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What do the bizzare etymologies of Jean-Pierre Brisset, made-up languages for literary fiction, The Dialectic of Enlightenment, Latin grammarians, Horace’s Epodes, and the Papyrus of Ani have in common? Absolutely nothing. Yet, taken together they provide an unusually coherent picture of a hitherto unacknowledged non-tradition of linguistic investigation. At these moments, particularly within the traditions of European writing which can loosely be termed “avant-garde,” philology goes rogue, hearkening to unearthly imperatives and barely comprehended intimations, and producing results well beyond those generated by more respectable – and supposedly more grounded – philological endeavors. ‘Pataphilology: An Irreader seeks to document and analyze such moments of philological speculation, invention, and détournement. In using the term ‘pataphilology, Gurd and van Gerven Oei are not proposing a facile analogy with ‘pataphysics, where ‘pataphilology would be philology’s wacky twin, always out for a lark, never doing anything real. This would presuppose an operation (even if parenthetical) on philology analogous to a shift from physics to ’pataphysics, something which Alfred Jarry, to whom this volume owes the latter neologism, appears to contradict in his initial definition: “Pataphysics […] is the science of that which is superinduced upon metaphysics, whether within or beyond the latter’s limitations, extending as far beyond metaphysics as the latter extends beyond physics.” Any way you cut it, ‘pataphysics is a physics that demands — or, better, that relies on — an utmost philological sensitivity to writing, unheard etymologies, unstable translations, incomplete formalizations, and haphazard decryptions. This volume seeks, then, to document how philological practices — no matter how non-standard, disreputable, or academically useless — have played a role in the production of avant-garde literature and knowledge, as well as forgotten, alternative, or fictitious scholarly projects. Ranging from the papyrus of Ani to the future languages of speculative fiction, from the fictional tablets of Armand Schwerner to the Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius, from Horace to Lacan, ’Pataphilology: An Irreader is a cabinet of philological curiosity — and a map of the ever-changing constellations that emerge when human language loses its chains.
Semiotics / semiology --- Philology. --- Alfred Jarry --- grammar --- philology --- pataphysics --- etymology --- semiotics
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This handbook of Old Germanic toponyms is a comprehen-sive collection of Germanic, possibly Germanic and non-Germanic geographical names of Magna Germania and the adjacent provinces. The selection of headwords is based on Hermann Reichert´s Lexikon der altgermanischen Namen (LaN). In the articles, the current state of research concer-ning the localization of the ancient places (, rivers, forests and mountains) and concerning the etymology and word for¬mation of the toponyms is documented and critically dis-cussed. Die vorliegende Monographie behandelt systematisch die altgermanischen Orts-, Fluss-, Wald- und Bergnamen bis einschließlich 600 n.Chr. sowie auch die ungermanischen Toponyme Germaniens; in den einzelnen Artikeln wird neben Lokalisierung und Kontext der mit den Toponymen bezeichneten Örtlichkeiten hauptsächlich die Etymologie der Toponyme selbst in Augenschein genommen und die verschiedenen Deutungsversuche der Namen kritisch beleuchtet. Dieser Band setzt somit die Reihe der Interpretationsbände zu Reichert´s Lexikon der altgermanischen Namen (2 Bde.) fort (zuletzt erschienen: Sitzmann / Grünzweig 2008, Die altgermanischen Ethnonyme - ein Handbuch zu ihrer Etymologie).Der vorliegende Band ist ein umfassendes etymologisches Handbuch der altgermanischen Toponyme sowie der unger-manischen Toponyme Germaniens, wofür als Grundlage das Lexikon der altgermanischen Namen (LaN) von Her-mann Reichert diente. Unter den alphabetisch angeordne-ten Lemmata werden die Belege mit Angabe der wichtigsten Lesarten sowie eine Kurzausführung zu Lokalisierung und Kontext gegeben. In den darauf folgenden etymologischen Kommentaren wurde versucht, einen forschungsgeschichtli-chen Überblick über die Literatur zu den jeweiligen Namen durch ein kritisches Referat der bisher geäußerten etymolo-gischen Deutungen mit Wertung nach Wahrscheinlichkeit zu geben.
Germanic languages --- Names, Geographical --- Etymology --- Names. --- German. --- Germanic. --- Germany
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Language and food are universal to humankind. Language accomplishes more than a pure exchange of information, and food caters for more than mere subsistence. Both represent crucial sites for socialization, identity construction, and the everyday fabrication and perception of the world as a meaningful, orderly place. This volume contains an introduction to the study of food and an extensive overview of the literature focusing on its role in interplay with language. It is the only publication fathoming the field of food and food-related studies from a linguistic perspective. The research articles assembled here encompass a number of linguistic fields, ranging from historical and ethnographic approaches to literary studies, the teaching of English as a foreign language, psycholinguistics, and the study of computer-mediated communication, making this volume compulsory reading for anyone interested in genres of food discourse and the linguistic connection between food and culture.
