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Archaeology --- Antiquities. --- Archaeology. --- Archäologie --- Archeology --- Anthropology --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- History --- Antiquities --- Archaeological specimens --- Artefacts (Antiquities) --- Artifacts (Antiquities) --- Specimens, Archaeological --- Material culture --- Vor- und Frühgeschichte --- Bodendenkmalpflege --- Africa --- Africa. --- Afrika --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Afrikaner --- archaeology. --- Afryka --- Archäologie --- Afryka. --- Archäologie. --- Afrika.
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Law --- Law. --- Recht --- Africa. --- Afrika --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- Regions --- Afrikaner --- Eastern Hemisphere --- #RBIB:TSCAT --- #BA02375 --- Periodicals. --- Municipal law. --- Recht. --- Africa --- Afrika.
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Insects --- Entomology --- 42.75 insects --- Insekten --- Zeitschrift --- Entomologie --- JEX6 --- Afrika --- Hexapoda --- Insecta --- Pterygota --- Entomology. --- Insects. --- Entomologie. --- Insekten. --- Zeitschrift. --- Africa. --- Africa, Southern. --- Afrika. --- Zoology --- Arthropoda --- Periodikum --- Zeitschriften --- Presse --- Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk --- Kerbtiere --- Kerfe --- Insekt --- Insektenkunde --- Afrikaner --- Southern Africa --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Africa, Southern --- Southern Africa. --- Insectes --- Africa
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An investigation into the spatial politics of separation and division in South Africa, principally during the apartheid years, and the effects of these physical and conceptual barriers on the land. In contrast to the weight of literature focusing on post-apartheid South Africa, the focus of this book includes the spatial, political and cultural landscape practices of the apartheid government and also refers to contemporary work done in Australia, England and the US. It probes the uncertainty and ambiguity of identities and cultures in post-apartheid society in order to gain a deep understan
Landscapes --- Landscapes in literature. --- Land use --- Apartheid --- Political aspects --- History --- History. --- South Africa --- Politics and government --- Blacks --- Segregation --- Land --- Land utilization --- Use of land --- Utilization of land --- Economics --- Land cover --- Landscape assessment --- NIMBY syndrome --- Landscape in literature --- Countryside --- Landscape --- Natural scenery --- Scenery --- Scenic landscapes --- Nature --- Black people --- voortrekker --- monument --- south --- africa --- national --- party --- rule --- afrikaner --- nationalism --- african
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The AJPS is published by the African Association of Political Science (AAPS), with the aim of providing a platform for African perspectives on issues of politics, economy and society in Africa. It is published 2 times a year - in June and December, and targeted at the social science community, policy-makers, and university students
Economic history. --- Politics and government. --- Politik --- Zeitschrift --- Africa --- Africa. --- Afrika --- Politics and government --- Economic conditions --- Periodikum --- Zeitschriften --- Presse --- Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk --- Staatspolitik --- Politische Lage --- Politische Entwicklung --- Politische Situation --- History, Economic --- Economics --- Afrikaner --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Politik. --- Zeitschrift. --- Afrika. --- Afrique --- Politique et gouvernement --- Conditions économiques --- Regions & Countries - Africa
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Fondée en 1966, Antiquités africaines traite de l’histoire et de l’archéologie de l’Afrique du Nord, de la protohistoire à la conquête arabe. Publiée par CNRS Éditions, la revue est annuelle.
Archeologie. --- Opgravingen. --- Beeldende kunsten. --- Kunstvoorwerpen. --- Vor- und Frühgeschichte --- Antiquities. --- Vor- und Frühgeschichte. --- Africa, North --- Afrique du Nord --- Afrika --- Africa, North. --- Afrika. --- Antiquities --- Antiquités. --- Africa. --- archaeology. --- Antiquity. --- Frühgeschichte --- Prähistorie --- Prähistorik --- Ur- und Frühgeschichte --- Urgeschichte --- Vorgeschichte --- Vorzeit --- Weltgeschichte --- Urzeit --- Archaeological specimens --- Artefacts (Antiquities) --- Artifacts (Antiquities) --- Specimens, Archaeological --- Vor- und Frühgeschichte --- Barbary States --- Maghreb --- Maghrib --- North Africa --- Material culture --- Archaeology --- Geschichte --- Afrikaner --- Antiquités. --- Archaeology. --- Excavations. --- Visual arts. --- Works of art. --- North Africa. --- Excavations --- Visual arts --- Works of art --- E-journals --- Frühgeschichte --- Prähistorie --- Prähistorik --- Ur- und Frühgeschichte --- África septentrional --- Restos arqueológicos
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Politique Africaine est une revue pluridisciplinaire d’analyse du politique en Afrique.
