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This book explores the big data evolution by interrogating the notion that big data is a disruptive innovation that appears to be challenging existing epistemologies in the humanities and social sciences. Exploring various (controversial) facets of big data such as ethics, data power, and data justice, the book attempts to clarify the trajectory of the epistemology of (big) data-driven science in the humanities and social sciences.
Sociology & anthropology --- big data --- data storage --- statistical analysis --- digital revolution --- social sciences --- data generation --- data acquisition --- data analysis --- data science
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Nell’affascinante mondo della cultura open, dopo software open source, standard aperti, open access e open content, il fenomeno dei dati aperti rappresenta l’ultima frontiera e forse anche quella attualmente più strategica. Alla fine degli anni 2000 si è infatti aperto il dibattito sull’importanza della disponibilità e libera diffusione di dati “crudi” (anche e soprattutto da parte del settore pubblico) così da poter aumentare il potenziale informativo e comunicativo della conoscenza condivisa figlia della rivoluzione digitale. Ci si è presto accorti che la possibilità di raccogliere, gestire e riutilizzare quantità di dati sempre maggiori e sempre più dense di correlazioni porta la necessità di alcune riflessioni di carattere sia giuridico che tecnologico. In questo libro, in ottica divulgativa, si cerca di presentare le principali questioni emergenti, tracciando un quadro normativo completo e fornendo alcune essenziali linee guida.
Information Science & Library Science --- Multidisciplinary --- accesso aperto --- open access --- open source --- open content --- rivoluzione digitale --- open data --- digital revolution --- révolution numérique --- revolución digital
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Die digitale Revolution ist nicht nur ein Angriff auf die Grundlagen von Aufmerksamkeit und Intellektualität - ihre Auswirkungen sind zugleich eine Herausforderung für die Intellektuellen, die hierauf allzu oft nur mit Ratlosigkeit oder Gedankenakrobatik zu reagieren wissen. Hans-Willi Weis lädt zu einer Tour d'Horizon durch intellektuelle Zeitgeistdiskurse ein. Er schlägt den Bogen von der Kritik in sich leer laufender Diskurse zu einer das Denken und das Diskursive revitalisierenden neuen Aufmerksamkeitspraxis und zeigt, wie man der digitalen Aufmerksamkeitsdiffusion und den Zwängen entgrenzter Netzaktivität je individuell mit der yogischen Übung methodischer Unterbrechung zu begegnen vermag. »Ein Gewinn für die, die fragen, ob es alternative oder ergänzende Wege der Selbstverständigung oder Selbststeuerung in existenziellen Fragen gibt. Viel geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinn gepaart mit bester Unterhaltung [...]. Das Anliegen kann man teilen oder nicht, ein intellektueller Mehrwert wird nach der Lektüre bleiben.« amazon, 09.11.2015 Besprochen in:, 26.11.2015, Jos Schnurer
Aufmerksamkeit; Intellektuelle; Diskurs; Digitale Revolution; Meditation; Deutung; Ethik; Kultur; Lebenskunst; Kulturphilosophie; Philosophie; Mindfulness; Intellectuals; Discourse; Digital Revolution; Interpretation; Ethics; Culture; Art of Living; Philosophy of Culture; Philosophy --- Art of Living. --- Culture. --- Digital Revolution. --- Discourse. --- Ethics. --- Intellectuals. --- Interpretation. --- Meditation. --- Philosophy of Culture. --- Philosophy.
