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Bauen für die Gemeinschaft in Wien : solidarisch, partizipativ, wegweisend
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783955535292 3955535290 3955535304 Year: 2021 Publisher: München: Detail,

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The presented residential projects in Vienna originated from a desire to develop living concepts that strengthen the sense of community and contribute to a society based on solidarity - building groups and participative projects, neighbourhood homes, temporary or permanent social forms of living and working for marginalised groups such as the homeless. Private homes can be downsized if there are more communal spaces. This reduces the need for land and property and gives the community room for leisure and other opportunities. Ulrike Schartner and Alexander Hagner from gaupenraup+/- explain the starting point and strategies of their work. Robert Temel and Isabella Marboe present the development of communal forms of building and living based on important precursors and trends.

More than housing : cooperative planning: a case study in Zürich
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783035604689 3035604711 3035604681 9783035604702 9783035604726 9783035604696 Year: 2016 Publisher: Basel Birkhäuser

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"The site development "mehr als wohnen" ("more than living") in Zürich North is a flagship project for sustainable housing cooperatives. Thirteen new buildings offer living and working space for more than 1,300 people and pave the way for future urban cohabitation. In addition to new typologies for family, retirement, and cluster apartments, this urban communal housing development also includes comprehensive services such as a guesthouse, a restaurant, child care, shops, and a mobility station. The architects are also experimenting with new materials and the planers with innovative energy concepts. An initiative of 30 Zürich housing cooperatives has been developing the project "mehr als wohnen" as a platform for innovation since 2007. At the core of the planning process is the dialogue between the different parties. The project is also facing the pressing task of building and living, according to energy and resource-efficient means that go beyond familiar energy labels. The publication combines elements of a book on architecture with sociological analyses. The built projects are documented using a collection of plans that range from master plans to apartment layouts and selected details. In addition, the participating architects, planners, property developer, and experts describe their experiences and provide insight into the background of the cooperatives and of planning processes. They demonstrate how this exemplary quarter development can be an integral part of the current urban development discourse and reality, and how urban planning is able to produce sustainable city development"--


728.2 --- Cooperatief wonen Zürich 21ste eeuw --- Duurzame woningbouw 2007-2015 --- Cohousing --- Gemeenschappelijk wonen --- Participatie --- Stadsplanning Zwitserland Zürich 21ste eeuw --- Architectuur typologie woontypologieën --- 728 --- 728.037 --- 711.6 --- 711.4 --- 316 --- 316.334.54 --- Community architecture --- Zürich --- Zwitserland --- Woningbouw woningblokken, meergezinshuizen, maisonettes --- Woningbouw (architectuur) --- Woningen (architectuur) --- 21ste eeuw (woningbouw) --- Eénentwintigste eeuw (woningbouw) --- Collectief wonen --- Meergezinswoningen --- Stadsplanning --- Stedenbouw --- Sociologie --- Bewonersparticipatie --- (Produktform)Mixed media product --- (Zielgruppe)Fachpublikum/ Wissenschaft --- (BISAC Subject Heading)ARC012000 --- Genossenschaft --- Neue Wohnmodelle --- Partizipative Planung --- Quartier --- Siedlung --- (VLB-WN)1584: Hardcover, Softcover / Kunst/Architektur --- Habitat communautaire --- cooperative housing --- communal housing --- Cooperatief wonen ; Zürich ; 21ste eeuw --- Duurzame woningbouw ; 2007-2015 --- Stadsplanning ; Zwitserland ; Zürich ; 21ste eeuw --- Architectuur ; typologie ; woontypologieën --- Woningbouw ; woningblokken, meergezinshuizen, maisonettes --- Architecture durable --- Immeubles d'habitation --- Sustainable architecture --- cohousing --- Architecture --- Sociology of environment --- Bâtiment d'habitation collectif --- Participation --- Action sociale --- Sociologie de l'habitat --- Architecture, Domestic --- Housing

Trouwen of samenwonen? : wegwijs in de verschillende samenlevingsvormen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789464014617 Year: 2022 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans

