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Europe 2000
ISBN: 0715609874 0715609882 9780715609873 Year: 1980 Publisher: London Duckworth

Les marchés publics dans la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9050624456 Year: 2001 Volume: 9 Publisher: Bruxelles Kluwer

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Actes relatifs à l'adhésion de la république d'Autriche, de la république de Finlande et du royaume de Suède à l'Union européenne.
ISBN: 9282410641 9282411109 9282411818 9282412415 928241406X 9282416623 9789282416624 9789282414064 Year: 1996 Publisher: Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes,

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European Union. --- European federation --- ce --- droit communautaire --- traités internationaux --- Treaty on European Union --- 341.2422 --- Federation of Europe --- Pan Europa movement --- Paneuropean federation --- United States of Europe (Proposed) --- Federal government --- Regionalism (International organization) --- eg --- gemeenschapsrecht --- internationale verdragen --- Fördrag om Europeiska unionen --- Maastricht-traktaten --- Maastricht Treaty --- Maastricht Treaty on European Union --- Maastrichtin sopimus --- Perjanjian Maastricht --- Sopimus Euroopan Unionista --- Synthēkē tou Maastricht --- TEU --- Traité de Maastricht --- Traktat o Unii Europejskiej --- Traktat on den Europæiske Union --- Tratado da União Europeia --- Tratado de la Union Europea --- Tratado de Maastricht --- Trattato di Maastricht sull'Unione Europea --- Treaty of Maastricht --- Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie --- Vertrag über die Europäische Union --- Vertrag von Maastricht --- Europe --- Economic integration. --- AA / International- internationaal --- 334.150.0 --- 341.242 --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden. --- Handelsakkoorden. Douaneovereenkomsten. Economische gemeenschappen. --- traités internationauxgemeenschapsrecht --- Foreign trade policy --- Law of treaties --- Treaties --- Traités --- European Union --- Law --- Droit --- Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community --- Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community --- Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community --- 337.9 (4) --- union européenne --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap - EEG (zie ook 341.176 (4), etc.) (zie 337.9 EU) --- europese unie --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden --- Handelsakkoorden. Douaneovereenkomsten. Economische gemeenschappen --- Traités; accords et conventions intracommunautaires

Le dernier carré : les charbonniers belges, libres entrepreneurs face à la CECA (1950 - 1959).
ISSN: 09442294 ISBN: 9789052015743 9052015740 Year: 2010 Volume: 51 Publisher: Bruxelles Lang

