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Hydrodynamics of semi-enclosed seas : proceedings of the 13th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0444420770 0444416234 0444426272 9786611778675 1281778672 0080870791 9786611778224 1281778222 0080870724 9780444420770 9780080870724 9781281778222 6611778225 9780444426277 9780080870793 9781281778673 6611778675 0444874704 9786611790738 1281790737 0080870880 9780444416230 Year: 1982 Volume: 34 Publisher: Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co.,

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Hydrodynamics of Semi-Enclosed Seas


Colloques --- Colloquia --- Mechanica --- Mécanique --- Oceanografie --- Océanographie --- Oceanography --- Hydrodynamics --- Congresses --- Issue --- Earth sciences --- Hydrodynamics. --- Marine biology --- Water waves --- Wave equation --- Mathematical models. --- Numerical solutions. --- Numerical analysis --- Fluid dynamics --- Mathematical models --- Numerical solutions --- Mer-atmosphère (Interaction). Modèles mathématiques. (Congrès) --- Zee-atmosfeerwisselwerking. Wiskundige modellen. (Congres) --- Zee. Delfstoffen. --- Ertsen --- Prospection. Méthodes géophysiques. --- Mer. Ressources minérales. --- Gisements métallifères. --- Prospectie [Mijnbouw]. Geofysische methoden. --- Coast changes --- Prospecting --- Geochemical prospecting. --- Marine mineral resources. --- Ore deposits. --- Deposits, Ore --- Mines and mineral resources --- Mineral resources, Marine --- Ocean mineral resources --- Marine resources --- Mineral resources in submerged lands --- Geophysical prospecting --- Geophysics --- Geophysical methods. --- Geochemical prospecting --- Prospection géochimique --- Marine mineral resources --- Gîtes minéraux --- Ore deposits --- Prospection --- Geophysical methods --- Prospection géophysique. --- Conferences - Meetings --- Oceanography. --- Atmospheric turbulence --- Mesometeorology --- Oceanic mixing --- Oceanography - Congresses --- Hydrodynamics - Congresses --- Turbulence --- GEOLOGIE DES OCEANS --- GEOLOGIE APPLIQUEE --- ETUDE REGIONALE --- MANGANESE --- MATIERES UTILES --- ELEMENTS CHIMIQUES --- GEOGRAPHIE INDUSTRIELLE ET MINIERE --- SYSTEMATIQUE DES RESSOURCES NATURELLES --- Prospection géochimique --- Gîtes minéraux --- Prospection géophysique.

Australian commodity statistics.
ISSN: 18398391 Year: 1995 Publisher: Canberra : ABARE,

