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Arendt, Eichmann and the Politics of the Past offers a critical analysis of the original American debate over Hannah Arendt’s report of the trial of Adolf Eichmann. First published in 2008, Tuija Parvikko’s book discusses both the campaign against Arendt organised by American Zionist organisations and the controversy Arendt’s report caused within American Jewish intellectual circles. Parvikko’s analysis carefully draws from the historical background of the report, discussing Arendt’s early studies of Zionism and her critique of the Jewish state. The volume also gives an account of Eichmann’s capture in Argentina and the reception of the report among legal scholars and the world press.;This edition includes a new prologue in which Parvikko reflects on her own account in connection to recent academic discussions on the controversy. The author’s analysis also covers contributions that have attempted to follow Arendt’s notion of thinking without banisters. With them, Parvikko engages in debate about going beyond Arendt’s theoretical reflections on cohabitation, sharing the world, and discussing the new political evils of the present world without pregiven norms and patterns of thought.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Historiography. --- Arendt, Hannah, --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ, --- political judgement --- the politics of the past --- the Eichmann trial --- victimology --- political trial --- Hannah Arendt
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Hannah Arendt's work offers a powerful critical engagement with the cultural and philosophical crises of mid-twentieth-century Europe. Her idea of the banality of evil, made famous after her report on the trial of the Nazi war criminal, Adolf Eichmann, remains controversial to this day.In the face of 9/11 and the 'war on terror', Arendt's work on the politics of freedom and the rights of man in a democratic state are especially relevant. Her impassioned plea for the creation of a public sphere through free, critical thinking and dialogue provides a significant resource for contemporary thought.Covering her key ideas from The Origins of Totalitarianism and The Human Condition as well as some of her less well-known texts, and focussing in detail on Arendt's idea of storytelling, this guide brings Arendt's work into the twenty-first century while helping students to understand its urgent relevance for the contemporary world.
Arendt, Hannah, --- Arendt, Hannah --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ,
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Explores Arendt's understanding of method: of what political theory is its purposes and limits and how it is best undertaken. It shows that her unusual approach - which has led some to believe she fails to offer a consistent method - reflects a definite conception of and approach to political theory.
Political scientists. --- Policy scientists --- Arendt, Hannah, --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ, --- Political science --- History
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Pourquoi étudier le totalitarisme au XXIe siècle alors qu’il est un concept politique qui sert à désigner des régimes du siècle passé ? C’est à cette question que nous tâcherons de répondre dans ce travail en tentant de développer l’idée que l’intérêt de la notion de totalitarisme ne réside pas seulement dans le régime politique qu’elle tente de recouvrir, mais dans ce qu’elle traduit des conceptions du monde des auteurs qui s’en emparent. De ce fait, notre volonté dans ce travail n’est pas d’établir la définition parfaite du totalitarisme, ni de délimiter les régimes exacts auxquels ce dernier s’applique, mais de montrer que le totalitarisme n’est pas seulement un concept qui circonscrit un phénomène politique moderne inédit. Afin de travailler cette spécificité du totalitarisme, nous allons aborder la pensée de Hannah Arendt, Carl Friedrich et Raymond Aron qui ont étudié la notion de totalitarisme et qui en établissent des définitions parfois très différentes.
Totalitarisme --- Raymond Aron --- Hannah Arendt --- Carl Friedrich --- Arts & sciences humaines > Philosophie & éthique
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1 ARENDT, HANNAH --- 1 ARENDT, HANNAH Filosofie. Psychologie--ARENDT, HANNAH --- Filosofie. Psychologie--ARENDT, HANNAH --- Arendt, Hannah, --- Arendt, Hannah --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ, --- Arendt, Hannah, - 1906-1975
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‘The Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt’ offers the best contemporary work on Hannah Arendt, written by the best scholars currently working in this field. Original, authoritative and wide-ranging, the critical assessments of this volume will make it ideal for Arendt students and scholars alike.‘Anthem Companions to Sociology’ offer authoritative and comprehensive assessments of major figures in the development of sociology from the last two centuries. Covering the major advancements in sociological thought, these companions offer critical evaluations of key figures in the American and European sociological tradition, and will provide students and scholars with both an in-depth assessment of the makers of sociology and chart their relevance to modern society.
