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Employment relations in a changing world economy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0262121913 0262620987 0262278499 9780262121910 9780262620987 Year: 1995 Publisher: Cambridge (MA) : M.I.T. Press,

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To address contemporary issues, industrial relations as a field of study will have to take an increasingly international and comparative dimension. Accordingly, Employment Relations in a Changing World Economy looks at the critical role employment relations play in firm performance and industry competitiveness worldwide. The essays employ a common framework to examine changes in the employment practices of eleven OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Austria, and Japan. They constitute the first phase in a large ongoing project at the Center for Industrial Performance at MIT to update our understanding of comparative industrial relations and human resource policies.The authors, scholars in economics, political science, sociology, industrial relations and law, first identify a representative set of employment practices and then look at the outcomes of those practices and the changes they are undergoing across different national settings. By collaborating, the contributors seek to clarify the dynamics of employment relations across the world today, and to set the terms of reference for a new generation of international-comparative employment research.

Work and pay in Japan
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0521577721 0521571375 0511011261 0511116470 0511152299 0511327420 0511493428 1280161655 0511053657 9780511011269 0511038410 9780511038419 9780511116476 9780511493423 9780521571371 9780521577724 1107113407 9786610161652 6610161658 Year: 1999 Publisher: Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press

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This book provides a comprehensive overview of Japanese labour market institutions and practices with respect to employment issues and labour payments. It contains extensive discussion of the effects of industrial relations, small business activity, business cycles and schooling on work and pay. An early chapter is devoted to presenting, in an accessible manner, essential labour market ideas and concepts that recur throughout the text. Important topics covered include (i) unions and wage determination, (ii) the breakdown of total labour costs, (iii) the Japanese bonus system, (iv) the employment life-cycle, (v) small businesses and subcontracting, (vi) pay and productivity over the business cycle. A key feature is that subject areas and themes are examined within a comparative United States/European framework. This allows assessments of whether or not the structure and performance of the Japanese labour market has differed from experience elsewhere.

Loonvorming en collectief overleg in België : een bijdrage tot meer inzicht in de collectieve loononderhandelingen.
ISBN: 9789048602858 Year: 2009 Publisher: Brugge Die Keure

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1. Inleiding 2. Technieken en loonvoordelen 2.1. Arbeidsduur en arbeidsduurvermindering 2.2. Loonschalen of barema's 2.3. Premies 2.4. Indexeringen 2.5. Reële loonsverhogingen 2.6. Kosteneffect van indexeringen en loonsverhogingen 2.7. Bestaanszekerheid 2.8. Maaltijdcheques 2.9. Ecocheques 2.10. Andere vrijheidsbeperkende voordelen 2.11. Syndicale premie 2.12. Vrijgevigheden 2.13. Bonus 3. Juridisch kader voor collectieve loononderhandelingen 3.1. Interprofessioneel minimumloon 3.2. De loonnorm 3.3. Sectorale voorschriften 3.4. Onderscheid tussen arbeiders en bedienden

Seeking a premier economy
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0226092844 9786611223205 1281223204 0226092909 9780226092904 9780226092843 Year: 2004 Publisher: Chicago University of Chicago Press

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In the 1980's and 1990's successive United Kingdom governments enacted a series of reforms to establish a more market-oriented economy, closer to the American model and further away from its Western European competitors. Today, the United Kingdom is one of the least regulated economies in the world, marked by transformed welfare and industrial relations systems and broad privatization. Virtually every industry and government program has been affected by the reforms, from hospitals and schools to labor unions and jobless benefit programs. Seeking a Premier Economy focuses on the labor and product market reforms that directly impacted productivity, employment, and inequality. The questions asked are provocative: How did the United Kingdom manage to stave off falling earnings for lower paid workers? What role did the reforms play in rising income inequality and trends in poverty? At the same time, what reforms also contributed to reduced unemployment and the accelerated growth of real wages? The comparative microeconomic approach of this book yields the most credible evaluation possible, focusing on closely associated outcomes of particular reforms for individuals, firms, and sectors.

Wage Determination and Incomes Policy in Open Economies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0939934752 1462301703 9786613719720 1455257834 1455297100 128087841X 9781455297108 9781280878411 9780939934751 Year: 1986 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Written by Anne Romanis Braun, a former staff member of the IMF's Research Department, this volume deals with the nature of wage determination and the problem of securing an economically appropriate development of money incomes in an open economy over the medium term.


