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Mae'r llyfr hwn yn cyflwyno ymchwiliad manwl a systematig ar adrodd am dlodi yng Nghymru, gan drafod canfyddiadau prosiect ymchwil dwy flynedd o hyd a ariannwyd gan 'Exploring the Narrative Coalition' grwp o 10 sefydliad trydydd sector sydd wedi'u lleoli yng Nghymru. yr ESRC a Phrifysgol Caerdydd. Gan archwilio sut y mae newyddion am dlodi yn cael sylw gan newyddion darlledu, print ac ar-lein yn Saesneg ac yn Gymraeg, mae'n rhoi dealltwriaeth manwl o arferion presennol newyddiaduraeth a chyfathrebu ar fater hollbwysig sy'n wynebu Cymru. Yn sgil degawd o bolisïau cyni, gyda mesurau swyddogol yn cadarnhau bod profiadau o dlodi ac amddifadedd ar gynnydd, mae'r llyfr yn cynnig ymyriad amserol, gan ymchwilio'n feirniadol i naratifau'r cyfryngau prif ffrwd ar dlodi a sut y maent yn cael eu siapio. Mae'r llyfr hwn yn seiliedig ar ymchwil gwreiddiol a gynhaliwyd rhwng 2016-7, yn ystod cyfnod helbulus sy'n cynnwys argyfwng Tata Steel ym Mhort Talbot. De Cymru, etholiadau Llywodraeth Cymru ac ymgyrch refferendwm am aelodaeth y DU o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Mae'n ymdrin â sut y cafodd tlodi ei fframio ynghanol newyddion o bwys cenedlaethol ynghylch gwleidyddiaeth, busnes ac economi yn ogystal â straeon mwy lleol, personol neu o bwys i'r gymuned ynghylch bywoliaeth a materion cymdeithasol. Mae dadansoddiad meintiol o nodweddion allweddol yr ymdriniaethau ar draws mathau o gyfryngau gwahanol yn cynnig sylfaen dystiolaeth manwl ar gyfer deall sut y cafodd newyddion ynghylch tlodi ei gynrychioli. Mae hyn yn cynnwys edrych ar y themâu cyd-destunoli mawr, grwpiau cymdeithasol a lleoliadau daearyddol sy'n cael sylw yn aml, achosion a chanlyniadau tlodi, a chyrchu gwybodaeth. Mae'n arddangos sut mae'r cyfryngau yng Nghymru yn ymateb yn wahanol i'r adroddiadau mwy negyddol sy'n nodweddiadol o rai adrannau gwasg genedlaethol y DU, yn enwedig o ran disgyrsiau sy'n achosi stigma ynghylch diweithdra a lles. Serch hynny, ceir cwestiynau pwysig eu codi ynghylch sut mae naratifau newyddion yn cyfleu ystyr ac yn enwedig y datgysylltiad rhwng y sylw a roddir i dueddiadau neu ddigwyddiadau macro-economaidd a'u heffaith ar fywydau pobl gyffredin. Yn ogystal, mae'r llyfr yn archwilio pam fod y sylw a roddir i newyddion am dlodi yn cael ei lunio fel ag y mae, gan ddefnyddio canfyddiadau cyfweliadau manwl gyda newyddiadurwyr a golygyddion am eu harferion. Drwy olwg gwerthoedd a phrofiadau proffesiynol, mae'r llyfr yn ymchwilio'r heriau sy'n debygol o effeithio ar adrodd am dlodi. Ymhlith y materion allweddol mae defnyddio adnoddau ac arbenigedd arbenigol a ddyrennir i newyddiaduraeth materion cymdeithasol, yr anawsterau o ran adnabod a chyrraedd o bosibl grwpiau agored i niwed ledled Cymru a chynrychioli astudiaethau achos yn deg ac yn foesegol. Cynhaliwyd set o gyfweliadau gyda gweithwyr trydydd sector proffesiynol ynghylch eu hymgysylltiad gydag arferion y cyfryngau newyddion a chysylltiadau. Maent yn cynnig mwy o wybodaeth am sut y caiff newyddion am dlodi ei lunio. Yma, ystyrir y pwysau o ran adrodd am dlodi o bersbectif gwahanol, lle gall ceisio dylanwadu sylw tlodi yn y wasg ac ymateb i ofynion newyddion greu tensiynau proffesiynol rhwng newyddiadurwyr a'r trydydd sector a/neu perthnasau cydweithredol cynhyrchiol positif sy'n effeithio ar naratifau'r newyddion. Drwy gynnig llun manwl o sut a pham mae naratifau newyddion tlodi wedi'u siapio fel ag y maent, mae'r llyfr yn bwriadu creu sail dystiolaeth fydd yn llywio'r gwaith o adrodd am dlodi yn fwy cywir, cynrychioladol ac ystyrlon yng Nghymru.
