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U.S. international business travel : its impact on U.S. merchandise exports
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : International Trade Administration, Office of Competition and Economic Analysis,

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APEC Business Travel Cards Reauthorization Act of 2017 : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 504, to permanently authorize the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Card program.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office,

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An Act to Authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security, in Coordination with the Secretary of State, to Establish a Program to Issue Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards, and for Other Purposes
Year: 2011 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : [U.S. G.P.O.],

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Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act of 2011 : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate to accompany S. 1487, to authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of State, to establish a program to issue Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards, and for other purposes.
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington : U.S. G.P.O.,

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Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act of 2017 : report (to accompany H.R. 2805) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
Year: 2017 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : [U. S. Government Publishing Office],

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Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act of 2017.
Year: 2017 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : [U.S. Government Publishing Office],

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Disclosure of international travel by Congress
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : Congressional Research Service,

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Smooth sailing or an impending wreck? : the impact of new visa and passport requirements on foreign travel to the United States : hearing before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, July 10, 2003.
Year: 2003

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Journal of travel medicine.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 11951982 17088305 Year: 1994 Publisher: Hamilton, Ont. : Decker Periodicals,

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The Journal of Travel Medicine publishes up-to-date research and original, peer-reviewed articles in the challenging field of travel medicine, including: prevention and treatment of disease; clinic management; patient and staff education; immunizations; impact of travel on host countries; military medicine; problems of refugees; diseases such as malaria, travelers' diarrhea, hepatitis, TB, STDs and AIDS, jet lag, altitude sickness, trauma, special hosts, and more.


