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Food and Energy Security seeks to publish high quality and high impact original research on agricultural crop and forest productivity to improve food and energy security.
Climatic changes --- Crop improvement --- Food security --- Energy security --- Biology --- Agriculture - General --- Climat --- Cultures --- Sécurité alimentaire --- Sécurité énergétique --- Biologie --- Changements --- Amélioration --- Sécurité alimentaire --- Sécurité énergétique --- Amélioration
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Plant biotechnology offers important opportunities for agriculture, horticulture, and the pharmaceutical and food industry by generating transgenic varieties with altered properties. This is likely to change farming practice and reduce the potential negative impact of plant production on the environment. This volume shows the worldwide advances and potential benefits of plant genetic engineering focusing on the third millennium. The authors discuss the production of transgenic plants resistant to biotic and abiotic stress, the improvement of plant qualities, the use of transgenic plants as bi
Plante transgénique --- Transgenic plants --- Biotechnologie --- Biotechnology --- Sécurité alimentaire --- food security --- Marqueur génétique --- genetic markers --- Zea mays --- Cocos nucifera --- Canne à sucre --- Sugarcane --- Agrobacterium --- Oryza --- Glycine max --- Solanum tuberosum --- Résistance aux facteurs nuisibles --- Resistance to injurious factors --- Brassica --- Graine oléagineuse --- oilseeds --- Ipomoea batatas --- Populus --- Lignine --- Lignins --- Protéine --- proteins --- Biosynthèse --- Biosynthesis --- Immunsérum --- Immune serum --- Ethics --- Plant genetic engineering --- Plant biotechnology --- Plant biotechnology.
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"Climate models show that global crop production will decline every decade for the rest of this century due to drought, heat, and flooding. Water supplies are in jeopardy. Meanwhile, the world’s population is expected to grow another 30 percent by midcentury. So how, really, will we feed nine billion people sustainably in the coming decades?Amanda Little, a professor at Vanderbilt University and an award-winning journalist, spent three years traveling through a dozen countries and as many U.S. states in search of answers to this question. Her journey took her from an apple orchard in Wisconsin to a remote control organic farm in Shanghai, from Norwegian fish farms to famine-stricken regions of Ethiopia.The race to reinvent the global food system is on, and the challenge is twofold: We must solve the existing problems of industrial agriculture while also preparing for the pressures ahead. Through her interviews and adventures with farmers, scientists, activists, and engineers, Little tells the fascinating story of human innovation and explores new and old approaches to food production while charting the growth of a movement that could redefine sustainable food on a grand scale. She meets small permaculture farmers and “Big Food” executives, botanists studying ancient superfoods and Kenyan farmers growing the country’s first GMO corn. She travels to places that might seem irrelevant to the future of food yet surprisingly play a critical role—a California sewage plant, a U.S. Army research lab, even the inside of a monsoon cloud above Mumbai. Little asks tough questions: Can GMOs actually be good for the environment—and for us? Are we facing the end of animal meat? What will it take to eliminate harmful chemicals from farming? How can a clean, climate-resilient food supply become accessible to all?Throughout her journey, Little finds and shares a deeper understanding of the threats of climate change and encounters a sense of awe and optimism about the lessons of our past and the scope of human ingenuity." -- Publisher's description.
Food supply--Environmental aspects. --- Food supply --- Food security. --- Sustainable agriculture. --- Environmental aspects. --- Low-input agriculture --- Low-input sustainable agriculture --- Lower input agriculture --- Resource-efficient agriculture --- Sustainable farming --- Agriculture --- Alternative agriculture --- Food deserts --- Food insecurity --- Insecurity, Food --- Security, Food --- Human security --- Food control --- Produce trade --- Food security --- Single cell proteins --- Aliments --- Sécurité alimentaire --- Agriculture durable --- Approvisionnement --- Aspect de l'environnement --- E-books
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Sustainable development --- Water-supply --- Water quality management --- Water resources development --- Développement durable --- Eau --- Ressources en eau --- Management. --- Approvisionnement --- Gestion --- Qualité --- Exploitation --- Ressource en eau --- Water resources --- Gestion des eaux --- water management --- Pays en développement --- Developing countries --- Conservation de l'eau --- Water conservation --- Utilisation de l'eau --- Water use --- Gouvernance --- Governance --- Sécurité alimentaire --- food security --- Eau d'irrigation --- Irrigation water --- Eau potable --- Drinking water --- Développement durable --- Qualité --- Sustainable development -- Africa. --- Water quality management -- Africa. --- Water resources development -- Africa. --- Water-supply -- Africa -- Management.
