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Why has Argentina suffered so much political and economic instability? How could Argentina, once one of the wealthiest countries in the world, failed to meet its potential over decades? What lessons can we take from Argentina's successes and failures? Argentina's economy is - irresistibly - fascinating. Argentina's economic history - its crises and its triumphs cannot be explained in purely economic terms. Argentina's economic history can only be explained in the context of conflicts of interest, of politics, war and peace, boom and bust. Argentina's economic history is also intertwined with ideological struggles over the ideal society and the on-going struggle of ideas. The book comprises two distinct components: an economic history of Argentina from the Spanish colonial period to 1990, followed by a narrative by Domingo Cavallo on the last 25 years of reform and counter reform.Domingo Cavallo has been at the centre of Argentina's economic and political debates for 40 years. He was one of the longest serving cabinet members since the return of democracy in 1983. He is uniquely qualified to help the reader make the connection between historical and current events through all these prisms. His daughter, Sonia Cavallo Runde, is an economist specialized on public policy that currently teaches the politics of development policy. The two Cavallos offer academics and students of economics and finance a long form case study. This book also seeks to offer researchers and policymakers around the world with relevant lessons and insights to similar problems from the Argentine experience.
Argentina --- Political stability --- Economic conditions --- Economic policy. --- Destabilization (Political science) --- Political instability --- Stability, Political --- Consensus (Social sciences) --- Legitimacy of governments --- Argenṭinah --- Argenṭine --- Argentine Confederation (1851-1861) --- Argentine Nation --- Argentine Republic --- Aruzenchin --- Confederación Argentina (1851-1861) --- Nación Argentina --- República Argentina --- アルゼンチン --- Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata
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Wie ist stabile Ordnung möglich? Auf diese Kernfrage der Politikwissenschaft gibt der Band neue Antworten. Das Spektrum der Beiträge erstreckt sich von der Entfaltung der Theorie sozialer Wirklichkeitskonstruktion über diskursanalytische Detailstudien zu den politischen Ordnungen Ost-, Westdeutschlands und Europas, die zeigen, wie Rekurse auf Transzendenz der Hervorbringung und Stabilisierung politischer Ordnung dienen, bis hin zu fallbezogenen Verbindungen von Theorie und Empirie, die das Scheitern (»Afghanistan«), das Gelingen (»Heimat«) sowie die natürlichen Fundamente (»Soziobiologie«) sozialer Ordnungskonstruktion in den Blick nehmen. Besprochen in:, 25.06.2013, Marius Hildebrand
Political stability. --- Transcendence (Philosophy) --- Social constructionism --- Political aspects. --- Germany --- Politics and government --- Constructionism, Social --- Destabilization (Political science) --- Political instability --- Stability, Political --- Social psychology --- Philosophy --- Consensus (Social sciences) --- Legitimacy of governments --- Political Philosophy. --- Political Science. --- Political Sociology. --- Political System. --- Political Theory. --- Politics. --- Politische Ordnung; Wirklichkeitskonstruktion; Ethnomethodologie; Diskursanalyse; Transzendenz; Gemeinsinn; Ostdeutschland; Westdeutschland; Europa; Life Sciences; Politik; Politische Theorie; Politisches System; Politische Philosophie; Politische Soziologie; Politikwissenschaft; Europe; Politics; Political Theory; Political System; Political Philosophy; Political Sociology; Political Science
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Presenting case studies and comparisons across seven countries, this book addresses key questions as to the nature of state fragility, policies used to mitigate it, assessment of outcomes and prospects. It offers a novel empirical contribution in examining a range of distinct but interdependent dimensions of state fragility, not only focusing on questions of state legitimacy, capacity and authority, but also involving the economy and resilience to political and economic shocks, as well as at vital questions of context and diversity. Examining Afghanistan, Lebanon, Burundi, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Papua New Guinea and Rwanda within the context of their different local circumstances, and within broader questions of global security, the book identifies unique factors that have played a part in their specific context and explores key drivers and dominant features. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of state fragility and more broadly to students of politics, public policy, development studies, state-society relations, political economy, state building, peace and conflict studies, international studies, security studies regional studies., as well as NGOs and international organizations.
