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Regionale alltagssprache : theorie, methodologie und empirie einer gebrauchsbasierten areallinguistik
ISBN: 3110424150 3110424274 3110424142 3110427397 Year: 2015 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Die Studie ist in dem bisher nur begrenzt fruchtbar gemachten Überlappungsbereich von Gesprächslinguistik und Areallinguistik angesiedelt und zielt auf die Etablierung eines alternativen Zugangs zu sprachlicher Variation ab, der dem konkreten Sprachgebrauch bereits in der Theoriebildung einen anderen Status zuweist als bis dato üblich. Durch die systematische Integration interaktionaler Gesichtspunkte in die Untersuchung arealsprachlicher Variationsspektren zeigt die Arbeit einen grundlegenden Perspektivwechsel in der areallinguistischen Forschung auf: Aspekte des sozialen Handelns, die Kontextualisierung interaktiver Bedeutung und die Heterogenität alltäglichen Sprachgebrauchs werden theoretisch und emprisch systematisch zusammengeführt. Es wird schließlich auf der Grundlage einer weitgreifenden Theoriediskussion und einer darauf aufsattelnden Methodenreflexion ein eigener Methodenapparat entwickelt, um im empirischen Teil auf der Basis authentischer Gesprächsdaten aus Norddeutschland verschiedene arealsprachliche Variationsspektren im Hinblick auf sprachstrukturelle und gesprächsfunktionale Aspekte zu beschreiben und zu kontrastieren. Open Access:Die freie Verfügbarkeit der E-Book-Ausgabe dieser Publikation wurde im Juli 2019 nachträglich ermöglicht durch den Fachinformationsdienst Linguistik. This study focuses on a previously untapped interface between discourse and areal linguistics. It assigns a different primary status to usage at the stage of theory development. Using actual discourse data from Northern Germany, it provides an integrated comparative description of areal linguistic variations in terms of their linguistic structure and discursive function.

Journal of the European Second Language Association.
ISSN: 23999101 Year: 2017 Publisher: [York, United Kingdom] : White Rose University Press,

Language Testing Reconsidered
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0776606576 0776606573 9786613667274 0776616315 128069033X 0776627163 9780776616315 9780776606576 0776618067 9780776618067 9780776627168 9781280690334 Year: 2007 Publisher: Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa Press

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Language Testing Reconsidered provides a critical update on major issues that have engaged the field of language testing since its inception. Anyone who is working in, studying or teaching language testing should have a copy of this book. The information, discussions, and reflections offered within the volume address major developments within the field over the past decades, enlivened by current ""takes"" on these issues. The real value of this collection, however, lies in its consideration of the past as a means of defining the future agenda of language testing.

Working papers in applied linguistics and TESOL.
ISSN: 25762907 Year: 2017 Publisher: [New York, N.Y.] : Teachers College, Columbia University,

New Materialist Explorations into Language Education
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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This open access book analyzes language education through a socio-material framework. The authors revisit their position as researchers by decentering themselves and humans in general from the main focus of research activities and giving way to the materialities that are agentive but often overlooked parts of our research contexts and processes. Through this critical posthumanist realism, they are able to engage in research that sees society as an ethical interrelationship between humans and the material world and explore the socio-materialities of language education from the perspectives of material agency, spatial and embodied materiality, and human and non-human assemblages. Each chapter explores language educational contexts through a unique lens of (socio)materiality. Based on how the authors conceptualize (socio)materiality, the book is organized in three sections that seek answers to the following overarching questions: In what ways do material agencies emerge in language educational contexts? How are educational choices and experiences intertwined with materialities of spaces and bodies? What assemblages of human and non-human may occur in language education contexts? Each chapter questions, in its own way, the notion of the human subject as rational, enlightened being and sole possessor of agency, and offers examples of allowing for other-than-human agency to enter the picture. Together, the contributors exemplify how researchers who have been committed to social constructionist thinking for most of their careers learn to make space for new theories, thus inspiring and encouraging readers to remain open for new intellectual and embodied endeavors.

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