Human medicine --- Communicable Disease Control --- Preventive Medicine --- Travel --- Medicine, Preventive --- Communicable diseases --- Médecine préventive --- Maladies infectieuses --- Voyage --- Periodicals --- Prevention --- Transmission --- Health aspects --- Périodiques --- Prévention --- Aspect sanitaire --- Communicable Disease Control. --- Preventive Medicine. --- Travel. --- Medicine, Preventive. --- Médecine. --- Voyage. --- Prevention. --- Chemistry --- Health Sciences --- Life Sciences --- Toxicology --- General and Others --- Public health --- Immunology --- Virology --- Communicable Diseases. --- Travel Medicine. --- Traveling --- Travelling --- Disease prevention --- Diseases --- Prevention of disease --- Preventive medicine --- Travels --- Preventative Care --- Preventative Medicine --- Preventive Care --- Care, Preventative --- Care, Preventive --- Medicine, Preventative --- Disease --- Parasite Control --- Control, Communicable Disease --- Control, Parasite --- Communicable Diseases --- Contagion and contagious diseases --- Contagious diseases --- Infectious diseases --- Microbial diseases in human beings --- Zymotic diseases --- prevention & control --- Tourism --- Voyages and travels --- Pathology --- Preventive health services --- Preventive medicine physicians --- Biosecurity --- Infection --- Epidemics --- Land Travel --- Sea Travel --- Land Travels --- Sea Travels --- Travel, Land --- Travel, Sea --- Travels, Land --- Travels, Sea --- Preventive Health Services --- Primary Prevention --- Public Health --- Infectious Disease Medicine --- Disease Eradication --- Médecine. --- prévention des maladies. --- médecine. --- voyage. --- путовање --- călătorie --- пътуване --- viaje --- Reise --- vjaġġar --- resa --- ταξίδι --- reis --- ceļojums --- kelionė --- matka --- udhëtim --- cesta --- viagem --- viaggio --- putovanje --- cestovanie --- патување --- travel --- potovanje --- utazás --- rejse --- podróż --- výprava --- liikematka --- szolgálati út --- turistresa --- turistaút --- Ausflugsfahrt --- služební cesta --- puhkusereis --- Besichtigungsreise --- Geschäftsreise --- forretningsrejse --- üzleti út --- tourist travel --- turismireis --- poslovno putovanje --- ärireis --- viaggio turistico --- viaje turístico --- kelionė darbo reikalais --- affärsresa --- Gesellschaftsreise --- udhëtim turistik --- viagem turística --- călătorie cu scop turistic --- zakenreis --- udhëtim pune --- крстарење --- toeristische reis --- turistický zájezd --- călătorie de afaceri --- tūrisma ceļojums --- udhëtim për punë --- Urlaubsreise --- business travel --- business trip --- voyage touristique --- komandiruotė --- viaggio di piacere --- turističko putovanje --- туристичко патување --- üzleti utazás --- turistická cesta --- hromadný zájezd --- Dienstreise --- turistrejse --- организирано патување --- viagem de negócios --- viaggio d'affari --- ταξίδι αναψυχής --- crociera --- деловно патување --- komandējums --- escursione --- služobný výjazd --- poslovni put --- voyage d'affaires --- poznávací zájezd --- екскурзија --- viaggio all'estero --- huvimatka --- služobná cesta --- службено патување --- viaje de negocios --- turistinė kelionė --- επαγγελματικό ταξίδι --- mjekësi --- Medizin --- lekárstvo --- medicin --- lékařství --- medycyna --- medicine --- geneeskunde --- meditsiin --- mediċina --- orvoslás --- медицина --- lääketiede --- medicina --- ιατρική --- zāles --- medicină --- medicína --- orvostan --- medicina interna --- интерна медицина --- lægevidenskab --- fisiologia --- arstiteadus --- betegségmegelőzés --- спречување болести --- prevenirea bolilor --- Krankheitsvorbeugung --- sairauksien ehkäisy --- preprečevanje bolezni --- medicina preventiva --- förebyggande hälso- och sjukvård --- parandalimi i sëmundjeve --- prevenzione delle malattie --- prevencia pred chorobami --- slimību profilakse --- prevenção das doenças --- πρόληψη των ασθενειών --- zapobieganie chorobom --- ligų profilaktika --- превенција болести --- disease prevention --- haiguste ennetamine --- sprečavanje bolesti --- sygdomsforebyggelse --- профилактика --- prevence nemocí --- voorkoming van ziekten --- prevenzjoni tal-mard --- mjekësi parandaluese --- suzbijanje bolesti --- screening for illness --- profilassi --- examen medical preventiv --- prevention of disease --- preventív gyógyászat --- προληπτική ιατρική --- haiguste ärahoidmine --- preventivní lékařství --- friskvård --- preventinė medicina --- profilaksa --- depistáž nemocí --- prophylaxie --- pasauga nuo ligų --- bescherming tegen ziekten --- προφύλαξη --- examen médico preventivo --- hälsofrämjande åtgärder --- ennetav meditsiin --- prevencija bolesti --- prophylaxis --- sveikatos patikrinimas --- profülaktika --- profilaxis --- předcházení nemocem --- prevention of illness --- vorbeugende Medizin --- profilaktika --- medicină preventivă --- dispenzarizace nemocí --- profylaxe --- diagnosi precoce delle malattie --- προσυμπτωματικός έλεγχος --- zdravstvena preventiva --- megelőző orvoslás --- opsporen van ziekten --- dépistage des maladies --- preventivní péče --- prevención de enfermedades --- profylax --- screening for sygdomme --- sjukdomsförebyggande åtgärder --- parandalim i sëmundjes --- profilaxie --- profilaxia --- preventivní ochrana --- profylaksi --- profylakse --- ligų prevencija --- preventive medicine --- profilaksi --- medecina preventiva --- profilakse --- diagnóstico precoz --- médecine préventive --- предохрана против болести --- haiguste vältimine --- depistážní středisko --- skanim për sëmundje --- regenerace --- screening for disease --- διάγνωση των ασθενειών --- forebyggende medicin --- preventieve geneeskunde --- parandalim i sëmundjeve --- Prophylaxe --- despistagem de doenças --- Flatten the Curve of Epidemic --- Flattening the Curve, Communicable Disease Control --- taisteal --- leigheas --- galair a chosc --- Child Care.

Recht op reis. De nieuwe wetgeving pakketreizen en gekoppelde reisarrangementen
ISBN: 9789048633166 9048633168 Year: 2018 Publisher: die Keure / la Charte