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Fuels --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- Mining industry --- European Coal and Steel Community --- anno 1950-1959 --- Coal trade --- Belgium --- Charbon --- Belgique --- History --- Foreign economic relations --- Industrie --- Histoire --- Relations économiques extérieures --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 331.19 --- 334.150.4 --- 338.733 --- BPB1012 --- Charbonnage --- CECA --- Geschiedkundige en andere inlichtingen over industriële, financiële en handelsondernemingen. --- Europese gemeenschappen. EEG. EGKS. EGA. --- Steenkool. Steenkoolhoudende mineralen. Vaste brandstoffen. --- Steenkoolwinplaats --- België --- EGKS --- Kohlenindustrie --- Kohlepolitik --- History. --- Geschichte 1950-1959. --- Belgien --- Kohlenindustrie. --- Kohlepolitik. --- Belgien. --- Relations économiques extérieures --- Coal industry --- Fuel trade --- Geschiedkundige en andere inlichtingen over industriële, financiële en handelsondernemingen --- Europese gemeenschappen. EEG. EGKS. EGA --- Steenkool. Steenkoolhoudende mineralen. Vaste brandstoffen --- European coal and steel community --- ECSC --- Coal mines and mining --- 1950-1967 --- 20th century --- Mines and mineral resources --- extração de carvão --- szénbányászat --- minería del carbón --- imminar tal-faħam --- steenkoolwinplaats --- těžba uhlí --- coal mining --- вадење јаглен --- nxjerrje e qymyrgurit --- akmens anglių gavyba --- ogļu ieguve --- ťažba uhlia --- добив на въглища --- копање угља --- kolgruvedrift --- ugljeno rudarstvo --- miniera di carbone --- górnictwo węglowe --- Kohlenbergbau --- söe kaevandamine --- hiilenlouhinta --- kulminedrift --- mină de cărbuni --- ανθρακωρυχείο --- pridobivanje premoga --- karjers --- ogļraktuves --- Kohlenrevier --- uhoľná jama --- uhoľné pole --- uhoľná panva --- окно --- hiilikenttä --- Steinkohlenförderung --- mina de carvão --- uhelná pánev --- kulbrydning --- rudnik ugljena --- bacino minerario --- ανθρακοφόρος περιοχή --- minë qymyrguri --- kolbrytning --- ugljenokop --- nalazište ugljena --- bányamező --- bassin minier --- zăcăminte de cărbuni --- Kohlenabbau --- akmens anglių telkinys --- pus miniere --- Kohlenzeche --- λιγνιτωρυχεία --- Steinkohlengrube --- Bergbaurevier --- fushë qymyrguri --- giacimento di carbon fossile --- steenkolenbekken --- extracção de carvão --- colliery --- exploração de minas de carvão --- houillère --- наоѓалиште на јаглен --- cuenca minera --- söekaevandus --- uhoľná baňa --- pit --- šachta --- kolenbekken --- јагленокоп --- stenkulsbrud --- akmeņogļu atradnes --- coal field --- jáma --- explotación carbonera --- kulbækken --- exploitation charbonnière --- kulbassin --- minierë qymyrguri --- mina hullera --- akmens anglių šachta --- Kohlenförderung --- steenkolenmijn --- szénbánya --- coal mine --- söeväli --- akmens anglių kasykla --- vađenje ugljena --- Steinkohlenbergwerk --- kivisöekaevandus --- uhelný důl --- aknamező --- stenkolsgruva --- hiilikaivos --- Comunitatea Europeană a Cărbunelui și Oțelului --- KEQÇ --- ΕΚΑΧ --- Europos anglių ir plieno bendrija --- ЕЗУЧ --- Evropské společenství uhlí a oceli --- Европейско обединение за въглища и стомана --- EKSG --- Europska zajednica za ugljen i čelik --- EHTY --- Европска заедница за јаглен и челик --- ESZAK --- ESTÜ --- ESUO --- EKSF --- ESPJ --- KEFA --- EWWS --- EOTK --- Hohe Behörde --- Alta Autoridade --- Comunità europea del carbone e dell'acciaio --- Советодавен комитет на ЕЗЈЧ --- vysoký orgán --- Főhatóság --- Comité consultatif CECA --- komiteti konsultativ i KEQÇ-së --- Komuniteti Europian i Qymyrgurit dhe Çelikut --- ESZAK Konzultatív Bizottság --- EAPB --- EHTY:n neuvoa-antava komitea --- Raadgevend Comité EGKS --- Consultative Committee of the ECSC --- Ülemamet --- ESTÜ nõuandekomitee --- korkea viranomainen --- ECSC consultative committee --- Hoge Autoriteit --- Haute-Autorité --- Európske spoločenstvo uhlia a ocele --- EAPB konsultacinis komitetas --- Den Høje Myndighed --- High Authority --- ЕЦСЦ --- Aukščiausioji valdžia --- Alta Autoridad --- Augstā iestāde --- Comité Consultivo CECA --- Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal --- Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα Άνθρακα και Χάλυβα --- Euroopa Söe- ja Teraseühendus --- az ESZAK Konzultatív Bizottsága --- Höga myndigheten --- Beratender Ausschuss EGKS --- Europeiska kol- och stålgemenskapen --- Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl --- Alta Autorità --- Det Rådgivende Udvalg for EKSF --- Eiropas Ogļu un tērauda kopiena --- ESUO konzultačný výbor --- Европска заједница за угаљ и челик --- Det Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab --- Európai Szén- és Acélközösség --- Συμβουλευτική Επιτροπή ΕΚΑΧ --- EZUČ --- comitetul consultativ ceco --- Comitato consultivo CECA --- Comunidade Europeia do Carvão e do Aço --- Konzultačný výbor ESUO --- EOTK padomdevēja komiteja --- Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier --- Euroopan hiili- ja teräsyhteisö --- Ανωτάτη Αρχή --- Autoritet i Lartë --- Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero --- EKSG:s rådgivande kommitté --- ЕЗЈЧ --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- CEGC --- mianadóireacht guail --- Coal trade - Belgium - History - 20th century --- Montan-Union --- --Belgique --- Industrie et commerce --- 1945-1970 --- Europe

La Cour de justice, les actes des institutions
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2800410787 9782800410784 Year: 1993 Volume: 10 Publisher: Bruxelles : Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles,

