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Conceiving people : genetic knowledge and the ethics of sperm and egg donation
ISBN: 019006305X 0190063076 0190063084 9780190063078 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York, New York : Oxford University Press,

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Each year, tens of thousands of children are conceived with donated gametes (sperm or eggs). Some know the identity of their donors. Others never will. Questions about what donor-conceived should know about their genetic progenitors are significant for literally millions of people, including donor-conceived people, their parents and donors. But the practice of gamete donation also provides a vivid occasion for thinking about questions that matter to everyone. In 'Conceiving People', author Daniel Groll argues that people who plan to create a child with donated gametes should choose a donor whose identity will be made available to the resulting child.

Random families : genetic strangers, sperm donor siblings, and the creation of new kin
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780190888275 019088827X 0190888288 019088830X 9780190888305 0190888296 Year: 2018 Publisher: New York, NY : Oxford University Press,

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This is a work about unprecedented families - networks of strangers linked by genes, medical technology, and the human desire for affinity and identity. It chronicles the chain of choices that couples and single mothers make - how to conceive, how to place sperm donors in their family tree, and what to do when it suddenly becomes clear that there are children out there that share half their child's DNA.

Donor-linked families in the digital age : relatedness and regulation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1009008129 1009006738 1009006649 1316518515 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press,

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How are siblings who were conceived using the same sperm or egg donor making connections in the absence of legal support? What is it like to discover you are part of a 50+ donor sibling group? How are donor conceived adults using new technologies to connect with genetic family and explore their identity? This edited collection considers the donor linking experiences of donor conceived adults and children, recipient parents, and donors in a global context. It includes contributions from legal academics, social workers, sociologists, psychologists, and policy makers who work in the assisted conception field. As a result, it will be of particular interest to scholars of reproductive law, sociology, and digital media and reproductive technologies. It will also engage those following the debate around donor linking and the use of do-it-yourself technologies, including direct-to-consumer genetic testing and social media.

The right to identity and access to information on genetic origin and parentage
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781839704376 1839704373 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cambridge : Intersentia,

Les fondements de la filiation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782370321084 2370321083 Year: 2017 Publisher: Bayonne: Institut Universitaire Varenne,

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L'adage mater semper certa est est sorti renforcé de la réforme du droit de la filiation de 2005. Il implique une différence de fondement entre la paternité et la maternité alors que les études de genre et les revendications en matière de droits des pères incitent à réduire les distinctions entre la paternité et la maternité. Il existe une part commune aux femmes et aux hommes dans l'engendrement : la transmission du patrimoine génétique. Ce fondement est aujourd'hui parfaitement vérifiable et l'importance de la génétique et de la connaissance des origines devrait également conduire à renforcer la place de ce fondement. Mais le rejet du déterminisme, comme condition de liberté et de libre arbitre, incite au contraire à donner davantage de place aux choix et aux comportements et à ne plus imposer un modèle unique de famille. Par ailleurs, le progrès scientifique, en ouvrant les possibilités d'AMP, a permis une dissociation autrefois inconcevable entre différents fondements de la filiation : les dons de gamètes conduisent à dissocier la transmission génétique de l'intention de conception et la gestation pour autrui peut amener à dissocier la génétique, la gestation et l'intention de concevoir. Face à ces différents fondements possibles et pertinents de la filiation, les choix normatifs sont délicats à opérer. En outre, la difficulté est aggravée en présence de pratiques de déplacement à l'étranger en vue d'une procréation pour contourner une prohibition du for. Ce phénomène invite la Cour de cassation et la CEDH à chercher à parvenir à concilier l'intérêt de l'enfant et la protection de l'efficience des prohibitions du for. Tout cela conduit à éprouver les fondements de la filiation.

