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ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS : a guide to integrated thinking.
ISBN: 0429348045 1000703819 9780429348044 9781000705355 1000705358 9781000704587 1000704580 9781000703818 1859466362 9781859466360 Year: 2017 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified], RIBA Publishing,

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This book is an authoritative but uniquely accessible and highly illustrated guide to good acoustic design practice for architects, interior designers and acoustic professionals. It provides a user-friendly introduction to architectural acoustics and acoustics technology where the market is crowded with dense and technical texts. It will go through each typology in turn explaining the key acoustic concepts with highly illustrated and international case studies that demonstrate cutting-edge practice and technology, innovative design techniques and common challenges and solutions.

Noise reduction techniques in electronic systems.
ISBN: 0471850683 9780471850687 Year: 1988 Publisher: New York : Wiley,

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Cabling. Grounding. Balancing and Filtering. Passive Components. Shielding. Contact Protection. Intrinsic Noise Sources. Active Device Noise. Digital Circuit Noise and Layout. Digital Circuit Radiation. Electrostatic Discharge. Appendices. Symbols.

Architectures of sound : acoustic concepts and parameters for architectural design
ISBN: 9783035613223 3035613222 9783035613292 3035613257 303561329X 3035613303 9783035613254 9783035613308 Year: 2017 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland : Birkhauser,

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Architects are used to designing visually. In order to expand their basic design tools, this book explores the interactions between sound, space, hearing, and architecture. To this end, the author uses contemporary and historic buildings and projects, but also fictional, philosophical, and theoretical approaches – the idea is not only to define sound as a source, but also as an instrument of architectural space. By introducing a metatheory of "critical hearing", designers are able to acoustically test their projects and contribute to their design with auditive input, already at the design stage. Architekten sind es gewohnt, visuell zu entwerfen. Um ihre Entwurfsgrundlagen zu erweitern, stellt dieses Buch die Zusammenhänge zwischen Klang, Raum, Hören und Architektur dar. Dafür nutzt der Autor zeitgenössische wie historische Bauten und Projekte, aber auch fiktionale, philosophische und theoretische Ansätze: schliesslich soll der Klang nicht nur als Quelle, sondern auch als Instrument des architektonischen Raums definiert werden. Durch die Einführung in eine Metatheorie des „kritischen Hörens" können die Entwerfenden ihre Projekte bereits in der Entwurfsphase akustisch prüfen und auditiv gestalten.

Acoustics and sound insulation : principles, planning, examples
ISBN: 9783764399535 3764399538 9783034614733 303461473X 1299863787 9781299863781 Year: 2009 Publisher: Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser/Edition Detail,

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Acoustics and protection against noise do not perhaps number among the primary parameters that normally influence the design of a building. Nevertheless, at the very latest when the lecturer in the seminar room cannot be heard, when the noise level in an open-plan office reaches unbearable levels, or when a neighbor's noise deprives you of sleep, it becomes clear just how essential acoustic can be to everyday well-being. it is not just concert halls or the amphitheaters of antiquity that call for acoustic quality; rather, every building, indeed every room, has an acoustic dimension that changes according to the nature of its particular requirements. This practice-oriented volume provides expert planners and architects but also interested developers with practical knowledge on the subject of acoustics in high-rise architecture, beginning with standards on methods of planning and prognosis and moving on to the areas of acoustics of rooms and architecture and noise protection in urban planning. Typologically organized chapters comment on proper approaches to the subject with examples of different types of building such as residential and office buildings, schools, kindergartens, lecture halls, event spaces, and so on, because appropriate acoustic conditions make an essential contribution to the success of a project. Schallschutz und Akustik gehören vielleicht nicht zu den primären Parametern, die den Entwurf eines Gebäudes normalerweise beeinflussen. Doch spätestens wenn man den Vortragenden im Seminarraum nicht versteht, der Geräuschpegel im Großraumbüro unerträgliche Ausmaße annimmt oder das Rumoren des Nachbars einem den Schlaf raubt, wird klar, wie wesentlich die Raumakustik zum alltäglichen Wohlbefinden beiträgt. Nicht nur Konzertsäle oder das antike Amphitheater erheben Anspruch auf akustische Qualität, sondern jedes Gebäude, sogar jeder Raum besitzt eine akustische Dimension, die je nach Funktion in ihren individuellen Anforderungen variiert. Der vorliegende Praxis-Band vermittelt allen Fachplanern, Architekten, aber auch interessierten Bauherren praxisnahe Kenntnisse zum Thema Akustik im Hochbau, angefangen von normativen Regelungen über Planungs- und Prognosemethoden bis hin zu den Bereichen Raumakustik, Bauakustik und Schallschutz im Städtebau. Typologische Kapitel erläutern beispielhaft den richtigen Umgang mit der Thematik an verschiedenen Gebäudearten wie beispielsweise Wohn- und Bürogebäuden, Schulen, Kindergärten, Hörsälen, Veranstaltungsräumen etc. , denn angemessene akustische Bedingungen tragen zum Erfolg eines Projektes massgeblich bei.

Sound materials : a compendium of sound absorbing materials for architecture and design
ISBN: 9789492311016 9492311011 Year: 2016 Publisher: Amsterdam: Frame Publishers,

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Après une première partie rassemblant les principes physiques de propagation du son, les chapitres suivants présentent les matériaux regroupés par catégories : poreux, revêtements, résonnants, micro-perforés. Des interviews d'architectes ou de designers, complètent l'ouvrage. This book is a resource for architects, designers and creative professionals -- the first publication of its kind to catalogue over 100 sound absorbing materials with full colour images paired with inspiring real-world applications. Fundamental technical concepts are clearly and concisely presented to provide a general understanding of how materials absorb sound and how these materials are commonly used to reduce noise and reverberation, inform our sense of space, and improve communication in everyday environments. This book not only surveys an extensive range of materials past, present and emerging, but also highlights many exciting opportunities for future innovation and collaboration at the intersections of acoustical engineering, materials science, design and architecture. A special chapter is devoted to interviews with leading designers and engineers who work with sound absorbing materials in a variety of novel and innovative ways.

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