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Qu’est-ce qui dresse le cinéma contre les accélérations du tout numérique ? Les aurores après la tempête ne se voient plus que sur les écrans des salles de cinéma. Numérisés, les capitaux et les catastrophes détruisent le monde des matins tranquilles. La guerre est dans le temps. C’est à la chaîne que le numérique fabrique du virtuel, du mirage, de la monnaie de singe. En ce monde-hologramme, il n’est plus ni corps ni chair, les mains ne caressent plus rien, les blessures elles-mêmes sont factices. Cette nuée d’images nous dérobe le réel et peu à peu impose le désert des hommes et des choses. Contre la violence des exils, la salle de projection n’est-elle pas la dernière demeure de l’humain ? Face à la démultiplication des écrans, l’hypervisibilité, la transparence, comment le cinéma peut-il encore préserver sa part d’ombre et rester une arme critique ? Jusqu’où la révolution numérique n’est-elle pas en train d’affecter l’expérience esthétique et morale du cinéma, et au-delà, notre civilisation ? What sets cinema against the precipitous rise of digital technologies? Faced with the proliferation of screens, hypervisibility and transparency, how can cinema still preserve its shadowy side and remain a weapon of criticism? To what extent is the digital revolution affecting the aesthetic and moral experience of cinema and, beyond that, our civilisation? French director, screenwriter and writer, Jean-Louis Comolli worked for Les Cahiers du cinéma, where he was editor-in-chief from 1966 to 1971. In this essay, he gives us his critical perspective and analysis of the effects and consequences of the digital revolution on the cinematographic art. An essential book for anyone who wants to understand Comolli’s vision of cinema and the world.
Cinéma --- Cinéma numérique --- Cinéma -- Esthétique --- Innovations technologiques --- Esthétique --- Cinéma numérique. --- Esthétique. --- Histoire et critique. --- Motion pictures --- Digital cinematography --- Technological innovations. --- Aesthethics. --- Histoire du cinéma. --- Film Radio Television --- cinéma --- révolution numérique --- politique --- temps --- cinema --- digital revolution --- politics --- time
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Die liberale Demokratie steht weltweit unter Druck. Sie wird durch antiliberale Bewegungen und Parteien ebenso herausgefordert wie durch autoritäre Regimes. Liberalismus als parteiübergreifende Strömung ist in die Defensive geraten und wird oft mit Marktradikalismus, sozialer Kälte und ökologischer Ignoranz assoziiert. Die namhaften Beiträger*innen zeigen, dass der Liberalismus als Denkrichtung jedoch nicht tot ist. Sie stellen in essayistischer Weise Ideen und Ansätze für neue liberale Konzepte zur Bewältigung der großen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit vor: von Klimawandel, Globalisierung und digitaler Revolution bis zur transnationalen Migration und zunehmenden sozialen Ungleichheit.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / History & Theory. --- Authoritarianism. --- Civil Society. --- Climate Change. --- Digital Revolution. --- Ecology. --- Future. --- Globalization. --- Justice. --- Liberty. --- Market. --- Neoliberalism. --- Political Ideologies. --- Political Philosophy. --- Political Science. --- Political Theory. --- Politics. --- Populism. --- Social Change. --- Social Inequality.
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Scholars of Russian culture have always paid close attention to texts and their authors, but they have often forgotten about the readers. These volumes illuminate encounters between the Russians and their favorite texts, a centuries-long and continent-spanning “love story” that shaped the way people think, feel, and communicate. The fruit of thirty-one specialists’ research, Reading Russia represents the first attempt to systematically depict the evolution of reading in Russia from the eighteenth century to the present day. The third volume of Reading Russia considers more recent (and rapid) changes to reading, and focuses on two profoundly transformative moments: the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and the digital revolution of the 1990s. This volume investigates how the political transformations of the early twentieth century and the technological ones from the turn of the twenty-first impacted the tastes, habits, and reading practices of the Russian public. It closely observes how Russian readers adapted to and/or resisted their eras’ paradigm-shifting crises in communication and interpretation.
