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In October 1934 the northern Spanish region of Asturias was the scene of the most important outburst of revolution in Europe between the early 1920s and the Spanish Civil War. Thousands of left-wing militants took up arms and fought the Spanish army in the streets of Oviedo while in the rear-guard committees proclaimed a revolutionary dawn. After two weeks, however, the insurrection was crushed and the widespread repression was central to the polarization and fragmentation of Spanish politics prior to the Civil War (1936-9). Weaving together a range of everyday disputes and arenas of conflict, from tenant activism to strikes, boycotts to political violence, Unite, Proletarian Brothers! reveals how local cleavages and conflicts operating within the context of the Spanish Second Republic (1931-6) and interwar Europe explain the origins, development and consequences of the Asturian October. The book sheds new light on the long-debated process of ‘radicalization’ during the Second Republic, as well as the wider questions of protest, revolutionary politics and social and political conflict in inter-war Europe.
Radicalization. --- Revolutions. --- Spain --- History --- Insurrections --- Rebellions --- Revolts --- Revolutionary wars --- Political science --- Political violence --- War --- Government, Resistance to --- Radicalisation --- revolution --- insurrection --- upheaval --- asutrias --- coalfields --- radicalism --- conflict --- boycott --- strike --- fascism
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On Monday 19 September 1803, the most significant trial in the history of Ireland took place in Dublin. At the dock stood a twenty-five year old former Trinity College student and doctor's son. His name was Robert Emmet and he was standing trial for heading a rebellion on 23 July 1803. The iconic power of Robert Emmet in Irish history cannot be overstated. Emmet looms large in narratives of the past, yet the rebellion, which he led, remains to be fully contextualised. Patterson's book repairs this omission and explains the complex process of politicisation and revolutionary activity extending.
Agriculture --- Republicanism --- Insurgency --- Militia movements --- Economic aspects --- History --- Ireland --- Economic conditions --- Irish history. --- Robert Emmet. --- Trinity College. --- grass roots. --- para-militarism. --- politicisation. --- radicalisation. --- rebellion. --- revolutionary activity. --- secret societies.
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The EU aims to continue expanding, but mistrust rules the day. Countries are spying on each other rather than sharing intelligence and cooperating to fight terrorism that threatens them all. With Brexit, the EU and Great Britain may even lose the partners they have in these efforts.
Terrorism --- Acts of terrorism --- Attacks, Terrorist --- Global terrorism --- International terrorism --- Political terrorism --- Terror attacks --- Terrorist acts --- Terrorist attacks --- World terrorism --- Direct action --- Insurgency --- Political crimes and offenses --- Subversive activities --- Political violence --- Terror --- Prevention. --- Radicalization --- Radicalisation --- Political science --- Prevention --- E-books
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Soziale Medien bilden im zunehmenden Maß einen Ort der Austragung und diskursiven Verarbeitung gesellschaftlicher und politischer Konflikte. Extrem rechte und salafistisch-dschihadistische Akteur*innen nehmen an diesen Auseinandersetzungen teil und nutzen sie als Plattform zur Propaganda. Der Band widmet sich der Frage, wie sich Mobilisierungs- und Radikalisierungsprozesse in sozialen Medien entfalten und unter welchen Bedingungen sie zu Gewalthandlungen in der realen Welt führen können. Social media are increasingly becoming a space where social and political conflicts are carried out and discursively processed. Extreme right and Salafist/Jihadist actors participate in these conflicts and use them as a platform for propaganda. This volume is devoted to the question of how processes of mobilization and radicalization unfold in social media and under what conditions they can lead to violent acts in the real world.
far right --- interaction of virtual and real world --- Interaktion von virtueller und realer Welt --- Mobilisierung zur Gewalt in sozialen Medien --- mobilization to violence in social media --- radicalisation --- Radikalisierung --- rechte Gewalt --- Rechtsterrorismus --- religious fundamentalism --- religiöser Fundamentalismus --- right-wing terrorism --- right-wing violence --- Salafist jihadism --- salafistischer Dschihadismus --- religiöser Fundamentalismus
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How do young people find their way into Islamist contexts and towards Islamist positions? The authors conducted biographical-narrative interviews with young people, who held different positions in this field of ideological positions. They look at the actual forms and features of the particular worldviews and processes of (de-)radicalisation and show how individual notions of the self and the world are intertwined with social interaction within families, peergroups, radical groups, or official institutions. Obwohl es mittlerweile eine Vielzahl an Forschung zum Phänomen Islamismus gibt, wurden in nur wenigen Studien Interviews mit jungen Menschen mit islamistischen Orientierungen geführt und systematisch ausgewertet. In diesem Buch gehen die Autorinnen anhand autobiografischer Erzählungen den folgenden Fragen nach: Wie eignen sich junge Menschen islamistische Orientierungen an, wie hängen sie mit biografischen Erfahrungen zusammen und welche Funktion erfüllen sie in den Biografien? Die Autorinnen zeigen, dass die Orientierungen in jugendphasenspezifische Probleme von Grenzziehung, Handlungskontrolle, sozialer Positionierung und Vergemeinschaftung eingebunden sind und diese Probleme auf verschiedene Weise gelöst werden: Islamismus übernimmt dabei die Funktion der starken Grenze, die Funktion der starken Ordnung oder die Funktion der starken Gemeinschaft.