SEPA --- BPB1610 --- #SBIB:328H419 --- #SBIB:39A73 --- Éthiopie --- Situation économique --- Situation politique --- politinė padėtis --- situație politică --- politická situace --- politisk situation --- sitwazzjoni politika --- situazione politica --- πολιτική κατάσταση --- situatë politike --- političko stanje --- politieke situatie --- political situation --- политичка ситуација --- politická situácia --- politikai helyzet --- politiskais stāvoklis --- politični položaj --- политичка состојба --- poliitiline olukord --- политическа ситуация --- situación política --- staid pholaitiúil --- situação política --- sytuacja polityczna --- poliittinen tilanne --- politische Lage --- politické klima --- политички услови --- политичка клима --- economic situation --- ekonominė padėtis --- majanduslik olukord --- taloudellinen tilanne --- hospodářská situace --- gazdasági helyzet --- situazione economica --- економска состојба --- Wirtschaftslage --- οικονομική κατάσταση --- gospodarski položaj --- ekonomsko stanje --- ekonomikas stāvoklis --- situación económica --- situație economică --- staid eacnamaíoch --- economische situatie --- situação económica --- ekonomisk situation --- sytuacja gospodarcza --- gjendje ekonomike --- økonomisk situation --- стање привреде --- sitwazzjoni ekonomika --- икономическа ситуация --- hospodárska situácia --- ekonomický vývoj --- hospodářský vývoj --- економска ситуација --- состојба на економијата --- gospodarsko stanje --- stav hospodářství --- Αιθιοπία --- l-Etjopja --- Etiopía --- Ethiopië --- An Aetóip --- Etioopia --- Etiopia --- Etiopija --- Етиопия --- Etiopien --- Етиопија --- Ethiopia --- Etiópia --- Äthiopien --- Etiopie --- República Federal Democrática da Etiópia --- Etiopijas Federatīvā Demokrātiskā Republika --- ir-Repubblika Demokratika Federali tal-Etjopja --- Etiopian demokraattinen liittotasavalta --- Федерална демократична република Етиопия --- Etióp Demokratikus Szövetségi Köztársaság --- Федерална Демократска Република Етиопија --- Federalna Demokratyczna Republika Etiopii --- Etioopia Demokraatlik Liitvabariik --- Repubblica federale democratica d’Etiopia --- Etiopská federativní demokratická republika --- die Demokratische Bundesrepublik Äthiopien --- Etiopijos Federacinė --- Etiopská lidově demokratická republika --- République démocratique fédérale d'Éthiopie --- Savezna Demokratska Republika Etiopija --- República Democrática Federal de Etiopía --- Federale Democratische Republiek Ethiopië --- Den Føderative Demokratiske Republik Etiopien --- Ομοσπονδιακή Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία της Αιθιοπίας --- Demokratiska förbundsrepubliken Etiopien --- Republica Federală Democrată Etiopia --- Etiópska federatívna demokratická republika --- Habeš --- Instellingen en beleid: andere Afrikaanse landen --- Etnografie: Afrika --- Africa. --- social sciences. --- politics. --- 89.35 democracy. --- Politics and government --- Politik --- Zeitschrift --- Democratisering. --- POLITICAL CONDITIONS. --- AFRICA. --- AFRICAN STUDIES. --- Periodikum --- Zeitschriften --- Presse --- Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk --- Staatspolitik --- Politische Lage --- Politische Entwicklung --- Politische Situation --- Since 1960 --- Africa --- Afrique --- Afrika --- Afrikaner --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Politique et gouvernement --- 1960 --- -Serials --- Current periodicals --- 308 <6> <44> --- 32 <6> <44> --- Revue périodique --- Politique de développement --- An Afraic --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- arengupoliitika --- fejlesztési politika --- política de desenvolvimento --- politika ta' żvilupp --- polityka rozwojowa --- beartas forbartha --- politikë zhvillimi --- politică de dezvoltare economică --- ontwikkelingsbeleid --- politica di sviluppo --- attīstības politika --- utvecklingspolitik --- развојна политика --- kehittämispolitiikka --- αναπτυξιακή πολιτική --- development policy --- политика развоја --- razvojna politika --- rozvojová politika --- udviklingspolitik --- plėtros politika --- Entwicklungspolitik --- политика на развитие --- política de desarrollo --- vækstpolitik --- politica di crescita --- Wachstumspolitik --- политика за развој --- arengustrateegia --- política de crecimiento --- estratégia de desenvolvimento --- πολιτική οικονομικής μεγέθυνσης --- politikë për rritjen --- política de crescimento --- kasvupoliitika --- kasvupolitiikka --- Entwicklungsstrategie --- strategija razvoja --- strategji për zhvillim --- groeibeleid --- tillväxtpolitik --- növekedési politika --- augimo politika --- strategie de dezvoltare economică --- politika rastu --- politika růstu --- politique de croissance --- udviklingsstrategi --- αναπτυξιακή στρατηγική --- kehitysstrategia --- strategia di sviluppo --- estrategia de desarrollo --- growth policy --- stratégie de développement --- fejlesztési stratégia --- rozvojová strategie --- development strategy --- rozvojová stratégia --- opatření na podporu rozvoje --- utvecklingsstrategi --- attīstības stratēģija --- izaugsmes politika --- ontwikkelingsstrategie --- plėtros strategija --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- sraitheachán --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- Internal politics --- Guinea --- Social Sciences --- Public Policy & Administration --- Periodicals --- Social conditions --- Périodiques --- Conditions sociales --- politique africaine --- autochtonie --- Lord's Resistance Army --- Mozambique --- ethnicité --- colonialism in Africa --- l'Afrique --- religion --- économie --- civilisation --- spiritualité --- Shaykh --- Amr Khalid --- prophètes --- Dieu --- politique et religion --- Mungiki --- la Banque mondiale --- pauvreté --- TPIR --- justice --- Political sociology --- Politics --- Politics and government. --- Politik. --- Zeitschrift. --- Afrika.
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