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"The global education crisis is a complex problem that requires change from teachers, school managers, civil society, implementers, planners, governments and donors. Addressing the issues that lie beneath this crisis requires new ways of working. Systems thinking is a suite of approaches to grappling with complex problems that is beginning to gain traction in international education. This book brings together new research in the nascent field of systems thinking in international education. Outlining the implications that systems thinking can hold for future research, practice and progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4, a diverse range of leading scholars, policymakers and practitioners present novel research to encourage the shift from a linear view of change to a systems view. Chapters present diverse approaches to applying systems thinking in education across middle- and low-income countries, alongside research on how this has changed mindsets more widely. Questioning notions such as scaling and the universal applicability of 'what works', authors here suggest that locally relevant evidence and systemic rewards for using it are necessary to achieve SDG 4. This innovative book exemplifies how systems thinking offers the tools, frameworks and concepts to improve outcomes in education systems. With the education crisis further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, this timely book is essential reading for all those concerned with education and sustainable development goals. This thought-provoking book should be read by all those working to achieve SDG4; those whose day jobs inspire them and who look to their bookshelves for new ideas"--
International education. --- Bildungspolitik --- Systemtheorie --- Internationale Schule --- Global education --- Education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Grenzüberschreitende Schule --- Schule --- System --- Erziehungspolitik --- Kulturpolitik --- Bildungspolitiker --- Bildungspolitik. --- Systemtheorie. --- Internationale Schule.
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Gesamtgesellschaftliche Geschlechterungleichheiten spiegeln sich auch in dem Berufsfeld der Pädagogik wider. Der Sammelband befasst sich mit fortbestehenden und neuen Problemlagen in pädagogischen Berufen aus professionsgeschichtlicher, bildungssystematischer und berufssoziologischer Perspektive. Dabei zeigt sich die Verwobenheit von Berufsgeschichte und Geschlechterverhältnissen, aus der sich auch Erkenntnisse für die Professionsentwicklung ableiten lassen. Gender inequalities in society are also reflected in the professional field of education. The anthology deals with existing and new problems in pedagogical professions from the perspectives of professional history, educational policy and occupational sociology. The interrelationship between occupational history and gender relations is revealed, which renders insights for the development of the profession visible.
Bildungspolitik --- Chancengleichheit --- educational policy --- equal opportunities --- equality --- gender --- Gender --- Geschlecht --- Gleichstellung --- Lehrberuf --- pedagogy --- professional development --- profession --- Profession --- Professionsentwicklung --- Pädagogik --- teaching profession --- Bildungspolitik;Chancengleichheit;educational policy;equal opportunities;equality;gender;Geschlecht;Gleichstellung;Lehrberuf;pedagogy;professional development;profession;Professionsentwicklung;Pädagogik;teaching profession
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The data report presents the structural development of educational science and is commissioned every four years by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). The publication aims to inform the field-specialized public, education and higher education politics as well as the public about current developments in educational science as one of the largest fields at German universities. Particular attention is paid to study programs, students, degrees, human resources, research achievements and the promotion of young talents. The data report provides basic information on how educational science develops under the influence of recent changes and identifies the need for action in terms of the political field as well as higher education and education policy. Relevant information in the data report - for example on students, degrees and academic careers - is differentiated by gender. The DGfE thus fulfills its own claim to support gender equality. The data report is of particular importance for current discussions about securing training capacities for professional pedagogical professions and about academic careers. Der Datenreport ist eine regelmäßig alle vier Jahre von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) in Auftrag gegebene Darstellung struktureller Entwicklungen der Erziehungswissenschaft. Er informiert die Fachöffentlichkeit, die Bildungs- und Hochschulpolitik sowie die Öffentlichkeit über Trends und den jeweils erreichten Entwicklungsstand der Erziehungswissenschaft als eines der größten Fächer an deutschen Hochschulen. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf den Indikatoren zu Studiengängen, Studienabschlüssen, Personal, Forschungsleistungen und Nachwuchsförderung.
