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Although workplace design and management are gaining more and more attention from modern organizations, workplace research is still very fragmented and spread across multiple disciplines in academia. There are several books on the market related to workplaces, facility management (FM), and corporate real estate management (CREM) disciplines, but few open up a theoretical and practical discussion across multiple theories from different disciplines. Therefore, workplace researchers are not aware of all the angles from which workplace management and effects of workplace design on employees has been or could be studied. A lot of knowledge is lost between disciplines, and sadly, many insights do not reach workplace managers in practice. Therefore, this new book series is started by associate professor Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands) and postdoc researcher Vitalija Danivska (Aalto University, Finland) as editors, published by Routledge. It is titled ‘Transdisciplinary Workplace Research and Management’ because it bundles important research insights from different disciplinary fields and shows its relevance for both academic workplace research and workplace management in practice. The books will address the complexity of the transdisciplinary angle necessary to solve ongoing workplace-related issues in practice, such as knowledge worker productivity, office use, and more strategic management. In addition, the editors work towards further collaboration and integration of the necessary disciplines for further development of the workplace field in research and in practice. This book series is relevant for workplace experts both in academia and industry. This second book in the series focuses on the role of workplace management in the organization and the tasks that workplace management needs to consider. The 18 theories that are presented in this book and applied to workplace research discuss management aspects from the organization’s perspective or dive deeper into issues related to people and/or building management. They all emphasize that workplace management is a complex matter that requires more strategic attention in order to add value for various stakeholders. The final chapter of the book describes a first step towards integrating the presented theories into an interdisciplinary framework for developing a grand workplace management theory.
Work environment. --- Work design. --- Design of work systems --- Job design --- Work systems design --- Methods engineering --- Climate, Workplace --- Environment, Work --- Places of work --- Work places --- Working conditions, Physical --- Working environment --- Workplace --- Workplace climate --- Workplace environment --- Worksite environment --- Environmental engineering --- Industrial engineering --- Action regulation theory --- Activity theory --- Alignment --- Asset management --- Attractive quality theory --- Behavioural economics theories --- biophilia hypothesis --- business continuity planning --- Corporate real estate --- Corporate real estate asset management --- CREAM --- CREM --- CREM branding --- CREM Maturity model --- decision making theories --- disaster management --- Ecological Systems theory --- Evolutionary psychology theories --- Facilities management --- Flourish theory --- FM --- Hospitality theory --- Information space --- Knowledge Creation theory --- Lean --- Life-span theory of control --- Management --- Management models --- Management theory --- Managing people and buildings
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Impact investing --- Institutional investments --- Institutional investments --- Institutional investments --- Corporate governance --- Disclosure of information --- Proxy advisory firms --- Asset management accounts --- Index mutual funds --- Government policy --- Environmental aspects --- Social aspects --- Political aspects --- Government policy --- Government policy --- Government policy --- Government policy --- United States. --- United States. --- Rules and practice. --- United States.