Regulating reproductive donation
ISBN: 1316455084 1316455564 1316456528 1316456048 131645844X 1316117448 1107090962 1107463033 1316452204 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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The emergence of new empirical evidence and ethical debate about families created by assisted reproduction has called into question the current regulatory frameworks that govern reproductive donation in many countries. In this multidisciplinary book, social scientists, ethicists and lawyers offer fresh perspectives on the current challenges facing the regulation of reproductive donation and suggest possible ways forward. They address questions such as: what might people want to know about the circumstances of their conception? Should we limit the number of children donors can produce? Is it wrong to pay donors or to reward them with cut-price fertility treatments? Is overseas surrogacy exploitative of women from poor communities? Combining the latest empirical research with analysis of ethics, policy and legislation, the book focuses on the regulation of gamete and embryo donation and surrogacy at a time when more people are considering assisted reproduction and when new techniques and policies are underway.

Donor insemination : international social science perspectives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0521497833 0521497094 9780521497091 9780521497831 9780511557804 0511557809 Year: 1998 Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press

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Donor insemination or DI is the oldest and most widely practised form of assisted conception but, until relatively recently, it had been assessed largely from a medical perspective. This 1998 book brings together an international group of social scientists to discuss the social, cultural, political and practical dimensions to DI, relating it to the wider debates about fertility treatment and the place of assisted conception in contemporary society. The contributors consider the experience of DI from the viewpoint of all the various parties involved, including the recipients of the treatment, the sperm providers, the clinicians, the people conceived and policy-makers working in the area. The assumptions informing the practices around DI and the reactions to it are critically examined, with reference to developments worldwide, cross-national issues, the language of DI, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and identity.

Parenté, filiation, origines : le droit et l'engendrement à plusieurs
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782802741558 2802741551 280274156X Year: 2013 Publisher: Bruxelles: Bruylant,

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Avec les progrès de la science l’homme s’est assuré non seulement le contrôle de la procréation mais la maîtrise de la vie. Cette quasi toute puissance est acquise à une époque de profondes mutations des mœurs et des mentalités : les familles deviennent de plus en plus complexes, de séparations en recompositions, de mariages en concubinages et de remariages en partenariats. Avec les procréations médicalement assistées, trois, quatre, voire cinq personnes en cas de recours à une mère porteuse, peuvent contribuer à « engendrer » un enfant ; et les aspirations des couples homosexuels conduisent, au nom de l’égalité et du refus des discriminations, à mettre la science et le droit au service de projets parentaux qui déconnectent filiation et différence des sexes. Face à ces évolutions le droit est confronté à quatre grands défis : • prendre en compte la différence qui se creuse peu à peu entre parenté et parentalité ; • définir la place de celui qui participe au projet parental d’autrui, entre engendrement, parenté et filiation ; • imaginer un nouveau droit de la filiation qui, en renouvelant des instruments construits en référence à la filiation biologique, permette de prendre en compte les réalités nouvelles ; • garantir, face aux revendications individuelles, le respect des personnes, tout particulièrement des enfants, et de la dignité inhérente à tout être humain