Economic development. --- Political development. --- Political stability. --- Destabilization (Political science) --- Political instability --- Stability, Political --- Consensus (Social sciences) --- Legitimacy of governments --- Development, Political --- Political science --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Economic policy --- Economics --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- Developing countries --- Politics and government --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs (Newly industrialized countries) --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries
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Political stability --- Afghanistan --- India --- Pakistan --- Politics and government --- Destabilization (Political science) --- Political instability --- Stability, Political --- Consensus (Social sciences) --- Legitimacy of governments --- Dominion of Pakistan --- Bākistān --- Islamic Republic of Pakistan --- Islamskai︠a︡ Respublika Pakistan --- Islami Jamhuriya e Pakistan --- Pākistāna --- پاکِستان --- Islāmī Jumhūrī-ye Pākistān --- باكستان --- Paquistan --- Пакістан --- Ісламская Рэспубліка Пакістан --- Пакистан --- Ислямска република Пакистан --- Isli︠a︡mska republika Pakistan --- Islamische Republik Pakistan --- Eʼeʼaahjí Naakaii Dootłʼizhí Bikéyah --- Pakistani Islamivabariik --- Πακιστάν --- Ισλαμική Δημοκρατία του Πακιστάν --- Islamikē Dēmokratia tou Pakistan --- Jamhuryat Islami Pakistan --- State of Pakistan --- Islāmī Jumhūriyah Pākistān --- パキスタン --- Pakisutan --- West Pakistan (Pakistan) --- Since 2000
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A free open access ebook is upon publication. Learn more at Flight during times of persecution has a long and fraught history in early Christianity. In the third century, bishops who fled were considered cowards or, worse yet, heretics. On the face, flight meant denial of Christ and thus betrayal of faith and community. But by the fourth century, the terms of persecution changed as Christianity became the favored cult of the Roman Empire. Prominent Christians who fled and survived became founders and influencers of Christianity over time. Bishops in Flight examines the various ways these episcopal leaders both appealed to and altered the discourse of Christian flight to defend their status as purveyors of Christian truth, even when their exiles appeared to condemn them. Their stories illuminate how profoundly Christian authors deployed theological discourse and the rhetoric of heresy to respond to the phenomenal political instability of the fourth and fifth centuries.
Bishops --- Archbishops --- Clergy --- Major orders --- Metropolitans --- Orders, Major --- Chaplains, Bishops' --- Episcopacy --- History --- Athanasius, --- John Chrysostom, --- Aranyszájú, János, --- Chrysostom, John, --- Chrysostomo, João, --- Chrysostomos, Iō. --- Chrysostomos, Johannes, --- Chrysostomus, Joannes, --- Crisostomo, Giovanni, --- Crisostomo, Juan, --- Crisostomus, Ioannes, --- Giovanni Boccadoro, --- Giovanni Crisostomo, --- Hōhan Oskiaban, --- Hovhan Oskeberan, --- Hovhannēs Oskeberan, --- Iō. --- Ioan Gură de Aur, --- Ioan Zlatoust, --- Ioann Zlatoust, --- Ioannes Crisostomus, --- Iōannēs ho Chrysostomos, --- Ivan Zolotoustyĭ, --- Jan Chryzostom, --- Ján Zlatoústy, --- Jean Bouche d'Or, --- Jean Chrysostome, --- Jehan Bouche d'Or, --- Joan Gojarti, --- Joannes Chrysostomus, --- Joannes Crisostomus, --- João Chrysostomo, --- Johannes Chrysostomus, --- Johannes Goldmund, --- John, --- Jovan Zlatoust, --- Juan Crisóstomo, --- Pseudo-Chrysostome, --- Pseudochrysostomus, --- Yoḥanes ʼAfa Warq, --- Yūḥannā al-Dhahabī al-Fam, --- Yūḥannā al-Fam al-Dhahabī, --- Yūḥannā Fam al-Dhahab, --- Zlatoust, Ioan, --- Zlatoust, Jovan, --- Zlatoústy, Ján, --- Ἰωάννης, --- Іван Золотоустий, --- يوحنا الذهبي الفم --- يوحنا فم الذهب، --- Afanasiĭ, --- Aḟanasīĭ Velikīĭ, --- Atanasio, --- Atanazy, --- Atanazy Wielki, --- Athanase, --- Athanasios, --- Athanāsiyūs, --- Athnāsiyūs, --- Bābā Athanāsiyūs Baṭriyark al-Iskandarīyah, --- أثناسيوس، --- بابا اثناسيوس بطريرك الإسكندرية --- Atanasie cel Mare, --- Pseudo-Athanasius --- Persecution --- Exiles --- Exile (Punishment) --- Banishment --- Deportation as a punishment --- Ostracism (Exile) --- Alternatives to imprisonment --- Persons --- Aliens --- Deportees --- Refugees --- Church history --- 27 "00/04" --- 343.26 --- 325.254.4 --- 325.254.4 Verdrevenen. Vluchtelingen--(politiek) --- Verdrevenen. Vluchtelingen--(politiek) --- 343.26 Vrijheidsstraffen. Vrijheidsberoving. Huisarrest. Verbanning. Deportatie. Voorwaardelijke invrijheidsstelling. Internering. Goulag. Gevangenisstraf. Levenslange straf --- Vrijheidsstraffen. Vrijheidsberoving. Huisarrest. Verbanning. Deportatie. Voorwaardelijke invrijheidsstelling. Internering. Goulag. Gevangenisstraf. Levenslange straf --- 27 "00/04" Histoire de l'Eglise--?"00/04" --- 27 "00/04" Kerkgeschiedenis--?"00/04" --- Histoire de l'Eglise--?"00/04" --- Kerkgeschiedenis--?"00/04" --- Афанасий, --- 4th century. --- 5th century. --- betrayal of community. --- betrayal of faith. --- bible. --- bishops. --- christianity. --- church. --- denial of christ. --- episcopal leaders. --- exiles. --- favored cult. --- fleeing persecution. --- god. --- heretics. --- phenomenal political instability. --- purveyors of christian truth. --- rhetoric of heresy. --- roman empire. --- running away. --- theological discourse. --- times of persecution. --- Atanasije Aleksandrijski, --- Athanasios Alexandreias,
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