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In vitro diagnostic (IVD) device studies, frequently asked questions
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Rockville, MD : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health : Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research,

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Assay migration studies for in vitro diagnostic devices
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: [Silver Spring, Md.] : Rockville, MD : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Office of In Vitro Diagnostic Device Evaluation and Safety ; Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research,

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IVF children : he first generation : assisted reproduction and child development.
ISBN: 1842141236 Year: 2002 Publisher: Boca Raton Parthenon

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This work represents a comprehensive review of up-to-date knowledge on children conceived after in vitro fertilization techniques.In the last decade alone, advances in assisted reproduction have increased dramatically. The miracle of babies born through in vitro fertilization no longer seems so miraculous. However, information about the continued emotional and physical development of IVF children is hard to find, and once found, can be difficult to interpret. IVF Children: The First Generation: Assisted Reproduction and Child Development comprehensively reviews the current knowledge about the physical and mental outcomes of children conceived through IVF techniques. The author examines all of the studies relevant to the development and well being of IVF children and discusses the results and implications of these studies from every angle. More importantly for the busy staff of fertility clinics, Dr. Sutcliffe explores how to interpret what is known from these studies to qualify the studies' validity and use their results. In contrast to many other books devoted to techniques involved in ART, this book addresses what is known about the ultimate outcome of the children born after employing the various ART methods for conception.The author draws together the available data and provides an in-depth analysis of the results. He expertly blends scientific theory and clinical outcomes to provide a handbook also useful for counselling families. IVF Children: The First Generation: Assisted Reproduction and Child Development provides guidance to professionals and parents/prospective parents alike in selecting the fertility treatment that best meets their needs. About the author: Dr. Alastair Sutcliffe is an academic pediatrician with clinical practice in the Royal Free Hospital Campus of University College London and was awarded his Doctorate in 2000. He was the first person to study children who were cryopreserved as embryos and for the past five years, has been studying a group of ICSI conceived children throughout the UK. These children are currently being assessed in the biggest developmental study in the field. His work is now recognized worldwide as having made an important contribution to assessing outcomes of new types of in vitro fertilization

Met technologie gezegend? : gender en de omstreden invoering van in vitro fertilisatie in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg.
ISBN: 906224372X Year: 1996 Publisher: Utrecht Van Arkel

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In vitro fertilisatie (IVF)-reageerbuisbevruchting - riep in de jaren 80 veel emoties op. De pers bracht het beeld van wanhopige vrouwen die maar niet zwanger konden raken. De betrokken artsen presenteerden deze techniek als de oplossing voor de onvervulde kinderwens. Het toenmalige ministerie van WVC wist zich geen raad met IVF en liet de ontwikkelingen op hun beloop. De politieke partijen durfden geen duidelijk standpunt in te nemen. De vrouwenbeweging bediscussieerde of door IVF de autonomie van vrouwen bij de voortplanting wel groter werd. Intussen werd IVF op steeds groter schaal toegepast. Draagmoederschap, het gebruik van IVF door alleenstaande en lesbische vrouwen, eiceldonaties en embryoonderzoek, de kranten stonden er vol mee. In de commotie verdwenen de belangrijke vragen naar de effectiviteit en veiligheid van deze techniek naar de achtergrond. Noch de politiek noch de nationale overheid hield voldoende rekening met de belangrijke vragen van de vrouwenbeweging inzake voortplantingstechnieken. Besluiten werden genomen op basis van vooronderstellingen die ook nu nog niet hard zijn gemaakt. Dertien jaar na de geboorte van de eerste Nederlandse 'ivf-baby' is de veiligheid van ivf nog steeds niet degelijk onderzocht. Toch worden er steeds nieuwe, verdergaande bevruchtingstechnieken behandeld voor de onvruchtbaarheid van hun mannen.

Reageerbuisbevruchting verantwoord?
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9060647335 Year: 1990 Publisher: Amsterdam Buijten en Schipperheijn

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Drie opstellen over (en vooral contra) In Vitro Fertilisatie (IVF) vanuit orthodox-gereformeerde optiek.

Umwege zum eigenen Kind : ethische und rechtliche Herausforderungen an die Reproduktionsmedizin 30 Jahre nach Louise Brown
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2008 Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen

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Even 30 years after the birth of the first "artificially produced baby Louise Brown in 1978, the desire for a child remains unfulfilled for many couples. Their hopes are to modern techniques of assisted reproduction. Reproductive medicine has since made enormous progress and opens up new opportunities. With these opportunities, however, are also linked new challenges, their moral and legal implications are considerable. Auch 30 Jahre nach der Geburt des ersten „Retortenbabys“ Louise Brown im Jahr 1978 bleibt für viele Paare der Wunsch nach einem eigenen Kind unerfüllt, und ihre Hoffnungen richten sich auf moderne Techniken assistierter Reproduktion. Die Reproduktionsmedizin hat seitdem immense Fortschritte gemacht und neue Chancen eröffnet. Mit diesen Chancen ist indessen zugleich eine Fülle neuer Herausforderungen verbunden, deren moralische und rechtliche Implikationen erheblich sind. Der vorliegende Band vereint Beiträge zweier Tagungen, die im Jahr 2007 vom »Forum für Ethik in der Medizin Frankfurt am Main e.V.« gemeinsam mit der »Arbeitsgruppe Reproduktionsmedizin und Embryonenschutz in der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin« sowie vom »Zentrum für Medizinrecht« der Universität Göttingen veranstaltet wurden und welche die aktuelle Debatte um die Reproduktionsmedizin und ihre Möglichkeiten aufgreifen. Sie wenden sich den Errungenschaften und Problemen assistierter Fortpflanzung im Allgemeinen zu, widmen jedoch ihr Augenmerk speziell donogenen Techniken (Eizellspende, Samenspende, Embryospende) sowie dem Kinderwunsch in besonderen Situationen (etwa körperliche Behinderung, letale Erkrankung eines Partners, gleichgeschlechtliche Lebensgemeinschaften).