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Countries need a review of the scientific evidence to develop integrated and comprehensive national policies on food and nutrition. This book fills that need, providing a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the data on nutritional health, food-borne disease, and food safety and public health concerns about the supply and security of food in Europe. Aimed at health professionals, this publication aims to strengthen their capacity as an efficient investment in improving public health in Europe. It highlights the urgent need for integrated, multisectoral food and nutrition policies to encourage the sustainable production of food, safe food production and the provision of food of high nutritional quality.
Alimentation --- Aliments--Approvisionnement --- Food control --- Food security --- Food supply --- Nutrition --- Nutrition policy --- Politique alimentaire --- Ravitaillement (aliments) --- Sécurité alimentaire --- Voeding --- Voedselpolitiek --- Voedselvoorziening --- Food contamination --- Food --- Health --- Physiology --- Diet --- Dietetics --- Digestion --- Food habits --- Malnutrition --- Food policy --- Nutrition and state --- State and nutrition --- Social policy --- Produce trade --- Agriculture --- Single cell proteins --- Contaminated food --- Foods, Contaminated --- Contamination (Technology) --- Food adulteration and inspection --- Health aspects --- Government policy --- Contamination --- Prevention and control --- Requirements
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This volume attempts to dig deeper into what is currently happening in Africa’s agricultural and rural sector and to convince policymakers and others that it is important to look at the current African rural dynamics in ways that connect metropolitan demands for food with value chain improvements and agro-food cluster innovations. It is essential to go beyond a ‘development bureaucracy’ and a state-based approach to rural transformation, such as the one that often dominates policy debate in African government circles, organizations like the African Union and the UN, and donor agencies.
Third World: agricultural and food problems --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- Agricultural productivity --- Food security --- Food consumption --- Agriculture --- Sécurité alimentaire --- Aliments --- Productivité --- Consommation --- food security --- Innovation --- Rendement des cultures --- Crop yield --- Consommation alimentaire --- Production alimentaire --- Food production --- Politique alimentaire --- Food policies --- Recherche agronomique --- Agricultural research --- Agriculture périurbaine --- Suburban agriculture --- Afrique --- Africa --- Sécurité alimentaire --- Productivité --- E-books --- Productivity, Agricultural --- Farm management --- Consumption of food --- Cost and standard of living --- Food supply --- Food deserts --- Food insecurity --- Insecurity, Food --- Security, Food --- Human security --- Economic aspects --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems --- Agricultural productivity. --- Agriculture. --- Food consumption. --- Food security. --- Farming --- Husbandry --- Industrial arts --- Life sciences --- Land use, Rural --- Africa. --- Eastern Hemisphere
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Based on original research by the Food and Resource Economic Institute in Denmark and the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington DC, this book addresses the controversial issue of the effects of developed countries' agricultural policies on developing countries. Written from the perspective of developing countries, it addresses the main issues raised by developing countries' governments, politicians, farmers organizations, NGOs, trade specialists and development specialists. It focuses on the key issues of food security, poverty, regional agreements, multifunctionality in a