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Commercial products --- Natural resources --- Agriculture --- Fisheries --- Forests and forestry --- Economic aspects --- Produits commerciaux --- Ressources naturelles --- Pêches --- Forêts --- Commercial products. --- Natural resources. --- Landbouwproducten. --- Delfstoffen. --- Aspect économique --- Economic aspects. --- Australia. --- National resources --- Resources, Natural --- Resource-based communities --- Resource curse --- Forest economics --- Forest production --- Forestry economics --- Commodities --- Economic goods --- Merchandise --- Products, Commercial --- Commodity exchanges --- Manufactures --- Substitute products --- Fishery economics --- Agrarian question --- Agribusiness --- Agricultural economics --- Agricultural production economics --- Production economics, Agricultural --- Land use, Rural --- Forest land --- Forest lands --- Forest planting --- Forest sciences --- Forestation --- Forested lands --- Forestland --- Forestlands --- Forestry --- Forestry industry --- Forestry sciences --- Land, Forest --- Lands, Forest --- Silviculture --- Sylviculture --- Woodlands --- Woods (Forests) --- Afforestation --- Arboriculture --- Logging --- Timber --- Tree crops --- Trees --- Coastal fisheries --- Commercial fisheries --- Commercial fishing industry --- Farms, Fish --- Fish farms --- Fishery industry --- Fishery methods --- Fishing industry --- Freshwater fisheries --- Inland fisheries --- Large-scale fisheries --- Marine fisheries --- Marine recreational fisheries --- Recreational fisheries --- Sea fisheries --- Sea fishing industry --- Sport fisheries --- Aquaculture --- Wildlife utilization --- Fishery sciences --- Fishes --- Farming --- Husbandry --- Industrial arts --- Life sciences --- Food supply --- Contracting out --- Ahitereiria --- Aostralia --- Ástralía --- ʻAukekulelia --- Austraalia --- Austraalia Ühendus --- Australian Government --- Australie --- Australien --- Australiese Gemenebes --- Aŭstralii︠a︡ --- Australija --- Austrālijas Savienība --- Australijos Sandrauga --- Aŭstralio --- Australské společenství --- Ausztrál Államszövetség --- Ausztrália --- Avstralii︠a︡ --- Avstraliĭski sŭi︠u︡z --- Avstraliĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- Avstraliĭskii︠a︡t sŭi︠u︡z --- Avstralija --- Awstralia --- Awstralja --- Awstralya --- Aystralia --- Commonwealth of Australia --- Cymanwlad Awstralia --- Državna zaednica Avstralija --- Government of Australia --- Ḳehiliyat Osṭralyah --- Koinopoliteia tēs Aystralias --- Komanwel Australia --- Komonveltot na Avstralija --- Komonwelt sa Awstralya --- Komunaĵo de Aŭstralio --- Komunejo de Aŭstralio --- Kūmunwālth al-Usturālī --- Mancomunidad de Australia --- Mancomunitat d'Austràlia --- Negara Persemakmuran Australia --- New Holland --- Nova Hollandia --- Osṭralyah --- Persemakmuran Australia --- Samveldið Ástralía --- Usṭralyah --- Usturāliyā --- Whakaminenga o Ahitereiria --- Pêches --- Forêts --- Aspect économique --- Aŭstralii͡ --- Australské společenstv --- Avstralii͡ --- Avstraliĭski sŭi͡uz --- Avstraliĭskiĭ Soi͡uz --- Avstraliĭskii͡at sŭi͡uz --- Kūmunwālth al-Usturāl --- Usturāliy --- Ōsutoraria --- crops. --- forest products. --- minerals. --- fossil fuels. --- exports. --- agricultural productivity. --- prices. --- periodicals. --- Agricultural crops --- Pastoral industry --- Fishery products --- Forest products --- Minerals --- Fossil fuels --- Exports --- Agricultural productivity --- Prices --- Statistical sources --- Periodicals --- Federal issue --- publications --- journals --- yearbooks --- pricing --- marketing --- agricultural prices --- buying prices --- commodity prices --- farm value --- input prices --- market prices --- producer prices --- shadow prices --- dumping (economics) --- economic valuation --- agricultural economics --- production economics --- crop acreage --- crop insurance --- crop losses --- food production --- herd productivity --- livestock productivity --- agricultural production economics --- agricultural products --- international economics --- trade --- export tax --- high-value products --- fossil energy resources --- fossil oils --- fuels --- mineral resources --- coal --- natural gas --- oil shale --- petroleum --- flue gas desulfurization --- peat --- mineralogy --- borate minerals --- carbonate minerals --- nitrate minerals --- oxide, hydroxide, and oxyhydroxide minerals --- phosphate minerals --- silicate minerals --- sulfate minerals --- sulfide minerals --- biomineralization --- metals --- mineral cycle --- mineralogical soil types --- soil mineralogy --- forest produce --- Forest Science and Forest Products --- plant products --- Christmas trees --- nontimber forest products --- pulp and paper products --- wood extractives --- wood products --- forest industries --- forest products industry --- forestry --- nonfood plant products --- wood technology --- agricultural crops --- agricultural plants --- crop plants --- plants (botany) --- alternative crops --- biofortified crops --- break crops --- cash crops --- catch crops --- companion crops --- cover crops --- field crops --- food crops --- new crops --- non-food crops --- root crops --- specialty crops --- staple crops --- temperate crops --- trap crops --- tropical and subtropical crops --- crop models --- crop prices --- crop safety --- domestication --- Australia

Conflict minerals, Inc : war, profit and white saviourism in Eastern Congo
ISBN: 9781787387065 1787387062 9781787388802 1787388808 Year: 2022 Publisher: London, UK : Hurst Publishers,

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In the twenty-first century, the relationship between violent conflict and natural resources has become a matter of intense public and academic debate. As a result of fervent activism and international campaigning, the flagship case of ‘conflict minerals’ has captured global attention. This term groups together the artisanal tin, tantalum (coltan), tungsten and gold originating from war zones in Central Africa. Known as ‘digital minerals’ for their use in high-end technology, their exploitation and trade has been singled out in numerous media and United Nations reports as a key driver of violence, provoking an unprecedented popular outcry and prompting transnational efforts to promote ‘conflict-free’, ethical mining. Focusing on the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Conflict Minerals, Inc. is the first comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon. Based on meticulous investigation and long-term fieldwork, this book analyses why the campaign against ‘unethical’ mining went awry, and radically disrupted eastern Congo’s political economy. It dissects the evolution of the conflict minerals paradigm, the policy responses it triggered and their impact on artisanal miners. Vogel demonstrates how Western advocacy and policy have relied on colonial frames to drive change, and how White Saviourism perpetuates structural violence and inequality across global supply and value chains.


