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Hearing is an intricate modality of sensory perception. It is continuously enfolded in the surroundings in which it takes place. While passive in its disposition, hearing is integral to the movement and fluctuations of one's environment. At all times, hearing remains open, (in)active but attuned to the present and continuously immersed in the murmur of its background. A delicate perception that is always situated but fundamentally overarching and extended into the open. Hearing is an immanent modality of being in and with the world. Beyond the capacity of sensory perception, hearing is also the ultimate juridical act, a sense-making activity that adjudicates and informs the spatio-temporal acoustics of justice. This penultimate volume of 'Law and the Senses' gathers contributions from across different disciplines working on the relationship between law and hearing, the human vocalisations and non-human echolocations, the spatial and temporal conditions in which hearing takes place, as well as the forms of order and control that listening entails. Through notions and practices of improvisation and noise, attunement and audibility sonic spatiality and urban sonicity they explore, challenge and expand the structural and sensorial qualities of law. Moreover, they recognise how hearing directs us to perceiving and understanding the intrinsic acoustic sphere of simultaneous relations, which challenge and break the normative distinctions that law informs and maintains. In an attempt to hear the ambiguous, indefinable and unembodied nature of hearing, as well as its objects - sound and silence - this volume approaches hearing as both an ontological and epistemological device to think with and about law.
Hearing. --- Acoustics --- Audition (Physiology) --- Physiological acoustics --- Bioacoustics --- Senses and sensation --- Audiology --- Auditory pathways --- Deafness --- Ear --- Listening
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Audiology --- Hearing --- Hearing. --- Audiology. --- Acoustics --- Audition (Physiology) --- Physiological acoustics --- Audition --- Bioacoustics --- Senses and sensation --- Auditory pathways --- Deafness --- Ear --- Listening
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In this fascinating collection of essays, an international group of scholars explores the sonic consequences of transcultural contact in the early modern period. They examine how cultural configurations of sound impacted communication, comprehension, and the categorisation of people. Addressing questions of identity, difference, sound, and subjectivity in global early modernity, these authors share the conviction that the body itself is the most intimate of contact zones, and that the culturally contingent systems by which sounds made sense could be foreign to early modern listeners and to present day scholars. Drawing on a global range of archival evidence-from New France and New Spain, to the slave ships of the Middle Passage, to China. Europe, and the Mediterranean court environment-this collection challenges the privileged position of European acoustical practices within the discipline of global-historical musicology. The discussion of Black and non-European experiences demonstrates how the production of ’the canon’ in the cosmopolitan centres of colonial empires was underpinned by processes of human exploitation and extraction of resources. As such, this text is a timely response to calls within the discipline to decolonise music history and to contextualise the canonical works of the European past. This volume is accessible to a wide and interdisciplinary audience, not only within musicology, but also to those interested in early modern global history, sound studies, race, and slavery. As with all Open Book publications, this entire book is available to read for free on the publisher’s website. Printed and digital editions, together with supplementary digital material, can also be found at
Hearing. --- Sound. --- Acoustics --- Continuum mechanics --- Mathematical physics --- Physics --- Pneumatics --- Radiation --- Wave-motion, Theory of --- Audition (Physiology) --- Physiological acoustics --- Bioacoustics --- Senses and sensation --- Audiology --- Auditory pathways --- Deafness --- Ear --- Listening
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Communicative disorders --- Hearing --- Speech therapy --- Communicative disorders. --- Hearing. --- Speech therapy. --- Speech correction --- Speech disorders --- Therapeutics --- Acoustics --- Audition (Physiology) --- Physiological acoustics --- Bioacoustics --- Senses and sensation --- Audiology --- Auditory pathways --- Deafness --- Ear --- Listening --- Communication disorders (Medicine) --- Disorders of communication --- Nervous system --- Treatment --- Diseases
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Hearing --- Audiology --- Research --- Audiology. --- Hearing. --- Research. --- Audiologie --- Audition (Physiologie) --- Acoustics --- Audition (Physiology) --- Physiological acoustics --- Laboratory Research --- Research Activities --- Research and Development --- Research Priorities --- Activities, Research --- Activity, Research --- Development and Research --- Priorities, Research --- Priority, Research --- Research Activity --- Research Priority --- Research, Laboratory --- Audition --- periodicals. --- Bioacoustics --- Senses and sensation --- Auditory pathways --- Deafness --- Ear --- Listening --- Ethics, Research --- Otolaryngology --- Audiologie. --- Recherche. --- research (function) --- Science --- Science research --- Scientific research --- Information services --- Learning and scholarship --- Methodology --- Research teams --- Industries
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Hearing and Sound Communication in Amphibians is a compendium of the latest research on acoustic communication in these highly vocal vertebrates. The chapters are written by experts currently investigating the physiology and behavior of amphibians both in the laboratory and in the field. This integrated approach guides each chapter and provides a neuroethologically-driven and evolutionary basis for our understanding of acoustic communication and its underlying mechanisms. The intended audience ranges from senior undergraduates to physiologists, zoologists, evolutionary biologists and communication specialists. Contents Peter Narins is Professor in the Departments of Physiological Science, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, the Brain Research Institute and the Center for Tropical Research at the University of California, Los Angeles. Albert Feng is Professor in the Departments of Molecular and Integrative Physiology & Bioengineering, Neuroscience Program, Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology, and Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Arthur N. Popper is Professor in the Department of Biology and Co-Director of the Center for Comparative and Evolutionary Biology of Hearing at the University of Maryland, College Park. Richard R. Fay is Director of the Parmly Hearing Institute and Professor of Psychology at Loyola University of Chicago. About the series: The Springer Handbook of Auditory Research presents a series of synthetic reviews of fundamental topics dealing with auditory systems. Each volume is independent and authoritative; taken as a set, this series is the definitive resource in the field.