English language --- Food --- Culture --- Figures of speech. --- Etymology. --- Semiotic models.
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"The word 'crusade' covers today a wide variety of meanings in most European languages. The link between these uses and the historical phenomenon labelled as 'crusade', by historians is often very narrow and particularly changing. Understanding the real meaning of the word 'crusade', its connotations and implications, and thus the conscious or unconscious intentions of its uses requires a precise knowledge of the historical evolutions of the word, from its first appearance in the 13th century until nowadays. This book offers the first comprehensive view of the historical construction of the meaning of the word 'crusade' through comparative perspectives from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. Its 11 articles, introduction and conclusion examine different uses of the word, in a single language or within a specific context, and analyze each of them as a different conceptualization of the crusading phenomenon. The book explains the progressive widening of the meaning of the term, from a military expedition to Jerusalem to the most metaphorical uses. It demonstrates the differences between the connotations of the word in various languages and cultures and, thus, the variety of its possible uses. It insists on the reluctance and reticence that 'crusade' has always provoked since the Middle Ages, precisely because the conceptualization it implied was not shared by all. The book will be of interest for crusade scholars and for diachronic linguists, but also for anyone interested in understanding better modern discourses and references to the 'crusade' by politicians, activists, and journalists, through a precise inquiry on the historical developments of the word and the variety of its meanings"--
Crusades --- Language and languages --- Words for. --- Etymology --- History.
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Catalan philology --- Catalan language --- Catalan philology. --- Etymology --- Etymology. --- Arts and Humanities --- Language & Linguistics --- language --- literature --- linguistics --- Catalan --- Romance languages --- catalan --- Philologie catalane
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Names in Focus delves deep into the vast field of Finnish onomastics, covering place names, personal names, animal names, commercial names and names in literature. It provides the history and current trends in this area of research, and also supplements international terminology with the Finnish point of view on the subject. Brimming with examples and clear explanations, the book can be enjoyed by the most studious of researchers as well as the casual reader who has a genuine interest in the study of names.
Finnish language --- Names, Finnish, --- Etymology --- Names. --- Finnish names --- Names --- Names, Finnish.
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This book investigates attitudes toward diversity as expressed in Paul’s letter to the Galatians and proposes a renewed understanding of the term σάρξ as used in this letter.
Cultural pluralism --- Resilience (Personality trait) --- Sarx (The Greek word) --- Religious aspects --- Christianity. --- Greek language --- Etymology
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Language and languages --- Foreign languages --- Languages --- Anthropology --- Communication --- Ethnology --- Information theory --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Philology --- Linguistics --- Etymology --- Humor
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Incorporates etymology, history, art, drawing, and reflective writing to support medical students in the integration of the science and humanity of anatomy.
Human dissection. --- Anatomy, Practical --- Practical anatomy --- Dissection --- Anatomy. --- Art. --- Biopsychosocial Approach. --- Etymology. --- Humanity. --- Medical Humanities. --- Medical Students. --- Medicine. --- Patient Care. --- Reflection. --- Science. --- Visual Learning.
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Language and food are universal to humankind. Language accomplishes more than a pure exchange of information, and food caters for more than mere subsistence. Both represent crucial sites for socialization, identity construction, and the everyday fabrication and perception of the world as a meaningful, orderly place. This volume contains an introduction to the study of food and an extensive overview of the literature focusing on its role in interplay with language. It is the only publication fathoming the field of food and food-related studies from a linguistic perspective. The research articles assembled here encompass a number of linguistic fields, ranging from historical and ethnographic approaches to literary studies, the teaching of English as a foreign language, psycholinguistics, and the study of computer-mediated communication, making this volume compulsory reading for anyone interested in genres of food discourse and the linguistic connection between food and culture.
English language --- Food --- Culture --- Figures of speech. --- Etymology. --- Semiotic models. --- Imagery --- Speech, Figures of --- Tropes --- Foods --- Figures of speech --- Etymology --- Word history --- Rhetoric --- Symbolism --- Ethnology --- Semiotics --- Dinners and dining --- Home economics --- Table --- Cooking --- Diet --- Dietaries --- Gastronomy --- Nutrition --- Methodology --- History --- Primitive societies --- Germanic languages
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