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The Unicode cookbook for linguists : managing writing systems using orthography profiles
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3961100918 396110090X 9783961100903 9783961100910 Year: 2018 Publisher: Berlin Language Science Press

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This text is a practical guide for linguists, and programmers, who work with data in multilingual computational environments. We introduce the basic concepts needed to understand how writing systems and character encodings function, and how they work together at the intersection between the Unicode Standard and the International Phonetic Alphabet. Although these standards are often met with frustration by users, they nevertheless provide language researchers and programmers with a consistent computational architecture needed to process, publish and analyze lexical data from the world's languages. Thus we bring to light common, but not always transparent, pitfalls which researchers face when working with Unicode and IPA. Having identified and overcome these pitfalls involved in making writing systems and character encodings syntactically and semantically interoperable (to the extent that they can be), we created a suite of open-source Python and R tools to work with languages using orthography profiles that describe author- or document-specific orthographic conventions. In this cookbook we describe a formal specification of orthography profiles and provide recipes using open source tools to show how users can segment text, analyze it, identify errors, and to transform it into different written forms for comparative linguistics research.

Klare Taal
ISBN: 9782509025272 Year: 2015 Volume: *7 Publisher: Bruxelles Politeia

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Afkicken van ambtenarees? Niet zo eenvoudig als het lijkt. Dit handboek vol nuttige tips, voorbeelden en woordenlijstjes helpt u op weg. Past u de tips consequent toe? Dan wordt ook ú een klaretaalschrijver. En klare taal is heilzaam voor mens, maatschappij én economie. Leg dit boek daarom gerust op de hoek van uw bureau. Want van mij mag u élke dag spieken. Deze gids is bedoeld voor al wie inwoners wil informeren in begrijpelijke taal: ambtenaren, juristen bij overheidsorganisaties, mandatarissen én organisaties bijvoorbeeld. Want teksten van klaretaalschrijvers overtuigen meer én geven vertrouwen. Op papier én op scherm.


Communication --- Health Communication --- Methods --- WZ 345 Medical writing and publishing. Historiography --- BPB1511 --- Linguistique --- Taalwetenschap --- 808.1 --- Auteurschap. Literaire activiteit en techniek --- Communication (administration) Communicatie (overheidsdiensten) --- Langage administratif Administratief taalgebruik --- Communication écrite Schriftelijke communicatie --- Lisibilité Leesbaarheid --- #KVHA:Taalkunde; Nederlands --- #KVHA:Schrijfvaardigheid; Nederlands --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- Communicatie : Leesbaarheid --- Communication : Lisibilité

Initiation à la rédaction des textes législatifs, réglementaires et administratifs
ISBN: 9782802740766 2802740768 Year: 2013 Volume: *3 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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Quoiqu’il s’agisse d’un impératif de démocratie, trop peu de textes législatifs ou réglementaires sont réellement compréhensibles par l’ensemble des administrés, non seulement en raison de la complexité technique des matières, mais aussi parce que leur rédaction, structure du texte, choix des termes, respect des formes, etc., est critiquable. De grands auteurs, comme Bentham et Montesquieu, ont pourtant souligné l’importance de pouvoir disposer de textes législatifs bien rédigés, qui s’insèrent harmonieusement dans l’ordonnancement juridique.- Quelle est la structure d’une loi, d’un décret ou d’une ordonnance, ou celle d’un arrêté réglementaire de l’État fédéral, d’une entité fédérée, d’une commune ou d’une province ?- Qu’est-ce qu’un préambule ou un exécutoire ?- Que contient le dispositif d’un arrêté ?- Comment transposer une directive européenne ?- La loi (le décret et l’ordonnance) et le règlement (arrêté royal, arrêté ministériel, règlement communal) doivent satisfaire, d’une part, à des conditions précises, de manière à ne pas porter atteinte à la sécurité juridique (respect des règles de compétence, application dans le temps, accomplissement de formalités obligatoires, etc.) et, d’autre part, aux exigences de la langue.- Afin d’améliorer la lisibilité des textes législatifs et réglementaires, quels mots et quelles structures de phrases convient-il de privilégier ou, au contraire, d’éviter (apocope, ellipse, métonymie, métaphore, etc.) ?- Quelles sont les règles relatives à l’emploi des langues et à la publicité des lois et règlements (conditions, force exécutoire, force obligatoire, etc.) ?L’ouvrage, riche de nombreux exemples et illustrations puisés dans la pratique, examine toutes ces questions et conditions.Il expose également les obligations législatives essentielles (motivation, publicité, etc.) qui s’imposent à l’Administration depuis une vingtaine d’années, en ce qui concerne les décisions administratives individuelles et les documents administratifs.Il décrit par ailleurs les exigences et les étapes essentielles auxquelles il convient d’être attentif pour réaliser une bonne coordination ou codification.