Amphibians --- Hearing. --- Sound production by animals. --- Acoustics --- Audition (Physiology) --- Physiological acoustics --- Animal language --- Animal vocalization --- Animals --- Vocalization by animals --- Physiology. --- Sound production --- Vocalization --- Life sciences. --- Neurosciences. --- Behavioral sciences. --- Animal physiology. --- Neurobiology. --- Life Sciences. --- Animal Physiology. --- Behavioral Sciences. --- Animal communication --- Bioacoustics --- Senses and sensation --- Audiology --- Auditory pathways --- Deafness --- Ear --- Listening --- Animal behavior. --- Neurosciences --- Animals, Habits and behavior of --- Behavior, Animal --- Ethology --- Animal psychology --- Zoology --- Ethologists --- Psychology, Comparative --- Neural sciences --- Neurological sciences --- Neuroscience --- Medical sciences --- Nervous system --- Animal physiology --- Biology --- Anatomy --- Behavior --- Physiology
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Audiology. --- Ear Diseases. --- Otolaryngology --- Audiology --- Hearing --- Oto-rhino-laryngologie --- Audiologie --- Ouïe --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Hearing. --- Otolaryngology. --- hearing impairment --- Acoustics --- Audition (Physiology) --- Physiological acoustics --- Bioacoustics --- Senses and sensation --- Auditory pathways --- Deafness --- Ear --- Listening --- Ear, nose, and throat diseases --- ENT diseases --- Otorhinolaryngology --- Medicine --- Otological Diseases --- Otologic Diseases --- Disease, Ear --- Disease, Otologic --- Disease, Otological --- Diseases, Ear --- Diseases, Otologic --- Diseases, Otological --- Ear Disease --- Otologic Disease --- Otological Disease --- Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases --- balance --- speech and hearing sciences --- vestibular disorders --- psychoacoustics --- disorders of hearing and balance and neurotology --- balance and hearing diagnostic tests --- treatments for audiological and balance disorders --- neuroscience and audiology
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Experiences of hearing the voice of God (or angels, demons, or other spiritual beings) have generally been understood either as religious experiences or else as a feature of mental illness. Some critics of traditional religious faith have dismissed the visions and voices attributed to biblical characters and saints as evidence of mental disorder. However, it is now known that many ordinary people, with no other evidence of mental disorder, also hear voices and that these voices not infrequently include spiritual or religious content. Psychological and interdisciplinary research has shed a revealing light on these experiences in recent years, so that we now know much more about the phenomenon of "hearing voices" than ever before. The present work considers biblical, historical, and scientific accounts of spiritual and mystical experiences of voice hearing in the Christian tradition in order to explore how some voices may be understood theologically as revelatory. It is proposed that in the incarnation, Christian faith finds both an understanding of what it is to be fully human (a theological anthropology), and God’s perfect self-disclosure (revelation). Within such an understanding, revelatory voices represent a key point of interpersonal encounter between human beings and God.
