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Il presente volume intende indagare la tematica dell’ars dictaminis secondo un approccio di impianto codicologico e paleografico, ovvero attraverso lo studio primario delle testimonianze manoscritte che si prefigge di condurre ad una migliore contestualizzazione storica del fenomeno, e di analizzare le strette interrelazioni esistenti tra l’ars dictaminis e il sistema politico e sociale dell’epoca. Apre il volume una introduzione di carattere generale sullo scopo e sulla metodologia adoperata nella ricerca, e sull’importanza di una impostazione codicologica alla questione. Nei due capitoli successivi si individueranno gli aspetti caratterizzanti la produzione e la circolazione manoscritta dettatoria riguardante, rispettivamente, i secoli XIII e XIV, e il periodo umanistico. Segue un quarto capitolo dove si illustreranno, in un’ottica comparativa, le peculiarità della tradizione manoscritta di autori e testi in rapporto con le opere del retore bolognese, come la Brevis introductio ad dictamen di Giovanni di Bonandrea, i trattati morali di Albertano da Brescia e la Piccola dottrina del parlare e del tacere. Concluderanno il volume tavole sinottiche finalizzate a rendere facilmente consultabile l’elenco dei testimoni analizzati. This volume is dedicated to the study of medieval ars dictaminis. Analyzing several manuscript witnesses, it sheds light on the historical contextualization of the phenomenon and examines the close relationship between ars dictaminis and the political and social system of that time.
LITERARY CRITICISM / European / Italian. --- Ars dictaminis. --- Medieval Literature.
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Italian literature emerged around 1600 at the intersection of poetological and religious attempts at standardization and under the attentive watch of a literary community and its critical discussions as well as the censorship and inquisition of the Counter-Reformation. This volume sheds light on creativity under the conditions of this twofold "observance" by looking at texts from various genres written between ca. 1550 and 1650. Italienische Literatur entsteht um 1600 in einem Schnittpunkt von poetologischen und religiösen Normierungsbestrebungen und unter wachsamer Beobachtung sowohl seitens einer kritisch diskutierenden literarischen Gemeinschaft als auch der gegenreformatorischen Zensur und Inquisition. Kirchliche Autoritäten kontrollieren die Literatur von außen, während die Literaten in einem Dialog des Aushandelns von Normen und der wachsamen Beratung und Kritik untereinander begriffen sind. Der Titel dieses Bandes benennt dies mit dem Begriff der ‚Observanz‘ in seiner Doppelbedeutung von ‚Beobachtung’ und ‚Regelbeachtung‘. Diese Situation nur als äußere Beschränkung künstlerischen Schaffens zu fassen, wäre freilich reduktiv. Anhand von Texten unterschiedlicher medialer und gattungspoetischer Formate vom Epos bis zur Oper wird gezeigt, wie zwischen 1550 und 1650 dichterische Kreativität unter den besonderen Bedingungen dieser doppelten Observanz zu Lösungen, Evasionen oder Immunisierungen gelangt; wie Autoren auf die textuelle und mediale Gestalt ihrer Werke und auf die Gestaltung oder auch Verhüllung ihrer Autorschaft achtgeben und wie andererseits die Aufmerksamkeit der Rezipierenden auf Problemlagen fokussiert oder aber zerstreut werden kann.
LITERARY CRITICISM / European / Italian. --- Aristotelianism. --- Censorship. --- Counter-Reformation. --- opera libretto.
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Il volume contiene le lettere scritte da Scipio Slataper (1888–1915) alle «tre amiche» triestine, Anna Pulitzer, Elody Oblath e Gigetta (Luisa) Carniel, tra l’estate del 1909 e il 3 dicembre 1915, quando egli cadde in combattimento sul Podgora, in vista del tanto amato Carso triestino. In queste lettere, che fungono anche da pagine di diario poiché in Scipio sovente la lettera è un "di sé a sé stesso", si rispecchia un’incandescente vicenda esistenziale ed intellettuale: di amicizia, di amore, di dolore, di ricerca del senso della vita, di impegno culturale e civile, di creazione artistica; mentre le ultime, a Gigetta, testimoniano i pochi mesi di vita al fronte. La cognizione del dolore, e quindi della vita, che gli venne dalla tragica morte di Anna, con cui visse una brevissima storia d’amore, fece riconoscere a Scipio il senso e il valore, e quindi il compito, da dare alla propria esistenza: amare gli uomini e operare per il loro bene. Una nozione più ampia e inclusiva dell’amore, che trascende quello a due, dall’estate del 1911, ricambiato, per Gigetta, ch’egli sposò nel settembre del 1913, mentre a Elody continuò a legarlo un’amicizia vera e profonda, «provata su tutti i frangenti». This volume presents the letters (approximately 600) that Scipio Slataper wrote between late 1909 and December 1915 to his “three friends” from Trieste, Anna Pulitzer, Gigetta (Luisa) Carniel, and Elody Oblath. These letters bring to light complex existential and intellectual storylines: of friendship, love, and pain, of the search of the purpose of life, cultural commitment, and artistic creation.