Absolventen --- Bildungspolitik --- degree courses --- Dissertation --- doctorate --- educational policy --- educational science --- graduates --- graduation --- Habilitation --- job market --- Lehrerbildung --- Lehrerinnenbildung --- Nachwuchsförderung --- Personal --- personnel --- PhD --- promotion of young talents --- Promotion --- publication culture --- Publikationskultur --- science research --- Stellenmarkt --- Studienabschlüsse --- Studiengänge --- teacher education --- teacher training --- transitions --- Wissenschaftsforschung --- Übergänge --- education and higher education politics
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Sowohl in der wissenschaftlichen als auch in der öffentlichen Diskussion stehen Fragen der Umgestaltung des Bildungswesens ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung. Das hat vielfältige Ursachen. Diese gründen sich nicht nur auf den klassischen Zielkonflikt zwischen Effizienz und Gerechtigkeit, sondern reflektieren auch Folgewirkungen des technischen Fortschritts sowie die zunehmende Internationalisierung der Bildungssysteme. Die in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland stattfindende Reformdiskussion folgt damit einem Anpassungszwang des ""Marktes für Humankapital"" an die Gegebenheiten des wirtschaftlichen Wet
Education and state --- Higher education and state --- Education --- School management and organization --- School autonomy --- Finance. --- Autonomy, School --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Schule --- Bildungsreform --- Bildungsfinanzierung --- Sozialpolitik --- Deregulierung --- Bildungspolitik --- Berufsausbildung
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Mit der Präsentation ihrer »Frankreichstrategie« hat die saarländische Landesregierung überregional für Aufsehen gesorgt. Dass das Nachbarland Frankreich für das Saarland politisch und wirtschaftlich eine große Bedeutung hat, ist kaum bestreitbar. Doch wie realistisch sind die Zielsetzungen der Frankreichstrategie - und was können Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft dazu beitragen, die Potenziale der Grenzregion auszuschöpfen? Dieser Band befasst sich mit den vielfältigen Handlungsfeldern der saarländisch-französischen Zusammenarbeit und diskutiert die saarländische Frankreichstrategie im Kontext großregionaler, nationaler, europäischer und globaler Prozesse. »Angesichts des klar umrissenen Themas zeigt das Buch eine bei Tagungsbänden selten erreichte Kohärenz. Der Band [bietet] einen ersten breiten Überblick zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen im Saarland, der unterschiedliche Perspektiven ausbalanciert.« Philipp Krämer, Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur, 128 (2018) »Dem Sammelband [gelingt] die überaus facettenreiche und konstruktiv-kritische Kommentierung einer zugegeben ambitionierten politischen Vision. Dass der Band zur Umsetzung und Weiterentwicklung der Frankreichstrategie des Saarlandes wichtige Impulse liefern kann, steht außer Frage.« Christian Schulz, Francia Recensio, 3 (2018)
Multilingualism. --- Plurilingualism --- Polyglottism --- Language and languages --- International relations. --- Coexistence --- Foreign affairs --- Foreign policy --- Foreign relations --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International affairs --- Peaceful coexistence --- World order --- National security --- Sovereignty --- World politics --- Educational Policy. --- Europe. --- European Politics. --- France Strategy. --- Interculturalism. --- Multilinguism. --- Political Science. --- Politics. --- Saarland. --- Deutsch-französische Beziehungen; Saarland; Frankreichstrategie; Interkulturalität; Bildungspolitik; Grenzregion; Mehrsprachigkeit; Politik; Europa; Europäische Politik; Politikwissenschaft; Franco-german Relationships; France Strategy; Interculturalism; Educational Policy; Multilinguism; Politics; Europe; European Politics; Political Science
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Kulturdialog, Interkultureller Dialog, Islamdialog, Transformationsdialog - wer spricht da eigentlich mit wem und vor allem wie? Vom 11. September 2001 bis zu den Umbrüchen in der arabischen Welt 2011 gewährt das Buch spannende und ausführliche Einblicke in das Dialogverständnis und die Diskurspraxis der deutschen Auswärtigen Kultur- und Bildungspolitik. Anhand der vom Autor geführten Interviews mit Vertretern vom Auswärtigen Amt, dem DAAD und dem Goethe-Institut wird die Diplomatensprache in bislang einmaliger Form interdisziplinär unter die philologische Lupe genommen. Vorschläge für einen künftigen Dialog im historisch wie gegenwärtig hochdynamischen Mittelmeerraum ergänzen die Analysen. Besprochen in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 08.10.2015, Christian Patz
Diplomatie; Islam; Außenpolitik; Mittelmeerraum; DAAD; Goethe-Institut; Auswärtiges Amt; Kultur; Politik; Kulturpolitik; Bildungspolitik; Interkulturalität; Islamwissenschaft; Politikwissenschaft; Diplomacy; Foreign Policy; Mediterranean Space; Daad; Goethe-institut; Federal Foreign Office; Culture; Politics; Cultural Policy; Educational Policy; Interculturalism; Islamic Studies; Political Science --- Islamic countries --- Germany --- Relations --- Cultural Policy. --- Culture. --- Daad. --- Educational Policy. --- Federal Foreign Office. --- Foreign Policy. --- Goethe-institut. --- Interculturalism. --- Islam. --- Islamic Studies. --- Mediterranean Space. --- Political Science. --- Politics.