History --- Literature --- Literature Slavic --- Literature (General) --- Cultura russa --- i russi ei loro testi preferiti --- evoluzione della lettura in Russia --- rivoluzione bolscevica del 1917 --- rivoluzione digitale degli anni '90 --- Russian culture --- Russians and their favorite texts --- evolution of reading in Russia --- Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 --- digital revolution of the 1990s
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La rivoluzione legata alla diffusione sempre più ampia delle tecnologie informatiche ha assunto i caratteri di una svolta epocale. E in questo volume il lettore non troverà una critica o una condanna della tecnica alla maniera di Heidegger e dei vari «pastori dell’Essere» che sulla sua linea si sono succeduti. Anzi, nella visione dell’autore, l’informatica offre una grande occasione all’umanità di entrare in una comunicazione generalizzata con se stessa, nel segno di un’integrazione possibile dell’intero genere umano. Ciò però a patto che la rivoluzione digitale sia accompagnata da una radicalizzazione dell’umanesimo, da una nuova antropologia che, in dialogo con una nuova tecnologia, metta a tema la costituzione di una «mente emozionale e materiale», capace di stringere insieme valore biologico-affettivo e valore logico-conoscitivo. Attraverso alcuni percorsi classici della filosofia (Spinoza, Kant, Hegel), mediante un recupero della psicoanalisi freudiana – al di fuori della recente volgarizzazione italiana di Lacan – e coniugando il discorso marxiano intorno alla tecnologia con un’analisi anti-heideggeriana della techne nella Grecia antica, il libro propone una propria via di uscita dall’impasse del tempo presente.
Philosophy --- tecnologie informatiche --- filosofia --- Heidegger --- rivoluzione digitale --- umanesimo --- antropologia --- mente emozionale e materiale --- valore biologico-affettivo --- valore logico-conoscitivo --- Spinoza --- Kant --- Hegel --- psicoanalisi freudiana --- technologies de l'information --- philosophie --- révolution numérique --- humanisme --- anthropologie --- esprit émotionnel et matériel --- valeur bio-affective --- valeur logico-cognitive --- psychanalyse freudienne --- information technologies --- philosophy --- digital revolution --- humanism --- anthropology --- emotional and material mind --- biological-affective value --- logical-cognitive value --- Freudian psychoanalysis
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The information age owes its existence to a little-known but crucial development, the theoretical study of logic and the foundations of mathematics. The Great Formal Machinery Works draws on original sources and rare archival materials to trace the history of the theories of deduction and computation that laid the logical foundations for the digital revolution.Jan von Plato examines the contributions of figures such as Aristotle; the nineteenth-century German polymath Hermann Grassmann; George Boole, whose Boolean logic would prove essential to programming languages and computing; Ernst Schröder, best known for his work on algebraic logic; and Giuseppe Peano, cofounder of mathematical logic. Von Plato shows how the idea of a formal proof in mathematics emerged gradually in the second half of the nineteenth century, hand in hand with the notion of a formal process of computation. A turning point was reached by 1930, when Kurt Gödel conceived his celebrated incompleteness theorems. They were an enormous boost to the study of formal languages and computability, which were brought to perfection by the end of the 1930s with precise theories of formal languages and formal deduction and parallel theories of algorithmic computability. Von Plato describes how the first theoretical ideas of a computer soon emerged in the work of Alan Turing in 1936 and John von Neumann some years later.Shedding new light on this crucial chapter in the history of science, The Great Formal Machinery Works is essential reading for students and researchers in logic, mathematics, and computer science.
Information technology --- Computers --- History. --- Arend Heyting. --- Begriffsschrift. --- Bertrand Russell. --- David Hilbert. --- Earth. --- Ernst Schröder. --- Eugenio Beltrami. --- Gentzen. --- George Boole. --- Gerard Gentzen. --- Gottlob Frege. --- Guiseppe Peano. --- Gödel. --- Göttingen. --- Hermann Grassmann. --- Heyting algebras. --- Hilbert. --- Karl Menger. --- Kurt Gödel. --- Kurt Hensel. --- Leopold Kronecker. --- Moritz Schlick. --- Paul Bernays. --- Peano. --- Principia Mathematica. --- Rudolf Carnap. --- Thoralf Skolem. --- Vienna Circle. --- algebraic equations. --- algebraic logic. --- algorithmic computability. --- angles. --- arithmetic. --- assumptions. --- axioms. --- basic notions. --- calculus. --- classical arithmetic. --- computation. --- connectives. --- contemporary logic. --- deduction. --- deductive reasoning. --- digital revolution. --- finitary reasoning. --- finitism. --- geometry. --- hypothetic reasoning. --- incompleteness theorems. --- indirect proofs. --- inference. --- information age. --- intuistic arithmetic. --- lattice theory. --- logic. --- logical empiricism. --- logical structure. --- logical truths. --- mathematical logic. --- mathematical proofs. --- mathematical roots. --- mathematics. --- negation. --- non-Euclidan geometries. --- notation. --- one-place predicates. --- parallel postulate. --- philosophy. --- programming language. --- proof. --- pure thinking. --- quantificational inferences. --- theorems. --- triangles.