Status of persons --- Belgium --- Parenté --- Filiation --- Filiation d'origine --- Adoption --- Paternity --- Parent and child (Law) --- Domestic relations --- Human reproductive technology --- Comparative law --- Gay parents --- Surrogate mothers --- Sperm donors --- Stepchildren --- Parents et enfants (Droit) --- Familles --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Droit comparé --- Parents homosexuels --- Mères porteuses --- Donneurs de sperme --- Beaux-enfants --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Legal status, laws, etc --- Family relationships --- Droit --- Relations familiales --- EPUB-ALPHA-P EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- E-books --- Droit de la famille --- BPB1406 --- STRADALEX --- radniecība --- συγγένεια --- sugulus --- pais --- marrëdhënie --- pokrewieństwo --- сродство --- parentela --- однос --- slægtskab --- príbuzenstvo --- srodstvo --- sorodstvo --- роднинска връзка --- relationship --- relazzjoni --- Verwandtschaft --- släktskap --- parentesco --- verwantschap --- příbuzenský vztah --- rudenie --- hozzátartozói viszony --- sukulaisuussuhde --- giminystė --- vecāki --- mama --- far --- közeli hozzátartozó --- madre --- apa --- föräldrar --- père --- moeder --- otac --- Eltern --- äiti --- fader --- anya --- příbuzenský poměr --- mamă --- rodiče --- pai --- роднинска врска --- majka --- parents --- genitori --- consanguineità --- vanemad --- otec --- rodičia --- γονείς --- μητέρα --- padres --- moder --- mother --- rodbinska veza --- rokonság --- atë --- prindër --- tėvas --- ema --- father --- isä --- Vater --- grado di parentela --- mãe --- mère --- motina --- tėvai --- roditelji --- tată --- πατέρας --- māte --- vincolo di parentela --- paternità --- mor --- nënë --- szülők --- ouders --- татко --- πατρότητα --- părinți --- padre --- parente in linea diretta --- isa --- forældre --- мајка --- родители --- vanhemmat --- tēvs --- vader --- příbuzenstvo --- Mutter --- parente in linea collaterale --- rokoni viszony --- matka --- leszármazás --- έννομη σχέση με τους ανιόντες --- descendant --- föräldraskap --- forældreskab --- potomec --- zstępni --- потомок --- järeltulija --- potomek --- afstamming --- palikuonis --- potomok --- filiație --- потомак --- filiação --- biologische Abstammung --- pasardhës --- jälkeläinen --- родство --- pēcnācējs --- potomak --- filiación --- dixxendent --- filiazione --- házasságon kívüli leszármazás --- légitimation --- reconocimiento de hijos --- slægtskab i lige linje --- filiação natural --- riconoscimento dei figli --- Anerkennung der Vaterschaft --- Ehelicherklärung --- egyenesági rokonság --- biologinen jälkeläinen --- οικογενειακή κατάσταση των τέκνων --- filiație legitimă --- wettiging --- põlvnemine --- biologische vader --- pokrevní potomek --- filiation naturelle --- biološko očinstvo --- filiazione matrimoniale --- pokrvný potomok --- νομιμοποίηση --- i paslindur jashtë martese --- природен потомок --- paternité biologique --- zakonski nasljednik --- bioloogiline järeltulija --- faderskap --- přímý potomek --- laulībā dzimis pēcnācējs --- förmynderskap --- biologinė tėvystė --- биолошко татковство --- biologiskt föräldraskap --- filiație naturală --- filiación no matrimonial --- legitimní potomek --- apaság elismerése --- törvényes leszármazás --- potomstvo --- директен потомок --- правно признавање деца родени надвор од брак --- filiation légitime --- i paslindur legjitim --- ārlaulības pēcnācējs --- paternidad biológica --- nesantuokinis palikuonis, pripažintas tėvo --- biologinen isyys --- určení otcovství --- legitimação --- νόμιμο τέκνο --- biologické otcovstvo --- seaduslik järeltulija --- legitimate descendant --- biologiskt faderskap --- biologické otcovství --- původ dítěte --- biologisk faderskab --- biological paternity --- признавање татковство --- φυσικός γονέας --- teisėtas palikuonis --- paternidade biológica --- natuurlijke afstamming --- atësi biologjike --- bioloogiline vanemlikkus --- lagligt erkännande av barn fött utom äktenskapet --- biologische Vaterschaft --- φυσικό τέκνο --- biološki potomak --- filiación matrimonial --- descendens --- биолошки потомок --- легитимен потомок --- filiação legítima --- onwettige afstamming --- biológiai származás --- laillinen jälkeläinen --- nicht eheliche Abstammung --- legitímny potomok --- Vaterschaftserklärung --- eheliche Abstammung --- wettige afstamming --- legitimatie --- natural descendant --- αναγνώριση τέκνου --- paternità biologica --- filiazione extramatrimoniale --- liġi tal-familja --- οικογενειακό δίκαιο --- obiteljsko pravo --- Derecho de familia --- perekonnaõigus --- perhelainsäädäntö --- ģimenes tiesības --- family law --- prawo rodzinne --- familjerätt --- семејно право --- družinsko pravo --- e drejta e familjes --- rodinné právo --- породично право --- familierecht --- familieret --- Familienrecht --- šeimos teisė --- семейно право --- dlí teaghlaigh --- dreptul familiei --- családjog --- diritto di famiglia --- direito da família --- Anerkennung der Mutterschaft --- zákon o rodině --- родителско право --- gaol --- sliochtach --- Belgique --- France --- Droit médical --- Parenté --- Community life. --- Families --- Kinship --- History.

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