Economic policy and planning (general) --- Third World: agricultural and food problems --- World Trade Organization --- Produce trade --- Agriculture and state. --- Foreign trade regulation. --- Produits agricoles --- Politique agricole --- Commerce extérieur --- Government policy. --- Commerce --- Politique gouvernementale --- Réglementation --- World Trade Organization. --- Agriculture and state --- Foreign trade regulation --- Government policy --- OMC --- WTO --- Sécurité alimentaire --- food security --- Pauvreté --- Poverty --- Politique alimentaire --- Food policies --- Agricultural policies --- Politique économique --- Economic policies --- Contexte économique --- economic environment --- Pays en développement --- Developing countries --- Pays développé --- Developed countries --- Accord commercial --- Trade agreements --- Barrière commerciale --- trade barriers --- Commerce extérieur --- Réglementation --- WTO. --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems --- Produce trade - Developing countries --- Produce trade - Government policy
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Third World: agricultural and food problems --- Agronomy --- Developing countries --- Ressource naturelle --- Natural resources --- Gestion des ressources --- resource management --- Affectation de ressources --- Resource allocation --- Moyen de production agricole --- farm inputs --- Agroécosystème --- agroecosystems --- Durabilité --- Sustainability --- Sécurité alimentaire --- food security --- Agricultural innovations. --- Agricultural ecology. --- Agricultural productivity. --- Asie --- Asia --- Afrique --- Africa --- Latin America --- 631.95 --- 631.151.6 --- 631.153.7 --- Agrarian ecology --- Integrated farm production systems. Sustainable agriculture --- Changes in cultivation and production. Conversion to other systems --- 631.153.7 Changes in cultivation and production. Conversion to other systems --- 631.151.6 Integrated farm production systems. Sustainable agriculture --- 631.95 Agrarian ecology --- Productivity, Agricultural --- Agriculture --- Innovations, Agricultural --- Technological change in agriculture --- Agroecology --- Innovations --- Technological innovations --- Ecology --- Farm management --- Permaculture --- Economic aspects --- Technology transfer --- Environmental aspects --- Agricultural ecology --- Agricultural innovations --- Agricultural productivity --- E-books --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems
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Vegetables are a significant component of agricultural farming systems in Africa and have recently moved into the focus of research organizations, development partners and policy makers. Beyond income generating opportunities for producers, vegetable production for domestic and export markets is an important driver for growth due to employment opportunities in production, processing and trade. Providing the latest socioeconomic research methodologies alongside empirical examples, this volume explores the potential for vegetable production to alleviate poverty, the impact of food production sta
Industrial economics --- Trade theory --- Africa --- Culture maraîchère --- Vegetable growing --- Plante légumière --- Vegetable crops --- Sécurité alimentaire --- food security --- Production végétale --- Plant production --- Commercialisation --- Marketing --- Circuit de commercialisation --- Marketing channels --- Développement socioéconomique --- socioeconomic development --- Développement durable --- Sustainable development --- Rôle des femmes --- Role of women --- Vegetable trade --- Vegetables --- Agriculture --- Marketing. --- Economic aspects --- Afrique --- 635.1/.8 --- 631.11 <6> --- 339.13 --- 658.8 --- 338.439 --- Vegetables. Kitchen gardening --- Farms, farm properties and farming systems--Afrika --- Marktmechanisme. Markttheorie. Marktstructuur. Marktregulatietechnieken. Marktevenwicht. Disequilibrium van de markt. Marktfluctuatie. Marktelasticiteit. Oneerlijke