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Communautés européennes --- Droit international --- Europese Gemeenschappen --- Internationaal recht --- Law --- Droit --- Court of Justice of the European Communities --- Culture --- Sante publique --- Consommateurs --- Recherche --- Infrastructure (Economie politique) --- Politique energetique --- Environnement --- Procedure (droit europeen) --- Droit europeen. --- Economic assistance, European --- Freedom of movement --- Labor mobility --- Capital movements --- International and municipal law --- Protection --- Law and legislation --- European Union countries --- Foreign relations --- 341.645.542 --- 341.17 EC --- AA / International- internationaal --- 334.151.3 --- 334.154.0 --- T10 Megret --- -347.02094 --- Uf4 --- Ue2 --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. EC Hof van Justitie.Europese Hof van Justitie eerste aanleg. --- Europese Gemeenschappen--EC --- EG : begrotings- en belastingpolitiek. --- Gemeenschapsrecht. Integratie van de wetgeving: algemeenheden. --- Court of Justice of the European Communities. --- Cour de justice des communautés européennes --- Gerichtshof der Europäischen Gemeinschaften --- Corte di giustizia delle comunità europee --- Dikastērion tēs Europaikēs Oikonomikēs Koinotētos --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen --- Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas --- GHEG --- European Atomic Energy Community. --- European Economic Community. --- European Court of Justice --- Europäischer Gerichtshof --- Curtea de Justiție a Comunităților Europene --- Ōshū Shihō Saibansho --- G.H.E.G. --- Tribunal de Justiça das Comunidades Europeias --- Sud evropeĭskikh soobshchestv --- Avrupa Toplulukları Adalet Divanı --- Tribunal de Justiça das Comunidades --- Curia Communitatum Europaearum --- Eurōpaiko Dikastērio --- Dikastērio Eurōpaikōn Koinotētōn --- DEK --- EuGH --- ECJ --- D.E.K. --- Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości --- ETS --- Dikastērio tōn Eurōpaikōn Koinotētōn --- CEJ --- European Union. --- European Coal and Steel Community. --- Court of Justice of the European Union --- 341.17 EC Europese Gemeenschappen--EC --- 341.645.542 Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. EC Hof van Justitie.Europese Hof van Justitie eerste aanleg. --- Európai Bíróság --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. EC Hof van Justitie.Europese Hof van Justitie eerste aanleg --- EG : begrotings- en belastingpolitiek --- Gemeenschapsrecht. Integratie van de wetgeving: algemeenheden --- Law - European Economic Community countries. --- Culture - Droit - Pays de l'Union européenne. --- Sante publique - Droit - Pays de l'Union européenne. --- Consommateurs - Protection - Droit - Pays de l'Union européenne. --- Recherche - Droit - Pays de l'Union européenne. --- Infrastructure (Economie politique) - Pays de l'Union européenne. --- Politique energetique - Droit - Pays de l'Union européenne. --- Environnement - Droit - Pays de l'Union européenne. --- Economic assistance, European - Developing countries. --- Freedom of movement - European Union countries. --- Labor mobility - European Union countries. --- Capital movements - Law and legislation - European Union countries. --- International and municipal law - European Union countries. --- Acqui 2006 --- European Union countries - Foreign relations --- -Court of Justice of the European Communities.

La responsabilité des Etats membres en cas de violation du droit communautaire : études de droit communautaire et de droit national comparé
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2802710176 9782802710172 Year: 1997 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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Aansprakelijkheid [Staats] --- Aansprakelijkheid van de staat (Internationaal recht) --- Government liability (International law) --- International claims --- Responsabilité de l'état (Droit international) --- Staat [Aansprakelijkheid van de ] (Internationaal recht) --- Government liability --- International and municipal law --- Etat --- Droit international et droit interne --- Comparative studies --- Responsabilité --- Etudes comparatives --- 341.17 EU*1 --- #A9705A --- droit communautaire --- droit compare --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- 334.152.0 --- 334.154.0 --- 342.2 --- 13.21 --- Verhouding Gemeenschapsrecht (recht van de Unie) en nationaal recht-- vv n-{341.17 EC*1} vanaf 1995--EU*1 --- gemeenschapsrecht --- vergelijkend recht --- Betrekkingen tussen de Europese Gemeenschappen en de lidstaten: algemeenheden. --- Gemeenschapsrecht. Integratie van de wetgeving: algemeenheden. --- Staat in publiek recht. Persoonlijkheid van de Staat. Centralisatie of decentralisatie van de regering en van de administratie. Lokale autonomie. --- Wettelijke en contractuele aansprakelijkheid ; Overheid ; Ambtenaren --- 341.17 EU*1 Verhouding Gemeenschapsrecht (recht van de Unie) en nationaal recht-- vv n-{341.17 EC*1} vanaf 1995--EU*1 --- Responsabilité --- Betrekkingen tussen de Europese Gemeenschappen en de lidstaten: algemeenheden --- Gemeenschapsrecht. Integratie van de wetgeving: algemeenheden --- Staat in publiek recht. Persoonlijkheid van de Staat. Centralisatie of decentralisatie van de regering en van de administratie. Lokale autonomie --- Court of Justice of the European Communities. --- Cour de justice des communautés européennes --- Gerichtshof der Europäischen Gemeinschaften --- Corte di giustizia delle comunità europee --- Dikastērion tēs Europaikēs Oikonomikēs Koinotētos --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen --- Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas --- GHEG --- European Atomic Energy Community. --- European Economic Community. --- European Court of Justice --- Europäischer Gerichtshof --- Curtea de Justiție a Comunităților Europene --- Ōshū Shihō Saibansho --- G.H.E.G. --- Tribunal de Justiça das Comunidades Europeias --- Sud evropeĭskikh soobshchestv --- Avrupa Toplulukları Adalet Divanı --- Tribunal de Justiça das Comunidades --- Curia Communitatum Europaearum --- Eurōpaiko Dikastērio --- Dikastērio Eurōpaikōn Koinotētōn --- DEK --- EuGH --- ECJ --- D.E.K. --- Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości --- ETS --- Dikastērio tōn Eurōpaikōn Koinotētōn --- CEJ --- European Union. --- European Coal and Steel Community. --- Court of Justice of the European Union --- International law --- European Union countries --- Comparative studies. --- Európai Bíróság --- International and municipal law - European Union countries