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Can education play a role in fostering economic growth and simultaneously decrease pressure on forests? The aim of this study is to show that it can. Human capital formation is a key element in a development strategy that includes natural resource conservation within the framework of sustained economic growth and poverty alleviation. Consequently, it is not by chance that Guatemala is experiencing both minimal per capital income growth and high deforestation while having one of the lowest educational levels in Latin America. However, since many assumptions about educational benefits are controversial and many aspects depend on broader issues, human capital formation can only be one piece in a multidimensional puzzle. This study is organized into three parts, each one of which can be read independently: first, a macroeconomic assessment of education and other factors involved in the country’s growth trajectory; second, a rural analysis indicating the root causes of deforestation and the role education can play to slow down habitat loss; third, the highlighting of some elements indispensable to reform and to subsequent improvement of the quality of rural schooling.
Literary studies: general --- Education --- Politics & government --- Economic growth --- Development economics & emerging economies --- Environmental economics --- Business & management --- Armut --- Bildungspolitik --- Biodiversität --- Biodiversity --- Capital --- Case --- Conservation --- Country --- Developing --- Economic --- Formation --- Forstwirtschaft --- Growth --- Guatemala --- Human --- Löning --- Natürliche Ressourcen --- Wirtschaftliches Wachstum --- Wirtschaftswachstum --- Zentralamerika --- Literature. --- Education. --- Political science. --- Development economics. --- Environmental economics. --- Industrial management. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Belles-lettres --- Western literature (Western countries) --- World literature --- Philology --- Authors --- Authorship --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Economics --- Environmental quality --- Economic development --- Development, Economic --- Growth, Economic --- Economic policy --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- Environmental aspects --- Economic aspects --- Economic development.
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Kulturdialog, Interkultureller Dialog, Islamdialog, Transformationsdialog - wer spricht da eigentlich mit wem und vor allem wie? Vom 11. September 2001 bis zu den Umbrüchen in der arabischen Welt 2011 gewährt das Buch spannende und ausführliche Einblicke in das Dialogverständnis und die Diskurspraxis der deutschen Auswärtigen Kultur- und Bildungspolitik. Anhand der vom Autor geführten Interviews mit Vertretern vom Auswärtigen Amt, dem DAAD und dem Goethe-Institut wird die Diplomatensprache in bislang einmaliger Form interdisziplinär unter die philologische Lupe genommen. Vorschläge für einen künftigen Dialog im historisch wie gegenwärtig hochdynamischen Mittelmeerraum ergänzen die Analysen. Besprochen in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 08.10.2015, Christian Patz
Cultural policy --- Education and state --- Cultural pluralism. --- Multiculturalism. --- Cultural diversity policy --- Cultural pluralism --- Cultural pluralism policy --- Ethnic diversity policy --- Multiculturalism --- Cultural diversity --- Diversity, Cultural --- Diversity, Religious --- Ethnic diversity --- Pluralism (Social sciences) --- Pluralism, Cultural --- Religious diversity --- Intellectual life --- State encouragement of science, literature, and art --- Government policy --- Social policy --- Anti-racism --- Ethnicity --- Cultural fusion --- Culture --- Popular culture --- Cultural Policy. --- Culture. --- Daad. --- Educational Policy. --- Federal Foreign Office. --- Foreign Policy. --- Goethe-institut. --- Interculturalism. --- Islam. --- Islamic Studies. --- Mediterranean Space. --- Political Science. --- Politics. --- Diplomatie; Islam; Außenpolitik; Mittelmeerraum; DAAD; Goethe-Institut; Auswärtiges Amt; Kultur; Politik; Kulturpolitik; Bildungspolitik; Interkulturalität; Islamwissenschaft; Politikwissenschaft; Diplomacy; Foreign Policy; Mediterranean Space; Daad; Goethe-institut; Federal Foreign Office; Culture; Politics; Cultural Policy; Educational Policy; Interculturalism; Islamic Studies; Political Science --- Islamic countries --- Germany --- Relations --- Alemania --- Ashkenaz --- BRD --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Deguo --- 德国 --- Deutsches Reich --- Deutschland --- Doitsu --- Doitsu Renpō Kyōwakoku --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Federalʹna Respublika Nimechchyny --- FRN --- Gėrman --- German Uls --- Герман Улс --- Germania --- Germanii︠a︡ --- Germanyah --- Gjermani --- Grossdeutsches Reich --- Jirmānīya --- KhBNGU --- Kholboony Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Nimechchyna --- Repoblika Federalin'i Alemana --- República de Alemania --- República Federal de Alemania --- Republika Federal Alemmana --- Vācijā --- Veĭmarskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Weimar Republic --- Weimarer Republik --- ХБНГУ --- Германия --- جرمانيا --- ドイツ --- ドイツ連邦共和国 --- ドイツ レンポウ キョウワコク --- Germany (East) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : British Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : French Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : Russian Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) --- Germany (West) --- Holy Roman Empire --- Muslim countries
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"This volume offers a multifaceted selection of studies on 19th-century Belgian reformers and initiatives they instigated to solve the 'social question' by 'civilising' and moralising the lower classes. Around 1850 Belgium was continental Europe's most heavily industrialised state. From the mid-century until the Belle Époque many international social reform associations were based in Belgium, as well as their main international actors. This book aims to place the history of social, moral and educational reform in Belgium during the long 19th century within a broader European perspective. This collection of contributions by both young and established scholars from various disciplinary backgrounds not only fills some gaps in Belgian historiography, but also offers a better understanding of broad epochal processes such as the bourgeois civilising offensive, the expansion of educational action and the historical growth of welfare states.
Geschiedenis van opvoeding en pedagogiek --- anno 1800-1899 --- België --- Social problems --- Educational change --- History --- Belgium --- Social conditions --- History of education and educational sciences --- Internationalismus --- Sozialreform --- Soziale Frage --- Bildungsreform --- HISTORY / Social History. --- Bildungswesen --- Erziehungsreform --- Bildungsreformen --- Bildungspolitik --- Reform --- Bildungsnotstand --- Arbeiterfrage --- Gesellschaftsreform --- Soziale Reform --- Politische Reform --- Sozialreformer --- Bäigien --- Baljīkā --- Belchica --- Belçika --- Belçika Krallığı --- Beldjym --- Belezi --- Belga Királyság --- Beļgeja --- Belghia --- Belʹgi --- Bèlgia --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Bélgica --- Belgice --- Belgice Cynerīce --- Belgické království --- België --- Belgien --- Bélgii Bikéyah --- Belgii︠a︡ --- Belʹgii︠a︡ Korollege --- Belgija --- Beļg̓ijas Karaliste --- Belgijos Karalystė --- Belgijskô --- Belgika --- Belgio --- Belgique --- Belgiska --- Belgiya --- Belgiyah --- Belgje --- Belgjiche --- Belgjo --- Belgujo --- Belʹhii︠a︡ --- Belhika --- Bèljik --- Beljika --- Belʹjmudin Nutg --- Belsch --- Belsj --- Bélxica --- Berugī --- Bheilg --- Bilgasuyu --- Bilhika Qhapaqsuyu --- Bilkiya --- Gwlad Belg --- Igihugu cyʼUbubirigi --- Karaleŭstva Belʹhii︠a︡ --- Keuninkriek Belsj --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Kinigraich Bäigien --- Kinnekräich Belsch --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Königreich Belgien --- Königriich Belgie --- Koninkrijk België --- Koninkrijk van België --- Koninkryk van België --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Kralojstwo Belgiskej --- Mamlakat Baljīkā --- Mamlekhet Belgiyah --- Nsi ya ntotila ya Belezi --- Pelekiuma --- Pow Belg --- Reeriaght ny Belg --- Reĝlando Belgio --- Regne de Bèlgica --- Regno del Belgio --- Reino de Belchica --- Reino de Bélgica --- Reinu de Bélxica --- Ríocht na Beilge --- Rìoghachd na Beilge --- Royaume de Belgique --- Royômo de Bèlg·ique --- Ruwvaneth Belgek --- Teyrnas Gwlad Belg --- Ubelgiji --- Ububiligi --- Ububirigi --- Ufalme wa Ubelgiji --- Vasileio tou Velgiou --- Vãsilia di Belghia --- Velg --- Velgio --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Βέλγιο --- Каралеўства Бельгія --- Бельги --- Бельгия --- Бельгия Короллеге --- Бельгія --- Белгия --- Белгија --- ממלכת בלגיה --- בלגיה --- بلجيكا --- مملكة بلجيكا --- ベルギー
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This volume investigates the history, contexts, agendas, and initiatives associated with the OECD's educational impact globally. The goal is to present information, case studies and empirical research about the development of the OECD's educational agenda as a whole.