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Although workplace design and management are gaining more and more attention from modern organizations, workplace research is still very fragmented and spread across multiple disciplines in academia. There are several books on the market related to workplaces, facility management (FM), and corporate real estate management (CREM) disciplines, but few open up a theoretical and practical discussion across multiple theories from different fields of studies. Therefore, workplace researchers are not aware of all the angles from which workplace management and effects of workplace design on employees has been or could be studied. A lot of knowledge is lost between disciplines, and sadly, many insights do not reach workplace managers in practice. Therefore, this new book series is started by associate professor Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands) and postdoc researcher Vitalija Danivska (Aalto University, Finland) as editors, published by Routledge. It is titled 'Transdisciplinary Workplace Researchand Management' because it bundles important research insights from different disciplinary fields and shows its relevance for both academic workplace research and workplace management in practice. The books will address the complexity of the transdisciplinary angle necessary to solve ongoing workplace-related issues in practice, such as knowledge worker productivity, office use, and more strategic workplace management. In addition, the editors work towards further collaboration and integration of the necessary disciplines for further development of the workplace field in research and in practice. This book series is relevant for workplace experts both in academia and industry.This first book in the series focuses on the employee as a user of the work environment. The 21 theories discussed and applied to workplace design in this book address people's ability to do their job and thrive in relation to the office workplace. Some focus more on explaining why people behave the way they do (the psychosocial environment), while others take the physical and/or digital workplace quality as a starting point to explain employee outcomes such as health, satisfaction, and performance. They all explain different aspects for achieving employee-workplace alignment (EWA) and thereby ensuring employee thriving. The final chapter describes a first step towards integrating these theories into an overall interdisciplinary framework for eventually developing a grand EWA theory.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
Work environment. --- Work design. --- Design of work systems --- Job design --- Work systems design --- Methods engineering --- Climate, Workplace --- Environment, Work --- Places of work --- Work places --- Working conditions, Physical --- Working environment --- Workplace --- Workplace climate --- Workplace environment --- Worksite environment --- Environmental engineering --- Industrial engineering --- Action regulation theory --- Activity theory --- Alignment --- Asset management --- Attractive quality theory --- Behavioural economics theories --- biophilia hypothesis --- business continuity planning --- Corporate real estate --- Corporate real estate asset management --- CREAM --- CREM --- CREM branding --- CREM Maturity model --- decision making theories --- disaster management --- Ecological Systems theory --- Evolutionary psychology theories --- Facilities management --- Flourish theory --- FM --- Hospitality theory --- Information space --- Knowledge Creation theory --- Lean --- Life-span theory of control --- Management --- Management models --- Management theory --- Managing people and buildings --- Real Estate Business --- Office Management --- Business & Economics
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The paper’s analysis underscores the importance of the ongoing Financial Stability Board-led process of identifying policy options, involving national authorities and the International Organization of Securities Commissions and other standard setters. In this context, the global nature of the investment fund business and fungibility of financial flows makes it vital to ensure consistency of global policy choices that can secure financial stability by precluding regulatory arbitrage.