L'infertilité : procréation médicalement assistée - adoption, filiation - questions éthiques, psychologiques, juridiques et scientifiques
ISBN: 2804115658 2761307666 9782804115654 Year: 1992 Volume: vol *18 Publisher: Bruxelles : De Boeck-Wesmael,

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Questions éthiques, psychologiques, juridiques et scientifiques. Les personnes, les couples, les familles s'interrogent sur les nouvelles formes de parentalité et souhaitent développer et mettre à jour leur information sur les réponses données à l'infertilité. La sensibilisation aux aspects humains de ce problème, plus particulièrement auprès des professionnels de la procréatique et de l'adoption, conditionne l'évolution des approches existantes vers une prise en compte plus complète de la question. Le douloureux problème de l'infertilité est abordé parfois pour le résoudre, parfois pour lui ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives, par des auteurs particulièrement compétents et avisés. Ils traitent le sujet de l'infertilité et de ses recours: la procréation médicalement assistée, l'adoption... Ils envisagent, chacun selon sa formation, les aspects scientifiques, cliniques, éthiques, psychologiques et juridiques. Ces textes nourrissent le débat à ces différents niveaux et éclairent la réflexion au sein de l'opinion. La pluralité des opinions exprimées contribue au progrès de la concertation des différentes tendances existantes et suscitera une saine collaboration entre les instances concernées. Leur objectif essentiel est de permettre aux personnes interpellées de réfléchir aux implications éthiques et culturelles variées de la quête d'un enfant et des moyens présidant à sa venue quand la nature n'y suffit plus.


Adoptie --- Adoption --- Babies [Test tube ] --- Child placing --- Conceptie --- Conception --- Ethique philosophique --- Fertilisatie in vitro [Menselijke ] --- Fertilisatie in vitro bij de mens --- Fertilization in vitro [Human ] --- Fécondation humaine in vitro --- Fécondation in vitro [Humaine ] --- Gynaecologie --- Gynécologie --- Human fertilization in vitro --- Human in vitro fertilization --- In vitro [Fécondation humaine ] --- In vitro fertilisatie bij de mens --- Menselijke vruchtbaarheid in vitro --- Psychologie --- Seksuologie --- Sexologie --- Test tube babies --- Vruchtbaarheid in vitro [Menselijke ] --- Wijsgerige ethiek --- Stérilité --- Bioethics --- Fertilization in vitro, Human --- Infertility --- Bioéthique --- Fécondation in vitro (Gynécologie) --- Reproduction Techniques, Assisted --- Ethics, Medical --- Infertility. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Fertilization in Vitro. --- Bioethics. --- Reproductive Techniques. --- #GBIB:CBMER --- vruchtbaarheid (fertiliteit, onvruchtbaarheid, steriliteit) --- reproductieve technologie (voortplantingstechnologie, medisch begeleide voortplanting, MBV, artificiële voortplanting, kunstmatige voortplanting) --- in-vitrofertilisatie (bevruchting in vitro, proefbuisbaby's) --- adoptie --- afstamming --- psychologie (psychologische aspecten) --- Involuntary childlessness --- Sterility --- Sterility in humans --- Childlessness --- Generative organs --- Fertility, Human --- Sterilization (Birth control) --- Reproduction Technics --- Reproduction Techniques --- Reproductive Technologies --- Technology, Reproductive --- Reproductive Technology --- Reproduction Technic --- Reproduction Technique --- Reproductive Technique --- Technic, Reproduction --- Technics, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproductive --- Techniques, Reproduction --- Techniques, Reproductive --- Technologies, Reproductive --- Selective Breeding --- Reproductive Medicine --- Reproductive Health Services --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethicists --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Genetic Engineering --- Insemination, Artificial --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Reproductive Sterility --- Sterility, Reproductive --- Sub-Fertility --- Subfertility --- Fertility --- fertilité (infertilité, sterilité) --- technique de reproduction (technique de procréation, procréation médicalement assistée, PMA, procréation artificielle) --- fécondation in vitro (fertilisation in vitro, FIV, fécondation in vitro et embryo transfert, FIVETE) --- adoption --- filiation --- psychologie (aspects psychologiques) --- Diseases --- ethics --- Belgium. --- Stérilité --- Bioéthique --- Fécondation in vitro (Gynécologie) --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Reproductive Techniques --- Treatment

Bodies in glass : genetics, eugenics, embryo ethics.
ISBN: 071904667X 0719046688 Year: 1997 Publisher: Manchester Manchester university press

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'Baby Drug Kills Test-Tube Mum', 'Black Couples Beg Me to Give Them White Babies': these headlines, along with recent debates over 'virgin births' parental rights over frozen embryos and 'gay genes' are characteristic of nearly two decades of popular controversies generated in the wake of in vitro fertilisation (IVF), recombinant genetics and related reproduction technologies. Bodies in Glass is an extensive analysis of feminist approaches to IVF and other new techniques covered by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. Deborah Steinberg exlores the professional and legal cultures of IVF, selective breeding ideologies and embryo 'rights' politics in this innovative and topical book.

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