Mines and mineral resources --- Violence --- Mines (sites d'extraction) --- Ressources minérales. --- Politique et gouvernement --- Economic aspects --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Aspect économique --- Aspect moral --- Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Congo (République démocratique) --- Politics and government --- BPB2208 --- mining extraction --- mineral resources --- Democratic Republic of the Congo --- mineraalivarat --- resurse minerale --- mineralinių žaliavų ištekliai --- rudno bogatstvo --- minerale reserves --- ορυκτός πλούτος --- nerostné zdroje --- zasoby mineralne --- mineraltillgångar --- minerālu resursi --- Bodenschätze --- ásványi nyersanyagok --- mineralne surovine --- mineralressourcer --- nerastné zdroje --- acmhainn mhianrach --- burime minerare --- maavarad --- riżorsi minerali --- рудни богатства --- risorse minerali --- минерални ресурси --- рудна богатства --- ressource minérale --- recurso mineral --- ressource minière --- minerální zdroje --- mineralni izvori --- минерални суровини --- mineralni resursi --- kalnrūpniecības resursi --- рудни ресурси --- recursos minerais --- surovinové zdroje --- disponibilní zdroje --- rersurse miniere --- recurso minero --- minerale bodemrijkdom --- ťažobné zdroje --- kasybos ištekliai --- risorse minerarie --- μεταλλευτικοί πόροι --- mining resources --- kaivosvarannot --- mineralna sirovina --- mineralische Bodenschätze --- burime minerale --- mineralresurser --- ložiska nerud --- Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta --- Demokratická republika Kongo --- Democratische Republiek Congo --- Демократска Република Конго --- Kongo Demokraatlik Vabariik --- Demokratyczna Republika Konga --- Demokratična republika Kongo --- die Demokratische Republik Kongo --- Konžská demokratická republika --- Repubblica democratica del Congo --- Демократична република Конго --- Repubblika Demokratika tal-Kongo --- Poblacht Dhaonlathach an Chongó --- Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság --- Congo, Republica Democratică --- Congo-Kinshasa --- República Democrática del Congo --- Demokratska Republika Kongo --- Den Demokratiske Republik Congo --- Republika Demokratike e Kongos --- Kongo Demokratinė Respublika --- République démocratique du Congo --- Kongo Demokrātiskā Republika --- Demokratiska republiken Kongo --- Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό --- Kongo Kinšasa --- Kongo DV --- Kongo (Leopoldville) --- Kongo (býv. Zair) --- Конго Слободна Држава --- Конго Киншаса --- Kinshasa Kongo --- Zair --- Zairas --- Ζαΐρ --- República Democrática do Congo --- Заир --- Κογκό Κινσάσα --- Beļģijas Kongo --- Kinshasa --- Congo Kinshasa --- Конго-Киншаса --- Zaire --- Zaïre --- Republica Congoleză --- Kongo (Kinshasa) --- ex Zaire --- Република Конго (Леополдвил) --- Белгиско Конго --- Zaira --- Kongo-Kinshasa --- Congo belgian --- Kongo Kinshasa --- Kinshasan Kongo --- Kinshasské Kongo --- Zairská republika --- důlní dobývání --- nxjerrje mineralesh --- iežguve --- ископавање руде --- iškasenų gavyba --- ископување минерални суровини --- winning van delfstoffen --- extraction minière --- eksploatacja górnicza --- izkopavanje rude --- извличане на руда --- estrazione mineraria --- extracción minera --- kaevandamine --- bergbauliche Förderung --- bányakitermelés --- estrazzjoni tal-minjieri --- vađenje mineralnih sirovina --- ťažobné dobývanie --- udvinding af mineprodukter --- εξόρυξη --- eastóscadh mianadóireachta --- extração mineira --- minerit --- utvinning av malm --- louhinta --- ekstrakcija mineralnih sirovina --- tecnica estrattiva --- malmbrytningsteknik --- kitermelő ipar --- техники на вадење руда --- brydnings- og udvindingsteknik --- μεταλλευτικός τομέας --- industrie extractive --- banský priemysel --- técnica de extracción minera --- industri e nxjerrjeve të mineraleve --- frantumazione --- naudingųjų iškasenų gavybos būdas --- knusning --- dobývání nerostných surovin --- индустрија за вадење минерали --- bergbauliche Fördertechnik --- pridobivanje mineralnih sirovina --- ископување руда --- técnica de extração mineira --- nyersanyag-kitermelő technika --- technique d'extraction minière --- mining extraction technique --- nyersanyag-kitermelő ipar --- extracção mineira --- industria extractiva --- technika dobývání --- maavarade kaevandamine --- kalnrūpniecības šahtu iekārtas --- technologie dobývání --- indústria extrativa --- mijnbouw --- louhintateollisuus --- tehnici de extracție a minereurilor --- mineral extraction industry --- louhintatekniikka --- μέθοδοι εξόρυξης --- εξορυκτικός τομέας --- mineralinių žaliavų pramonė --- teknikë e nxjerrjeve të mineraleve --- kaevandamistehnika --- ťažobná technika --- industria de extracție a minereurilor --- Economic sociology --- Polemology --- Kivu --- Mine et minerais --- Aspects économiques --- Aspects moraux et éthiques --- natuurlijke grondstoffen --- Ressources minérales. --- Aspect économique --- Congo (République démocratique) --- Economic aspects.

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