Les grands arrêts de la jurisprudence communautaire : Tome 2. droit communautaire des affaires. Marché intérieur. Politiques communautaires
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2247042902 Year: 2002 Publisher: Paris : Dalloz,

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340.142 EU --- 341.645.542 --- 341.645.542 Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. EC Hof van Justitie.Europese Hof van Justitie eerste aanleg. --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. EC Hof van Justitie.Europese Hof van Justitie eerste aanleg. --- 340.142 EU Rechtspraak. Jurisprudentie--EU --- Rechtspraak. Jurisprudentie--EU --- 348.04 --- Ud4.1.h --- Law --- European Union --- Union européenne --- Digests --- Droit --- Jurisprudence --- Répertoires --- Court of Justice of the European Communities --- Court of Justice of the European Communities. --- AA / International- internationaal --- 334.150.3 --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. --- Cour de justice des communautés européennes --- Gerichtshof der Europäischen Gemeinschaften --- Corte di giustizia delle comunità europee --- Dikastērion tēs Europaikēs Oikonomikēs Koinotētos --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen --- Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas --- GHEG --- European Atomic Energy Community. --- European Economic Community. --- European Court of Justice --- Europäischer Gerichtshof --- Curtea de Justiție a Comunităților Europene --- Ōshū Shihō Saibansho --- G.H.E.G. --- Tribunal de Justiça das Comunidades Europeias --- Sud evropeĭskikh soobshchestv --- Avrupa Toplulukları Adalet Divanı --- Tribunal de Justiça das Comunidades --- Curia Communitatum Europaearum --- Eurōpaiko Dikastērio --- Dikastērio Eurōpaikōn Koinotētōn --- DEK --- EuGH --- ECJ --- D.E.K. --- Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości --- ETS --- Dikastērio tōn Eurōpaikōn Koinotētōn --- CEJ --- European Union. --- Európai Bíróság --- European Coal and Steel Community. --- Court of Justice of the European Union --- Cases. --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. EC Hof van Justitie.Europese Hof van Justitie eerste aanleg --- COUR DE JUSTICE DES COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNES (CJCE) --- LIBRE CIRCULATION DES MARCHANDISES --- DROITS DE DOUANE --- LIBRE CIRCULATION DES TRAVAILLEURS --- DROIT EUROPEEN --- LIBRE CIRCULATION DES CAPITAUX --- DROIT EUROPEEN DE LA CONCURRENCE --- DROITS D'AUTEUR --- AGRICULTURE --- POLITIQUE AGRICOLE COMMUNE (PAC) --- POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE --- UNION EUROPEENNE --- CONTRAT DE TRAVAIL --- DROIT EUROPEEN DU TRAVAIL --- JURISPRUDENCE --- RESTRICTIONS QUANTITATIVES --- MONOPOLES --- EUROPE --- LIBERTE D'ETABLISSEMENT --- ENTENTES --- CONCENTRATION D'ENTREPRISES --- ABUS DE POSITION DOMINANTE --- DROIT FISCAL --- DROIT DES TRANSPORTS --- TARIFS --- AIDES --- POLITIQUE SOCIALE --- EGALITE DE TRAITEMENT --- EMPLOI ET FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE --- COUR DE JUSTICE

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