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Op 11 december 2015 verscheen in het Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie de Richtlijn van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 25 november 2015 betreffende de pakketreizen en de gekoppelde reisarrangementen (2015/2302/EU). De ministerraad keurde begin juni 2017, op voorstel van minister van Economie en Consumenten Kris Peeters, een voorontwerp van wet goed met betrekking tot de verkoop van pakketreizen, gekoppelde reisarrangementen en afzonderlijke reisdiensten. Dit resulteerde in de Belgische wet van 21 november 2017 betreffende de verkoop van pakketreizen, gekoppelde reisarrangementen en reisdiensten. De huidige regelgeving die dateert van begin de jaren '90 van de vorige eeuw wordt hierdoor opgeheven. De inwerkingtreding van de wet is voorzien op 1 juli 2018. Dit verzamelwerk : gaat in op de gevolgen voor de reissector ; bespreekt het vernieuwde toepassingsgebied ; legt de link met de passagiersverordeningen ; geeft een overzicht van de aansprakelijkheidsgronden ; overloopt de vernieuwde rechtsmiddelen voor gedupeerde reizigers. Dit boek is het eerste werk dat de nieuwe regelgeving grondig onder de loep neemt en de juridische theorie kadert met toepassingsgevallen. Het is daarom een must have voor iedereen die professioneel met reisrecht in aanraking komt.


Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Tourism --- Economic law --- Belgium --- Tourisme --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Consommateurs --- Droit européen. --- Protection --- BPB1809 --- Voyage en groupe --- Voyage --- Voyageur --- Protection du consommateur --- Droit de l'Union européenne --- Groepsreis --- Reis --- Passagier --- Bescherming van de consument --- Toerisme --- Recht van de Europese unie --- E-books --- pravo EU-a --- ES tiesības --- право ЕУ --- pravo EU --- prawo unijne --- EU-ret --- δίκαιο της ΕΕ --- právo EU --- EU law --- diritto dell'UE --- e drejta e BE-së --- uniós jog --- Derecho de la UE --- unionin oikeus --- EU-Recht --- EU-recht --- ES teisė --- právo EÚ --- legislația UE --- direito da UE --- право на ЕУ --- EU-rätt --- ELi õigus --- liġi tal-UE --- право на ЕС --- pravo Europske unije --- právo Spoločenstva --- normativa comunitaria --- drept comunitar --- diritto europeo --- e drejtë e Bashkimit Europian --- droit de l'Union européenne --- право на Европската заедница --- κοινοτικό δίκαιο --- droit européen --- evropské právo --- réglementation communautaire --- EG-förordningar --- pravo Evropske unije --- direito da União Europeia --- Europos Sąjungos teisė --- uniós jogszabályok --- Euroopa Liidu õigus --- Kopienas noteikumi --- europeisk rätt --- communautaire wetgeving --- Community law --- drept european --- Eurooppa-oikeus --- δίκαιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- nariadenia Spoločenstva --- legislația Uniunii Europene --- právo Evropské unie --- reglementări comunitare --- Euroopa Ühenduse õigus --- regulamentação comunitária --- prawo Unii Europejskiej --- közösségi jogszabályok --- Community regulations --- fællesskabsbestemmelser --- ευρωπαϊκό Δίκαιο --- právo ES --- European Union law --- Derecho comunitario --- európai uniós jogszabályok --- liġi tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- communautair recht --- yhteisön asetukset --- közösségi rendeletek --- gemenskapsrätt --- az Európai Unió joga --- Derecho europeo --- регулативи на Заедницата --- europsko pravo --- droit communautaire --- direito comunitário --- európai jog --- diritto comunitario --- legislazione comunitaria --- право на ЕЗ --- recht van de Europese Unie --- fællesskabsregler --- Europäisches Recht --- Recht der Europäischen Union --- Bendrijos teisė --- közösségi jog --- EU-jog --- Eiropas Savienības tiesības --- právo Unie --- Derecho de la Unión Europea --- Euroopan unionin oikeus --- право Заједнице --- Gesetzgebung der Gemeinschaft --- EF-ret --- pravo Zajednice --- prawo wspólnotowe --- yhteisön oikeus --- fællesskabsret --- norme comunitarie --- право на Европските заедници --- EG-rätt --- Europees recht --- communautaire voorschriften --- direito europeu --- европско право --- právo Európskej únie --- Право на Общността --- disposizioni comunitarie --- κοινοτική νομοθεσία --- reglamentación comunitaria --- Gemeinschaftsrecht --- право на Европейския съюз --- komunitární právo --- az EU joga --- Kopienas tiesības --- Bendrijos reglamentai --- regolamentazione comunitaria --- európske právo --- communautaire rechtsorde --- legislativa EU --- European law --- право на Европската Унија --- pravo Skupnosti --- Euroopa õigus --- EU:n oikeus --- ühenduse õigus --- diritto dell'Unione europea --- право Уније --- EG-recht --- pravni propisi Europske unije --- Europos teisė --- Tourismus --- toerisme --- tūrisms --- τουρισμός --- turismo --- tourism --- turism --- turiżmu --- turizmus --- cestovný ruch --- turizam --- туризъм --- turizëm --- turasóireacht --- cestovní ruch --- туризам --- turisme --- matkailu --- turizem --- turizmas --- turystyka --- turistický ruch --- gestión del turismo --- управление на туризма --- tūrisma industrija --- načrtovanje turizma --- turismijuhtimine --- gestion touristique --- planificación del turismo --- turismitööstus --- turismeplanlægning --- turizmo planavimas --- planification du tourisme --- gestion hôtelière --- planowanie turystyki --- turistaipar --- forvaltning af turisme --- zarządzanie w hotelarstwie --- upravljanje turizma --- turismi planeerimine --- Hospitality Management --- Fremdenverkehr --- ġestjoni tat-turiżmu --- toeristenindustrie --- pianificazione del turismo --- управление на стопанския туризъм --- gestión hotelera --- tourism planning --- turistička industrija --- upravljanje u ugostiteljstvu --- περιήγηση --- apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo paslaugų sektoriaus valdymas --- managementul turismului --- planiranje turizma --- τουριστική βιομηχανία --- turizmusmenedzsment --- Tourismusplanung --- industria turística --- planificarea turismului --- matkailusuunnittelu --- industri e turizmit --- pjanar tat-turiżmu --- horecamanagement --- turismförvaltning --- планиране на туризма --- σχεδιασμός του τουρισμού --- turizmo pramonė --- туристичка дејност --- gestão hoteleira --- riadenie hotelierskych služieb --- pianificazione turistica --- indústria turística --- plánovanie cestovného ruchu --- forvaltning af hoteller og restauranter --- turismus --- turistindustri --- διαχείριση του τουρισμού --- plánování rozvoje cestovního ruchu --- tionscal na turasóireachta --- turismplanering --- upravljanje u turizmu --- turistika --- Tourismusmanagement --- gestione dell'ospitalità --- planeamento do turismo --- διαχείριση της φιλοξενίας --- turizmustervezés --- turizmo valdymas --- management pohostinství --- matkailuhallinto --- tourist industry --- management hotelier --- toerismebeheer --- tūrisma vadība --- matkailun suunnittelu --- industrie turistică --- řízení cestovního ruchu --- hospitality management --- toerismeplanning --- gestão turística --- tourism management --- turistično upravljanje --- matkailuteollisuus --- zarządzanie turystyką --- tūrisma plānošana --- turistfaciliteter --- βιομηχανία τουρισμού --- ġestjoni tal-ospitalità --- gestione del turismo --- industrie touristique --- riadenie cestovného ruchu --- viesmīlības vadība --- Reiseverkehr --- industria turistica --- fogyasztóvédelem --- заштита на потрошувачите --- ochrona konsumenta --- mbrojtja e konsumatorit --- protezzjoni tal-konsumatur --- consumer protection --- ochrana spotřebitele --- vartotojų apsauga --- varstvo potrošnikov --- zaštita potrošača --- kuluttajansuoja --- ochrana spotrebiteľa --- защита на потребителя --- Verbraucherschutz --- bescherming van de consument --- konsumentskydd --- tarbijakaitse --- protezione del consumatore --- patērētāju tiesību aizsardzība --- forbrugerbeskyttelse --- protecția consumatorului --- protección del consumidor --- proteção do consumidor --- προστασία του καταναλωτή --- заштита потрошача --- konzumerizmus --- tutela del consumatore --- consommatisme --- consumerism --- EBCU --- vartotojų interesų gynimas --- kuluttajan oikeudet --- consumatorismo --- Maßnahmen zugunsten der Verbraucher --- consumentisme --- plan veprimi i politikave për konsumatorin --- défense du consommateur --- konsumerismi --- prava potrošača --- δικαιώματα του καταναλωτή --- diritti del consumatore --- derechos del consumidor --- defesa do consumidor --- consumismo --- tarbijapoliitika tegevuskava --- права на потрошувачите --- forbrugerrettigheder --- consumentenbescherming --- recht van de consument --- plan d'action en faveur des consommateurs --- Handlingsplan för främjande av konsumenternas intressen --- práva spotřebitele --- fogyasztók joga --- plan de acțiune în favoarea consumatorului --- difesa del consumatore --- plan de acción en favor de los consumidores --- consumer policy action plan --- vartotojų teisės --- práva spotrebiteľov --- handlingsplan på forbrugerområdet --- forbrugerinteresser --- fogyasztóvédelmi cselekvési terv --- konsumentens rättigheter --- patērētāju aizsardzības politikas rīcības plāns --- droits du consommateur --- drepturile consumatorului --- φορέας προστασίας του καταναλωτή --- kuluttajien etua ajava toimintasuunnitelma --- plano de ação a favor dos consumidores --- piano d'azione a favore dei consumatori --- protecção do consumidor --- defensa del consumidor --- konsumerism --- consumerismo --- konzumerizam --- konsumerizëm --- actieplan ten behoeve van de consumenten --- të drejtat e konsumatorëve --- vartojimo politikos veiksmų planas --- σχέδιο δράσης υπέρ των καταναλωτών --- consumeurisme --- direitos do consumidor --- tarbija õigused --- consumers' rights --- tillvaratagande av konsumenternas intressen --- resande --- traveller --- cestujúci --- vjaġġatur --- viajero --- udhëtar --- rejsende --- matkustaja --- utas --- reisija --- патник --- keliautojas --- viaggiatore --- cestující --- επιβάτης --- putnik --- călător --- potnik --- podróżny --- путник --- Fahrgast --- viajante --- passagier --- пътник --- ceļotājs --- pasajero --- turist --- турист --- utazó --- účastník zájezdu --- turista --- výletník --- pasažér --- ταξιδιώτης --- путовање --- călătorie --- пътуване --- viaje --- Reise --- vjaġġar --- resa --- ταξίδι --- reis --- ceļojums --- kelionė --- matka --- udhëtim --- cesta --- viagem --- viaggio --- putovanje --- cestovanie --- патување --- travel --- potovanje --- utazás --- rejse --- podróż --- výprava --- liikematka --- szolgálati út --- turistresa --- turistaút --- Ausflugsfahrt --- služební cesta --- puhkusereis --- Besichtigungsreise --- Geschäftsreise --- forretningsrejse --- üzleti út --- tourist travel --- turismireis --- poslovno putovanje --- ärireis --- viaggio turistico --- viaje turístico --- kelionė darbo reikalais --- affärsresa --- Gesellschaftsreise --- udhëtim turistik --- viagem turística --- călătorie cu scop turistic --- zakenreis --- udhëtim pune --- крстарење --- toeristische reis --- turistický zájezd --- călătorie de afaceri --- tūrisma ceļojums --- udhëtim për punë --- Urlaubsreise --- business travel --- business trip --- voyage touristique --- komandiruotė --- viaggio di piacere --- turističko putovanje --- туристичко патување --- üzleti utazás --- turistická cesta --- hromadný zájezd --- Dienstreise --- turistrejse --- организирано патување --- viagem de negócios --- viaggio d'affari --- ταξίδι αναψυχής --- crociera --- деловно патување --- komandējums --- escursione --- služobný výjazd --- poslovni put --- voyage d'affaires --- poznávací zájezd --- екскурзија --- viaggio all'estero --- huvimatka --- služobná cesta --- службено патување --- viaje de negocios --- turistinė kelionė --- επαγγελματικό ταξίδι --- grupinė kelionė --- group travel --- ryhmämatka --- udhëtim në grup --- rühmareis --- csoportos utazás --- viagem em grupo --- gruppresa --- skupinsko potovanje --- viaje en grupo --- skupno putovanje --- vjaġġar fi grupp --- Gruppenreise --- călătorie în grup --- ομαδικό ταξίδι --- групово пътуване --- podróż grupowa --- skupinové cestovanie --- grupperejse --- групно путовање --- grupu ceļojumi --- skupinová cesta --- viaggio in gruppo --- групно патување --- groepsreis --- grupālie ceļojumi --- grupno putovanje --- cosaint tomhaltóirí --- taistealaí --- taisteal --- grúpthaisteal --- dlí an Aontais Eorpaigh --- Allemagne --- Belgique --- Droit européen. --- Droit de l'Union européenne

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