Comparative education. --- Education --- Education, Comparative --- Economic aspects. --- History --- comparative education --- education policy --- OECD --- impact study --- EBPO --- ECFE --- ΟΟΣΑ --- ESAO --- OCDE --- OCSE --- ОИСР --- ОЕЦД --- OESO --- Ekonomiskās sadarbības un attīstības organizācija --- Οργανισμός Ευρωπαϊκής Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας --- Organizacija za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj --- Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economici --- Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung --- Организация за икономическо сътрудничество и развитие --- Οργανισμός Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας και Ανάπτυξης --- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development --- An Eagraíocht um Chomhar Eacnamaíochta Eorp --- Organização de Cooperação e de Desenvolvimento Económico --- An Eagraíocht um Chomhar agus Forbairt Eacnamaíochta --- Organización Europea de Cooperación Económica --- OEEC --- Organizzazzjoni għal Kooperazzjoni u Żvilupp Ekonomiku --- Organizzazione europea di cooperazione economica --- Organisationen för europeiskt ekonomiskt samarbete --- Organisationen för ekonomiskt samarbete och utveckling --- Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos --- Organisation für europäische wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit --- Organizace pro hospodářskou spolupráci a rozvoj --- OBEE --- Taloudellisen yhteistyön ja kehityksen järjestö --- Организација за привредну сарадњу и развој --- Organisationen for Økonomisk Samarbejde og Udvikling --- OEES --- Organisationen for Europæisk Økonomisk Samarbejde --- Organizata për Bashkëpunim Ekonomik Europian --- Organizata për Bashkëpunim Ekonomik dhe Zhvillim --- Organisation for European Economic Cooperation --- Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling --- Majanduskoostöö ja Arengu Organisatsioon --- Organizația pentru Cooperare și Dezvoltare Economică --- Организација за економска соработка и развој --- Organização Europeia de Cooperação Económica --- OECE --- Organisation européenne de coopération économique --- ΟΕΟΣ --- Organizácia pre hospodársku spoluprácu a rozvoj --- Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques --- Organisatie voor Europese Economische Samenwerking --- Organizacja Współpracy Gospodarczej i Rozwoju --- Gazdasági Együttműködési és Fejlesztési Szervezet --- Ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros organizacija --- Organizacija za ekonomsku suradnju i razvoj --- švietimo politika --- política educativa --- uddannelsespolitik --- politique de l'éducation --- politica învățământului --- образовна политика --- política da educação --- koulutuspolitiikka --- Bildungspolitik --- obrazovna politika --- образователна политика --- utbildningspolitik --- politika vzdelávania --- politika e arsimit --- polityka oświatowa --- politica dell'istruzione --- politika vzdělávání --- hariduspoliitika --- izglītības politika --- onderwijsbeleid --- просветна политика --- politika tal-edukazzjoni --- oktatáspolitika --- izobraževalna politika --- εκπαιδευτική πολιτική --- prosvjetna politika --- politica dell'educazione --- educação nacional --- vzdělávací politika --- edukacja narodowa --- nemzeti oktatás --- éducation nationale --- kansallinen opetusjärjestelmä --- armonizzazione delle politiche dell'educazione --- nationales Bildungswesen --- политика за образование --- polityka edukacji --- κρατική εκπαίδευση --- pubblica istruzione --- ravvicinamento delle politiche dell'educazione --- educación nacional --- politica nazionale dell'educazione --- det nationale undervisningssystem --- system