Public law. Constitutional law --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- 340.134 <493> --- wetgeving --- taalkunde --- Legal composition --- -Bill drafting --- -BPB1408 --- Législation --- Légistique --- Linguistique --- Drafting of bills --- Legislation drafting --- Legislative drafting --- Authorship --- Law --- Communication in law --- Practice of law --- Forms (Law) --- 340.134 <493> Wetgevingstechniek. Decreet met kracht van wet. Besluit-wet--België --- Wetgevingstechniek. Decreet met kracht van wet. Besluit-wet--België --- legislation --- linguistique --- Wetgeving --- Wetgevingstechniek --- Taalwetenschap --- Language --- Editing --- 101 Wetgevingstheorie --- Redaction juridique --- Projets de loi --- Droit --- Reglements (Droit administratif) --- Redaction --- Langage --- Rédaction législative --- Belgium --- Handbooks --- KJK 1 Law of Belgium --- Legislation --- Bill drafting --- Législation --- Rédaction --- EPUB-ALPHA-I EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- E-books --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- achtú --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- disposição legislativa --- zakonodavni akt --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- reachtaíocht --- -Rédaction législative --- Belgique

We are not amused : failed humor in interaction
ISBN: 150150164X 1501501585 1501510525 9781501501586 Year: 2015 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Placing failed humor within the broader category of miscommunication and drawing on a range of conversational data, this text represents the first comprehensive study of failed humor. It provides a framework for classifying the types of failure that can occur, examines the strategies used by both speakers and hearers to avoid and manage failure, and highlights the crucial role humor plays in social identity and relationship management.


