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German literature --- German prose literature. --- German prose literature
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Die Studie untersucht das gesamte Spektrum der Erscheinungsformen des Prosagedichts in Deutschland zwischen etwa 1880 und 1920 und legt damit zum ersten Mal eine umfassende, kulturwissenschaftlich und mediengeschichtlich akzentuierte Geschichte der Gattung im Rahmen der europäischen Literatur vor. Dabei geht sie ausführlich auf die Vorbildwirkung französischer Genremuster ein und zeichnet die entsprechenden interkulturellen Austauschprozesse zwischen den europäischen Nationalliteraturen nach. Indem sie Gattungsgeschichte konsequent als Kommunikationsgeschichte entwirft, gelingt es ihr, eine Theorie des Prosagedichts im Kontext der literarischen Moderne zu liefern. Die Rekonstruktion dieser Textsorte in Deutschland wiederum führt an einem exponierten Beispiel vor, dass Gattungen als kulturspezifische Strukturierungsmatrices literarischer Kommunikation verstanden werden müssen, welche die Rezeption eines Textes steuern, seine soziale Verwendung prägen und seinen symbolischen Status bestimmen. Zugleich wirft sie ein Licht auf die Probleme textueller Generizität, die sich für die Literatur ergeben, seit sie den für die Moderne charakteristischen Imperativen des Normbruchs und der Selbstüberbietung ausgesetzt ist.
Prose poems, German --- German literature --- History and criticism. --- German prose poems --- German poetry --- German prose literature
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Fin (littérature) --- Closure (Rhetoric) --- Fiction --- German prose literature --- Technique. --- History and criticism. --- Closure (Rhetoric).
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Shows how Adler, Wander, Hilsenrath, and Klüger intertwine transgressive political criticism with the shadow of trauma, revealing new perspectives on canon formation and exclusion in postwar German literature.
German literature --- Holocaust survivors' writings, German --- Autobiography --- German prose literature --- Jewish authors --- History and criticism.
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Shows how Adler, Wander, Hilsenrath, and Klüger intertwine transgressive political criticism with the shadow of trauma, revealing new perspectives on canon formation and exclusion in postwar German literature.
German literature --- Holocaust survivors' writings, German --- Autobiography --- German prose literature --- Jewish authors --- History and criticism.
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Das 18. Jahrhundert ist das Zeitalter des Briefes; es entdeckt und kultiviert den privaten Briefwechsel als eine schriftliche Form des geselligen Betragens. Die Geschichte dieser modernen Konversationskultur der Alphabetisierten wird hier in exemplarischen Interpretationen nachgezeichnet. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung stehen Briefsteller des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, Briefe aus den Korrespondentenkreisen um Gellert und Gleim sowie Briefe Lessings und des jungen Goethe.
German literature --- anno 1700-1799 --- Correspondance allemande --- Écrivains allemands --- Histoire et critique --- Correspondance --- German letters --- -German prose literature --- -German literature --- History and criticism --- #A0011H --- German prose literature --- History and criticism. --- -History and criticism --- Histoire et critique.
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The 1990 reunification of Germany gave rise to a new generation of writers who write in German, identify as both German and Jewish, and often also sustain cultural affiliations with places such as Russia, Azerbaijan, or Israel. This edited volume traces the development of this new literature into the present, offers fresh interpretations of individual works, and probes the very concept of "German Jewish literature." A central theme is the transformation of memory at a time when the Holocaust is moving into greater historical distance while the influx of new immigrant groups to Germany brings other past trauma into view. The volume's ten original essays by scholars from Europe and the U.S. reframe the debates about Holocaust memory and contemporary German culture. The concluding interviews with authors Mirna Funk and Olga Grjasnowa offer a glimpse into the future of German Jewish literature. Contributors: Luisa Banki, Caspar Battegay, Helen Finch, Mirna Funk, Katja Garloff, Olga Grjasnowa, Elizabeth Loentz, Andree Michaelis, Agnes Mueller, Jessica Ortner, Jonathan Skolnik, Stuart Taberner. Katja Garloff is Professor of German and Humanities at Reed College. Agnes Mueller is the College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at the University of South Carolina.
German prose literature --- German prose literature. --- History and criticism --- Jewish authors --- History and criticism. --- 1900-2099. --- German literature --- Diaspora. --- German Culture. --- German Jewish Literature. --- History. --- Holocaust. --- Identity. --- Immigrant Groups. --- Literature. --- Memory. --- Post-Reunification. --- Trauma.
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The 1990 reunification of Germany gave rise to a new generation of writers who write in German, identify as both German and Jewish, and often also sustain cultural affiliations with places such as Russia, Azerbaijan, or Israel. This edited volume traces the development of this new literature into the present, offers fresh interpretations of individual works, and probes the very concept of "German Jewish literature." A central theme is the transformation of memory at a time when the Holocaust is moving into greater historical distance while the influx of new immigrant groups to Germany brings other past trauma into view. The volume's ten original essays by scholars from Europe and the U.S. reframe the debates about Holocaust memory and contemporary German culture. The concluding interviews with authors Mirna Funk and Olga Grjasnowa offer a glimpse into the future of German Jewish literature. Contributors: Luisa Banki, Caspar Battegay, Helen Finch, Mirna Funk, Katja Garloff, Olga Grjasnowa, Elizabeth Loentz, Andree Michaelis, Agnes Mueller, Jessica Ortner, Jonathan Skolnik, Stuart Taberner. Katja Garloff is Professor of German and Humanities at Reed College. Agnes Mueller is the College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at the University of South Carolina.
German literature --- German prose literature --- German prose literature. --- History and criticism --- Jewish authors --- History and criticism. --- 1900-2099. --- Diaspora. --- German Culture. --- German Jewish Literature. --- History. --- Holocaust. --- Identity. --- Immigrant Groups. --- Literature. --- Memory. --- Post-Reunification. --- Trauma.
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