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Many of us, particularly young consumers, are constantly connected online and increasingly informed by digital media. For the first time, Australians’ use of online news has surpassed traditional offline news sources. In this confusing age of misinformation, how do we make sense of media messages? Media literacy and education are essential tools; we need to be able to tell fact from fiction in news that is rapidly and pervasively generated by multiple sources via websites and digital platforms, including social media. This book is a timely guide aimed at teachers and students, featuring expert advice on how to promote the necessary skills to access, understand, question, critically analyse and evaluate digital media. If we are to be well-informed and entertained by online content, it is important that we understand the news media environment and our engagement with it, in all of its factual, social and ethical dimensions. How is ‘fake news’ spread, and how can you detect it? What sources should you trust, and why?
Mass communications --- kritisch denken --- mediawijsheid --- online nieuwsmedia --- informatievaardigheden --- Media literacy --- Broadcast journalism. --- Mass media --- Broadcast journalism
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The business of journalism is in the midst of massive change. Managing Today's News Media: Audience First offers practical solutions on how to cope with and adapt to the evolving media landscape. News media experts Samir Husni, Debora Halpern Wenger, and Hank Price introduce a forward-looking framework for understanding why change is occurring and what it means to the business of journalism. Central to this new paradigm is a focus on the audience. The authors introduce "The 4Cs Strategy" to describe how customers, control, choice, and change are all part of a strategy for successful media organizations. Every chapter in the book relates to one or more of these four key principles: * Customer - Each platform must offer a unique experience to the customer. ...
Broadcast journalism --- Television viewers --- Journalisme de télévision --- Téléspectateurs --- Journalisme de télévision. --- Téléspectateurs. --- Broadcast journalism. --- Television viewers. --- Journalisme de télévision. --- Téléspectateurs.
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Incredibly comprehensive. Learn and understand this lot and you will have a fine grasp' Jon Snow'This sets the standard for every radio newsroom' - Andy Ivy, Editor, Sky News Radio In an age of infinite choice made possible by new technology, and a disturbing move away from traditional reporting into colourful comment and speculation by blogs and 'citizen journalists' there has never been a better time to focus on pure journalism skills. Essential Radio Journalism is a vastly comprehensive working manual for radio journalists as well as a textbook for broadcast journalism students. It contains
Journalism. --- Radio journalism -- Great Britain. --- Radio journalism -- Vocational guidance -- Great Britain. --- Radio journalism. --- Journalism & Communications --- Journalism --- Radio journalism --- Vocational guidance --- Radio broadcasting of news --- Radio news --- Broadcast journalism --- Radio broadcasting
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At a rate never before seen in American history, young adults are abandoning serious news. Exploring the reasons behind the problem and the consequences to American society, David T.Z. Mindich speaks directly to young people to discover why some tune in while others tune out.