Private equity. --- Investments, Foreign. --- Overseas Private Investment Corporation. --- Asset and liability management --- Asset management --- Asset-liability management --- Banks and Banking --- Capital market --- Economics --- Emerging and frontier financial markets --- Finance --- Finance: General --- Financial Crises --- Financial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and Regulation --- Financial institutions --- Financial Instruments --- Financial markets --- Financial Risk Management --- Financial sector policy and analysis --- Financial sector stability --- Financial services industry --- Financial services law & regulation --- Flow of funds --- General Financial Markets: General (includes Measurement and Data) --- General Financial Markets: Government Policy and Regulation --- Industries: Financial Services --- Institutional Investors --- International Financial Markets --- International organization --- Investment Decisions --- Investments: Mutual Funds --- Liquidity --- Management accounting & bookkeeping --- Money market --- Mutual funds --- Non-bank Financial Institutions --- Pension Funds --- Political economy --- Portfolio Choice --- Public investments --- United States
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proefschrift Veerle Colaert financiele instelling - belegger beleggersbescherming MIFID Voor al wie geinteresseerd is in MiFID in beleggerbescherming in de interne markt voor financiele diensten en de verhouding tussen publiekrecht en privaatrecht bij de formulering en de handhaving van het financieel recht is dit boek een absolute must. Veerle Colaert heeft veel meer gedaan dan een boek over MiFID schrijven. Zij is erin geslaagd de moeilijke verbindingen tussen algemeen verbintenissenrecht het consumentenrecht en het financieel recht in kaart te brengen. Inleiding Deel I: Beleggersbescherming op de kruising tussen effectenrecht consumentenrecht en burgerlijk recht - historische evolutie - situering van het onderzoek binnen het wetgevend kader de lege lata - rechtstheoretische achtergrond en verantwoording van de onderzochte regels; Deel II: Over de verhouding tussen normen - verhouding tussen de verschillende onderzochte bronnen van wetgeving - de verhouding toegepast op de precontractuele en pretransactionele informatieverplichtingen sensu stricto - de verhouding tussen informatieverplichting(en) sensu stricto en ken-uw-clientverplichtingen; Deel III Recht en interne markt - de Rome - I en Rome - II Verordeningen - invloed van de internemarktregels op IPR (Internationaal Privaatrecht) - het op de onderzochte relatie toepasselijke recht; Deel IV: Besluit
International law --- Financial law --- Private law --- Economic law --- burgerlijk recht --- internationaal recht --- beleggen --- financieel recht --- Belgium --- 347.730 --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- Academic collection --- BPB1202 --- Contrat --- Société d'investissement --- Consommateur --- Profession financière --- 336.71 --- MiFID --- beleggers --- financiële instellingen --- gedragsregels --- Financiële instellingen: algemeen. --- Contract --- Beleggingsmaatschappij --- Consument --- Financieel beroep --- banken, bankwezen --- Financiële instellingen: algemeen --- Ebooks --- yrke inom finansväsendet --- finanční povolání --- profesii în domeniul finanțelor --- rahandusalane elukutse --- profissão financeira --- Beruf im Finanzgewerbe --- professioni finanziarie --- poklic v finančništvu --- profesioni financiar --- finansininko profesija --- zawód finansisty --- profesión financiera --- financial occupation --- pénzügyi szakma --- financieel beroep --- финансова професия --- финансиска струка --- χρηματιστηριακά επαγγέλματα --- rahoitusalan ammatti --- zvanje u financijskoj struci --- professjoni finanzjarja --- финансијска струка --- finanšu profesija --- finančné povolanie --- finansielt erhverv --- pénzügyi közvetítő --- ndërmjetësim financiar --- arvopaperivälittäjä --- biržos makleris --- финансиски аналитичар --- financijski posrednik --- agent de change --- zprostředkovatel na burze --- finantsvahendaja --- fondkommissionär --- bróker --- biržas mākleris --- αντικρυστής --- pénzügyi szakember --- börsimaakler --- tőzsdei alkusz --- stockbroker --- agente de cambio y bolsa --- финансиски посредник --- χρηματομεσίτης --- komisioner burse --- vekselerer --- agent de valori mobiliare --- meklari --- intermédiaire financier --- finansų tarpininkas --- χρηματιστής --- finanšu starpnieks --- burzovní makléř --- ekonomisk förmedlare --- financieel tussenpersoon --- burzovni mešetar --- finančný sprostredkovateľ --- agente mediador --- burzovni posrednik --- intermediário financeiro --- Broker --- Börsenmakler --- cambista --- mediatore finanziario --- intermediario finanziario --- financijaš --- financial intermediary --- intermediar financiar --- pénzügyes --- tőzsdeügynök --- finansininkai --- agente di cambio --- wisselagent --- burzový sprostredkovateľ/broker --- Anlagenberater --- consumatori --- consument --- потребител --- Verbraucher --- consumatore --- потрошач --- kuluttaja --- tarbija --- καταναλωτής --- fogyasztó --- forbruger --- spotrebiteľ --- konsument --- tomhaltóir --- потрошувач --- potrošnik --- konsumator --- spotřebitel --- consumidor --- potrošač --- consumer --- konsumatur --- vartotojas --- patērētājs --- консумент --- Konsument --- verbruiker --- avtal --- zmluva --- договор --- leping --- ugovor --- līgums --- kontratë --- sopimus --- kontrakt --- umowa cywilna --- pogodba --- szerződés --- sutartis --- Vertrag des bürgerlichen Rechts --- contract --- kuntratt --- contrato --- smlouva --- уговор --- σύμβαση --- contratto --- zaključivanje ugovora --- lepinguline kokkulepe --- sopimuksen tekeminen --- e drejtë kontraktuale --- lepinguline kohustus --- angazhim kontraktual --- e drejtë e kontratave --- assinatura de contrato --- līgumsaistības --- afsluiten van een contract --- conclusion de contrat --- склучување на договор --- συμφωνία --- ugovorna obaveza --- angajament contractual --- szerződéskötés --- договорно право --- kontrakts --- verplichting --- ondertekening van een contract --- līgumattiecības --- sopimusperusteisuus --- договорна обврска --- Vertragsunterzeichnung --- overenskomst --- vertragliche Verpflichtung --- law of contract --- Vereinbarung des bürgerlichen Rechts --- līgumtiesības --- uzatvorenie zmluvy --- firma di un contratto --- contractual commitment --- Vertragsabschluss --- compromiso --- úmluva --- szerződéses kötelezettség --- forpligtelse --- droit des contrats --- aftaleret --- szerződések joga --- sutartinė prievolė --- conclusión de contrato --- συμβόλαιο --- diritto contrattuale --- lepinguõigus --- раскинување на договор --- zmluvná dohoda --- sutarčių teisė --- tecknande av kontrakt --- indgåelse af kontrakt --- contractual agreement --- signature de contrat --- bindende tilsagn --- slutande av avtal --- smluvní právo --- līguma slēgšana --- Vetragsrecht --- склучување договор --- stipulazione di un contratto --- zmluvný záväzok --- direito dos contratos --- contract law --- conclusão de contrato --- δίκαιο των συμβάσεων --- szerződés megkötése --- conclusion of a contract --- contractrecht --- ugovorno pravo --- susitarimas dėl sutarties --- sopimusoikeudet --- marrëveshje kontraktuale --- compromisso --- σύναψη συμβάσεως --- uzavření smlouvy --- firma de contrato --- υπογραφή συμβάσεως --- dohoda --- lepingu sõlmimine --- δέσμευση --- sutarties sudarymas --- avtalsrätt --- Derecho contractual --- szerződéses megállapodás --- sopimusvelvoite --- përfundim i një kontrate --- investiční společnost --- sociedade de investimento --- befektetési társaság --- sociedad de inversión --- investmentbolag --- towarzystwo funduszy inwestycyjnych --- investicijsko društvo --- εταιρεία επενδύσεων --- investeerimisühing --- инвестиционо друштво --- sijoitusyhtiö --- investicijska družba --- investeringsselskab --- investment company --- ieguldījumu sabiedrība --- società d'investimento --- investicinė bendrovė --- Kapitalanlagegesellschaft --- инвестиционно дружество --- инвестициска компанија --- kumpanija ta' investiment --- investičná spoločnosť --- shoqëri investimesh --- societate de investiții --- cuideachta infheistíochta --- beleggingsmaatschappij --- αμοιβαία κεφάλαια κλειστού τύπου --- investeringsforening --- spółka zarządzania aktywami --- kopējais investīciju uzticības fonds --- združený fond --- eszközkezelő --- lepinguline investeerimisfond --- zatvoreni investicijski fond --- atklāts investīciju fonds --- kaubanduse ja tööstuse kinnisvaraühing --- värdepappersfond --- closed-end beleggingsfonds --- Investmentfonds --- инвестициони фонд --- uzavřený investiční fond --- usaldusfond --- fond mutual --- FIM --- gepoold fonds --- investment fund --- друштво за колективно инвестирање --- Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft --- äriühinguna asutatud fond --- investiční společnost s proměnným základním kapitálem --- SICAV-bolag --- società di gestione degli investimenti --- cuideachta bhainistíochta sócmhainní --- gesloten fonds --- ömsesidig fond --- investeringsfond --- collectief deposito --- savitarpio investicinis fondas --- closed-end investment company --- investointirahasto --- družba s spremenljivim delniškim kapitalom --- spoločný investičný fond --- administrator de fonduri --- kapitalforvalter --- closed-end fonds --- varainhoitaja --- upravitelj fonda --- investicijski sklad --- boliginvesteringsselskab for handel og industri --- pooled fund --- fond mutwu --- kereskedelmi és ipari ingatlanvállalat --- fælles midler --- fondo valdytojas --- cuideachta infheistithe --- fondi valitseja --- ieguldījumu fonds --- empresa de investimento --- geschlossene Kapitalanlagegesellschaft --- società d'investimento a capitale variabile --- aktīvu pārvaldītājs --- sluten fond --- vaihtelevapääomainen sijoitusyhtiö --- open beleggingsfonds --- átváltható értékpapírokba kollektív alapon befektető vállalkozás --- investment trust --- sociedade de investimento coletivo --- fondo comune d'investimento --- fondo de inversión colectiva --- kaupan ja teollisuuden alan kiinteistöyhtiö --- Investmentgesellschaft mit veränderlichem Kapital --- fond reciprok --- kockázati tőketársaság --- gestor de fundos --- podielový fond --- sociedade de investimento renovável --- fundo comum de investimento --- gestionnaire de fonds --- vermogensbeheerder --- sociedade de investimento de capital variável --- fond de plasament colectiv --- sociedad de gestión de activos --- Anlagefonds --- fundusz zbiorowego inwestowania --- società d'intermediazione mobiliare --- fundusz inwestycyjny --- maniġer tal-assi --- družba za upravljanje --- инвестициска фирма --- αμοιβαία κεφάλαια --- sijoitusrahasto --- fondy kolektivního investování --- инвестиционно дружество с променлив капитал --- savitarpio fondas --- επενδυτικός οργανισμός κλειστού τύπου --- fondo de inversión mobiliaria --- fondförvaltning --- investeringsselskab med fast kapital --- összevont források --- fond cu donatori multipli --- otevřený investiční fond --- vaihtuvapääomainen sijoitusyhtiö --- fund manager --- fond de investiții --- investicijsko poduzeće --- колективна инвестиционна схема --- sociedad de inversiones --- ieguldījumu trests --- sociedad de inversión de capital variable --- investicinė kintamojo kapitalo bendrovė --- investičný podnik --- investīciju fonds ar mainīgu pamatkapitālu --- varahaldur --- společnost spravující fondy kolektivního investování --- Anlagegesellschaft mit veränderlichem Kapital --- společnost spravující aktiva --- investeerimisfond --- fastighetsbolag --- shoqëri investimi me kapital fiks --- sukauptos lėšos --- sociedad de inversión de capital fijo --- επιχείρηση επενδύσεων --- titoli trasferibbli --- дружество за управление на активи --- kapitalforvaltningsselskab --- investeringsselskab med variabel kapital --- fondo aperto --- slēgta ieguldījumu sabiedrība --- лице, което управлява активи --- εταιρεία διαχείρισης --- kumpanija ta' investiment b'kapital mingħajr limitu --- upravitelj premoženja --- uždaro tipo investicinė bendrovė --- varahaldusettevõtja --- fondo di investimento --- ühisrahastu --- sociedade de gestão de ativos --- инвестиционен посредник --- befektetési alap --- spółka inwestycyjna o zmiennym kapitale --- SIM --- Investmentgesellschaft --- Investmentfonds mit variablem Grundkapital --- kiinteäpääomainen sijoitusyhtiö --- investicijsko podjetje --- Sicav --- dépôt collectif --- investičný fond --- nekustamā īpašuma sabiedrība tirdzniecībai un rūpniecībai --- fondo de inversión --- Εταιρία επενδύσεων μεταβλητού κεφαλαίου --- tőketársaság --- odprta investicijska družba --- eszközkezelő társaság --- investīciju sabiedrība --- compañía de inversiones --- fondu pārvaldnieks --- fonds commun de placement --- realitní společnost pro obchod a průmysl --- fondsbeheerder --- upravljavec skladov --- întreprindere de investiții --- fondo mancomunado --- société d’investissement à capital fixe --- fundo de investimento variável --- gemeenschappelijk beleggingsfonds --- société immobilière pour le commerce et l'industrie --- fundo de investimento --- Immobiliengesellschaft für Handel und Industrie --- kumpanija ta' investiment b'kapital limitat --- колективно инвестиционно дружество --- fundo de investimento renovável --- investiční podnik --- societate de administrare a investițiilor --- Investmentgesellschaft mit festem Kapital --- trust investimi --- kopējais fonds --- impresa di investimento --- podílový fond --- administrator de active --- инвестиционно дружество от затворен тип --- fond investimesh --- spoločnosť kolektívneho investovania --- договорен фонд --- обединен фонд --- cuideachta infheistíocht --- друштво за управување со инвестициски фондови --- fondsforvalter --- Offene Investmentgesellschaft --- ieguldījumu trasts --- befektetési cég --- societate de investiții cu capital variabil --- vzajemni sklad --- muutuva põhikapitaliga investeerimisühing --- gestor de