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In het boek Trouwen of samenwonen? worden de verschillende samenlevingsvormen (feitelijk samenwonen, wettelijk samenwonen en huwen) met elkaar vergeleken. Aan welke formaliteiten moet men voldoen? Wat zijn de rechten en plichten van de partners? Hoe wordt de samenwoning beëindigd? Wat zijn de vooren nadelen van elke samenlevingsvorm? Waarop moet je letten? Volgende thema’s komen aan bod: huren, kopen, lenen, belastingen, verzekeringen, pensioen, sociale zekerheid en erfrecht. De auteur wil koppels begeleiden doorheen het hele proces van het samenleven, vanaf de dag waarop ze beslissen om samen te gaan wonen, tot het moment waarop de samenwoning wordt beëindigd. Het is heel belangrijk te weten wat er zal gebeuren bij het overlijden van een van de partners, maar ook bij een echtscheiding of relatiebreuk. Ook voor wie geen juridische en fiscale voorkennis heeft, slaagt de auteur erin om aan de hand van voorbeelden op een duidelijke en begrijpelijke manier een antwoord te bieden op alle praktische vragen met betrekking tot de samenlevingsvormen.


huwelijksrecht --- ongehuwd samenleven --- privaatrecht --- eigendom van goederen --- belasting van natuurlijke personen --- verzekeringsrecht --- erfrecht --- diritto successorio --- derecho sucesorio --- pärimisõigus --- perintöoikeus --- dedno pravo --- prawo spadkowe --- ligji i trashëgimisë --- paveldėjimo teisė --- наследно право --- öröklési jog --- lagstiftning om arvsrätt --- dlí an chomharbais --- direito sucessório --- arveret --- law of succession --- nasljedno pravo --- dedičské právo --- наследствено право --- mantojuma tiesības --- κληρονομικό δικαίωμα --- droit successoral --- liġi tas-suċċessjoni --- dreptul succesiunilor --- dědické právo --- Erbrecht --- pravo nasljeđivanja --- Закон за наследување --- тестаментално наследување --- dědění ze zákona --- įpėdinystės teisė --- граѓанско применето право --- законско наследување --- sukcese --- dědění ze závěti --- kindlustusõigus --- zavarovalno pravo --- poistné právo --- draudimo teisė --- dlí árachais --- droit des assurances --- право на осигурување --- liġi tal-assigurazzjoni --- pravo osiguranja --- Versicherungsrecht --- biztosítási jog --- e drejta e sigurimeve --- ασφαλιστικό δίκαιο --- dreptul asigurărilor --- insurance law --- diritto assicurativo --- застрахователно право --- försäkringslagstiftning --- direito dos seguros --- prawo ubezpieczeniowe --- Derecho de los seguros --- pojistné právo --- apdrošināšanas likums --- vakuutuslainsäädäntö --- forsikringsret --- право осигурања --- tiesību akti apdrošināšanas jomā --- права од осигурување во случај на невработеност --- pojistná legislativa --- diritto delle assicurazioni --- pravo na osiguranje --- zákon o pojišťovnictví --- права од задолжително здравствено осигурување --- porez na dohodak fizičkih osoba --- tatimi mbi të ardhurat personale --- daň z príjmu fyzických osôb --- üksikisiku tulumaks --- порез на доходак физичких лица --- luonnollisen henkilön tulovero --- personlig skat --- personas ienākuma nodoklis --- cáin ar ioncam pearsanta --- fizinių asmenų pajamų mokestis --- személyi jövedelemadó --- daň z příjmu fyzických osob --- imposto sobre o rendimento das pessoas singulares --- dohodnina --- персонален данок на доход --- personal income tax --- облагане на физическите лица --- φόρος φυσικών προσώπων --- taxxa personali fuq l-introjtu --- Personensteuer --- podatek dochodowy od osób fizycznych --- inkomstskatt för fysisk person --- impozit pe venitul personal --- imposta sulle persone fisiche --- impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas --- impôt des personnes physiques --- ПДД --- Годишна даночна пријава за утврдување персонален данок на доход --- szja --- Steuer natürlicher Personen --- IRPF --- IRS --- personskat --- vlasništvo --- vlastníctvo --- proprietate --- propiedad de bienes --- tulajdonjog --- sjieda --- propriété des biens --- īpašuma tiesības --- собственост на блага --- својина --- úinéireacht --- pronësi --- äganderätt --- nuosavybė --- lastnina --- omand --- сопственост --- vlastnictví --- omistus --- własność --- proprietà patrimoniale --- Eigentum an Gütern --- ιδιοκτησία --- ejendomsret --- ownership --- propriedade de bens --- stvarno pravo --- īpašumtiesības --- property right --- propriedade --- право на користење --- regime della proprietà --- direito real --- sistem i pronës --- asjaõigus --- droit réel --- e drejtë e pronësisë --- право на располагање --- majetek --- omandiõigus --- Eigentumsrecht --- видови на сопственост --- εμπράγματο δικαίωμα --- régimen de propiedad --- tulajdoni rend --- diritto patrimoniale --- Εμπράγματο Δίκαιο --- Eigentumsordnung --- diritto di proprietà --- eigendomsrecht --- īpašumtiesību sistēma --- rätten att äga --- Güterrecht --- regime da propriedade --- druhy vlastnictví --- law of property --- tingsret --- nuosavybės teisė --- direito dos bens --- Derecho patrimonial --- diritto reale --- varaline õigus --- Derecho de la propiedad --- majetkové právo --- dologi jog --- régimen de la propiedad --- ejendomsretlig ordning --- καθεστώς ιδιοκτησίας --- сопствеништво --- сопственичко право --- zakelijk recht --- property law --- κατοχή --- systém vlastníctva --- system of property --- droit de propriété --- regeling van de eigendom --- derecho de propiedad --- derechos reales --- право на сопственост --- поседување --- tinglig ret --- varallisuusoikeus --- věcné právo --- egendomsrätt --- e drejtë e pronës --- δικαίωμα κυριότητας --- νομή --- κυριότητα --- vlastnické právo --- omistusoikeusjärjestelmä --- nuosavybės sistema --- sakrätt --- mayorazgo --- ψιλή κυριότητα --- фактичко владение --- pravo vlasništva --- vlastnícke právo --- esineoikeus --- teisė į nuosavybę --- omistusoikeus --- régime de la propriété --- direito de propriedade --- tulajdonrendszer --- omandisüsteem --- vagyonjog --- Sachenrecht --- drept de proprietate --- e drejtë për pronë --- droit des biens --- občanské právo hmotné --- форми на сопственоста --- privatno pravo --- soukromé právo --- privāttiesības --- magánjog --- drept privat --- e drejtë private --- приватно право --- zasebno pravo --- Privatrecht --- yksityisoikeus --- prawo prywatne --- diritto privato --- Derecho privado --- private law --- частно право --- privaträtt --- dritt privat --- dlí príobháideach --- privatret --- direito privado --- droit privé --- ιδιωτικό δίκαιο --- privatinė teisė --- eraõigus --- súkromné právo --- izvanbračna zajednica --- união livre --- вонбрачна заедница --- извънбрачно съжителство --- avoliitto --- άγαμη συμβίωση --- union libre --- ванбрачна заједница --- sambo --- együttélés --- koabitazzjoni --- comhchónaí --- concubinaj --- freie Partnerschaft --- zunajzakonska skupnost --- papirløst samliv --- convivenza --- vabaabielu --- cohabitation --- kopdzīve --- nesantuokinis gyvenimas --- nesezdané soužití --- unión libre --- wspólne pożycie --- bashkëjetesë --- spolužitie bez manželského zväzku --- buitenechtelijke partner --- nesantuokinė partnerystė --- konsensuální svazek --- bashkëshorte informale --- sammanboende --- famille de fait --- izvanbračni drug --- famiglia di fatto --- samvetsäktenskap --- nereģistrētās kopdzīves partnere --- družka --- nereģistrētās kopdzīves partneris --- nem hivatalos élettársi viszony --- faktiline abikaasa --- unión consensual --- Konkubinat --- union consensuelle --- Partnerschaft ohne Trauschein --- concubinage --- samlever --- samboende --- невенчан партнер --- pareja no institucionalizada --- avomies --- sugyventinė --- вонбрачен однос --- faktische Familie --- izvanbračni partner --- personne en concubinage --- unione libera --- нерегистриран брак --- vrije liefde --- common-law wife --- bashkëshort informal --- nesantuokinė sąjunga --- bashkëjetesë jomartesore --- pareja de hecho --- Lebensgefährtin --- άγαμο ζεύγος --- pareja no casada legalmente --- ελεύθερη ένωση --- non-matrimonial union --- família de facto --- nemanželský zväzok --- uniune nonmaritală --- souložnictví --- házasságon kívüli együttélés --- druh --- Lebensgefährte --- volná láska --- samboförhållande --- feitelijk gezin --- unione consensuale --- non-marital union --- nereģistrēta kopdzīve --- vabaabielunaine --- συμβίωση χωρίς γάμο --- вонбрачен другар --- união por acordo mútuo --- вонбрачен партнер --- bashkim jomartesor --- concubinaat --- izvanbračni supružnik --- Zusammenleben ohne Trauschein --- vabaabielumees --- avovaimo --- συναινετική συμβίωση --- конкубинат --- samenwonen --- sugyventinis --- nem hivatalos élettársi kapcsolat --- familia de hecho --- união de facto --- nemanželský svazek --- common-law husband --- mitteabieluline kooselu --- konkubinát --- неформален брак --- concubinato --- e drejta martesore --- drept matrimonial --- droit matrimonial --- diritto matrimoniale --- Derecho matrimonial --- laulības un ģimenes tiesības --- брачно право --- házassági jog --- δίκαιο γαμικών σχέσεων --- direito matrimonial --- bračno pravo --- avioliitto-oikeus --- prawo małżeńskie --- liġi taż-żwieġ --- matrimonial law --- Eherecht --- dlí an phósta --- abieluõigus --- ægteskabsret --- äktenskapslagstiftning --- santuokos ir šeimos teisė --- pravo zakonske zveze --- manželské právo --- manželská zmluva --- contrat de mariage --- περιουσιακές σχέσεις των συζύγων --- matrimoniální právo --- santuokinės nuosavybės teisės --- kontratë martesore --- avioehto --- γαμικό σύμφωνο --- matrimonial property rights --- äktenskapsbalken --- брачен договор --- contratto di matrimonio --- Ehevertrag --- marriage contract --- të drejta pasurore martesore --- eheliches Güterrecht --- laulības līgums --- contrato matrimonial --- abieluleping --- aviopuolisoiden varallisuusoikeudelliset suhteet --- régime matrimonial --- santuokos sutartis --- bračno imovinsko pravo --- manželská smlouva --- laulāto mantiskās tiesības --- äktenskapskontrakt --- regime matrimonial --- svatební smlouva --- capitulaciones matrimoniales --- contrato de matrimonio --- huwelijksstelsel --- házastársi életközösség --- házassági szerződés --- huwelijkscontract --- имотни односи на вонбрачни другари --- contract de căsătorie --- egendomsordning inom äktenskapet --- convenção nupcial --- házastársi vagyonközösség --- abieluvaraleping --- majetkové práva manželov --- имотни односи на брачни другари --- sanazione di matrimonio --- régimen matrimonial --- regime matrimoniale --- Scheidungsrecht --- 365 --- verzekeringen --- recht --- verzekeringswezen --- Huwelijksrecht. --- Samenwonen. --- Trouwen. --- Family law. Inheritance law --- Belgium --- samenlevingsvormen --- Droit civil Burgerlijk recht --- Droit Recht --- Huwelijksrecht --- Samenwonen ; recht --- Gemeenschappelijk wonen ; recht

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