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Dans "Homo digitalis", Thierry Geerts, directeur général de Google Belgique, analyse les dangers et les opportunités de la révolution digitale. Sans tabou et le regard tourné vers l'avenir, il cite de nombreux exemples passionnants de la façon dont la digitalisation peut nous influencer, à titre personnel et au niveau de la société. Sa conclusion est claire : la technologie est neutre et c'est à l'homme qu'il revient de l'utiliser en connaissance de cause. Si nous saisissons cette opportunité, la digitalisation pourra nous rendre plus heureux, nous permettra de bénéficier de plus de temps pour exercer notre créativité et améliorer nos connaissances, d'améliorer les soins de santé et de réaliser ce qui est réellement important pour nous. Nous deviendrons plus humains. Et l'homo digitalis viendra remplacer l'homo sapiens
Technology --- Technological innovations --- Social aspects --- BPB9999 --- BPB2201 --- digitisation --- changement technologique --- cambio tecnológico --- technologische verandering --- teknologinen muutos --- technologinis pakeitimas --- teknologisk förändring --- mudança tecnológica --- trasformazione tecnologica --- technologická zmena --- технологична промяна --- bidla teknoloġika --- τεχνολογική αλλαγή --- tehnološka promjena --- technologická změna --- technológiai változás --- evoluție tehnologică --- tehnoloģijas maiņa --- technologischer Wandel --- tehnološka sprememba --- tehnoloogiline muutus --- rozwój technologii --- technological change --- ndryshim teknologjik --- технолошка промена --- teknologisk forandring --- athrú teicneolaíoch --- développement technique --- digitálna revolúcia --- технолошки развој --- technological progress --- tehnoloģiskā attīstība --- tekniska framsteg --- mutamento tecnologico --- technologický rozvoj --- tekniskt framsteg --- technischer Fortschritt --- digitalna revolucija --- digitális forradalom --- tehnoloogia areng --- rivoluzione digitale --- athrú teicneolaíochta --- aanpassing technische vooruitgang --- sviluppo tecnologico --- tehnikas progress --- технички напредак --- revolución digital --- technológiai változások --- προσαρμογή στην τεχνική πρόοδο --- aanpassing aan technische vooruitgang --- pielāgošanās tehnikas attīstībai --- digitaalinen vallankumous --- développement technologique --- ψηφιακή επανάσταση --- a műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- rewolucja cyfrowa --- technologische ontwikkeling --- rivoluzzjoni diġitali --- revoluție digitală --- tehnološke promjene --- mukautuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- развитие на технологиите --- progresso tecnico --- technical progress --- tehnoloģiju maiņa --- postęp technologiczny --- adaptare la progresul tehnic --- technologijos tobulinimas --- digitale revolutie --- teknologiska framsteg --- прилагођавање техничком напретку --- цифрова революция --- техническо развитие --- prilagajanje tehničnemu napredku --- technologische Entwicklung --- revolução digital --- anpassning till tekniska framsteg --- tehnikas attīstība --- tehnološki napredak --- приспособување на технолошките промени --- mutation technologique --- prispôsobenie technickému pokroku --- rozwój technologiczny --- tekniikan kehittyminen --- přizpůsobení technickému pokroku --- progrès technique --- tekniikan kehitys --- a műszaki fejlődéshez való igazodás --- teknologisk udvikling --- progreso técnico --- réabhlóid dhigiteach --- műszaki fejlődés --- adaptation au progrès technique --- digitální revoluce --- teknisk udvikling --- progress tekniku --- tilpasning til den tekniske udvikling --- zhvillim tekonologjik --- progreso tecnológico --- приспособяване към техническия напредък --- Anpassung an den technischen Fortschritt --- kohandumine tehnika arenguga --- adaptación al progreso técnico --- технически напредък --- prisitaikymas prie technikos pažangos --- tekninen muutos --- desarrollo tecnológico --- dezvoltare tehnologică --- teknologinen kehitys --- změna technologie --- tekninen kehitys --- technikos pažanga --- teknisk fremskridt --- skaitmeninė revoliucija --- technologinis pokytis --- technological development --- teknikutveckling --- adeguamento al progresso tecnico --- tehnika arenemine --- technologijų raida --- technológiai fejlesztés --- techninė pažanga --- progrès technologique --- технички развој --- teknologiske forandringer --- technológiai fejlődés --- desenvolvimento tecnológico --- tehnološki razvoj --- prilagoditev tehničnemu napredku --- adattament għall-progress tekniku --- sopeutuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- attività tecnologica --- cambiamento tecnologico --- tilpasning til teknisk fremskridt --- tehnika areng --- технолошки напредок --- përparim teknologjik --- digitaalrevolutsioon --- tehnikaareng --- révolution numérique --- progres tehnic --- tehnoloģijas attīstība --- digitālā revolūcija --- adaptation to technical progress --- żvilupp teknoloġiku --- teknologins utveckling --- τεχνολογική εξέλιξη --- voortschrijden van de technologie --- tehnični napredek --- digital revolution --- sfida tecnologica --- digitale Revolution --- pielāgošana tehniskajam progresam --- technický pokrok --- adaptação ao progresso técnico --- technische vooruitgang --- dostosowanie do postępu technicznego --- crise de adaptação tecnológica --- τεχνική πρόοδος --- adaptim ndaj përparimeve teknologjike --- prilagodba tehničkom napretku --- progresso técnico --- műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- digitalização --- digitiú --- digitalisointi --- дигитализација --- numérisation --- digitalisering --- skaitmeninimas --- digitaliziranje --- ciparošana --- digitalizácia --- digitalizace dokumentů --- digitalizacja --- diġitalizzazzjoni --- дигитализация --- numerizzazione --- digitalizare --- ψηφιοποίηση --- digjitalizim --- Digitalisierung --- digitalización --- digitalizálás --- digiteerimine --- digitalizacija --- skaitmeninis keitimas --- digitalisation --- numerizzazzjoni --- digitalizzazione --- transformace dat --- digitalizace dat --- Digital Digitaal --- Changement Verandering --- Technology - Social aspects --- Technological innovations - Social aspects
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For today's organizations, our exponentially changing world has come with great consequences. In this book, Peter Hinssen tells the story of the pioneers who managed to adapt to those changes and who moved beyond today and even tomorrow in their approach of innovation. In doing so, they were able to change the course of entire industries.Peter's book focuses on the business models of these pioneers, on the organizational culture, the talent, the mindset and the technology we should tap into in order to maximize our chances for survival in the 'Day After Tomorrow'. It will shift your perspective on your future, on the future or your company and even that of your grandchildren.