LITERARY CRITICISM / European / Italian. --- Cultural History/First World War. --- Letters. --- Scipio Slataper. --- Triest.
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Il volume si propone di affrontare la tematica del tradurre medievale – dal latino al volgare e viceversa, ma anche da un volgare a un altro – secondo un approccio interdisciplinare, accompagnando allo scavo filologico un’analisi sociale e culturale del fenomeno. Accomuna i diversi saggi l’intenzione di indagare la pratica del tradurre nella sua complessità culturale (in quanto attività di (re)interpretazione dei testi di partenza), e di analizzarne i risvolti sociali all’interno di un più ampio quadro di circolazione e di distribuzione dei saperi. In questo senso, assume un ruolo centrale lo studio dei volgarizzamenti delle opere cosiddette "moderne", che pongono dei problemi diversi rispetto ai volgarizzamenti dei classici, e permettono di tracciare un quadro più esaustivo in termini di rappresentatività, affiancando alla letteratura laica quella religiosa. Apre il volume una ampia introduzione sulla pratica del tradurre in Toscana, seguita da cinque sezioni, incentrate rispettivamente sulla tradizione provenzale e francese, sul rapporto tra canone e volgarizzamenti, sulla storia sociale del volgarizzare, sulla distribuzione dei saperi e delle lingue, e, infine, sul periodo umanistico e la lingua del potere, tra Roma e Firenze. The contributions gathered in this volume discuss the complex topic of translating in medieval Italy from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining the philological approach with a detailed social and cultural analysis. The authors discuss, among other topics, translations of ‘classical’ and particularly so-called ‘modern’ texts, the distribution of knowledge and languages, and the social history of translating.
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Le sculture, gli affreschi e le poesie di Michelangelo rispecchiano l'ortodossia cattolica, o sono piuttosto l'opera di un seguace della Riforma costretto alla segretezza? La questione della religiosità di Michelangelo è tuttora dibattuta favorendo spesso prospettive fin troppo unilaterali. Questo volume, che riunisce contributi dall'ambito della storia dell'arte, degli studi letterari e della storia della religione, intende affrontare la questione in tutta la sua complessità. Do Michelangelo's sculptures, frescoes, and poems reflect Catholic orthodoxy or are they rather the work of a follower of the Reform, forced to act in secret? The question of Michelangelo's religious belief is still debated, and the positions taken tend to remain unilateral. This volume gathers contributions by art historians, literary scholars, and historians of religion who address this question in all its complexity.
LITERARY CRITICISM / European / Italian. --- Confessionalization. --- Reformation. --- Religious Poetry. --- Renaissance. --- Crítica literària. --- Reforma. --- Renaixement. --- Miguel Ángel. --- 1500-1527
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The early modern and modern cultural world in the West would be unthinkable without Petrarch and Boccaccio. Despite this fact, there is still no scholarly contribution entirely devoted to analysing their intellectual revolution. Internationally renowned scholars are invited to discuss and rethink the historical, intellectual, and literary roles of Petrarch and Boccaccio between the great model of Dante's encyclopedia and the ideas of a double or multifaceted culture in the era of Italian Renaissance Humanism. In his lyrical poems and Latin treatises, Petrarch created a cultural pattern that was both Christian and Classical, exercising immense influence on the Western World in the centuries to come. Boccaccio translated this pattern into his own vernacular narratives and erudite works, ultimately claiming as his own achievement the reconstructed unity of the Ancient Greek and Latin world in his contemporary age. The volume reconsiders Petrarch's and Boccaccio's heritages from different perspectives (philosophy, theology, history, philology, paleography, literature, theory), and investigates how these heritages shaped the cultural transition between the end of the Middle Ages and the early modern era, as well as European identity.
