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Possession is a key concept in both the common and civil law, but it has hitherto received little scrutiny. Law and Economics of Possession uses insights from economics, psychology and history to analyse possession in law, compare and contrast possession with ownership, break down the elements of possession as a fact and as a right, challenge the adage that 'possession is 9/10 of the law', examine possession as notice, explain the heuristics of possession, debunk the behavioural studies which confuse possession with ownership, explore the LightSquared dispute from the perspective of 'possession' of spectrum frequency and provide new insights to old questions such as first possession, adverse possession and property jurisdiction. The authors include leading property scholars, who examine possession laws in, among others, the USA, UK, China, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, France, Israel, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria.
Possession (Law) --- Bailments --- Property --- Real property --- Things (Law)
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Possession is a topic which has been researched for centuries, yet there is a surprising dearth of comparative materials and also very little available in English about the law of non-Anglophone jurisdictions. Leaving aside the question of what possession is, this analysis concerns itself with the law's response to 'possession'. The volume comprises contributions from some very distinguished scholars from the civilian tradition (Germany, Italy) as well as the common law (England) and mixed legal systems (Quebec, Scotland, South Africa). Key Features * Written by an international set of contributors from jurisdictions including Germany, Italy, England, Quebec, Scotland and South Africa *Looks at common law, civil law and combined jurisdictions *The first synthesis of theory on the subject of possession * The Contributors: Craig Anderson, Lecturer in Law at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Raffaele Caterina, Professor of Law at the University of Turin Eric Descheemaeker, Lecturer in European Private Law at the University of Edinburgh Simon Douglas, CUF Lecturer in the University of Oxford and Fellow and Tutor in Law at Jesus College, Oxford Yaëll Emerich, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal Robin Hickey, Senior Lecturer in Law at Queen's University Belfast Duard Kleyn, Professor of Law at the University of Pretoria Lena Kunz, Post-doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Legal History, University of Heidelberg Thomas Rüfner, Professor of Law at the University of Trier and Judge on the Court of Appeal in Koblenz
Possession (Law) --- Bailments --- Property --- Real property --- Things (Law) --- Comparative law --- Law of real property
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Das Buch hat wie schon die Vorauflagen das Anliegen, das Sachenrecht im Gesamtsystem der privatrechtlichen Güterzuordnung zu entwickeln. Dazu gehört aber auch die Einordnung des privatrechtlichen Rechtsschutzes in den verfassungsrechtlichen Eigentumsschutz. Die Grundlinien des einschlägigen internationalen Privatrechts und der europarechtlichen Vereinheitlichungsbestrebungen werden berücksichtigt. In diesem Rahmen werden nach der Darstellung der Arten der Zuordnung und ihrer Änderung sowie der Zuordnungssubjekte (Bruchteils- und Gesamthandsgemeinschaft und juristische Personen) die einzelnen sachenrechtlichen Institutionen (Besitz, Grundbuch, die Sachenrechte und am Schluss das Kreditsicherungsrecht) dargestellt. Die Neuauflage verfolgt die Rechtsprechung bis zu ihrem aktuellen Stand zum Ende des Jahres 2018. Die Literatur wird exemplarisch berücksichtigt. The sixth edition of this work provides a comprehensive treatment of property law. The new edition addresses developments in case law and the literature up to the end of 2018. Alongside real estate ownership, movable property, and rights, it also discusses international property law, European property law, the land register, ownership, and individual property rights.
Possession (Law) --- Property --- Things (Law) --- Sachenrecht. --- LAW / Property. --- Res (Civil law) --- Bailments --- Real property
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Bailments (Roman law) --- -Bailments --- -Mandate (Contract law, Roman) --- -Mandate (Contract) --- -Agency (Law) --- Bailments --- Contracts --- Hire --- Negotiorum gestio --- Contracts (Roman law) --- Agency (Law) --- Commercial law --- Personal property --- Deposits (Law) --- Pledges (Law) --- Possession (Law) --- Roman law --- Congresses --- Law and legislation --- Mandate (Contract law, Roman) --- Mandate (Contract) --- Congresses.