Change communicatie gedrag innovatie network success transforming --- BPB9999 --- BPB1710 --- Organisation culturelle --- Innovation --- Progrès scientifique --- Changement technologique --- Culturele organisatie --- Vernieuwing --- Wetenschappelijke vooruitgang --- Technologische verandering --- Entrepreneurship. --- Technological innovations. --- Innovatie ; ondernemingen --- Veranderingsmanagement --- Technologie en economie --- 468 Innovatie --- Innovations technologiques --- Entrepreneuriat --- Technological innovations --- Entrepreneurship --- Entrepreneurs (économie politique) --- Innovations technologiques. --- Entrepreneuriat. --- cambio tecnológico --- technologische verandering --- teknologinen muutos --- technologinis pakeitimas --- teknologisk förändring --- mudança tecnológica --- trasformazione tecnologica --- technologická zmena --- технологична промяна --- bidla teknoloġika --- τεχνολογική αλλαγή --- tehnološka promjena --- technologická změna --- technológiai változás --- evoluție tehnologică --- tehnoloģijas maiņa --- technologischer Wandel --- tehnološka sprememba --- tehnoloogiline muutus --- rozwój technologii --- technological change --- ndryshim teknologjik --- технолошка промена --- teknologisk forandring --- athrú teicneolaíoch --- développement technique --- digitálna revolúcia --- технолошки развој --- technological progress --- tehnoloģiskā attīstība --- tekniska framsteg --- mutamento tecnologico --- technologický rozvoj --- tekniskt framsteg --- technischer Fortschritt --- digitalna revolucija --- digitális forradalom --- tehnoloogia areng --- rivoluzione digitale --- athrú teicneolaíochta --- aanpassing technische vooruitgang --- sviluppo tecnologico --- tehnikas progress --- технички напредак --- revolución digital --- technológiai változások --- προσαρμογή στην τεχνική πρόοδο --- aanpassing aan technische vooruitgang --- pielāgošanās tehnikas attīstībai --- digitaalinen vallankumous --- développement technologique --- ψηφιακή επανάσταση --- a műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- rewolucja cyfrowa --- technologische ontwikkeling --- rivoluzzjoni diġitali --- revoluție digitală --- tehnološke promjene --- mukautuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- развитие на технологиите --- progresso tecnico --- technical progress --- tehnoloģiju maiņa --- postęp technologiczny --- adaptare la progresul tehnic --- technologijos tobulinimas --- digitale revolutie --- teknologiska framsteg --- прилагођавање техничком напретку --- цифрова революция --- техническо развитие --- prilagajanje tehničnemu napredku --- technologische Entwicklung --- revolução digital --- anpassning till tekniska framsteg --- tehnikas attīstība --- tehnološki napredak --- приспособување на технолошките промени --- mutation technologique --- prispôsobenie technickému pokroku --- rozwój technologiczny --- tekniikan kehittyminen --- přizpůsobení technickému pokroku --- progrès technique --- tekniikan kehitys --- a műszaki fejlődéshez való igazodás --- teknologisk udvikling --- progreso técnico --- réabhlóid dhigiteach --- műszaki fejlődés --- adaptation au progrès technique --- digitální revoluce --- teknisk udvikling --- progress tekniku --- tilpasning til den tekniske udvikling --- zhvillim tekonologjik --- progreso tecnológico --- приспособяване към техническия напредък --- Anpassung an den technischen Fortschritt --- kohandumine tehnika arenguga --- adaptación al progreso técnico --- технически напредък --- prisitaikymas prie technikos pažangos --- tekninen muutos --- desarrollo tecnológico --- dezvoltare tehnologică --- teknologinen kehitys --- změna technologie --- tekninen kehitys --- technikos pažanga --- teknisk fremskridt --- skaitmeninė revoliucija --- technologinis pokytis --- technological development --- teknikutveckling --- adeguamento al progresso tecnico --- tehnika arenemine --- technologijų raida --- technológiai fejlesztés --- techninė pažanga --- progrès technologique --- технички развој --- teknologiske forandringer --- technológiai fejlődés --- desenvolvimento tecnológico --- tehnološki razvoj --- prilagoditev tehničnemu napredku --- adattament għall-progress tekniku --- sopeutuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- attività tecnologica --- cambiamento tecnologico --- tilpasning til teknisk fremskridt --- tehnika areng --- технолошки напредок --- përparim teknologjik --- digitaalrevolutsioon --- tehnikaareng --- révolution numérique --- progres tehnic --- tehnoloģijas