Conversation analysis. --- Joking. --- Plays on words. --- Pragmatics. --- Wit and humor. --- Wit and humor --- Miscommunication --- Languages & Literatures --- Social Sciences --- Psychology --- Literature - General --- Social aspects --- Miscommunication. --- Social aspects. --- Misunderstanding (Communication) --- Communication --- language --- communication skills --- language skills --- linguistics --- sociology --- social behaviour --- κοινωνική συμπεριφορά --- zachowanie społeczne --- comportament social --- socialinis elgesys --- Sozialverhalten --- sociālā uzvedība --- општествено однесување --- társadalmi viselkedés --- социално поведение --- social adfærd --- comportement social --- sjellje sociale --- imġiba soċjali --- socialno vedenje --- socialt beteende --- sociálne správanie --- sosiaalinen käyttäytyminen --- sotsiaalne käitumine --- друштвено понашање --- comportamento sociale --- društveno ponašanje --- comportamiento social --- sociaal gedrag --- sociální chování --- comportamento social --- антисоцијално однесување --- социјално однесување --- társadalmi magatartás --- asociaal gedrag --- општествени норми на однесување --- sociología --- socjologia --- sosiologia --- sociologi --- κοινωνιολογία --- sotsioloogia --- soċjoloġija --- социологија --- социология --- sociologija --- szociológia --- sociológia --- socioloģija --- sociologia --- sociologie --- sociologji --- Soziologie --- gender studies --- Entwicklungssoziologie --- sociobiologie --- sociológia politického života --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- linguistique --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- kalbos mokėjimas --- језичке вештине --- aptitudini lingvistice --- sprogkundskaber --- compétence linguistique --- kielitaito --- keeleoskus --- valodiskās prasmes --- umiejętności językowe --- jazykové zručnosti --- inniúlacht teanga --- capacidades lingüísticas --- competências linguísticas --- talenkennis --- ħiliet tal-lingwa --- nyelvi készségek --- jezične vještine --- competenze linguistiche --- jezikovne spretnosti in znanja --- språkkunskaper --- езикови умения --- γλωσσικές δεξιότητες --- jazykové dovednosti --- Sprachkenntnisse --- qualificações linguísticas --- Bendra Europos kalbų mokėjimo orientacinė sistema --- kieliä koskeva yhteinen eurooppalainen viitekehys --- znajomość języków obcych --- gemeenschappelijk Europees referentiekader voor talen --- språkfärdigheter --- taalkwalificaties --- užsienio kalbos mokėjimas --- GERS --- quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue --- conocimiento de una lengua extranjera --- den fælles europæiske referenceramme for sprog --- езикова компетентност --- sprogkompetence --- competencia lingüística --- kompetenza fil-lingwa --- Euroopa keeleõppe raamdokument. Õppimine, õpetamine ja hindamine --- jazykové kvalifikace --- compétences linguistiques --- znalosť cudzieho jazyka --- profiċjenza fil-lingwa --- calificări lingvistice --- γλωσσικά προσόντα --- jezikovna usposobljenost --- compétences en langues étrangères --- CECR --- sprogkvalifikationer --- γνώση ξένων γλωσσών --- jazykové znalosti --- znanje jezikov --- jezična kompetencija --- taalcompetentie --- közös európai nyelvi referenciakeret --- kennis van vreemde talen --- fremmedsproglig kompetence --- Eiropas vienotā valodu prasmes līmeņa noteikšanas sistēma --- kompetenza fil-lingwi barranin --- språkkompetens --- kwalifikacje językowe --- kwalifiki fil-lingwi --- competência em línguas estrangeiras --- Comhchreat Tagartha na hEorpa um Theangacha --- владеене на езици --- competência em línguas --- ОЕРР --- језичке способности --- spoločný európsky referenčný rámec pre jazyky --- QKERL --- connaissances linguistiques --- jezikovne kvalifikacije --- valodu zināšanas --- nyelvtudás --- skupni evropski referenčni okvir za jezike --- taalvaardigheid --- γλωσσικές γνώσεις --- společný evropský referenční rámec pro jazyky --- kompetencje językowe --- QCER --- езикова квалификация --- znalost cizího jazyka --- обща европейска референтна рамка за езиците --- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages --- jezične sposobnosti --- poznavanje stranog jezika --- competență lingvistică --- cunoașterea limbilor străine --- competenza nelle lingue straniere --- kalbos mokėjimo lygis --- europejski system opisu kształcenia językowego --- language competence --- den gemensamma europeiska referensramen för språk --- competenza linguistica --- MCER --- QECRL --- biegłość językowa --- jazyková kompetence --- ZEROJ --- qualifiche linguistiche --- Sprachkompetenz --- proficiência linguística --- abilità linguistiche --- SERR --- jazyková kompetencia --- svešvalodu prasme --- CEFR --- sprogfærdigheder --- zajednički europski referentni okvir za jezike --- znanje tujih jezikov --- jezične kvalifikacije --- võõrkeeleoskus --- Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas --- Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas --- jazyková kvalifikácia --- γλωσσική επάρκεια --- чуждоезикова компетентност --- cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues --- vieraiden kielten osaaminen --- Qafas Komuni Ewropew ta' Referenza għal-Lingwi --- Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen --- vieraiden kielten taito --- foreign language competence --- language qualifications --- valodu prasme --- cualificaciones lingüísticas --- idegen nyelvi kompetencia --- Fremdsprachenkompetenz --- κοινό Ευρωπαϊκό Πλαίσιο Αναφοράς για τα γλωσσικά προσόντα --- language proficiency --- CECRL --- cadrul european comun de referință pentru limbi --- Sprachqualifikationen --- комуникационни умения --- pratique de communication --- комуникациски вештини --- komunikacijske vještine --- ħiliet ta’ komunikazzjoni --- viestintäkäytäntö --- τεχνική της επικοινωνίας --- Redegewandtheit --- pratica di comunicazione --- kommunikációs készségek --- kommunikation i praksis --- suhtlemisoskus --- schopnost komunikace --- abilități de comunicare --- umiejętność komunikacji --- prática da comunicação --- communicatie in de praktijk --- sposobnost komuniciranja --- bendravimo įgūdžiai --- praktisk kommunikation --- komunikačné schopnosti --- técnicas de comunicación --- aftësi komunikimi --- вештина комуникације --- sazināšanās prasme --- komunicēšanās prasmes --- bendravimo būdai --- комуникациска практика --- tehnici de comunicare --- komunikační metody --- kommunikationsförmåga --- komunikační schopnost --- praktika komunikimi --- communication practices --- комуникациски техники --- komunikační dovednosti --- комуникациска способност --- dorozumívací dovednosti --- kalba --- teanga --- limbaj --- lenguaje --- език --- język --- kieli --- linguaggio --- keel --- linguagem --- јазик --- taal --- lingwa --- gjuhë --- jezik --- γλώσσα --- nyelv --- jazyk --- språk --- langage --- valoda --- sprog --- Sprache --- језик --- lingua --- Discourse Analysis. --- Humor.

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