szkolnictwa --- éducation comparée --- sammenlignende pædagogik --- сравнително образование --- învățământ comparat --- srovnávací vzdělávání --- primerjalna pedagogika --- vergelijkend onderwijs --- lyginamasis švietimas --- összehasonlító oktatás --- istruzione comparata --- educação comparada --- jämförande pedagogik --- educación comparada --- упоредно образовање --- võrdlev pedagoogika --- vertaileva kasvatustiede --- συγκριτική εκπαίδευση --- salīdzināmā izglītība --- arsim krahasues --- vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft --- oświata porównawcza --- poredbeno školstvo --- porovnávacie vzdelávanie --- edukazzjoni komparattiva --- споредбено образование --- srovnávání školských systémů --- компаративно образование --- komparativní vzdělávání --- споредба на училишни системи --- mezinárodní srovnávání vzdělávání --- компаративна педагогија --- srovnávací pedagogika --- poredbeno obrazovanje --- mõju uuring --- hatástanulmány --- analýza dosahu --- Wirkungsstudie --- студија утицаја --- vaikuttavuustutkimus --- impactonderzoek --- изследване на влияние --- ietekmes izpēte --- studio d'impatto --- poveikio tyrimas --- étude d'impact --- студија за влијание --- analýza dopadu --- studim mbi ndikimin --- studija o utjecaju --- analiza wpływu --- konsekvensundersøgelse --- konsekvent-undersökning --- studju tal-impatt --- študija učinkov --- μελέτη επιπτώσεων --- estudio de impacto --- studiu de impact --- estudo de impacto --- konsekvensberegning --- zjišťování účinnosti --- studija o učinku --- konsekvensvurdering --- studie dopadu --- studio d'impatto economico --- impaktstudie --- studie vlivu --- konsekvensundersökning --- оценка на влијанието --- Wirksamkeitsuntersuchung --- beartas oideachais --- oideachas comparáideach --- staidéar tionchair --- USA --- Israel --- Südkorea --- Norwegen --- Norge --- Norway --- Kongeriket Norge --- Norvège --- Besetzte Norwegische Gebiete --- Besatte Norske Områder --- Noreg --- Königreich Norwegen --- Norske Stat --- Kongeriget Norge --- Norwegia --- Norvegia --- Kingdom of Norway --- Norveška --- Norweger --- Korea --- Dae han min gug --- Republik Korea --- Taehan-Min'guk --- Daehan-Min'guk --- Han'guk --- Han-kook --- Republic of Korea --- ROK --- Kankoku --- République de Corée --- South Korea --- República de Corea --- 한국 --- 韓國 --- 大韓民國 --- 대한민국 --- Südkoreaner --- Südkoreanerin --- 1945 --- -Medinat Jisrael --- Yiśraʾel --- Ereṣ Yiśraʾel --- Israël --- Etat d'Israël --- State of Israel --- Yiśrāʾēl --- Ereṣ Yiśrāʾēl --- Medînat Yiśrā'ēl --- Isrāʾīl --- Izrael --- Israeli --- Palästina --- 14.05.1948 --- -United States of America --- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- Nordamerika --- Amerika --- United States --- United States of America --- Etats Unis --- Etats-Unis --- Vereinigte Staaten --- Estados Unidos de America --- EEUU --- Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika --- Soedinennye Štaty Ameriki --- SŠA --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej --- Hēnōmenai Politeiai tēs Boreiu Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- HēPA --- Ēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- ĒPA --- Meiguo --- Etats-Unis d'Amérique --- US --- Amerikaner --- Konföderierte Staaten von Amerika --- Soedinennye Štaty Ameriki --- SŠA --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej --- Hēnōmenai Politeiai tēs Boreiu Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- HēPA --- Ēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- ĒPA --- Etats-Unis d'Amérique --- Konföderierte Staaten von Amerika --- USA. --- Israel. --- Südkorea. --- Norwegen.
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