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The freight forwarding market has become extremely demanding for the professional carriers in a road transport. Apart from decreasing prices and increasing competition, freight forwarders have to cope with the fact that demands fluctuate on a short-term basis and that fast adjustments to the constantly changing customer’s needs are essential. From this perspective, searching for unexploited possibilities to optimize performance has proved to be an effective means to realize cost-saving targets and can make the difference between ‘to be or not to be’ for many freight forwarders. On the basis of an analysis conducted in a freight forwarding company, Marta Anna Krajewska identifies two levels of improving logistics performance. First, she demonstrates that on the local level the automated operational transportation planning increases the planning quality and influences mid- and long-term planning issues. Secondly, the results show that on the global level the proposed horizontal collaboration.
Freight forwarders. --- Economics. --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Forwarders, Freight --- Forwarding agents --- Forwarding merchants --- Freight forwarding --- Bailments --- Commercial law --- Freight and freightage --- Hire --- Shipping --- Production management. --- Management. --- Operations Management. --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Manufacturing management --- Industrial management
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Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Comparative law --- Tort and negligence --- United Kingdom --- France --- Auctions --- Vente aux enchères --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Vente aux enchères --- Dutch auctions --- Vendues --- Bailments --- Commercial law
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Economists, psychologists, and marketers are interested in determining the monetary value people place on non-market goods for a variety of reasons: to carry out cost-benefit analysis, to determine the welfare effects of technological innovation or public policy, to forecast new product success, and to understand individual and consumer behavior. Unfortunately, many currently available techniques for eliciting individuals' values suffer from a serious problem in that they involve asking individuals hypothetical questions about intended behavior. Experimental auctions circumvent this problem because they involve individuals exchanging real money for real goods in an active market. This represents a promising means for eliciting non-market values. Lusk and Shogren provide a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of experimental auctions. It will be a valuable resource to graduate students, practitioners and researchers concerned with the design and utilization of experimental auctions in applied economic and marketing research.
Auctions. --- Consumers' preferences --- Mathematical models. --- Auctions --- consumentengedrag --- kwantitatieve methoden --- marketing research --- mathematische modellen, toegepast op bedrijfsleven --- mathematische modellen, toegepast op economie --- Dutch auctions --- Vendues --- Bailments --- Commercial law --- Mathematical models --- Business, Economy and Management --- Economics
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Nothing is more important in English land law than 'possession'. It is the foundation of all title, rights and remedies. But what exactly is it, and why does it still matter? This book, first published in 2006, is about the meaning, significance and practical effect of the concept of possession in contemporary land law. It explains the different meanings of possession, the relationship between possession and title, and the ways in which the common law and equity do, and do not, protect possession. The rights and remedies of freeholders, tenants and mortgage lenders, between themselves and against third parties, are all to some extent dependent on questions of status and possession. This book shows how. It is designed to provide an understanding of the basic principles for the student, and answers to difficult, real problems for the practitioner.
Land tenure --- Possession (Law) --- Bailments --- Property --- Real property --- Things (Law) --- Agrarian tenure --- Feudal tenure --- Freehold --- Land ownership --- Land question --- Landownership --- Tenure of land --- Land use, Rural --- Land, Nationalization of --- Landowners --- Serfdom --- Law and legislation --- Law --- General and Others
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Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Belgium --- Bail -- Droit et législation --- Baux --- Baux -- Droit et législation --- Burgerlijk recht --- Contrat de location --- Contrats de location --- Contrats de louage --- Droit civil --- Huurcontracten --- Huurcontracten -- Recht en wetgeving --- Leases --- Leases -- Law and legislation --- Bailments --- Droit immobilier --- 347.453 <493> --- -351.778.54 <493> --- droit des contrats --- contrat de location --- Agency (Law) --- Commercial law --- Contracts --- Personal property --- Deposits (Law) --- Pledges (Law) --- Possession (Law) --- Huur. Huurovereenkomst. Verhuren--België --- verbintenissenrecht --- huurcontract --- Law and legislation --- 347.453 <493> Huur. Huurovereenkomst. Verhuren--België --- 351.778.54 <493> --- Huur. Huurovereenkomst. Verhuren--België --- Bailments - Belgium.
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Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Civil law --- Law --- Pledges (Law) --- Droit civil --- Droit --- Gage (Droit) --- Sources --- Subsidiarité --- Commissoria lex (Foreclosure of pledge) --- Hypothecation --- Lex commissoria (Foreclosure of pledge) --- Pactum commissorium (Foreclosure of pledge) --- Accessory obligations --- Bailments --- Chattel mortgages --- Contracts --- Liens --- Pawnbroking --- Personal property --- Real contracts (Civil law) --- Security (Law) --- Sources. --- Subsidiarité.
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