Social work --- adolescence;Adoleszenz;adolescents;Jugendliche;Islamism;Islamismus;Dschihadismus;jihadism;Salafism;Salafismus;political Islam;politischer Islam;Biografieforschung;biography research;Biographieforschung;radicality;radicalisation processes;Radikalität;extremism;Radikalisierungsprozesse;Extremismus;radical Islam;radikaler Islam;reconstructive social research;deradicalisation;rekonstruktive Sozialforschung;deradicalisation process;Entradikalisierung;Ausstiegsprozesse;Ausstieg
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Radicalization is a major challenge of contemporary global security. It conjures up images of violent ideologies, "homegrown" terrorists and jihad in both the academic sphere and among security and defense experts. While the first instances of religious radicalization were initially limited to second-generation Muslim immigrants, significant changes are currently impacting this phenomenon. Technology is said to amplify the dissemination of radicalism, though there remains uncertainty as to the exact weight of technology on radical behaviors. Moreover, far from being restricted to young men of Muslim heritage suffering from a feeling of social relegation, radicalism concerns a significant number of converted Muslims, women and more heterogeneous profiles (social, academic and geographic), as well as individuals that give the appearance of being fully integrated in the host society. These new and striking dynamics require innovative conceptual lenses. Radicalization in Theory and Practice identifies the mechanisms that explicitly link radical religious beliefs and radical actions. It describes its nature, singles out the mechanisms that enable radicalism to produce its effects, and develops a conceptual architecture to help scholars and policy-makers to address and evaluate radicalism--or what often passes as such. A variety of empirical chapters fed by first-hand data probe the relevance of theoretical perspectives that shape radicalization studies. By giving a prominent role to first-hand empirical investigations, the authors create a new framework of analysis from the ground up. This book enhances the quality of theorizing in this area, consolidates the quality of methodological enquiries, and articulates security studies insights with broader theoretical debates in different fields including sociology, social psychology, economics, and religious studies.
Radicalism. --- Extremism, Political --- Ideological extremism --- Political extremism --- Political science --- Radicalization --- Radicalism --- Jihad. --- Religious militants --- Terrorism --- Violence --- Philosophy. --- Religious aspects. --- Europe, Western --- Social conditions. --- Violent behavior --- Social psychology --- Acts of terrorism --- Attacks, Terrorist --- Global terrorism --- International terrorism --- Political terrorism --- Terror attacks --- Terrorist acts --- Terrorist attacks --- World terrorism --- Direct action --- Insurgency --- Political crimes and offenses --- Subversive activities --- Political violence --- Terror --- Militants, Religious --- Religious terrorists --- Religious adherents --- Holy war (Islam) --- Islamic holy war --- Jahad --- Jehad --- Muslim holy war --- War (Islamic law) --- Radicalisation --- Religious aspects --- West Europe --- Western Europe --- framework for analysis --- social movement theories --- Islamic Doctrines --- United Kingdom --- networks --- Conversion --- Rational Choice --- Spain --- comparative analysis --- Jihadism --- Belgium --- terrorism --- religious violence --- theories of radicalization --- France --- Germany --- Jihadi Terrorism
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Vital insights into the complex nature of the concept of radicalisation.0Radicalisation is a topical and a much-discussed concept in current European societies. Its use in policy and societal discourses, such as media coverage and educational contexts, is very sensitive. This thought-provoking collection of essays critically addresses the topic of radicalisation from different angles, combining discipline-specific insights from the fields of sociology, philosophy, history, religious studies, and media studies, with new empirical data.0The authors step away from readily available explanations and rethink the notion of?the radical?. Rather than merely focusing on individuals or ideologies, they advocate for a contextual perspective that allows to consider the complex interaction between individuals, groups, and institutions, both at a national and international level. 'Radicalisation: A Marginal Phenomenon, or a Mirror to Society?' provides the reader not only with much-needed knowledge of the complex nature of the concept of radicalisation, but also offers insights into the various ways radicalisation processes can be triggered, prevented, or addressed.
Politieke filosofie. Sociale filosofie --- politieke filosofie --- godsdienstsociologie --- terrorisme --- Radicalization --- Radicalism --- Terrorism --- Terrorists --- Recruiting --- BPB1904 --- Religion --- Extrémisme --- #SBIB:316.331H333 --- #SBIB:316.8H16 --- #SBIB:17H3 --- Academic collection --- Godsdienst --- Extremisme --- Godsdienst, oorlog en vrede --- Welzijns- en sociale problemen: migranten, rassenrelaties --- Politieke wijsbegeerte --- Radicalism. --- Radicalization. --- Social problems --- Terrorism. --- Recruiting of terrorists --- Acts of terrorism --- Attacks, Terrorist --- Global terrorism --- International terrorism --- Political terrorism --- Terror attacks --- Terrorist acts --- Terrorist attacks --- World terrorism --- Direct action --- Insurgency --- Political crimes and offenses --- Subversive activities --- Political violence --- Terror --- Radicalisation --- Political science --- Extremism, Political --- Ideological extremism --- Political extremism --- Recruiting. --- RADICALIZATION --- Sociology of religion --- εξτρεμισμός --- extremism --- ekstremizmas --- ekstrēmisms --- extremismus --- Extremismus --- extremisme --- ekstremizëm --- extremismo --- szélsőség --- ekstremizam --- estremismo --- extrémizmus --- екстремизам --- estremiżmu --- ekstremisme --- ekstremizem --- antoisceachas --- äärisuuntaus --- екстремизъм --- ekstremizm --- äärmuslus --- ekstremism --- fanatism --- φανατισμός --- fanatizëm --- фундаментализам --- fanatismus --- fundamentalismus --- vallási fanatizmus --- fanatismo --- фанатизам --- fanatizmus --- fanatismi --- fanaticism --- kiihkomielisyys --- fanatisme --- fanātisms --- fanatizmas --- Fanatismus --- fanatizam --- fe --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- reiligiún --- radicalisering --- Terrorists - Recruiting --- Extrémisme
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