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"Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy is a reappraisal of the poem by an international team of thirty-four scholars. Each vertical reading analyses three same-numbered cantos from the three canticles: Inferno i, Purgatorio i and Paradiso i; Inferno ii, Purgatorio ii and Paradiso ii; etc. Although scholars have suggested before that there are correspondences between same-numbered cantos that beg to be explored, this is the first time that the approach has been pursued in a systematic fashion across the poem. This collection - to be issued in three volumes - offers an unprecedented repertoire of vertical readings for the whole poem. As the first volume exemplifies, vertical reading not only articulates unexamined connections between the three canticles but also unlocks engaging new ways to enter into core concerns of the poem. The three volumes thereby provide an indispensable resource for scholars, students and enthusiasts of Dante." - OAPEN.
Dante Alighieri, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- literature --- literary criticism --- Literary Criticism / European / Italian --- Literary Criticism / Medieval --- Literature --- History and criticism
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Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy is a reappraisal of the poem by an international team of thirty-four scholars. Each vertical reading analyses three same-numbered cantos from the three canticles: Inferno i, Purgatorio i and Paradiso i; Inferno ii, Purgatorio ii and Paradiso ii; etc. Although scholars have suggested before that there are correspondences between same-numbered cantos that beg to be explored, this is the first time that the approach has been pursued in a systematic fashion across the poem.This collection - to be issued in three volumes - offers an unprecedented repertoire of vertical readings for the whole poem. As the first volume exemplifies, vertical reading not only articulates unexamined connections between the three canticles but also unlocks engaging new ways to enter into core concerns of the poem. The three volumes thereby provide an indispensable resource for scholars, students and enthusiasts of Dante.The volume has its origin in a series of thirty-three public lectures held in Trinity College, the University of Cambridge (2012-2016) which can be accessed at the Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy website
Dante Alighieri, --- Criticism, Textual. --- Italian literature --- Commedia --- vertical readings --- Inferno --- comparative --- Purgatorio --- Paradiso --- Italian poetry --- Literary Criticism / European / Italian --- Literary Criticism / Medieval --- Literature --- History and criticism
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Vertical Readings in Dante’s ‘Comedy’ is a reappraisal of the poem by an international team of thirty-four scholars. Each vertical reading analyses three same-numbered cantos from the three canticles: Inferno i, Purgatorio i and Paradiso i; Inferno ii, Purgatorio ii and Paradiso ii; etc. Although scholars have suggested before that there are correspondences between same-numbered cantos that beg to be explored, this is the first time that the approach has been pursued in a systematic fashion across the poem. This three-volume collection offers an unprecedented repertoire of vertical readings for the whole poem. Vertical reading not only articulates unexamined connections between the three canticles but also unlocks engaging new ways to enter into core concerns of the poem. The three volumes thereby provide an indispensable resource for scholars, students and enthusiasts of Dante.
Dante Alighieri, --- Criticism, Textual. --- Italian literature --- Commedia --- vertical readings --- Dante Alighieri --- Inferno --- comparative --- Purgatorio --- Paradiso --- Italian poetry --- Literary Criticism / European / Italian --- Literary Criticism / Medieval --- Literature --- History and criticism
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Realismusdebatten und literarische Strömungen der italienischen Nachkriegsliteratur legen meist eine Überlappung von außersprachlicher Realität und deren Darstellung im Medium des Romans zugrunde. Einige Literaturschaffende entziehen sich dieser Tradition jedoch, indem sie sich auf ästhetische, politische und explizit an ein neues soziopolitisches Paradigma der Nachkriegszeit geknüpfte Gesichtspunkte beziehen. Britta Köhler-Hoff legt dar, wie dabei nicht nur die Abbildbarkeit der Wirklichkeit durch Literatur infrage gestellt wird, sondern auch - teilweise im Rahmen eigener Theoriebildung - abweichende und engagierte literarische Wirklichkeitskonzeptionen entstehen.
LITERARY CRITICISM / European / Italian. --- Carlo Emilio Gadda. --- Cultural History. --- Elsa Morante. --- Italian Literature. --- Literary Studies. --- Literature. --- Novel. --- Pier Paolo Pasolini. --- Poetology. --- Post-war Literature. --- Realism. --- Reality. --- Romance Studies. --- Stefano D'arrigo.
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