concurrentie. Dumping. Antidumping --- Marketing. Sales. Selling. Distribution --- Economie van de voedselproductie. Economie van de voedingsindustrie. --- 338.439 Economie van de voedselproductie. Economie van de voedingsindustrie. --- 658.8 Marketing. Sales. Selling. Distribution --- 339.13 Marktmechanisme. Markttheorie. Marktstructuur. Marktregulatietechnieken. Marktevenwicht. Disequilibrium van de markt. Marktfluctuatie. Marktelasticiteit. Oneerlijke concurrentie. Dumping. Antidumping --- 631.11 <6> Farms, farm properties and farming systems--Afrika --- 635.1/.8 Vegetables. Kitchen gardening --- Vegetable industry --- Produce trade --- Food crops --- Horticultural crops --- Horticultural products --- Economie van de voedselproductie. Economie van de voedingsindustrie
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World agricultural resources will be altered by climate change which will require both public and private actions. Global agriculture is affected by invasive alien pest and disease species and by severe weather such as sea-level rise flooding and drought. Rising sea levels will increase salinity in coastal groundwater and the loss of coastal wetlands. Drought will increase the vulnerability of forest ecosystems due to decreased soil moisture and increased evapotranspiration. Many changes will be needed to maintain global food security. Climate change will affect food supply and demand, as well as prices. Research and development have the potential to impact both supply and demand, especially through the adoption of biotechnology. Researching plant and animal breeding for multiple disease resistance against pathogens of global relevance has great evolutionary potential. One such program is aquaculture. Another problem is land constraints as rural and urban areas compete for land. For rural food-insecure households, land competition means necessary changes in production practices. Research and development investments could substantially decelerate food prices to prevent hunger and deteriorating living standards in rural households worldwide. Increasing food security will mean establishing dietary guidelines that alleviate the negative health and economic outcomes associated with malnutrition. It is highly questionable to aggregate all food items based solely on calories per kilogram content when not all calories are equal in their effect on health. Food security also includes increasing diet diversity while decreasing food waste and loss. It is imperative that actions be taken for a food-secure future.
Food security. --- Food supply. --- Agriculture. --- Farming --- Husbandry --- Industrial arts --- Life sciences --- Food supply --- Land use, Rural --- Food control --- Produce trade --- Agriculture --- Food security --- Single cell proteins --- Food deserts --- Food insecurity --- Insecurity, Food --- Security, Food --- Human security --- food security --- food safety --- agricultural production policy --- Agrarproduktionspolitik --- политика на земеделско производство --- lauksaimnieciskās ražošanas politika --- mezőgazdasági termelési politika --- poľnohospodárska produkčná politika --- zemědělská výrobní politika --- politikë e prodhimit bujqësor --- landbouwproductiebeleid --- politika tal-produzzjoni agrikola --- πολιτική γεωργικής παραγωγής --- landbrugsproduktionspolitik --- politica della produzione agricola --- политика пољопривредне производње --- política da produção agrícola --- política de producción agrícola --- põllumajandusliku tootmise poliitika --- politica producției agricole --- politika poljoprivredne proizvodnje --- политика за земјоделско производство --- jordbruksproduktionspolitik --- maataloustuotantopolitiikka --- politika kmetijske proizvodnje --- polityka produkcji rolniczej --- politique de la production agricole --- žemės ūkio gamybos politika --- landbouwproduktiebeleid --- prostředky zemědělské výroby --- politika agrarne proizvodnje --- sicurezza degli