Wage formation --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Wage-price policy --- Wages --- Prix et salaires, Politique des --- Politique salariale --- Government policy --- Business & Economics --- Labor & Workers' Economics --- AA / International- internationaal --- 332.20 --- 332.221 --- 332.27 --- 339.21 --- Bezoldiging van de arbeid: algemeenheden. --- Indexering van de lonen. Glijdende loonschaal. --- Loonpolitiek. --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid. --- Incomes policy --- Jawboning --- Price-wage policy --- Wage-price controls --- Wage-price guidelines --- Compensation --- Departmental salaries --- Earnings --- Pay --- Remuneration --- Salaries --- Wage-fund --- Wage rates --- Working class --- Income --- Labor costs --- Compensation management --- Cost and standard of living --- Prices --- Anti-inflationary policies --- Economic policy --- Bezoldiging van de arbeid: algemeenheden --- Indexering van de lonen. Glijdende loonschaal --- Loonpolitiek --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid --- E-books --- Loonvorming --- Economische politiek en planning (algemeen) --- Wages - Government policy - Europe --- Wage-price policy - Europe --- Foreign Exchange --- Inflation --- Labor --- Macroeconomics --- Production and Operations Management --- Money and Monetary Policy --- Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs: General --- Price Level --- Deflation --- Aggregate Factor Income Distribution --- Employment --- Unemployment --- Intergenerational Income Distribution --- Aggregate Human Capital --- Aggregate Labor Productivity --- Labor Economics: General --- Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search --- Labour --- income economics --- Currency --- Foreign exchange --- Monetary economics --- Wage adjustments --- National accounts --- Economic theory --- Labor economics --- United States --- Income economics

Monopsony in Motion
ISBN: 0691123284 1306142733 0691113122 1400850673 9780691123288 9781400850679 9780691113128 Year: 2013 Publisher: Princeton, NJ

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What happens if an employer cuts wages by one cent? Much of labor economics is built on the assumption that all the workers will quit immediately. Here, Alan Manning mounts a systematic challenge to the standard model of perfect competition. Monopsony in Motion stands apart by analyzing labor markets from the real-world perspective that employers have significant market (or monopsony) power over their workers. Arguing that this power derives from frictions in the labor market that make it time-consuming and costly for workers to change jobs, Manning re-examines much of labor economics based on this alternative and equally plausible assumption. The book addresses the theoretical implications of monopsony and presents a wealth of empirical evidence. Our understanding of the distribution of wages, unemployment, and human capital can all be improved by recognizing that employers have some monopsony power over their workers. Also considered are policy issues including the minimum wage, equal pay legislation, and caps on working hours. In a monopsonistic labor market, concludes Manning, the "free" market can no longer be sustained as an ideal and labor economists need to be more open-minded in their evaluation of labor market policies. Monopsony in Motion will represent for some a new fundamental text in the advanced study of labor economics, and for others, an invaluable alternative perspective that henceforth must be taken into account in any serious consideration of the subject.


Monopsonies --- #SBIB:316.334.2A340 --- 332.0 --- arbeid, vrouwen --- Arbeidssociologie: ongelijkheden op de arbeidsmarkt: algemeen --- Arbeid en arbeiders. Algemeenheden. Algemene werken en handboeken. --- Competition --- Labor economics --- Labor market --- Wages --- #SBIB:316.334.2A320 --- 332.10 --- 332.20 --- 332.620 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 331.5 --- Buyers' monopolies --- Industrial concentration --- Monopolies --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Economics --- 331.5 Arbeidsmarkt. Werkgelegenheid --(algemeen) --- Arbeidsmarkt. Werkgelegenheid --(algemeen) --- Mathematical models --- Arbeidssociologie: morfologie van de arbeidsmarkt --- Arbeid en arbeiders. Algemeenheden. Algemene werken en handboeken --- Betrekkingen tussen werkgevers en werknemers. Organisatie van de arbeidsverhoudingen in de industrie: algemeenheden --- Bezoldiging van de arbeid: algemeenheden --- Werkloosheid: algemeenheden. Philipscurve --- Supply and demand --- Labour market --- Betrekkingen tussen werkgevers en werknemers. Organisatie van de arbeidsverhoudingen in de industrie: algemeenheden. --- E-books --- Mathematical models. --- Labor market - Mathematical models. --- Wages - Mathematical models. --- Labor economics - Mathematical models. --- Monopsonies - Mathematical models. --- Competition - Mathematical models. --- Labor market - United States - Mathematical models. --- Labor market - Great Britain - Mathematical models. --- Marché du travail --- Salaires --- Economie du travail --- Concurrence --- Monopsones --- modèles mathématiques

Work inequalities in the crisis : evidence from Europe
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9221248852 9221248860 9789221248866 9780857937513 0857937510 0857937502 9780857937506 9789221248859 1283457652 9786613457653 Year: 2011 Publisher: Cheltenham, U.K. : Geneva : Edward Elgar ; International Labour Office,

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Work Inequalities in the Crisis provides an in-depth overview of the effects of the crisis on inequalities in the world of work. It examines these inequalities multi-dimensionally, looking at employment, wages and incomes, working conditions and social dialogue. At the same time, it investigates whether the crisis may halt the progress made in Europe towards better quality jobs and working conditions. This book offers a unique combination of research, case studies and policy discussions. An assessment of national trends in 30 European countries and 14 country case studies by noted European spe


Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009. --- Labor market -- Europe. --- Manpower policy -- Europe. --- Work --- Industry (Psychology) --- Method of work --- Work, Method of --- Human behavior --- Labor --- Occupations --- Work-life balance --- E-books --- Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 --- Labor market --- Manpower policy --- 332.20 --- 332.621.5 --- 332.691 --- 332.80 --- 332.830 --- BG / Bulgaria - Bulgarije - Bulgarie --- DE / Germany - Duitsland - Allemagne --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- EE / Estonia - Estland - Estonie --- ES / Spain - Spanje - Espagne --- FR / France - Frankrijk --- GB / United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Royaume Uni --- HR / Croatia - Kroatië - Croatie --- HU / Hungary - Hongarije - Hongrie --- IT / Italy - Italië - Italie --- LT / Lithuania - Litouwen - Lituanie --- LV / Latvia - Letland - Lettonie --- NL / Netherlands - Nederland - Pays Bas --- SE / Sweden - Zweden - Suede --- TR / Turkey - Turkije - Turquie --- Global Economic Crisis, 2008-2009 --- Subprime Mortgage Crisis, 2008-2009 --- Financial crises --- Bezoldiging van de arbeid: algemeenheden --- Cyclische werkloosheid --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt --- Diverse arbeidsaangelegenheden: algemeen --- Economisch leven van de arbeiders: algemeenheden. Arbeidersbudget --- Labour market --- Europe --- Discrimination in employment. --- Labor market. --- Sex discrimination against men. --- Sex discrimination against women. --- Business & Economics --- Labor & Workers' Economics --- Labor policy

Uw verdiende loon : Wat is loon? Wie verdient wat in Vlaanderen? En hoe kan u uw eigen loon doen stijgen?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789089311726 Year: 2010 Publisher: Gent Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

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097 Personeelsbeleid --- 131 Arbeidsrecht --- loonkloof --- extralegale voordelen --- bedrijfswagen --- salaires --- loonbeleid --- vlaanderen --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- VL / Flanders - Vlaams Gewest - Région Flamande --- 332.10 --- 332.20 --- 339.234 --- 339.235 --- 339.236 --- BPB1012 --- Salaire --- Communauté flamande --- lonen --- politique des salaires --- flandre --- Betrekkingen tussen werkgevers en werknemers. Organisatie van de arbeidsverhoudingen in de industrie: algemeenheden. --- Bezoldiging van de arbeid: algemeenheden. --- Inkomens van de arbeiders (verdeling van de vermogens). --- Inkomens van bedienden, kaderleden en ambtenaren. --- Inkomens van de vrije beroepen. --- Loon --- Vlaamse Gemeenschap --- flämische Gemeinschaft --- Komuniteti Flaman --- Komunità Fjamminga --- flaamikeelne kogukond --- flámska komunita --- Comunità fiamminga --- wspólnota flamandzka --- Flāmu kopiena --- Flemish Community --- flamanska zajednica --- comunidade flamenga --- flanderská oblast --- Comunitatea Flamandă --- flamandų bendruomenė --- фламандска общност --- flamländskt språkområde --- flamand közösség --- Comunidad flamenca de Bélgica --- Φλαμανδική Κοινότητα --- flaaminkielinen yhteisö --- фламанска заједница --- фламанска заедница --- Flamska skupnost --- det flamske sprogsamfund --- Belgium flamand közössége --- Flaami kogukond --- заплащане --- плата --- plată --- pagë --- díjazás --- loon --- lön --- plača --- palkka --- løn --- plaća --- darbo užmokestis --- salario --- płaca --- mzda --- μισθός --- salário --- pay --- paga --- Lohn und Gehalt --- palk --- atalgojums --- bezoldiging --- laika alga --- jornal --- salary --- entrata lorda --- sueldo --- bér --- gage --- výplaty --- záloha na mzdu --- lønning --- osobni dohodak --- nómina --- Entgelt --- mzdový základ --- alga --- tasu --- hyvitys --- Bezüge --- salariu --- plat --- atlīdzība --- avlöning --- výplatní páska --- remuneration --- remunerazione --- Gehalt --- надница --- ημερομίσθιο --- mēnešalga --- личен доход --- надомест за труд --- remunerație --- заработка --- traitement (salaire) --- rémunération --- ansio --- trattamento salariale --- Besoldung --- lefuri --- atlyginimas --- löneutbetalning --- wages --- remuneração --- výdělek --- remunerácia --- rroga --- μισθός υπαλλήλου --- samaksa --- stipendio --- salaris --- Verdienst --- Vergütung --- aflønning --- nadnica --- retribuzione --- illetmény --- ersättning för utfört arbete --- paie --- Dienstbezüge --- massa salariale --- remuneración --- лични доходак --- paye --- wedde --- αποδοχές --- töötasu --- vencimento --- Betrekkingen tussen werkgevers en werknemers. Organisatie van de arbeidsverhoudingen in de industrie: algemeenheden --- Bezoldiging van de arbeid: algemeenheden --- Inkomens van de arbeiders (verdeling van de vermogens) --- Inkomens van bedienden, kaderleden en ambtenaren --- Inkomens van de vrije beroepen --- An Pobal Pléimeannach --- --- Communauté flamande

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