activos --- placeringsfond --- εταιρεία επενδύσεων χαρτοφυλακίου με μεταβαλλόμενο κεφάλαιο --- zaprta investicijska družba --- société d’investissement fermée --- odprti investicijski sklad --- investiční fond --- société de placement collectif --- εταιρεία επενδύσεων χαρτοφυλακίου, κυμαινόμενου κεφαλαίου --- sociedad de imposición colectiva --- investicinis trestas --- správca fondu --- VABT --- asset manager --- spółka inwestycyjna --- fondo congiunto --- kopieguldījumu fonds --- investicinis fondas --- sijoituspalveluyritys --- porteføljeforvalter --- beleggingsfonds --- OEIC --- fundusz inwestycyjny zamknięty --- pajinis investicinis fondas --- deposito collettivo --- správce aktiv --- változó alaptőkéjű befektetési társaság --- SICAF --- společnost kolektivního investování --- дружество за частни капиталови инвестиции --- société de gestion d'actifs --- towarzystwo inwestycyjne --- Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft --- fundusz inwestycyjny typu otwartego --- gesloten beleggingsfonds --- beleggingstrust --- rahoituspooli --- επενδυτικό ταμείο --- επιχείρηση παροχής επενδυτικών υπηρεσιών --- fondo mutuo --- fondförvaltare --- investicinė įmonė --- open-end beleggingsmaatschappij --- società di investimento a capitale variabile --- fondos de inversión en activos del mercado monetario --- Anlagegesellschaft mit festem Kapital --- fond kollettiv --- omaisuudenhoitaja --- gestionnaire d'actifs --- εταιρεία επενδύσεων χαρτοφυλακίου --- központi értékpapír-letétkezelő --- società d'investimento a capitale fisso --- επιχείρηση διαχείρισης κεφαλαίων --- предузеће за заједничко инвестирање у преносиве хартије од вредности --- Gemeinschaftsdepot --- fonds d'investissement --- società di investimento --- podjetje za poslovanje z nepremičninami --- arvopaperien yhteissijoitusyritys --- uzavretý investičný fond --- CEF --- compagnie d'investissement --- fondo d'investimento a capitale variabile --- инвестициски фонд --- sociedade de investimento variável --- arvopapereihin kohdistuvaa yhteistä sijoitustoimintaa harjoittava yritys --- trust investimi me kapital të ndryshueshëm --- société d'investissement à capital variable --- investeerimisfirma --- otvorený investičný fond --- alapkezelő --- fondos de inversión --- asset management company --- SICOMI --- osakerahasto --- взаимен фонд --- κτηματομεσιτική εταιρεία για εμπορική και βιομηχανική χρήση --- fondo común de inversión --- sociedade de investimentos fechados --- инвестициско претпријатие --- fonds de placement à capital fixe --- лице, управляващо фонд --- organism de plasament colectiv --- skupni skrbniški račun --- societate de investiții cu capital fix --- podjetje za kolektivne naložbe --- subjekt kolektívneho investovania --- befektetési vállalkozás --- kinnine investeerimisfond --- società d'investimento collettivo --- fælles investeringsfond --- societate de plasament colectiv --- depósito coletivo --- gestore di patrimoni --- open-ended investment company --- rahastoyhtiö --- sluten värdepappersfond --- investiční společnost s proměnlivým akciovým kapitálem --- αμοιβαίο κεφάλαιο --- kinnine fond --- συλλογική κατάθεση --- επενδυτικές ενώσεις (trusts) --- closed-end beleggingsmaatschappij --- správce fondu --- open-end beleggingsfonds --- gestore di fondi --- investicijski fond --- fond de investiții cu capital variabil --- ZIF --- kumpanija maniġerjali tal-assi --- open-ended investment trust --- дружество със специална инвестиционна цел за секюритизиране на недвижими имоти --- fondihaldur --- beleggingsonderneming --- unit trust --- mutual fund --- maniġer ta' fond --- otvoreni investicijski fond --- investmentföretag --- инвестиционно дружество от отворен тип --- rahastonhoitaja --- spółka inwestycyjna typu otwartego --- SHIKF --- investičná spoločnosť s premenlivým základným imaním --- SICAV --- societate imobiliară pentru comerț și industrie --- investeringsinstitut --- atklāta ieguldījumu sabiedrība --- keskinäinen rahasto --- FIAMM --- savstarpējo ieguldījumu fonds --- turto valdytojas --- kumpanija ta' investiment b'kapital fiss --- portföljförvaltningsbolag --- Sicomi --- ieguldījumu uzņēmums --- investment firm --- gestor de fondos --- investeringsbolag --- firmë investimesh --- инвестициско друштво --- vzájemný fond --- správca aktív --- firma inwestycyjna --- E-books --- gairm airgeadais --- conradh --- Profession financière --- Société d'investissement --- consommateur --- contrat
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