#SBIB:309H401 --- #SBIB:303H14 --- US / United States of America - USA - Verenigde Staten - Etats Unis --- 203 --- 384.6 --- 45 --- Publieksgroepen in de verschillende media (pers, omroep, film, boekenindustrie, ...): gebruikersgroepen, gebruikersonderzoek --- Methoden en technieken van de communicatiewetenschap --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie). --- Pers. --- Opvoeding, opvoedkunde. --- Newspaper reading. --- Television and reading --- Broadcast journalism. --- Mass media and youth. --- Press --- Youth --- Influence. --- Books and reading. --- Broadcast journalism --- Mass media and youth --- Newspaper reading --- Books and reading --- Reading --- Newspapers, Reading of --- Reading of newspapers --- Journalism --- Newspapers --- Newspapers in education --- Reading interests --- Youth and mass media --- Broadcast news --- News broadcasting --- Broadcasting --- Influence --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie) --- Pers --- Opvoeding, opvoedkunde
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Television has changed drastically in the Soviet Union over the last two decades. Ellen Mickiewicz's compelling volume challenges us to consider how television has become Mikhail Gorbachev's most powerful instrument for paving the way for major reform. Offering an insider's view into the world seen on Soviet TV, Mickiewicz explores the changes in programming that have occurred as a result of glasnost. Containing a wealth of interviews with major Soviet and American media figures and eye-opening accounts of Soviet TV shows, 'Split Signals' also compares over one hundred hours of Soviet and American television news programs broadcast during both the Chernenko and Gorbachev governments.
Television and politics. --- Television broadcasting. --- Television broadcasting of news. --- Television broadcasting of news - Soviet Union. --- Television broadcasting of news --- Television broadcasting --- Television and politics --- Journalism & Communications --- Journalism --- Politics and television --- Political science --- Television coverage of news --- Television journalism --- Television news --- Broadcast journalism --- Social aspects --- Political aspects --- News --- Soviet Union --- Politics and government --- Telecasting --- Television --- Television industry --- Broadcasting --- Mass media
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Journalism, television, cable, and online media are all evolving rapidly. At the nexus of these volatile industries is a growing group of individuals and firms whose job it is to develop and maintain online distribution channels for television news programming. Their work, and the tensions surrounding it, provide a fulcrum from which to pry analytically at some of the largest shifts within our media landscape. Based on fieldwork and interviews with different teams and organizations within MSNBC, this multi-disciplinary work is unique in its focus on distribution, which is rapidly becoming as central as production, to media work.
Online journalism --- Television broadcasting of news --- Marketing channel --- Television broadcasting --- Television coverage of news --- Television journalism --- Television news --- Broadcast journalism --- Electronic journalism --- Internet journalism --- Journalism --- Digital media --- Social aspects. --- News --- Marketing channels --- Channels, Marketing --- Channels of distribution --- Distribution channels --- Gray market --- Physical distribution of goods --- Social aspects --- Marketing&delete& --- E-books --- Journalisme en ligne --- Téléjournaux --- Circuits de distribution --- Aspect social --- Marketing
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Bad News for Refugees analyses the political, economic and environmental contexts of migration and looks specifically at how refugees and asylum seekers have been stigmatised in political rhetoric and in media coverage. Through forensic research it shows how hysterical and inaccurate media accounts act to legitimise political action which can have terrible consequences both on the lives of refugees and also on established migrant communities. Based on new research by the renowned Glasgow Media Group, Bad News for Refugees is essential reading for those concerned with the negative effects of media on public understanding and for the safety of vulnerable groups and communities in our society.
Refugees --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Displaced persons --- Refugees in mass media. --- Mass media and public opinion. --- Political refugees --- Mass media and immigrants --- Television broadcasting of news --- Government policy --- Public opinion and mass media --- Immigrants and mass media --- Asylum seekers --- Refugees, Political --- Television broadcasting of news. --- #SBIB:309H1024 --- #SBIB:309H1025 --- #SBIB:39A6 --- Television broadcasting --- Television coverage of news --- Television journalism --- Television news --- Government policy. --- Mediaboodschappen met een ideologische en spiegelfunctie (beeld vrouw, migranten …) --- Mediaboodschappen met een informatieve functie --- Etniciteit / Migratiebeleid en -problemen --- News --- Persons --- Aliens --- Deportees --- Exiles --- Public opinion --- Immigrants --- Broadcast journalism --- Refugees in mass media --- Mass media and public opinion
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