Political science --- Political sociology --- Sociology --- Arendt, Hannah, --- Arendt, Hannah --- Arendt, Hannah, - 1906-1975 --- History --- Mass political behavior --- Political behavior --- Sociological aspects --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ,
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This outstanding collection of essays explores Hannah Arendt's thought against the background of recent world-political events unfolding since September 11, 2001, and engages in a contentious dialogue with one of the greatest political thinkers of the past century, with the conviction that she remains one of our contemporaries. Themes such as moral and political equality, action, judgment and freedom are re-evaluated with fresh insights by a group of thinkers who are themselves well known for their original contributions to political thought. Other essays focus on novel and little-discussed themes in the literature by highlighting Arendt's views of sovereignty, international law and genocide, nuclear weapons and revolutions, imperialism and Eurocentrism, and her contrasting images of Europe and America. Each essay displays not only superb Arendt scholarship but also stylistic flair and analytical tenacity.
Arendt, Hannah --- Arendt, Hannah, --- Political science --- Political philosophy --- Philosophy --- Science politique --- Philosophy. --- Philosophie --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ, --- Social Sciences --- Political Science
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What is politics? How is politics different from other spheres of human life? What is behind the debasement of political life today? This book argues that the most illuminating answers to these questions have come from Hannah Arendt. Arendt held that Western philosophy has never had a 'pure concept of the political', and that political philosophers have been guided and misguided by the assumptions implicit in their metaphysical questions. Her project was 'to look at politics ... with eyes unclouded by philosophy', and to retrieve the non-theoretical understanding of politics implicit in ancient Greek literature and history. David Arndt's original and accessible study shows how Arendt reworked some of the basic concepts of political philosophy, which in turn led her to a re-interpretation of American political history and even to a profoundly original reading of the US Declaration of Independence.
Political science --- Political philosophy --- Philosophy. --- Arendt, Hannah, --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ, --- Political and social views.
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Longtemps tenue à l'écart du monde académique, l'oeuvre de Hannah Arendt - désormais largement publiée et traduite - suscite aujourd'hui l'intérêt d'un nombre considérable de travaux, colloques et publications dans le monde entier. En revenant sur les principaux évènements de sa vie, ce Cahier dresse le portrait de cette "théoricienne de la politique" sans pour autant négliger les vives polémiques qui ont marqué sa carrière.Le volume rassemble des contributions qui évoquent notamment son travail majeur sur le totalitarisme, les catégories de sa pensée politique et la centralité de l'action, son insistance sur la responsabilité et le jugement ainsi que son analyse du monde moderne. Il revient sur son expérience historique et personnelle, les moments forts de sa vie et la réflexion qu'ils ont suscités en elle, en particulier sa judéité.Des extraits de correspondance (avec Judah Magnes, David Riesman, Hermann Broch, Hilde Frankel, Kurt et Helen Wolff) dévoilent par ailleurs des facettes moins connues de sa personnalité et de nombreux inédits, extraits de cours ou de conférences issus des archives de la bibliothèque du Congrès à Washington, viennent compléter l'ensemble.
Arendt, Hannah --- Critique et interprétation. --- Totalitarianism. --- Law --- Political science --- Jewish philosophy --- Philosophy. --- Arendt, Hannah, --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ, --- Arendt, Hannah, - 1906-1975
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Hannah Arendt has been classified as a critical theorist, a phenomenologist, an anti-feminist, a feminist ally, a democratic theorist, a republican theorist, a Heidegerrian, and a nostalgic Hellenophile. This book responds to these perspectives in two ways. First, we recognize that one can legitimately derive all these positionings from one or another of her writings; second, we insist nevertheless and precisely because all these approaches play some role in her work that her readers ought to follow her own claim that she 'does not belong to any club'. Instead, we introduce her works as exercises in political thinking, treating her as a dialogue partner, whose judgments and opinions remain open for reflection and discussion.
Political science --- Philosophy --- Arendt, Hannah, --- Political philosophy --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ, --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Arendt, Hannah --- Philosophy. --- Parables.
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