alimenti --- bezpečnost potravin --- maisto sauga --- sábháilteacht bia --- bezpečnosť potravín --- varnost hrane --- voedselveiligheid --- siguri ushqimore --- bezpieczeństwo żywności --- безопасност на храните --- livsmedelssäkerhet --- elintarviketurvallisuus --- fødevaresikkerhed --- sécurité des aliments --- élelmiszer-biztonság --- sikurezza alimentari --- ασφάλεια των τροφίμων --- Lebensmittelsicherheit --- pārtikas nekaitīgums --- segurança dos alimentos --- sigurnost hrane --- toiduohutus --- безбедност хране --- seguridad de los alimentos --- siguranță alimentară --- безбедност на храната --- здравословност на храните --- tiesiski nesaistošie instrumenti --- sicurezza dell'alimentazione --- hygienická nezávadnosť potravín --- zdravotní nezávadnost potravin --- zdravotná nezávadnosť potravinových výrobkov --- veiligheid van voeding --- segurança da qualidade da alimentação --- inocuidade dos alimentos --- l-iġjene tal-prodotti tal-ikel --- nezávadnosť potravín --- seguridad cualitativa de la alimentación --- bezpieczeństwo produktów żywnościowych --- sécurité sanitaire des aliments --- salubridade dos produtos alimentares --- hygienická nezávadnost potravin --- veiligheid van levensmiddelen --- fødevarers sikkerhed --- ασφάλεια της ποιότητας των τροφίμων --- az élelmiszerek biztonsága --- безбедност на прехранбените производи --- υγιεινή των τροφίμων --- kopregulēšana --- salubridade dos alimentos --- toiduainete ohutus --- food product safety --- säkra livsmedel --- sigurnost prehrambenih proizvoda --- is-sikurezza tal-kwalità tal-ikel --- sikurezza tal-ikel --- toidu ohutus --- jakość i bezpieczeństwo żywności --- elintarvikkeiden turvallisuus --- maisto produktų sauga --- inocuidad de los alimentos --- ispravnosti namirnica --- segurança sanitária dos alimentos --- salubrità degli alimenti --- zdravstvena ispravnost hrane --- salubrité des aliments --- bezpieczeństwo sanitarne żywności --- segurança dos produtos alimentares --- siguria e ushqimit --- food quality safety --- siguranța calitativă a alimentelor --- veiligheid van voedsel --- siguranța alimentației --- pārtikas produktu nekaitīgums --- maisto produktų saugumas --- maisto produktų sveikumas --- salubritatea alimentelor --- υγιεινή των προΪόντων διατροφής --- безвредност на хранителните продукти --- innocuité des aliments --- хранителна безопасност --- is-sikurezza tal-prodotti tal-ikel --- безопасност на хранителните продукти --- maisto sanitarija --- salubritatea produselor alimentare --- Lebensmittelunschädlichkeit --- inocuidad de los productos alimenticios --- siguranța alimentelor --- inocuitatea alimentelor --- inocuidade dos produtos alimentares --- sicurezza dei prodotti alimentari --- varnost živil --- innocuité des produits alimentaires --- salubrité des produits alimentaires --- salubrità dei prodotti alimentari --- nezávadnost potravin --- zdravstvena ispravnost prehrambenih proizvoda --- hygienická nezávadnosť potravinových výrobkov --- Lebensmittelunbedenklichkeit --- pārtikas produktu higiēna --- ασφάλεια τροφίμων --- ασφάλεια των προϊόντων διατροφής --- turvalliset elintarvikkeet --- sécurité qualitative de l'alimentation --- salubridad de los productos alimenticios --- inocuitatea produselor alimentare --- veiligheid van voedingsmiddelen --- bezpieczeństwo produktów spożywczych --- sigurnost kvalitete hrane --- safety of food --- salubridad de los alimentos --- zdravotná nezávadnosť potravín --- pārtikas kvalitātes drošums --- sikkerhed for fødevarekvalitet --- brīvprātīga regulēšana --- potravinové zabezpečení --- toiduga kindlustatus --- pārtikas nodrošinājums --- sigurnost opskrbe hranom --- sigurtà tal-ikel --- securitate alimentară --- voedselzekerheid --- prehranska varnost --- Ernährungssicherheit --- sécurité alimentaire --- élelmezésbiztonság --- безбедност на храна --- potravinová bezpečnosť --- seguridad alimentaria --- bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe --- fødevareforsyningssikkerhed --- slándáil