Hearing --- Spirits. --- Experience (Religion) --- Auditory hallucinations. --- Religious aspects --- Christianity. --- Spirits --- Auditory hallucinations --- 215.3 --- 291.64 --- 231.74 --- 231.74 Openbaring --- Openbaring --- 291.64 Openbaring van de goddelijke wil: heilige schrijvers; uitleggers van de leer;godsdiensthervormers; godsdienststichters; religieuze wetgevers --- Openbaring van de goddelijke wil: heilige schrijvers; uitleggers van de leer;godsdiensthervormers; godsdienststichters; religieuze wetgevers --- Hearing voices --- Verbal auditory hallucinations --- Verbal hallucinations --- Voices (Hallucinations) --- Hallucinations and illusions --- Invisible world --- Supernatural --- Fear of spirits --- Acoustics --- Audition (Physiology) --- Physiological acoustics --- Bioacoustics --- Senses and sensation --- Audiology --- Auditory pathways --- Deafness --- Ear --- Listening --- 215.3 Openbaring en rationalisme (rede) --- Openbaring en rationalisme (rede) --- Religious experience --- Psychology, Religious --- Religious aspects&delete& --- Christianity
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otorinolaryngologie --- Physiology of nerves and sense organs --- Psycholinguistics --- Otorhinolaryngology --- communicatie --- linguïstiek --- Speech Disorders --- Language Disorders --- Hearing Disorders --- Hearing --- Speech --- Speech disorders --- Ouïe --- Parole --- Troubles de la parole --- periodicals --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Audiology. --- Speech Disorders. --- Hearing Disorders. --- Language Disorders. --- Otolaryngology. --- Hearing. --- Speech. --- Speech disorders. --- Speech-Language Pathology. --- #PSYC:TSCAT --- #A30457 --- #BA02012 --- Otolaryngology --- Health Sciences --- General and Others --- Parole, Troubles de la --- Langage, Troubles du --- Audition, Troubles de l' --- Spraak. --- Gehoor. --- Taalpsychologie. --- Sprecherziehung. --- Zeitschrift. --- Sprechkunde. --- Hörerziehung. --- Health Sciences. --- General and Others. --- Sprecherziehung --- Zeitschrift --- Sprechkunde --- Hörerziehung --- Ouïe --- Périodiques --- ASHA-E EBSCOASP-E EBSCOCMMC-E EJCOMMU EJLANGU EJPSYCH EPUB-ALPHA-J EPUB-PER-FT MDPSYCHO --- Audiology --- Speech-Language Pathology --- Pathology, Language --- Pathology, Speech --- Pathology, Speech-Language --- Language Pathology --- Speech Pathology --- Pathology, Speech Language --- Speech Language Pathology --- MDPSYCHO --- periodicals. --- Acquired Language Disorders --- Language Disorders, Acquired --- Acquired Language Disorder --- Language Disorder --- Language Disorder, Acquired --- Verbal Behavior --- Verbal Learning --- Distorted Hearing --- Dysacusis --- Paracousis --- Paracusis --- Hearing Disorder --- Hearing, Distorted --- Aprosodic Speech --- Cluttering --- Dysglossia --- Dyslalia --- Rhinolalia --- Verbal Fluency Disorders --- Aprosodia --- Aprosodias --- Clutterings --- Dysglossias --- Dyslalias --- Rhinolalias --- Speech, Aprosodic --- Verbal Fluency Disorder --- Velopharyngeal Insufficiency --- Gehörerziehung --- Auditive Wahrnehmungsförderung --- Sprechwissenschaft --- Periodikum --- Zeitschriften --- Presse --- Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk --- Redepädagogik --- Sprechpädagogik --- Sprechunterricht --- Sprechtraining --- Sprechtechnik --- Sprecherzieher --- Defective speech --- Disorders of speech --- Speech, Disorders of --- Speech defects --- Speech pathology --- Communicative disorders --- Talking --- Language and languages --- Oral communication --- Phonetics --- Voice --- Acoustics --- Audition (Physiology) --- Physiological acoustics --- Bioacoustics --- Senses and sensation --- Auditory pathways --- Deafness --- Ear --- Listening --- Laryngology --- Otology --- Otologic Surgical Procedures --- Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures --- Nasal Surgical Procedures --- Redepädagogik --- Sprechpädagogik --- Gehörerziehung --- Auditive Wahrnehmungsförderung --- Troubles du langage --- Troubles de l'audition --- Hearing disorders. --- Language disorders. --- Language disorders --- Hearing disorders --- Audiologie. --- Troubles de la parole. --- Troubles de l'audition. --- Troubles du langage. --- Oto-rhino-laryngologie. --- Auditory disorders --- Defective hearing --- Disorders of hearing --- Hearing defects --- Hearing impairments --- Disabilities --- Sensory disorders --- Dysphasia --- Ear, nose, and throat diseases --- ENT diseases --- Medicine --- Diseases
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