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We investigate a nonlinear viscoelastic equation with interior time-varying delay and nonlinear dissipative boundary feedback. Under suitable assumptions on the relaxation function and time-varying delay effect together with nonlinear dissipative boundary feedback, we prove the global existence of weak solutions and asymptotic behavior of the energy by using the Faedo-Galerkin method and the perturbed energy method, respectively. This result improves earlier ones in the literature, such as Kirane and Said-Houari (2011) and Ammari et al. (2010). Moreover, we give an positive answer to the open problem given by Kirane and Said-Houari (2011).
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"A denunciation of the credentialed elite class that serves capitalism while insisting on its own progressive heroism. Professional Managerial Class (PMC) elite workers labor in a world of performative identity and virtue signaling, publicizing an ability to do ordinary things in fundamentally superior ways. Author Catherine Liu shows how the PMC stands in the way of social justice and economic redistribution by promoting meritocracy, philanthropy, and other self-serving operations to abet an individualist path to a better world. Virtue Hoarders is an unapologetically polemical call to reject making a virtue out of taste and consumption habits. Forerunners: Ideas First is a thought-in-process series of breakthrough digital publications. Written between fresh ideas and finished books, Forerunners draws on scholarly work initiated in notable blogs, social media, conference plenaries, journal articles, and the synergy of academic exchange. This is gray literature publishing: where intense thinking, change, and speculation take place in scholarship." -- Publisher's description.
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Wealth and power characterize elites, yet despite the strong cultural influences they exert, their study remains underdeveloped. Partly because of complications resulting from access, scholars have tended to focus on groups affected by elite governance rather than on elites themselves. It is often overlooked that, in order to continue through time, elites have to empower new members. Choice has to be exercised over who achieves leadership, both by reference to the elite group itself and to the wider group over which it holds power. This book fills a gap in the current literature by providing the first rigorous interrogation of the choice and succession strategies of elites in various cultural contexts - from the transmission and preservation of financial power in urban contexts to the complex relation between subjectivity and the transmission of leadership positions in places as varied as the United States, Northern Italy and Lisbon. Various elite succession types are discussed, from self-avowedly 'traditional' leaders to the aristocracy, where choice is practically non-existent, to situations where leaders are elected from amongst a group of peers. The relationship between familial property and choice of successor in landholding families, small business enterprises, and peasant communities is also examined, as are ethnic monopolies.
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Une série de contributions présentée en trois parties : la fracture européenne, les élites européennes sans racines et la démocratie élitiste. Ces réflexions ont pour objectif de s'interroger sur le procès en élitisme fait à la construction européenne : est-il fondé, s'agit-il d'un préjugé?.
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Em Junho de 2000, na Universidade de Évora, teve lugar um colóquio cujo objectivo foi a discussão dos problemas metodológicos em torno do estudo das élites e das redes clientelares na época medieval. O que este volume apresenta sao as comunicacóes que, então, estiveram na base dos debates, afinal o ponto essencial desse encontró. Como todos os que estiveram presentes podem testemunhar, é justo dizer que os discussóes foram sempre interessantes e, por vezes, bastante animadas. Se não é possivel fazer aqui reflectir totalmente o espirito e o ambiente desse encontro, a apresentação das comunicações é, por si só, suficientemente interessante para justificar a sua publicação. O coloquio tinha por base o Projecto PRAXIS XXI Elites e redes clientelares na Idade Media. Uma observação centrada em Évora, e o leitor fica prevenido que ele terá urna segunda parte, que incluirá a apresentação de resultados, deste e de outros projectos e trabalhos. Se nos textos é já compreensível que estas élites medievais representavam urna oligarquía, escapam-nos ainda parte das suas ligacões e das suas rivalidades; das formas de expressão e de dominação política que vão construindo, a nivel local ou nacional, bem como a coerência do seu discurso, ou discursos, de poder. Porque é no plural que estas elites deverão ser observadas e entendidas. Julgamos, por isso, que nunca será demais insistir no carácter multifacetado das élites medievais.
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This text looks at representatives of the top 0.1 percent of Russian society: their stories, trajectories, ideas about life, and how they see their role and position at the top of Russian society. They are explored through their own stories: 80 interviews with multimillionaires and billionaires, and their spouses and children, conducted between 2008 and 2017.
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Le " néo-machiavélisme " s'inspire de la philosophie politique de Machiavel, qui privilégie l'analyse « réaliste » ou phénoménologique de l'action politique, en disant comment les hommes agissent effectivement (" la verità effetuale "). À cet égard, le philosophe florentin considère que la politique comme " libido dominandi " repose sur deux moyens spécifiques : la force et la ruse. Une telle conception le conduit à prendre en considération les stratégies de pouvoir construites par le « Prince " et la classe dirigeante. C'est dans cette perspective théorique que s'inscrit la théorie « néo-machiavélienne " des élites. C'est un courant sociologique élaboré au XIXèmesiècle, en Italie et en Allemagne essentiellement, avec des penseurs comme Vilfredo Pareto, Gaetano Mosca, Roberto Michels. Il dénonce les limites et les impossibilités de la démocratie représentative, en montrant que dans toute société, il y a toujours une " minorité gouvernante » et une " majorité de gouvernés " ou que l'oligarchie est l'essence même de tous les régimes, la démocratie y compris, voire de toutes les organisations sociales. Est-il pertinent de soumettre le processus de démocratisation au Sénégal à l'épistémologie « néo-machiavélienne " ? "At the peak of every political system is a relatively small handful of individuals who are far more involved in politics than ordinary citizens. They are the ones who dominate the political processes and make politics and government a full-time career. This small group of leaders is usually referred to as political elite. (...). The political elite is the most influential of this small group of interest and involved citizens " (Wilson 1996 : 114).
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