attīstība --- digitālā revolūcija --- adaptation to technical progress --- żvilupp teknoloġiku --- teknologins utveckling --- τεχνολογική εξέλιξη --- voortschrijden van de technologie --- tehnični napredek --- digital revolution --- sfida tecnologica --- digitale Revolution --- pielāgošana tehniskajam progresam --- technický pokrok --- adaptação ao progresso técnico --- technische vooruitgang --- dostosowanie do postępu technicznego --- crise de adaptação tecnológica --- τεχνική πρόοδος --- adaptim ndaj përparimeve teknologjike --- prilagodba tehničkom napretku --- progresso técnico --- műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- научни напредак --- postęp naukowy --- mokslo pažanga --- progres științific --- научен напредок --- vědecký pokrok --- vetenskapligt framsteg --- përparim shkencor --- vedecký pokrok --- tieteen edistyminen --- znanstveni napredak --- progresso científico --- wetenschappelijke vooruitgang --- teaduse areng --- progreso científico --- zinātnes attīstība --- videnskabeligt fremskridt --- tudományos fejlődés --- научен прогрес --- wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt --- progresso scientifico --- επιστημονική πρόοδος --- scientific progress --- progress xjentifiku --- znanstveni napredek --- научно-истражувачка работа --- sviluppo scientifico --- innovation --- innovaatio --- innovazione --- novinka --- inovație --- innovazzjoni --- иновация --- innovatsioon --- innowacja --- jaunievedums --- innovación --- vernieuwing --- καινοτομία --- inovácia --- inovação --- иновација --- nuálaíocht --- innováció --- risi --- inovacija --- τεχνολογική καινοτομία --- teknologisk fornyelse --- industrielle Innovation --- technologische Innovation --- technológiai innováció --- inovação tecnológica --- innovación industrial --- innovación tecnológica --- risi industriale --- naujovė --- βιομηχανική καινοτομία --- technologische vernieuwing --- industrijska inovacija --- innovazione industriale --- tehnoloogiline innovatsioon --- priemyselná inovácia --- technologijos naujovė --- technologická inovácia --- innovation technologique --- teollinen innovaatio --- tehnoloģisks jauninājums --- fornyelse --- risi teknologjike --- inovație industrială --- teknisk innovation --- innovation industrielle --- teknologinen innovaatio --- teknologisk innovation --- industriell innovation --- technological innovation --- pramoninė naujovė --- industrial innovation --- технолошка иновација --- innovazione tecnologica --- průmyslová novinka --- tööstusinnovatsioon --- technická novinka --- tehnološka inovacija --- industriel innovation --- ipari innováció --- inovação industrial --- rūpniecisks jauninājums --- innovazione scientifica --- inovație tehnologică --- πολιτιστική οργάνωση --- културна организација --- Kulturverband --- kulttuuriyhdistys --- културна организация --- kulturel organisation --- organización cultural --- kultūros organizacija --- organizacje kulturalne --- kultuuriorganisatsioon --- kultūras organizācija --- cultural organisation --- organizzazzjoni kulturali --- kulturní organizace --- kulturorganisation --- organização cultural --- kulturális szervezet --- kulturna organizacija --- kultúrna organizácia --- organizatë(im) kulturor(e) --- organizații culturale --- organizzazione culturale --- culturele organisatie --- culturele instelling --- културна установа --- kulturni centar --- cultural institution --- kulturna ustanova --- instituição cultural --- cultureel centrum --- qendër kulturore --- kulturinstitution --- kulttuurilaitos --- kultūros centras --- kulturcentrum --- kulttuurikeskus --- centre culturel --- művelődési központ --- kulturní centrum --- kulturní dům --- kulturelle Institution --- културен центар --- kultúrne centrum --- kultūros įstaiga --- institution culturelle --- kulturális intézmény --- kulturní instituce --- cultural organization --- kultúrna inštitúcia --- kultúrház --- kulturna institucija --- πολιτιστικό κέντρο --- istituzione culturale --- Kulturzentrum --- kulturcenter --- centru cultural --- ateneo --- πολιτιστικό ίδρυμα --- kulturní zařízení --- institucion kulturor --- organizatë kulturore --- kultuurikeskus --- centro cultural --- дом на култура --- institución cultural --- instituție culturală --- centro culturale --- kultuuriasutus --- cultural centre --- cultuurcentrum --- Business policy --- eagraíocht chultúrtha --- dul chun cinn eolaíoch --- Innovation. --- Progrès scientifique
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