bia --- aprūpinimo maistu saugumas --- sicurezza alimentare --- продоволствена сигурност --- επισιτιστική ασφάλεια --- segurança alimentar --- ruokaturva --- livsmedelstrygghet --- nedostatek potravin --- az élelmiszerellátás stabilitása --- disponibilidade de alimentos --- fødevareudnyttelse --- stabilnost opskrbe hranom --- inseguridad alimentaria --- utilización de los alimentos --- zapewnienie dostępu do żywności --- utilização dos alimentos --- piekļuve pārtikai --- Zugang zu Nahrungsmitteln --- pārtikas trūkums --- Verfügbarkeit von Nahrungsmitteln --- Stabilität der Nahrungsmittelversorgung --- elintarvikkeiden käyttö --- apsirūpinimas maistu --- élelmiszerek felhasználása --- stabilnost preskrbe s hrano --- az élelmiszer-ellátás bizonytalansága --- użu tal-ikel --- voedselonzekerheid --- stabilitatea aprovizionării cu alimente --- stabilus maisto tiekimas --- insegurança alimentar --- stabilità dell'approvvigionamento alimentare --- élelmiszer-hasznosítás --- ruoan saatavuus --- stabilita dodávek potravin --- využívanie potravín --- продоволствена несигурност --- insécurité alimentaire --- stabilność dostaw żywności --- disponibbiltà tal-ikel --- prístup k potravinám --- zabezpečení potravin --- razpoložljivost hrane --- potravinová neistota --- bizonytalan élelmiszer-ellátás --- sécurité alimentaire quantitative --- insecuritate alimentară --- az élelmiszerhez való hozzáférés --- fødevareusikkerhed --- food insecurity --- stabilność zaopatrzenia w żywność --- stabilité de l’approvisionnement alimentaire --- nuqqas ta’ sigurtà tal-ikel --- elintarvikeketjun vakaus --- aprūpinimas maistu --- fødevaretilgængelighed --- zanesljiva preskrba s hrano --- aċċess għall-ikel --- suffisance alimentaire --- pārtikas nodrošinājuma trūkums --- pārtikas lietošana --- stabbiltà tal-provvista tal-ikel --- disponibilidad de alimentos --- access to food --- πρόσβαση σε τρόφιμα --- élelmiszer-hozzáférés --- disponibilité alimentaire --- acces la alimente --- dostęp do żywności --- pārtikas izmantošana --- disponibilitatea alimentelor --- nepietiekams pārtikas nodrošinājums --- accesso al cibo --- neustrezna prehranska varnost --- utilizarea alimentelor --- varnost preskrbe s hrano --- estabilidad del abastecimiento en alimentos --- stability of food supply --- dostupnost hrane --- pārtikas apgādes stabilitāte --- επισιτιστική ανασφάλεια --- χρήση τροφίμων --- brak bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego --- estabilidade do abastecimento alimentar --- dostępność żywności --- beschikbaarheid van voedsel --- stabilita dodávok potravín --- elintarvikkeiden saatavuus --- izkoristek hrane --- използване на храните --- elintarviketurva --- élelmiszerekhez való hozzáférés --- slándáil an tsoláthair bia --- pārtikas pieejamība --- nesigurnost opskrbe hranom --- zajištění potravin --- tápanyag-felhasználás --- σταθερότητα του εφοδιασμού με τρόφιμα --- insicurezza alimentare --- puutteellinen elintarviketurva --- dostop do hrane --- διαθεσιμότητα τροφίμων --- wykorzystanie żywności --- acesso a alimentos --- přístup k potravinám --- élelemhez való hozzáférés --- food utilisation --- suficiência alimentar --- sufficienza alimentare --- toidujulgeolek --- достъп до храна --- pristup hrani --- toegang tot voedsel --- стабилност на снабдяването с храни --- pārtikas nepietiekamība --- dostupnosť potravín --- az élelmiszer rendelkezésre állása --- disponibilità di cibo --- puutteellinen ruokaturva --- stabiliteit van de voedselvoorziening --- stabilitet af fødevareforsyning --- adgang til fødevarer --- manglende fødevaresikkerhed --- food availability --- наличност на храна --- tryggad livsmedelsförsörjning --- dostupnost potravin --- upotreba hrane --- Lebensmittelverwendung --- acceso a los alimentos --- E-books --- beartas táirgeachta talmhaíochta --- slándáil bhia --- Business & Economics --- Development economics & emerging economies. --- Development --- Economic Development.
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