Delivery of Health Care -- history -- Canada. --- Medical care -- Canada -- History. --- Midwifery -- history -- Canada. --- Physicians, Women -- history -- Canada. --- Women in medicine -- Canada -- History. --- Women in medicine --- Medical care --- Delivery of Health Care --- Physicians, Women --- Midwifery --- History --- Specialties, Nursing --- North America --- Physicians --- Patient Care Management --- Humanities --- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Women --- Health Personnel --- Persons --- Health Services Administration --- Americas --- Health Care --- Geographic Locations --- Named Groups --- Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Health Occupations --- Occupational Groups --- Geographicals --- Disciplines and Occupations --- Medical Professional Practice --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- History. --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- history --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Midwife --- Midwives --- Traditional Birth Attendant --- Birth Attendant, Traditional --- Birth Attendants, Traditional --- Traditional Birth Attendants --- Physician, Woman --- Women Physicians --- Physicians, Woman --- Woman Physician --- Woman Physicians --- Public health --- Nursing specialties --- gender --- midwife --- public policies --- birth --- health --- women

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